If you would like to comment on the site in general, here’s the place to do it. I’m limiting comments on some specific posts, since long comment threads were cluttering up the post pages, and after a while, people stopped discussing the posts and began sniping. Please keep it on-topic.
– No cut-and-paste of anything longer than a few lines. Link to an article, or better yet, put it in your own words.
– No links to music videos, or anything off-topic.
– No fighting, threats, etc. Anyone who persists in making threats will be blocked from posting.
I don’t want to fight, I just want to communicate a message, to anyone receptive to it, which excludes anyone who’s got an unshakable belief that they have “morgellons disease”.
I’d had to back off from reading lymebusters’ message board this week, because what they say there gets to me so badly. Upon dropping back in for a look around, tonight, I just noticed that one of the patients posted a topic referring to TallCotton as a “bastard”, in the topic title. He posted links to a couple of sites, which have nothing to do with TC, describing deadly intentions he harbors towards him, and encouraging other members to join in. Some lies were told about me, and possibly you, too, Michael. For whatever reason, this group of patients just insist on keeping each other mixed up with lies.
Starlink had been up to his old trick, posting a profile as “Tall Cotton”, on the Morgellons Hope message board, in March. He listed Houston, Texas as where he’s from, which, Starlink is, and stated that his mother, as we know he believes, has “morgellons disease”. Also, some other, uninvolved, person, who just happens to have used the same username, “Tall Cotton”, posted on a site to sell a DVD. That person listed their address as being Sandy, Utah. What a mess.
Norman, just in case you come across this, please, don’t impersonate TallCotton, anywhere, anymore. By doing that, it only confuses patients more.
Anyway, among the sharing of ugly thoughts and feelings, an idea of copying some of TallCotton’s old comments, again, from the message board posts he made years ago, and posting them here, has cropped up, again.
This particular guy has even said, on lymbusters, in the past, what “morgellons disease” is, to him, although I doubt he even realizes that he has, like so many others. Tall Cotton knew what it was, and lived to tell about it, the same way that I did. It’s already been proven that the situation these patients are in leads to death and destruction, if they don’t get assistance. I wish that assistance could arrive, some way, somehow, for every one of them, before it’s too late.
I hope you’re not talking about me when you say the “brainless” Smily.
I want this whole Morgellons movement to finish. I need to hang up this keyboard and lap top for good. I was never interested in the internet you know, until I was pointed in the direction to use the damn thing. Slave labour I tell ya.
I posted comment #1. Someone else, not TC, or me, did the other comments. I don’t know who posted that stuff, a patient, or a punk, but that demonstrates the very essence of what “morgellons disease” is really about, and how patients who think they have it become even more convinced, through the things they tell each other. I’m sure that other people, who aren’t “morgellons patients”, play around and further mess them up, too. This is the internet. This is how it all began. It did begin way before Mary Leitao gave it the name she chose, and all of the other devised forms of deception entered into the picture.
I don’t think any of the patients are stupid. They’re very ill, they’re unaccountable for it, and there’s never been a time that I’ve doubted that fact.
I deleted the fake comments.
Timely intervention, Michaelrine, old bean.
If you hadnt deleted that book index
and closed comments I reckon we would have had some
meaningful insight into this condition.
Now the breeze of opinion favours bryazoan infestation.
Aaaah the powers of misinformation….
I have been researching this disorder now for some time and have been fascinated, though somewhat frightened, reading all the different web sites on the internet. I commend Michael for trying to bring reality back to focus on a topic where the sufferers are obviously not able to, or refuse to accept the reality of their conditions. There are more web sites dedicated to “spreading the disease” then there are sites trying to inform the public of the real truth behind this disorder. I will definitly continue to read the posts!
Jandoe – Why bother to continue to read the posts? There is no Morgellons Disease and there never will be a Morgellons Disease. You will only frighten yourself reading nonsense, and stupid theories about what this so called disease is. It is simply – Delusions of Parasitosis.
Yes, hats off to Michael for grounding many of us in reality.
Cheers mate.
I realize there is no Morgellons. That is my point. The frightening aspect of this whole disorder is the fact that others believe its real and their lack of ability to understand their own delusions. The spread of the disorder is in part due to their lack of understanding and promotions based on a delusion. Its effident in their posts…and yours.
Thanks, MG. It appeared they were having quite a good time with their stories yesterday. Lies breeding more lies, like some kind of sport.
Jandoe – ok I hear ya, besides – what is wrong with being delusional? It is not a crime.
Michael, you are a foolish peevish old man.
You have two allies protesting their case, in the most banal and egregious terms possible.
Ten thousand sufferers, two debunkers…
So, Michael, you foolish peevish old man, look to your toes, hang your head in shame.
effident, now that is lucid thinking, at its best.
Effident, mate effluent, I’m sorry.
Oh well Effidently we are just dealooosionool,
effidently the lesions are result of excoration,
effidently sufferers are just crazy,
effidently, greater minds than ours have explored this phenomena,
effidently horizontal gene transfer is bunkum,
effidently, when people descibe sharp stabbing pains their just really saying,”Hi, I’m just dandy”
Effidently, the birefringent foriegn material is from Khazikstan.
Oh well, as I keep on saying, this is a scientifically based forum, effidently.
Evidently, is the word you’re after jandoe………,evidently.
Go read a book and come back to us, with your erudite ruminations.
I just love your effidence.
Now for a “Forrest Gump” theory – “Life is like one big jigsaw puzzle….”
sorry I can’t remember the rest.
ET theory …”and then you get morgellons.”
oops – sorry I know there is no such thing as Morgellons Disease.
Tally HO.
Al, you are not debating. You are not even listening.
Nobody says all lesions are results of excoriations (although even the MRF says some are).
Nobody says your symptoms are all delusions.
I think you are sick, since you have symptoms. I don’t know what is causing your symptoms.
I do know that there are no statistics that even suggest that there is a distinct disease shared by the 10,000 MRF form fillers.
I do know that after many years and hundreds of thousands of doctor visits, no evidence has emerged to suggest the fibers are anything other than environmental contamination.
So, you are sick. There is something wrong with your skin. You have self-diagnosed yourself with a disease that does not exist. That does not mean your illness does not exist. It just means you have a WRONG DIAGNOSIS. You need to work with your doctors to find what treatments work best for whatever you actually have.
Al – We obviously can’t get through to Michael, a very hard head he seems to have.
Maybe you should give me a call Al. We made need to clear the slate and go back to the drawing board.
More science needed I think.
So Al, you and I are the MAD scientists. We don’t care, we are happy in our little world of insanity. Actually, “idiosyncratic” comes to mind. Maybe I should shut up before I am kidnapped and locked away.
Toodle pip.
Well, there are a lot of Round-Up-Ready patients in the group, and the last time I checked the employment roster, they didn’t all work for Monsanto. Hehehe. Oh, gosh, I’m sorry.
Smileykins – you been riding that broom stick again lady?!!
Anyway on with the science –
Infinity defined:
To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour: – William Blake
See – as simple as that.
Hey smiley you know I am only joking with you!
How ya doing anyway?
Michael – Do you intend to keep this blog site operating?
Remember you wanted to debunk Morgellons. Morgellons is not a disease as we have established, BUT…
There is one big thing that really bothers me though. Mary Leitao has been torn apart due to this internet plague, so many lies have been spread about her and her family to the point of her fearing her life and her children’s lives, death threats you name it! Is this really fair on a woman with 3 children who is now a widow, and her husband died just prior to them both trying to figure this thing out.
No it is not, and to be honest it is down right criminal. I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for Mary Leitao and the Morgellons Research Foundation.
Al – back to the science on Morgellons –
I did this through the means of music and vision, check it out on Morgellons Group look for user name sarahconnor.
oh that’s my other personality, just in case you where wondering.
Wow! what a strange bunch of people sharing some strangely ill-informed comments about Morgellons. But when in Rome……. so I shall offer my own strange comment from way down here in sunny South Africa.
I have great empathy for and some understanding of the ignorant comments made. We need the cynical and we need the critical.
We need such support! We need the narrow-minded, offensive and ill-informed comment since it might perhaps prompt those with Morgellons disease to tell their stories. The more who tell, the more the goverment agencies (wherever they may be) will be inclined to investigate.
I live in South Africa and Morgellons is here too. It is widespread throughout all our rainbow population and I know this to be so.
I too contracted this disease about 18 months ago and I know where, when, how and perhaps why…
I have initmately studied and documented this disease within my own body and I have witnessed the horror of it. Make no mistake, it is very real, it is pathalogically disturbing and it can be dramatically horrible depending on how developed it is within the body.
It manifests and develops at different rates in sufferers and some have external indications (such as lesions) and some do not. Lesions are not the only external indications. Please understand that the skin manifestations (lesions/sores) is not Morgellons as such, it is only a confirmation of infection!! Morgellons Disease is a highly contagious (at times) disease, which affects every main organ (except the heart although the cardio-vascular system is affected as a whole) as well as every major system within the body. It is a self-generating, self-sustaining affliction and I can directly relate to the vast majority of reported manifestations from across the world.
I am not delusional or psychotic but I am a very experienced engineer and technologist with an acute understanding of such things. Particularly Morgellons.
I have researched how it transmits, how it infects, how it behaves and what it does.
Pray those sceptics, that you never develop Morgellons!
Here is a poem which I recently wrote:
I have seen the lesions and the fibers and I have studied them.
I have grown the hairs and shed the flakes and analyzed them.
I have felt the “bugs” and found them.
I have seen my friends and found it in them.
I have had the tubes and closed them.
I have coughed and squeezed the slime of them.
I have felt the filters and extracted them.
I have found the secrets and simplified them.
I have determined the complexes and ruined them.
I have plucked the roots and poisoned them.
I have understood the determinations and defeated them.
I have exposed the defenses around them.
And finally I have disposed of them.
Greetings from South Africa
Hi Lance,
Have you seen any UFO’s in South Africa? I’m just curious, that’s all.
You’re not working for Monsanto? They even offer dental.
I do see that Ms. Leitao is suffering terribly, but I have to ask, because of what? To find out “the thing” was all along eczema?
Sarah – Mary is suffering terribly because of what has been said about her on the internet. The internet is full of lies.
Aside from that, all of her 3 children are extremely ill also.
I hope that helps Sarah.
Sarah – Mary is suffering also because she is sick. I am not certain of her diagnosis, but she is very unwell and so are her 3 children.
Sarah, I don’t know what medical condition Mary is suffering from. All I know is that she is sick and so are her 3 children.
Sarah – I don’t know.
Oh, I sure get around, according to those living in morgieville, Sarah. Surfing around, I find all sorts of exciting things I’ve done. I think Tall Cotton is reported as being somewhere in Colombia, right now, spraying paraquat with his plane, or something like that, and, let’s see, um, today I was called a KKK leader who wants to keep people with “morgellons disease” on the back of the bus. Oh, I’m a man, again, too. TC is also supposed to be several other named people, and so am I, (another man, no less), and we’re both reported as currently being in hiding, refusing to give interviews. I discovered that I’ve also been called some unsavory names, I’ve had quotes attributed to me that I’ve never made, all the usual accusations, as well, and it’s even been declared that I’ve admitted to things that I haven’t.
What all these lies do to each morgie telling them, and what it does to all the morgies believing them, is the very root of their problem. It’s not funny, but they seem to be having a great time through whatever it is that they get from making fantasies up about us. Truth is their enemy, and that’s very clear. I can only imagine the kick you and your associates have gotten from the fairy tale on NMO about you. There’s never a dull moment inside this patient movement. Gotta laugh to keep from crying for them, though.
I hate misunderstandings. All that uproar from January is currently being revisited in the “morgellons community”. I knew it was nonsense when southcity had said:
It all began in comment #66, and “Xena Carpenter” had even commented about it, back then:
Since morgies are discussing it all over again, I had another, much closer, look, at all of the comments, there. I discovered that I DID, indeed, post something, and that nobody had impersonated me, after all. What Southcity had said I’d posted, accusing me of posing as a doctor, and what others are also attributing to me is:
My comment, that I hadn’t even realized I’d posted on that site, is above that one:
That’s easy to see how South first got confused, but I was at fault for paying attention to him, and for not looking at the entire set of comments on that blog. The name of the person commenting is posted AFTER their comments. Henk van Campen, orthomolecular nutritionist, is who said what everyone thinks I said.
The rest of the fun they’re having, is their business.
Has anyone considered that some of this could be caused by Demodex (follicle mite) infestation? I spent some time going through eyelash samples for a class project on those… From what I understand, they’re generally not a problem, but in the odd person (especially immunocompromised) they can get out of control.
Katie, yes.
People need to be careful of the mental pitfall of the word “this”, I like that you said “some of this”. Morgellons is a self-diagnosis, and seems to be just an arbitrary grouping of a large variety of physical and mental conditions, and is not a distinct physical disease in itself.
So Al, you and I are the MAD scientists. We don’t care, we are happy in our little world of insanity. Actually
“idiosyncratic” comes to mind. Maybe I should shut up before I am kidnapped and locked away. Toodle pip. Gillian.
Toodle pip? Are you a Brit, too, Gillian? Thought I’d pass a bit of news on to you and Al. The two nutters here?
Their cover’s been blown. They know something’s up, but they’re not quite sure what, LOL.
This site is a disinformation site. All of you who are sick and have not had your symptoms treated to your satisfaction, and believe the answer may fall under a mysterious affliction that has been loosly termed Morgellons for lack of a full medical investigation and classification to date…please stop wasting your time arguing with professional disinformation agents who have set up this site.
I AM in the medical field and DO NOT have this affliction, but I am among a growing number of researchers that have found evidence that this can not be classified as DOP. We do have a mysterious condition that has emerged. Labs at both MIT and Lambda have found the fibers to be real and of nanotechnology origin.
A little help in identifying disinformation agents below, those behind this website are being paid to protect something very damaging and to discredit anyone who comes forward at this time. The truth that the source of these fibers and symptoms are of nanotech origin is HUGE and the potential for catastrophic reactions from the public sphere is what is at stake and is being protected.
Spot the Disinformation Agents-
Note: There are other ways to attack truth, but these listed are the most common, and others are likely derivatives of these. In the end, you can usually spot the professional disinfo players by one or more of seven distinct traits:
1) They never actually discuss issues head on or provide constructive input, generally avoiding citation of references or credentials. Rather, they merely imply this, that, and the other. Virtually everything about their presentation implies their authority and expert knowledge in the matter without any further justification for credibility.
2) They tend to pick and choose their opponents carefully, either applying the hit-and-run approach against mere commentators supportive of opponents, or focusing heavier attacks on key opponents who are known to directly address issues. Should a commentator become argumentative with any success, the focus will shift to include the commentator as well.
3) They tend to surface suddenly and somewhat coincidentally with a controversial topic with no clear prior record of participation in general discussion in the particular public arena. They likewise tend to vanish once the topic is no longer of general concern. They were likely directed or elected to be there for a reason, and vanish with the reason.
4) They tend to operate in self-congratulatory and complementary packs or teams. Of course, this can happen naturally in any public forum, but there will likely be an ongoing pattern of frequent exchanges of this sort where professionals are involved. Sometimes one of the players will infiltrate the opponent camp to become a source for straw man or other tactics designed to dilute opponent presentation strength.
5) Their disdain for “conspiracy theorists” and, usually, for those who in any way believe JFK was not killed by LHO. Ask yourself why, if they hold such disdain for conspiracy theorists, do they focus on defending a single topic discussed in a NG focusing on conspiracies? One might think they would either be trying to make fools of everyone on every topic, or simply ignore the group they hold in such disdain. Or, one might more rightly conclude they have an ulterior motive for their actions in going out of their way to focus as they do.
6) An odd kind of “artificial” emotionalism and an unusually thick skin — an ability to persevere and persist even in the face of overwhelming criticism and unacceptance. This likely stems from intelligence community training that, no matter how condemning the evidence, deny everything, and never become emotionally involved or reactive. The net result for a disinfo artist is that emotions can seem artificial. Most people, if responding in anger, for instance, will express their animosity throughout their presentation. But disinfo types usually have trouble maintaining the “image” and are hot and cold with respect to emotions they pretend to have and the more calm or normal communications which are not emotional. It’s just a job, and they often seem unable to “act their role in type” as well in a communications medium as they might be able in a real face-to-face conversation/confrontation. You might have outright rage and indignation one moment, ho-hum the next, and more anger later — an emotional yo-yo. With respect to being thick-skinned, no amount of criticism will deter them from doing their job, and they will generally continue their old disinfo patterns without any adjustments to criticisms of how obvious it is that they play that game — where a more rational individual who truly cares what others think might seek to improve their communications style, substance, and so forth.
7) There is also a tendacy to make mistakes which betray their true self/motives. This may stem from not really knowing their topic, or it may be somewhat ‘freudian’, so to speak, in that perhaps they really root for the side of truth deep within. I have noted that often, they will simply cite contradictory information which neutralizes itself and the author. For instance, one such player claimed to be a Navy pilot, but blamed his poor communicating skills (spelling, grammar, incoherent style) on having only a grade-school education. I’m not aware of too many Navy pilots who don’t have a college degree. Another claimed no knowledge of a particular topic/situation but later claimed first-hand knowledge of it.
My heart goes out to each and everyone of you suffering now. Leave this site and focus your attention on keeping your energy and strength up … you are going to need it.
You’re so full of it!!!!!!!!!!!!
And, Junebook, we’re watching what you referred to, and your patient community is spreading it, just exactly as you’ve all spread the myth of “morgellons disease”. One little lie gets told by one of you, and other patients add onto it, and add onto it, and stretch it as you go.
You’re all gonna keep on saying that we’re who we aren’t, and doing something we’re not, until the FBI, the CIA, the FDA, the NIH, and the CDC, are going to investigate us for what you all say we’re responsible of covering up.
Unbelievable, you all are!!!
P.S. I was totally being facetious about getting investigated, so don’t run with that.
again smileykins: i thought you were a nice guy when you gave me good advice about careing form me. now i have changed my opinion about you: i dont know you but i really wish from the bottom of my heart that you burn in hell. you have no idea what you are talking about. you must be some guy with a motive for talking to people on this site for a different motive. if i didnt have morgellons i would not care about this site. i would never go on it. why do you stay on here for over a year? i will i would see you on the street and fuck your shit up. i would beat the shit out of you.
I wish i could some how blood transfuse you with my morgellons blood and give every bit of it to you. some morgellons people will think i am going about this wrong by having such anger but i dont give a shit. fuck you! you piece of shit. you are scum.
Now, Chris. What was it that I mentioned about giving off an appearance to others? If you don’t want to be looked upon as you’ve said you’re being looked upon by doctors, and your parents, it’s probably that you’re doing something that makes you appear that way. Look at those mean things you just said. That doesn’t hurt me one tiny bit. Neither does being referred to, by so many, as a man. Chris, patients in the “morgellons disease” community make things be what they want them to be, but that isn’t reality. Since you’re new, let me explain.
There is something that has been going on with them since this blog began. There is an over abundance of morgie forums on the web, and they’ve been on the local and national news, in newspapers and magazines, and, yet, they’re all up in the air over Michael’ blog … this one little old blog, that he started last spring, known as Morgellons Watch.
Michael, Tall Cotton, and I, are, now, (well, at least I feel like it, from all I’ve seen), achieving an almost cult-like status, much in the same way that the myth of “morgellons disease” began. A couple of the guys, Greg & South, think they’re going to scare us away with threats of a lawsuit, or some sort of unrealistic scheme they’ve been trying to come up with since last summer. They’re always telling each other that we’re so many different things, and so many different people. It isn’t funny, but yet, it is. I don’t mean that it’s funny for so many patients to be that ill, but, well, if you were in my shoes, you’d be able to see the amusement they’re creating with it all. Junebook, Liz, Angela, are about like you sound, only worse. Evil talking as can be!
Oh, and, Prevenge. That one was all mixed up with his own set of misunderstandings (about God only knows what), just like all of you are, but he expressed wanting to track Tall Cotton down and kill him. What for? For nothing! Tall Cotton hasn’t done anything to him. He was mad over someone else who’d ordered a DVD under that username. They’re all so mixed up.
Don’t all of you feel like you’re possessed by a demonic presence, Chris? That’s such a common thing that’s repeated in this patient community. “Deliver us from this evil scourge”, is said so often. Any prayers that anyone thinks they’re praying to God Almighty, just get cancelled out, as soon as the focus is back on their “morgellons disease”. Lying, and cursing others to rot in hell, is sure to only get the person doing it there quicker. That isn’t the way to get God to hear anyone.
You need to come clean with yourselves. You need to, but I know that you can’t. Not a single one of you can, and it’s sooooo sad!!! But, with so many pet meds, poisons, and pills of all sorts, being used by so many people, who wouldn’t have a mixed up mind! Except, only a mixed up mind would do such things as what “morgellons patients” do!!! Someone needs to be in charge of your lives, looking out for your best interests. Where is that person? So many morgies have spouses, but why are they unable to help? Parents can’t help. Friends can’t help. Why? WHY????
Because you all “need to be believed”. And who’s, mostly, believing you? You’re believing each other. Charlatans believe you, of course, profiting from your vulnerability.
Scream, kick, holler, and yell….”I’M NOT VULNERABLE!!!!” The fantasies of legal actions, and changing the world, have no power in them, whatsoever. They really don’t.
It is good that you have all made this illness as public as you have, so that you can get the help you need. Like I told you, earlier, Chris, the CDC is working on this. They’re spending hundreds of thousands of dollars just to help you all. Patients have never eased up on them, wanting them to lend a hand way sooner than is realistically possible, but try being patient. This is serious and requires time. I do care about you. I care about all of you, very much.
I seem to have come across some white red and blue fibers that are driving me and my dog crazy….and also some other people that have visitied….First I think any Delusional thoughts anyone has heard from not acceptable (they should be saying “I Dont Know” and try to find out) isnt that what being a good doctor is all about..
Second I have a hunch that these could be a Brand of product made for Agracultcure ….One of these similar products called Thuricide HPC…. contains….Bacillus Thuringisnsis… the United Nations Enviorment Programme & World Health Organization did a 76 page study on this….some in this line of pesticides contain Nematodes…and so I understand they (hatch) and create larva that look like worms…Yes actually they are worms in a family of (parasites)that are you can view with a $35.00 microscope from Radio
The family of Strongyloides which create Infection in People they look like Hookworm larva….only one creates a Strongloide infection and one creates a Hookworm Infection …One old term for it was plumbers itch….because when a plumber came in contact with it crawling under a house it makes you break out in little bumps that itch when the larva penetrate your skin…..
In some pesticides that are Nematode based only a different type…Note now were using (Nematode almost in a chemical sense….and to see it on a can or container could be alot different….they dont package it with (Live Worms) written plainly on the front of the can (could probally even say Organic Insecticide
sounds like a good thing right well unless you really look into it.
Introducing (good bugs) in agrucultur
is a common practice…Praying Mantas
ladybugs yea I like all those but this is a little different….these worms are (bred) for a better word to be resistant….so I suppose you would have a hell of a time killing them without using a highly toxic pesticide in a strengh that it be necessary to have special licence to apply…..Note you cant buy it a K-mart….
For people comming in contact with these parasites for the first time sometimes get flu like symptoms and gastronical upset…and respitory problems….kind of like drinking the water in Mexico….with secondary symptoms like Larva migration under skin….and itching that resemble scabies…and could be misdiagnosed as most doctors in are country are not familiar with many if not any Parisitic Dieases…Tropical Diease Reasearch and Cario Denegri Italy Foundation of Infestious Diseases offers an Atlas Online….and World Health Oragization has the most up to date reccomdations for drugs and cure
Bayer Corperaion just dosent make asprin ….they manufacturer and supply some of these antiparisitic drugs and also have an agruculture pestide department…Bayer is a repubable company with a technical help department and may help in testing some of these fiber/worms.
that seem to be related to Morgellens
A manufacturer such as this would be able to identify it as a pesticide product that got probally where it shouldnt go I think that may be the case in my home so I am pursuing to find out more about (The New Brand of Oragnic Insecticide) Note I saw some of the liturtare of Chemtrails….Im thinking more like Croptrails or wondering if birds and other animals could pick this up and put it down where it shouldnt be …Like in my house…my dog itches so bad he scratched his skin off and developed staff infection…and never once though I should take him to the Phycologist….I took him to the Vet
Mabey Bayer should start manufacturin
People Dip…. for exposure to worms …along with childrens head lice products….if we are going to introduce Biological Pestice into our Communities….
Feedback would be Appreciated
I’d give some, but it isn’t the kind of feedback you’d like.
Well, but then again, although you sound sure of what you think, check with your local extension agent, and the environmental protection agency in your area, and they should be able to put your concerns to rest. If they can’t, I’m sorry.
I did check with the EPA who directed me to the local branch….they do not have enough expertise in Identifying agrucautural insecticides to make a call …so they called the Department of Agruculturure and I contacted a Bayer Corp to see if I can get Technical or Testing Help as they have an agrucultural branch….
Can I say that you surely have been prompt in replying but why write somthing that sounds discouraging to others…too much time on your hands….like all dressed and no where to go…or your practicing to be a phychiatrist….forgive me If I misinterperated your post If that be the case I do apologize
Ok I did read some of the other posts and now I see what your saying….Yes I dont believe In Morgellens its an Unknown Diease with no known cure but then Interstital Cystitis was known as a Delusional Diease just 10 years ago listed in one medical book as an (unconcisis hatred of men) because mostly women get it…my bladder burning and being the bathroom most of the night not being able to sleep was surely not a figment of my imagination but 10 years ago it would have been….I know this because Im 3rd generation Heritary and I am cured after years of suffering because I never believed Interstital Cystitis was a real disease….so I stumbled on the (Real) Diease because I was misdiagnosed as my mother and grandmother ….had If believed it was a real Unknown Incurable Diease I would have never been able to find the cure becuse I never bothered to look ….I do believe that the symptoms that people have are real and that there is a simple explination and treatment for whatevers ailing them although when you dont know …then you should try to find out….but these people are (sick bothered and may be nervous wrecks) a person who is used to seeing a doctor and being cured (which doesnt be the case for this ) of course will be frustrated….and some of the information may be theory guesses in an attempt to help themselves and others may be right or wrong…I dont see the harm in that….or see how its in anyway delusional….in school if you answered a question wrong for any reason they just put an x on your paper….So do you have another answer other than Delusion? To many people from all over are describing what seems to be the same thing…I dont think they all said at one time lets invent a new Diease…So what is your Theory Id appreciate your input
“nterstital Cystitis was known as a Delusional Diease just 10 years ago listed in one medical book as an (unconcisis hatred of men) because mostly women get it…”
Right. You can always find ONE book that says something weird. In science, you have to look at the findings of a LOT of literature to come to a conclusion.
Anyone seen the movie “Bug”?!!
No – but I’d like to.
I have seen the movie, and I dragged one of my poor friends along with me. I was expecting a pretty intense, psychological thriller type of movie, knowing that this was the same director from “The Exorcist”. However, I was sorely disappointed.
It might have been the slowest movie I’ve ever seen. I kept waiting and waiting for something to really happen, but nothing ever does, until the bitter end. This movie is just that, a movie, and aims for Hollywood-type gore and extremes of insanity.
I feel like this film hinders those of us who seek to help individuals with delusory parasitosis. People who suffer from it could easily reference this movie to reassure themselves, “I’m not crazy. THAT MOVIE is crazy.” There is such a stigma attached to having a mental disorder. We need to figure out how to curb this so that people can get the psychological help they need.
Many sufferers are nowhere near the extremes of Ashley Judd’s character or the man’s (I forget his name). They usually have no other delusions accompanying their main ‘skin infestation’ one, they are usually older with many other medical problems (unlike Judd’s character), and they certainly don’t commit suicide, as a rule.
Hollywood had the perfect opportunity to inform the public- and therefore doctors, dermatologists, psychologists, etc. about the realities of this disorder so that there could at least be some awareness. None of these professions has DOP at the top of their research list right now. The problem is, as I have said, that Judd’s case was so very extreme, that this will be written off as a low-budget horror movie with nutcase characters, when it could have given us some insight into what they are really experiencing (maybe like John Nash in “A Beautiful Mind”).
People don’t leave the theater with any better awareness of true delusional parasitosis. As my friend told me after the movie, “If you hadn’t told me what this was about I would be so lost. That movie sucked.”
Note: I can’t speak for self-diagnosed “Morgellons” patients, just for individuals who believe there are “bugs” in their skin. I realize there is some overlap here, though.
I thought the movie was an intensely disturbing dark psychological interpretation of the mental disorder known as DOP and I liked the movie. I did not expect it to be some Hollywood type-gore movie even though it was a William Friedkin work. Knowing this I also didn’t expect some clinical, affecting, informative look into this bizarre affliction. The progressive slide into the climax may have been overstated but gave insight into how the players in this tragedy came to be.
It would be interesting to know how a suffering “Morgie” feels about the film. I don’t see how they could possibly feel reassured by seeing themselves in this movie! Having read the ramblings of many a “Morgie”, how could they not identify with the insanity and obsession of these characters. It’s all there; the drugs, the delusions, the need to clean, exterminate and mutilate, the microscope and even the conspiracy theories.
It must be a frustrating road for anyone trying to help these people, as they refuse to accept the DOP diagnosis. The reality and daily life of a “Morgie” must be hell yet they seem to enjoy sharing their hell with each other. The Morgellons cult of sufferers is a strange yet fascinating group of people that take crazy to a whole other level!!
For other commentary on “Bug” the movie, go to:
Jstudy said:
Certainly, you may say that, and there’s no apology necessary if you’d misinterpreted my post. You requested feedback. I’m sorry I offended you, but from reality’s standpoint, I believe that what I’d said was appropriate. From your take on reality, it was not appropriate. If what you’d been craving was encouragement to be afraid of things that you shouldn’t be, and to exhaust yourself by trying to get unreasonable assistance for it, which will only cause you a lot more stress when your perceived needs can’t be met, I don’t see how thinking that anyone who would dare to applaud you on those things has your best interest in mind.
Isabelle said:
Well, but, the movie industry hopes to entertain, and doesn’t have such an obligation, and the medical profession already knows that a lot of physical and mental conditions cause patients to progress into developing a state of DOP. The Morgellons Disease Research Foundation’s self-serving statements about DOP aren’t exactly valid.
Now, though, thanks to the introduction of “morgellons disease” in 2002, I think we can see how common a disorder DOP is, even though it’s still only a small portion of society. At the same time, as this phenomenon of “morgellons disease” has evolved, I think it’s quite easy to ascertain that other patients, with various disorders unrelated to, and having nothing to do with DOP, have likely developed DOP, solely as a result of being influenced into a belief that they have “morgellons disease”. I hope that the increased awareness this patient movement has caused will someday bring about public service announcements and treatment ads for either/or. I think DOP would be a very promising psychological study, too, but considering patients’ unshakable beliefs, therein lies the problem with that. Of course, when DOP is caused by an underlying physical condition, and that’s adequately treated, the DOP subsides, but I’m referring to the patients who develop it from underlying mental conditions that can’t be, won’t be, aren’t being, treated — those who think there’s nothing wrong with them, even when all signs indicate something’s amiss, to them, and to everyone else that’s around them.
One thing that really bothered me whilst visiting the Morgellons communities on the internet, was “no threads or posts were to be about HIV or AIDS”. I was told in a personal message on the “fiber disease” site that the “fiber disease” is NOT AIDS and this topic must not be discussed. If you try to put a link relating to HIV into a Morgellons Community website, it won’t post.
I always thought that was really strange, especially since HIV is pandemic world wide.
“I” don’t know what is wrong with my health. I know I am very sick, and my family know I am very sick.
Why is it the doctors can not tell me what is wrong?
Why have doctors played with my fragile mind and sick body?
My Health Department and my Government have let me down, and the same thing is going to keep on happening to young innocent woman like myself if we don’t cut through this bullshit.
12 months ago the Victorian State Government were going to launch a new ad. campaign to bring about awareness of the new HIV’s in our community.
We are still waiting to see those ads.
The medical profession DO know what is wrong with people like me. Unfortunately I don’t seem to qualify for certain treatment.
I wonder WHY??
Yes the good old internet, what a sick world when you wake up to these headlines in the news –
Aussie child saved in worldwide porn sting
How does morning tea at “Kirribilli House” sound, anyone like to join me?
Roar roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Isabelle & Katmarie – After doing a little bit of surfing on the net I can not seem to find any real evidence of there being a movie called “Bug”.
So my question being, is “Bug” yet another internet scam or is the movie real??
If you could point me in the direction of a movie theatre in Australia which will be showing the movie sometime soon, I would really appreciate it.
The movie “Bug” is real, inasmuch as IMDB says so: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0470705/, and as much as my friend said she saw it and thought it was too slow and not entertaining.
Thanks for that Sarah.
What a big movie database hey. I wouldn’t mind seeing “Herbie Fully Loaded”. From what you guys have told me it would be far more entertaining than “Bug”.
Just my opinion.
Here is the website for the movie:
If you enter the site and click on “forum,” you’ll find the message board that 911 and Junebook have already given us links to in the past week or so.
Thanks Isabelle, I think I’ll wait awhile before I see that movie, too much doom and gloom.
I noticed on the forum that Greg Vigil had made some comments, and had a go at TC too.
Greg I don’t see you offering me any support, you never did anyway. Must be that legion on ya foot causing toxic shock to ya damn brain, you fool!
I know I typed legion, but that is how Tony spelt lesion in his original post.
For those wanting to know what legion means, click on the link..
continuing on from post #61
“His” meaning – Greg Vigil.
I agree whole heartedly – Tony was pretty concerned back in September 2006.
To ALL who visit this blog and take the time to read, I urge YOU not to think this is an internet scam.
When something such as “Morgellons” hits a leading newspaper in Australia – exerts;
“The symptoms sound like something out of a horror movie. But whether the symptoms constitute a frightening new disease or a case of mass hysteria is a question for the Federal Centres for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. Depending on its conclusions the ailment dubbed Morgellons disease, might soon displace ebola and bird flu as the world’s newest nightmare disease. Sceptics insist the lesions are self-inflicted by incessant scatching, the fibers are no more than lint, and the hypochondria is being spread by sensational TV reports and websites, which reinforce the delusions of the psychologically vulnerable. More than 4500 sufferers of the syndrome, the symptoms of which were first described in France more than 400 years ago, have registered.” – Chicago Tribune
Last year I tried to find the original newspaper article on the Herald Sun website so I could post at Lymebusters, I even wrote to the Editor 3 times spouting off about Lyme Disease. At the time, I didn’t know how to post a scanned image from my computer into a Lymebusters thread, with brain fog and all, what hope does one have. Pity hey, could have saved me and many others a lot of misery.
http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/ –
“Illness digs under skin” – Wednesday July 26, 2006.
You really are one stupid ass aren’t you? Only when you yourself are hit up side the head with the morgellons will you ever admit it’s true. You are one backwards fool, the type who will go down with the ship because you are too ignorant to even admit it’s sinking, everytime same predicatable pattern, you keep standing on that ground, the ground of nothing because what else can someone like you do? You don’t even understand the word “new” disease. Hang on to any word you can, it’s all you got, you and we all know, your time is really limited, then you will have to move on to another group who suffers-won’t you, you consist of nothing, no reasoning no care, empty as can be (and that is what exudes from you), and you can ONLY do as you do for one reason, your emptiness, insecurity and sickness lead and guide you.
Please forgive my being direct, but I like understanding people, and, for all I know, you really might NOT be desiring to give the impression that you do when you use the particular style of communicating what “morgellons disease” is. You’re smart, so I’d appreciate hearing a description of how “morgellons disease”, for you, differs from DOP.
Thanks, Smileykins
Michael –
Quote from CDC: “… insufficient information to determine whether persons who identify themselves as having this condition have a common cause for their symptoms or share common risk factors.”
You said: “This is exactly what I’ve been saying all along. There is no evidence that Morgellons is a distinct disease.”
I say: YOU are saying that there is no evidence that Morgellons is a distinct disease. THE CDC did NOT say that it is not a distinct disease – they said that a common CAUSE has not yet been identified. Very different – you are reading what you would like to believe into their comments. They have NOT at all implied that there are not symptoms that are distinct to this disease. In other words, they say nothing that would negate the fact that Morgies DO have symptoms in common – that means that it IS a “distinct disease”. Hmmm …. do you get it ?
Didn’t you just post that elsewhere? Please refrain from spamming. This is not a message board, Liatrus, it’s a blog, where one may comment on the topic about which Michael writes.
Smileykins asks (how does Morgellons differ from DOP-dilusions of parasitosis)?
Obviously doctors can’t feel the moving sensations Morgellons causes, nor could anyone not experiencing it. Because fibers and grains are expressed through the skin with Morgellons, that’s material existence, which is what separates DOP from re-al-ity.
Smiley, do you mind me butting in on your chat with Lurker?
People with DP feel moving sensations, not just Morgellons. People with DP find bits of fibers and “grains” in their skin, just like Morgellons. I don’t see your point, Lurker.
Are you deliberately being ridiculous? People with DOP or any other mental illness see whatever is imagined. I don’t see your point.
Just as you said (people with DOP find bits of fibers and grains in their skin, just like Morgellons.)
Not what’s being discussed here in regards to Morgellons – so keep the two separate please.
I’ll spell it out, if you were the only one experiencing this expression of colored fibers and black hard granules, then you’re in your own world wouldn’t you? DOP land.
That would be true for any individual that’s seeing something no one else sees. But that’s not what’s happening here, anyone who looks is seeing the same thing, now how can that be if Morgellons is only in one’s mind who’s got DOP.
Just as CDC is studying “something” would you not say there’s something there for them to study?
I don’t believe CDC is studying mental illness. They’ve invested enough money and time to where they’ve resolved that, there’s even drugs on the market for it, so that’s not an issue they’re looking into, wouldn’t you say that’s true – especially since there’s even a term DOP for that, I believe that’s a closed issue as far as they go, been resolved.
Do you really believe CDC is investigating another angle of mental illness that actually produces fibers and grains?
Doesn’t common sense tell you that even without all the same said complaints from people, doesn’t it say to you that someone has found something to justify CDC’s investigation?
That right there should tell you something is new, or they’d NOT be studying air or what an individual thinks he/she sees.
Come on, all the people saying the same thing would not promote an investigation if they REALLY thought this was really mental/imaginary.
CDC isn’t a comforting entity just to pasify the public, they are investigating for a good justifiable, material existing reason, and nothing less than that.
They’ve seen too, enough to cause the need for investigation.
So you can argue that, but that’s all it is, because if you really believe CDC just arbitrarily investigates something (whims of the public) without definate proof of a problem, then your wasting air to differ, because I know CDC has got alot more to account for than to waste time and money.
The fibers are real, not delusions. The black specks are real. I’ve found similar things on and in my skin.
Where problems arise is when people interpret the these fibers as spontaneously emerging from their skin, and being somehow connected with their itching, and being evidence of a distinct disease.
The CDC is investigating why people report these symptoms. Why are people reporting “threads” on or beneath their skin? What would cause people to report this?
I think one reason people report “threads” on their skin is because they read about it on the MRF web site, and then looked at their skin and found fibers. everyone has fibers on their skin.
And regarding DOP, Lurker, I don’t think “Morgellons is a delusion”. I’d like to point you at this post I wrote over a year ago, and by which I still stand:
The problem with DOP
Of course I don’t mind, Sarah.
Liatris, millions of people have symptoms in common that are not related to one condition or disease.
Let’s imagine that your neighbor on the right complains of stomach distress, and it seems to match up to what your neighbor on the left has just told you about their stomach ache. The neighbor on the right goes to the emergency clinic and finds out their appendix is on the verge of rupturing, while the neighbor on the left discovers they’re suffering from pancreatitis. Neither condition was the same, but before the underlying causes of their symptoms were determined, they seemed real similar in description. Both neighbors had a “disease process” of an organ, but not “a disease”.
You’re real smart, too, Liatris, just like Lurker, so can either of you try to help the rest of us understand on the same level? Do “morgellons disease” patients think, for example, using the hypothetical situation I just described, that one, unique pathogen that causes all disease in people has yet to be discovered?
But, Lurker….
YOU ARE DESCRIBING THE MATCH-BOX SIGN, which is the content of what “morgellons disease” patients post in their pictures, and the “professionals” behind deceiving such patients are unable to deceive anyone else. They instruct you, without any effort, to believe what they say, and it is not true.
Sorry, I don’t understand your comment.
Who instructs who to believe what they say??
Sarahbionedunn says: “Are you deliberately being ridiculous?”
You always sound ridiculous Sarah, without even trying. Remember your post about things under the skin. It wasn’t possible, you said. You forgot about pinworms, tapeworms, or scabies etc. etc. Instead, to my amusement, you used a cat as an example. OMG! I split my sides, laughing. Hope you sound more educated to your students (if you have students, that is.) And seeing as you’re employed by the University of Georgia (heard from them yet?) I hope your credentials are in order. If you want to be taken seriously, you must try even harder to sound like an educated individual with credentials–even if you’re not.
I’m sorry, Lurker. Fellow patients, and “professionals” that have a role in “morgellons disease”, is who I mean gives “instructions”.
Well, let’s see how I can help get my point across better. Do you understand that, oftentimes, when a person so desperately wants validation for something they believe to be true, that they may not be able to realize, that when someone takes what they’re saying at face value, without question, it’s because they have a motive?
Within a circle of family and friends, one such motive could be the hope of maintaining a peaceful environment. Then, if someone comes along promising validation to such a person, no questions asked, with the added elements of vindication being offered to them, and the promise of a sure-fire solution to the dilemma they’re dealing with, the tendency, of some, would be to place their trust in somebody with so much to offer. Oftentimes, when a person is ill, it compromises their ability to discern that such practices don’t have their best interest at heart.
The real manipulation I’m referring to, is everyone who’s used the myth of “morgellons disease” in attempts to benefit themselves, by appealing to, and preying on, patients’ vulnerabilities. I don’t know the motives behind every one of them, and I even extend the benefit of doubt (to some “professionals”) that they are (quite possibly), just as ill, and full of fear, as the patients they represent. Numerous times I have given my opinions on those who are easily accomplishing leading sick people further into this web of deceit, and endangering their health, as well as the health of everyone else. I do not think any fault lies within “morgellons disease” patients for trusting such “doctors” and “researchers”.
For you, personally, Lurker, I’ll cite one important thing:
“Defined by patients” — “Outside of the boundary of other ‘known’ diseases”
Maybe you don’t know how the Morgellons Research Foundation came into existence, and that the “case definition for morgellons disease” keeps evolving, made up of the combination of registered members’ symptoms, and their listings of prior diagnosed diseases and disorders, which, understandably, have been kept confidential.
A sample of a poll that I recently looked at, affords some insight into the wide variety of prior diagnosed conditions affecting some of the “morgellons disease” patients, and medication side effects are extremely relvelant too, regardless of whether anyone involved with “morgellons disease” is aware of it, or not:
See Comment # 9
There is nothing listed in that poll that is “outside of the boundary of ‘known’ diseases”.
“The initial three characteristics parallel a much more entrenched illness, Delusions of Parasitosis (DP) named decades before today’s laboratory technology and infection/immunity knowledge, driven by HIV, developed.” — “The more recent findings listed below provide a far broader and more consistent evidence base, strongly supporting the likelihood that DP is a prematurely-assigned label to an organic, rather than purely psychiatric disease.”
As I have said, many times, that is a load of nonsense. No laboratory technology is needed to look into the materials from a person’s skin that’s been diagnosed with DOP. DOP has a whole lot of causes, as that poll so clearly illustrates. People who develop it, progress into that state of confusion because of their UNDERLYING ill state of health, and that has always been known. The patients are the ones who are unable to understand that, and the campaign launched by Mary Leitao, to get the “disease that she declares her children suffer from” recognized, has misled a whole lot of unsuspecting ill people, and helped further stand in their way of getting the appropriate treatment.
Do I think “morgellons disease” only encompasses patients who are DOP? Well, it started that way, and only each person knows whether they have been diagnosed with it, and not followed through on the recommended treatment, hoping to deceive their doctors, or whatever it is that they do, and obviously can’t help doing. Being in possession of an unshakable belief is a very dangerous situation for many.
Whatever underlying illness triggered a state of DOP needs to be treated. If medication side effects have done it, a person needs taken off the offending drug. If a serious physical condition has triggered it, which, it appears that many people have that situation, they need adequate treatment for that underlying health condition, to make DOP go away. If a mental condition has caused DOP to develop, and a mental condition, alone, has caused it, that needs to be openly dealt with, but therein lies a serious problem.
Now, having said all that, upon so many OTHER vulnerable members of society (without DOP) having heard of “morgellons disease”, and thinking that they have it, if they’re really convinced that they do, well, I think that qualifies them as having developed DOP, when they may not have had it, otherwise. I say that, since they, also, now feel that some undiscovered organism has taken their bodies over too.
Openly discussing it with whomever a patient is referred to, would yield the appropriate investigations that patients seek, but so many state that if they are open with a mental health professional, they’ll be locked away. That could be something that has occurred to some patients, and by their voicing it, it’s wrongfully scared others into thinking the same would apply to them, when nothing of the sort would occur.
I gotta head off to the park, now. A campsite is calling. Later!!!
Oh, Junebook, Sarah has more brains in her pinky than most people have in their heads, and she knows it.
Wait!! Lurker originally asked that question as to whether Sarah was being ridiculous on purpose, Junebook. Why are so easily amused through saying ugly things about what only you believe about individuals that you don’t know?
Hi Lurker,
You’re wrong. People with DOP are often NOT imagining what’s in their skin. There’s a difference between a hallucination and a delusion. People with DOP interpret natural phenomenon, like having fibers on your skin (which everyone has) to be insects or other forms of parasites. It seems your misunderstanding of the difference between a hallucination and delusion are causing you to make a lot of comments about DOP which just don’t make sense.
The two are not separate. People with Morgellons generally are falsely interpreting natural skin phenomenon or have hypersensitivity to skin sensations to be a new emerging disease, which is seems not to be.
Many people share the same delusions. Delusions of persecution are common, delusions of aliens, delusions of grandeur, and delusions of parasites. Just because a lot of people think something doesn’t make it true– that’s a logical fallacy called an argument ad populum.
The CDC is not studying “something.” The CDC is investigating to see if there is something at all to be investigated. Huge difference.
You’re right, the CDC probably wouldn’t investigate a mental illness. But they would investigate a phenomenon to see what the causative factor is– whether it be mental illness or a pathogen or whatever.
Common sense tells me, rather, that I do not see everyone “having the same thing.” I think the CDC is just doing its job and investigating, and it will determine whether or not there is something to study. Its investigation doesn’t mean it’s studying anything.
Dear Junebook,
Please go back and see who you are quoting before misattributing words to me.
Anyway, it seems you are having trouble differentiating the many concepts we have discussed, and instead have jumbled them together. Let me clarify again for you.
The animals “Morgellons” sufferers allege live under their skin indeed cannot live under your skin. These creatures (beetles, hornets, earthworms) would suffocate and die. They cannot reproduce under your skin. Saying certain things are living in your skin shows a lack of knowledge about certain animals, which makes a great opportunity to learn. What people with “Morgellons” allege is living in their skin is as ridiculous as saying a cat lives in your skin.
This does not preclude other organisms from living in your skin, as you seem to say that I was asserting. However, it seems quite convenient for you to confuse what I am saying for the benefit of trying to put me down, so there it is.
I recommend that if you want to sound like an authority on me, catch up on your Sarah-stalking. Your information about my employment is quite dated. 😉
Interesting post from Smileykins evil twin, smillleyskins:
I can’t decide what is more sad, that someone feigned to be Smileykins or that the respondants didn’t notice it wasn’t her.
Bottom line is, until this is thoroughly investigated you and many will remain skeptical, because words explaining this cannot, and will not prove or change ones mind.
I understand that. You cannot be convinced verbally, nor could I if I wasn’t experiencing this myself or seeing this.
Sarah, if you were having violent attacks of even simply vomiting many times daily – lets say every day for a year, and the vomiting attacks occured 10 times a day, and a work up was done on you and the doctors you’d gone to, none saw reason, nor could they explain any reason for this, and you found others experiencing the same thing, are you then dilusional or hallucinating, or are you really enducing this yourself because doctors cannot (find) a reason?
Does one not having an answer for a problem, really mean it doesn’t exist?
And if everyone around you told you you are the one creating this, it’s all in your mind or self induced, does that then mean this really is not happening to you? Of course not you’d say, but the problem still remains, you know this is happening, others are experiencing the same you’ve found, yet the medical field still finds no reason, yet.
Does that actually mean then (you) really are unaware of reality – because no one can find the cause of this?
How would you feel being told you are really creating this problem. There is nothing wrong with you physically, this is all imagined or you are following others-for whatever reason, which makes no sense either.
Only if and when you are in that predicament will you understand, no other way, or until explanations are given.
So I’m not going to try to prove to you anything, unless you guarantee me help for this affliction, then I’ll guarantee you proof of it’s existence.
When man walked on the moon, had you not gotten the news, you’d remain saying the same thing too, it can’t happen, impossible. Yet others would still be telling you it did happen. And until you had credible proof, you’ll not believe it, of course not, nor would I. I understand we all need to hear that credible proof.
So until CDC releases confirmation of Morgellons, back and forth saying yes this is real, and you saying no it’s not, is the only circle this conversation can EVER lead to. Seriously how could it be otherwise?
I’m surely not going to talk you into believing anything, and I won’t try – I can’t be talked into anything either, so believe that, we’re on the same page there.
We’re both sensible people, I understand your position, I’ll go as far as to say I’d feel the same as you, just try and understand alittle, this IS one of those things occuring now and if you can open your mind a tad, that there really is a possibility of an unknown new occurance happening to people, that there really is a possibilty of a new infection that is not yet understood, I know many people would be more willing to express what Morgellons is about and how we are just like you, meaning we didn’t do anything out of the ordinary to contract this, no one really is exempt, and that human compassion only to try and understand that an unknown infection is a possibility and a (thought) I can only hope you see as real.
Well, yeah, but, once upon a time, a mother created a new disease, and a website, and she called it a “Research Foundation”, and most of the respondents didn’t notice that it wasn’t based in reality, either.
Hi everyone,
I realize that there might be yet another heated and redundant argument going on here but I didn’t know where else to post something like this so I would just like to say:
I just finished watching this interesting documentary on the Animal Planet called “Eaten Alive.” It discussed various human parasites, including loa loa, creeping nematodes, some sort of fly larvae, and the “penis fish,” (which is actually a real thing, made popular by one Grey’s Anatomy episode).
Apparently lots of things CAN live under the skin; I had no idea! (This was news to me, as I specialize in mental health.)
I should also mention that all of these things, which are rare in the first place, infested humans OUTSIDE of North America.
However, I had no idea some of this was even possible, and this show fascinated and disgusted me at the same time.
My point is this:
When each of these infected individuals sought medical help, their doctors always diagnosed the problem. Though rare, in these cases, the EVIDENCE WAS THERE, and they were able to be treated.
How can a community (of what? hundreds? thousands of people?) supposedly afflicted with something not-so-rare (Morgellons), still fail to produce evidence sufficient enough to support their claims?
In other words, as unfortunate as it was for him, the man infested with hundreds of loa loa worms was easily able to produce for physicians what was invading his body.
And he was promptly treated.
*By the way, never pee in the Amazon!*
Parasites are not exclusive to the US. Scabies mites are quite common here. They live in the skin, they burrow little holes to get in. It’s more common in nursing homes and institutions. People get other parasitic infections all the time, like lice and various intestinal worms. Lots of other microscopic parasites as well.
Well, yes, I’ve heard of lice, scabies, chiggers, and things like that. I guess I had just never thought of how many DIFFERENT parasites there are. The stories on the show sounded almost like science-fiction!
A parasite is any organism that lives on another to the detriment of the other. There are millions of parasites, from single-celled organisms on up. A parasite not an insect, but a word used to describe an organism who engages in the above definition.
A lot of things can live under your skin. What “Morgellons” sufferers describe living under their skin is as outlandish as my cat analogy.
I am not conserned with people who think its D.O.P . . . They will not think it if they catch it ! . . We all know that ! . . . . I have had this over 5 years . I have cut the General ( Mother Bug ) out of my back . . . Sent it to Dr Schwartz . . . . It was 2 inches long ! , You cant say that is D.O.P . . . . The Debunkers are just Paid by the Reptilians, (higher ups ) , ( Aluminatti ) , ( Satan ) , etc , who are probably forcing the Government to spread this , for thier bennefit . . . Who knows ? . . . . . . .
I would like to say some things about this whole Morgellons business. While it is all interesting to learn about the condition I feel that it shouldn’t be anyone’s top priority. So there are a few ugly lesions on the skin and maybe it is possible that fibers are sprouting from those lesions. Also the itching probably drives people crazy but I think there are plenty of REAL and KNOWN diseases out there that we should be worried about. As far as I know there HAS NOT been a single death from this condition while diseases and problems like cancer, AIDS, Ebola and many more have claimed millions of lives. In fact from what I have read here and in other places people people have live for YEARS with this condition. Instead of worrying about some horrible itching and sores we should be looking into cures for diseases we know about. By the way, If I had a choice between getting Morgellons and cancer I would definitely want Morgellons. I may be uncomfortable but at least I won’t have a month to a year to live.
There is another thing I have to say. Its an on the other hand sort of thing. I have read a short story by E.M. Forster called The Machine Stops and it seems to bring up an interesting point. The story is about a woman who lives in this machine. She never goes out and doesn’t know anything about the outside world. She has a son who is the opposite of her. He goes out and is curious about the world. He even shares his curiosity with his mother who acts negatively about it. The story progresses and the woman gets a weird message from her son. He just says “the machine stops!” The woman doesn’t think anything about it and goes on with her business. That is until one day when she turns on her music. Something in the machine causes the music to sound wrong. Soon it escalates and other problems arise. Moldy food, beds not popping up at the right time when summoned. Whole ways of life become destroyed and finally the machine breaks down all together. I’m not sure whether Morgellons is real or imaginary but what if these people really have something? Maybe they are just like the boy in The Machine Stops and just trying to give us a heads up before our world comes tumbling down. Personally though, I’d still would rather have Morgellons then cancer.
I enjoyed your analogy, Nano. People who think that they have “morgellons disease” DO have something, many various things, which have caused them to progress into developing a particular state that has united them, through their experiences with it, and through not following their doctors’ repeated diagnoses and follow-up. Through no fault of their own, other than not being able to trust their doctors and work with them towards a goal of getting better, their patient movement has resulted in negatively influencing other people who are susceptible into thinking that they, too, have something that they don’t. Nobody is able to understand their individuality, because of the erroneous thoughts being shared and cultivated.
What if there is enough room in the budget to study these people? Maybe we can send some psychiatrists in and let them examine the patients mentally. It could be a start anyway.
I have them inside my cheeks and its causing a swollen salivary gland to block up a lot.My eyes and nose waters when I trying to pull them out of my cheek, Does it make sense?
I also get unexplained bruises out of nowhere…is that a problem anyone else has had feeling too llike there is a worm or something inside my ear canal
See a doctor. Depending on your symptoms, history and physical findings, the doctor may order one or more of the following tests:
* X-rays to detect salivary gland stones
* Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scans to check for tumors and for stones that are not visible on X-rays
* A fine-needle aspiration (using a thin needle to remove cells from the salivary gland) to determine whether a tumor is cancerous
* Sialography, in which dye is injected into the gland’s duct so that the pathways of saliva flow can be seen
* Blood tests to measure antibodies against specific viral infections or autoantibodies for Sjögren’s syndrome
* A salivary gland biopsy (removal of a small piece of tissue) to diagnose a cyst, tumor, or Sjögren’s syndrome
* A salivary function test to help diagnose Sjögren’s syndrome
* Blood tests to check for nutritional or hormonal problems that can cause sialadenosis
* Special eye tests to look for evidence of Sjögren’s syndrome
Sorry, but I just gotta share a recent comment from TC’s & my blog:
You don’t know it, but you’ve being seriously misled, Marcus, and I’m very sorry that you’re going through that, and that so many others have succumbed to the same, and similar, fears. It is completely understandable, given the situation, but, everyone who is so terrified, thinking that they have something being called, “morgellons disease”, has something else, and, I think that most of you need outside help in understanding how to work with a qualified doctor towards achieving a better state of existence.
(You don’t know it, but you’ve being seriously misled, Marcus, and I’m very sorry that you’re going through that, and that so many others have succumbed to the same, and similar, fears. It is completely understandable, given the situation, but, everyone who is so terrified, thinking that they have something being called, “morgellons disease”, has something else, and, I think that most of you need outside help in understanding how to work with a qualified doctor towards achieving a better state of existence.)………. To this CLOWN ! – Untill you catch it , you will never understand . This is why we will argue with you , as you do not know #@#@ ! . . . Morgellons is REAL ! . . . You live in a fantacy world , well that is , untill you catch it !
Here is some help . . . First off BORAX baths for 20 min , useing a third of the box of BORAX , will kill everything on your skin ! . . . You will notice they will start floating off your body ! All different kinds of the Morgellons stages . . . . Also , Eating Moxidectin by (Quest) , will stop the “creepy Crawly’s” in 15 min . . This kills all the fibers traveling through your body , that were produced by the MAIN WORM . . . . If you have caught Morgellons , and are within 6 months of catching it , you can be healed . By useing ( Boron Borax pills ( Twinnlabs) makes a Boron suplement . Thake this for 3 weeks , and cosume NO sugars for 5 days . Along with the herb ( Thongkat Ali ) . . . . This will kill any worms in the Blood . . . . . For the rest of us , we have to find the General ( Mother worm) in our body , and cut it out ! Use Lidocane for the pian . . . . Make sure you get all of it . . . . . . Best wishes GT
You can argue until hell freezes over, since you’re calling me a “clown”, and saying that until I catch it I will never understand. I’ve had DOP once, already, but not like you, and not like most (as in the original group of morgies, who first united over the web, and helped get this all out in the open, and made public), because, as bad as it was for me, I knew darned well I was seriously screwed up in the head, (I’m sorry, but that’s just the truth), and I didn’t feel a need to try getting anyone else to believe anything, nor did I need anyone to tell me that I was living in my own version of the Twilight Zone.
I used to refer to that short period of time I’d gone through (to members of lymebusters’ message board) as my “having had an acute attack of morgellons disease”, as opposed to their “chronic cases of morgellons disease”, to try and begin to develop some understanding among them.
There is no understanding to be had. ZILCH. For pity’s sake, look at how many patients who think that what they have is something being called “morgellons disease”, have ignored what countless numbers of doctors diagnosed (not “misdiagnosed” like your leader(s) with an agenda have spoon-fed you). I dare just one of you to put as much time and effort into reading an article on it, like this one:
See? You won’t, and it’s because you can’t. That is why you say….
If you like it, keep it.
Video from Europe..
Manmade??? hmmmmmmm
Found this website* during random surfing…
‘Smiley’ person and the fiance ‘Cotton’ whatever both need a net dropped over them ASAP. 1 has a fried brain from admitted meth use. The other one is certifiably a major skitzo…
Oh, the entertainment that is found on the net. lol
Dan, were you asking if the silentsuperbug video is manmade, or if the content is factual? Unfortunately, the man behind that project is very ill, and he’s worked hard at developing a following comprised of other, like-minded, very ill people.
Whether you believe in “morgellons disease” as a result of the mass psychogenic illness it is, or whether you happen to be someone who’s thought that you’ve had it for a while, rebelling against doctors and family, allowing it to go untreated, most people are aware of (and accustomed to) the mental deficits and behaviors associated with it.
Now, to address the type of “entertainment” you’re into, and your motivation for telling us about it. There are some falsehoods about Tallcotton and me on the web, two, of which you’ve mentioned. I don’t know what your situation is, Dan, but I do understand (from seeing it, so much, from morgies), the sense of pleasure you’ve gotten from your actions, and that’s something very key to the issue of “morgellons disease”. Thank you, for sharing more insight into the spiritual side of the illness.
Morgellons is a very private hell, which is only recently going public, and becoming vaguely understood at least by medical people. It is an emerging new disease, with numerous odd symptoms and the appearance of at least five different shapes of bugs.
I have recently healed from the manifestations of itching, pimples, welts, and lesions. I used ASAP / Silver Biotic solutions internally, and Vaseline externally, along w/ Awareness Products: Clear and Experience.
Please see my posts listed under “Forum” as Lassoolass at MorgellonsHope.com.
Hmmm, I think it’s time for those without Morgellons who have only judgements to make and doubt to perpetuate to step aside and stop taking up space on these message boards.
Until you become infected, you cannot understand and you cannot know.
They used to lock up Deaf people claiming they were insane. That is truly how misguided the medical community can be and has been in the past. This situation is not different.
Stop all of the accusations about mental illness because in all honesty, you appear to be individuals who have no lives…not to mention, unopened minds,judgmental personalities and perhaps some of the worst of the mental disorders. Something akin to a God complex.
Those who have morgellons will, together with those who do not want to judge or accuse….find the answers we need to heal our skin.
I can tell you that I was wrapped up like a mummy by Dermatologists..unable to scratch the sores and not scratching didn’t make a difference.
The facts you accusers need are facts you don’t want; the facts that come with actually living with this skin parasite. If I were you, I wouldn’t tempt fate.
Hi JT,
Do you think it is better to have any scientific claim be made without doubt or skepticism? I do not think so. If you do, we will have to agree to disagree. Also, this is not a message board, it is a blog.
I disagree with the sentiment that those who are not infected cannot understand and cannot know what a condition is. Most oncologists have never had cancer, and find the condition understandable and are able to study it and treat it. However, you are welcome to help me understand how only those who have a condition can understand it and know it.
I feel your analogy to deaf people is apples and oranges. Further, it makes my point that making claims (that people are insane) without skeptical inquiry is inappropriate.
I also feel there is a large difference between gullibility and “opened mindedness.” I feel if claims stand the test of criticism and skepticm, then they should be accepted. I don’t feel that holding claims up to skepticism is having “too much time on my hands,” but that is just my opinon.
As for your claim about being wrapped, there was a study, either by Lyell or Lynch I don’t remember off my head, where they claimed that wrapping the skin and making it unable to be itched would helped. Maybe your dermatologist should write a case study about your situation.
JT, scratching itchy skin is not all we’re talking about with this group of patients. Everyone is aware of that, and how great it would be if only everyone involved knew not to expect to fool anyone, other than fellow patients who can’t take proper care of themselves, and the quacks ripping them off because of it.
Knowing the difference between right and wrong is not even close to being the same thing as judging a person. But, who’s accusing? Who’s labeling? Doctors diagnose, so they’re not labeling, or judging.
Can anyone accuse “morgellons disease” patients of having gone to doctors without a goal of working with them towards a state of better health? That has been well publicized, coming straight from the patients in this movement, so it does not qualify as an accusation, but it qualifies as proof of how ill they are.
Can anyone accuse “morgellons disease” patients of the harm they regularly describe doing to themselves, their kids, their pets? Again, it comes straight from the patients.
What? Are they lying about everything?
And, another thing is that many “morgellons disease” patients, undeniably, do not even think of themselves as individuals. They say that they’re all one unit, appearing to be a bunch that’s bent on destruction — cyberspace strangers — saying that they want acceptance from everyone, while seeming to be totally uninterested/unable to take it from others who are unlike them.
People, in general, know many of these patients need serious assistance. Unfortunately, some people are gullible, but it’s unwise to think that everyone else is stupid and unenlightened. “Thinking outside of the box” is really inappropriate language for patients who, sadly, in some cases, can’t get back inside the box to begin with.
All of their doctors had known best what they’d needed, and it’s obvious. To me, it looks as though setting mental health law back into yesteryear is what everyone is hoping to gain from all this.
It’s way beyond skin, and we all know that. Using legitimate anti-itching skin products help in calming itchy skin. It should be a goal to allow one’s skin to recover, so the temptation to scratch ought to be resisted.
Pulling off scabs ought to stop, too, even while being so compromised in one’s thinking processes as to believe that Mary Leitao needs that practice to continue, with the instruction of examining the contents for her.
The quacks (and conspiracy theorists) that her patient movement has brought out of the woodwork, instructing such patients to mail scabs in to them, as well as any other debris that they’ve brainwashed them into thinking is something bizarre, are beyond contempt with their self assurance that morgie patients’ skin will never complete the healing process.
Knowing, fully well, what types of seriously ill patients they’re dealing with — patients who have resisted treating their real diagnosed conditions BECAUSE THEY CAN’T — condoning everything the patients say and do, while playing up their worst fears, is nothing short of taking every one of them as far off into their deepening madness as they can possibly go.
I hate what we’re all up against due to the ignorance in using antibiotics when they aren’t needed, too, and I’d better just shut up now, cuz I’ve said more than enough.
god love you sceptics. Ive got nothing better to do than throw my life, my family,friends and business away because morgellons seemed like a good idea. analysis of fibres? i dont get the fibres but iget everything else.unfortunately this filthy show makes it difficult to look after yourself.it would be nice if the healthy people helped rather than took spurious cheap shots. as it is contagious you wouldnt have to discover any mysterious fibres of altruism in yourself to find motivation.
and if you truly believe this ailment is not a highly contagious and destructive show .
it gives me great pleasure to invite you to sit in my car for an hour. see how your life and opinions are affected
david hageman
91 alma road
north perth
David, I wish that I could make it to Australia to sit with you in your car for an hour. I’m sorry that I can’t, and I wish you well.
thanks smileykins for your cheesey sentiments. i wouldnt join you because i no longer use the car.it is infested.and no pest control company can kill it.
your faith in doctors and modern medicine is heart warming
i dare say if youd lived in the days of the plague your faith in doctors advice would have exposed you unwittingly to fleas
western medicine throughout history has always been dogmatic
they will simply refuse to believe they have been mistreating their patients
a perfect example is the recent discovery by 2 australians of the bacterial cause of stomach ulcers
ulcers were long thought to be caused by stress
when in fact we now know the ulcer itself causes the patient to be sressed
despite overwhelming scientific evidence these 2 doctors took many years to convince
western medicine of their findings
doctors individually and as a whole would rather people suffered than admit they were wrong
we need a legal review of the medical facts of morgellons so that it can be assessed in terms of truth rather than medical dogma
ive just read through this list of postings. a number of people are claiming to be non sufferers of “morgellons”. And yet spend an extraordinary effort over a long period of time discrediting something which has no credibility.
the whole reason i and no doubt other sufferers come on the internet is because we cant find doctors who will give this disease credence.
ive certainly never looked up websites for the flu or made postings about chicken pox. i go to the dr. get it cured.It has no interest for me.
The motivations of these supposed sceptics dont ring true to me.
Mercy, mercy, me. Take an extensive tour around this site, MG.
Clicking onto morgellonsguide.com’s “Contac Us” link, they have the same snail mail address as discoverorganization.com
(read their “Affliates” page)
where ever i search the itchy show on the internet smileykins has posted his little gems
what sort of creep are you
you dont have it
you dont believe its real
you spend extaordinary energy sharing uninformed opinion
and bullying sick people
usually women
i have the stones to put my real name and address here
i doubt you do
so go away and find another hobby
picking wings off flies perhaps
David, you’re exaggerating things, plus, I’m a female. I haven’t shared my uninformed opinion, or bullied anyone. If I’ve given my opinion on “morgellons disease” and, in turn, tried exchanging conversation with anyone, only to discover that they basically, all, display the same behaviors, then, what type of opinion should I conclude from these experiences?
Nearly every “morgellons disease patient”, online, proves that it’s useless to even try communicating with them. Many patients claim that doctors and loved ones have abandoned them, but all of these online acts leave little to anyone’s imagination as to why this occurs. It appears that everyone in this group of believers/patients/victims seems totally unable to appreciate the results of having brought information about “morgellons disease” into the public arena.
I’m sorry, but, to me, everything gives the appearance that this patient movement was designed for something other than warning the public of a new disease. There should be nothing but willingness on the part of such patients to engage in conversation with anybody who wants to know more about it.
Instead, it’s as though every patient is trying to protect something, while, at the same time revealing so much about their illnesses, and not appearing to even realize it. This is so similar to Mary Leitao’s going public over her noncompliance with an evaluation for what she’s suspected of. Anyone, (other than those she’s gotten to back her “disease”), would expect that a mother who isn’t doing that to her child (children) to clear herself, rather than going forward in this way.
Something caused her to be the way she is, and I live in a free country, David, which allows me to have opinions about anything I want, and I do, especially when vulnerable members of society — including children and pets, who don’t even have a voice — can’t do anything to escape the fate that’s befallen them.
I think that it looks as though, by enlisting the types of patients that she knew she could, so easily, “to get the message of her new disease out”, drawing in all of the various types of compromised individuals that she has, the doctors & researchers in this cruel scenario are one of the worst kinds of predators. I’m one member of society who appreciates what the unfettered use of unnecessary antibiotics is doing, too.
So many patients in this movement really appear to seem to want to purposefully cut themselves off from anyone who is, for good reason, concerned about them, trying, in any way they can, to get others with the same types of problems to join up, to increase your numbers so you can get recognition. Recognition that you’re all in a terribly chaotic state, unable to take care of yourselves, and hatefully driving away people that care about you is the major thing I make of “morgellons disease”. I want everyone’s situations to change, but they are what they are, and when anyone turns their power over to someone else, trouble has a way of following.
I get called a man by “morgellons disease patients” pretty regularly, and I’m real sorry that I seem to be a creep, too, and that I remind Niels of anyone. That’s made him state, as though it’s factual, on more than one occasion, that I want everyone to be chemically lobotomized. That’s far from being what I want. Some “morgellons disease” patients are just into this type of “fun”, like his having said that I remind him of this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagina_dentata syndrome
Well, I’m sorry. If this weren’t so sad, it would be funny.
You know, if I’m going to fill a few screenfulls, I at least report on facts.
Above you say “and I’m real sorry that I seem to be a creep, too, and that I remind Niels of anyone.” I’m not sure where it is I say I am reminded of anyone. Are you ok smileykins? You know the psychotropics they got you hooked on do wear off after a while, so you end up chasing the high by trying to increase your dosage… and when that fails, you
have to make up for your naturally unbalanced glucose levels by eating lots of sugar and carbs. Are you on the carbs yet?
A couple years after that, you get diabetes.. are you getting your insulin
injections yet?
You know it’s not too late to stop the madness, smileykins…
You’re beginning to act like you really need some antibiotics. 🙂
Niels, I wish that you were well, and I hope this can help you, some, with your short term memory deficit.
On this blog, you can refer to the topic, “Morgellons in the ‘Atlas of Human Parasitology’”, and your comment dated, July 29, at 4:00 pm
On Lymebusters’ message board, you can refer to the topic, “Eye balls, hand, teeth, hair IN TUMORS!”, and your comment, reply #4, dated, October 26, 2007, at 3:45 pm
Even though your antics seem amusing, there probably are some “morgellons disease patients” who believe that you’ve really met me. Has your style of communication always gotten you what you’ve wanted?
I wish you well, Smileykins
my last posting was deleted. strange as there was no swearing.
i pointed out that having waded through smileykins illogical ramblings that she was
clearly a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
And that i make more sense running on one cylinder .Sick as a dog
enough said
Anyone who reads thru smileykins posting everywhere will notice that she
puts herself up as a confidante to sick and mentally vulnerable people
and then manipulates them.
Your country may be free smileykins and thats wonderfully patriotic of you.
But i doubt it was designed to accomodate cruelty. you creep
David, there are over 12,000 comments in this blog. I delete the comments that are simply insults, in order to keep things moving. Feel free to make broad claims like “X is stupid”, but please back them up with quotes, references, etc. Otherwise it’s just noise.
Besides, Smileykins is not the topic here. Morgellons is. You don’t have Morgellons, do you?
Hi David,
Have you seen this newspaper article? This was around the time the “two” debunkers “smileykins” & “tallcotton” wiggled out of the woodwork.
Nasty disease? Or is it delusion?
Thousands claim to have skin ailment; many doctors skeptical
Michael, Ok Smileykins is not the topic of your blog. Sadly though as soon as anyone puts credible evidence of the existence of this condition on your blog “they” (smileykins & tallcotton) stomp on it, and just be plain old mean and down right nasty to people.
We have ALL had enough of being ridiculed by these “two” disinformation specialists. I bet they think their shit don’t stink either.
Gillian, this blog is for “skeptical analysis and discussion” of Morgellons. Not for ridicule. If you look through the comments, the majority of the ridicule comes from those who believe that Morgllons is a new disease.
If the evidence is sound, then ridicule will not stick. Unfortunately, the evidence is generally not very good – being most anecdotes and third hand media stories.
Maybe you could say that again a little slower for smoochykoo & tall poppy.
who’s Michael? Your style is awfully familiar. Is it possible you delete postings because they expose this supposed scepticism for what it is?
And yes i have what’s known here as morgellons . I think I made that fairly clear.
And you dont delete abuse by the sceptics as a simple scroll up this screen will show.Only the sick folk who are making a little too much sense for your comfort
If you want to set something up to outsmart people.It wouldnt hurt to be smart
back to the drawing board
Michael ?
As you are clearly an intellectual it shouldnt be too hard for you to do me a favour.
I need a definition for what you scientifically describe as
“third hand media stories’
im intrigued
David, I do delete abuse by the skeptics. You will note that there is still a lot of what might be considered “abuse” from both sides, above. If anyone makes any statement that might halfway tend to be an actual argument, then I’ll leave it up.
I have re-banned “al”, since he was simply posting over and over “ignore everything here” while insulting people, and not explaining why. You will note that you are still here, and I’ve not deleted any of your tough questions, and I hope you can see the difference.
Third hand means you heard it from someone who heard it from someone else. A third hand media story is where they report things because they have been reported elsewhere – they have not investigated directly. Such as there being a significant concentration of cases in Florida – this is probably getting to be tenth hand by now. There are a lot of cases in Florida because there a lot of people in Florida. Nobody knows where this “fact” comes from, but they just keep reporting it, because someone else reported it.
ban away
ill not be looking here any longer
You and smileylins make long winded pseudo scientific dribble an art form
Your logic is unfathomable
You refer to vague and nonspecific facts and sources to support vague and nonspecific notions.
How does this help anyone?
What is the point?
Just get each others phone numbers
bye bye
If people are making health care decisions for themselves or a loved one, then they deserve to know all the facts. The MRF postulates a new infectious disease on insufficient evidence, and convinces people that they have it. Since I’m interested in Morgellons,at the level of a hobbyist, I try to provide balance by pointing out the problems with the various theories and assertions regarding Morgellons. I try to be as specific and clear as possible, and I would be very happy to clarify anything.
Let me make this very simple for you so you can understand.
You have no professional training to help in anyway.
This thing obviously needs attention drawn to it so light may be shone on the cause/cure
The more sceptical people are the less chance it will be taken seriously enough for that knowledge to be gained
You are causing great harm to people who are suffering beyond your experience
Perhaps even the last straw that causes suicides.
A ‘health care decision” is buying a good brand of vitamins
I think being eaten alive falls into a different category
Please get another hobby
Actually on second thoughts Michael
You do have a skill that could help–
running this website
if your heart was in the right place
you might do a lot of good.
Listen to what these isolated, neglected souls need.
And figure out how you can provide it
Now there’s a hobby
It’s obvious what the “Morgies” need… obvious to everyone except the Morgie. These people’s relatives do care! Their friends care! We care! Their doctors care! The problem is that the Morgies put almost all of their energy toward a disease that does not exist! They don’t seem to be able to talk about anything else. They have driven the people away that are supposed to be close to them. People get tired of hearing about the Morgellons nonsense all of the time. Don’t you realize that normal people know that there is no such thing as Morgellons? The doctors try to accurately diagnose the Morgies with whatever health problems they do really have. But the Morgies have made it obvious that they are delusional and when a doctor even hints about this fact, the Morgies run like hell to another one. They may not all need antipsychotic medication, but they all at least need counseling to rid their minds of their unrealistic ideas. It’s obvious that the Morgies have lost touch with reality, and that’s where the healthcare needs to begin. No one has rejected the Morgies. It’s the Morgies that have driven everyone away from them and refused help from anyone except those with the same sick mind as themselves. This movement is sucking up more and more people, convincing them that Morgellons is a legitimate disease. But Morgellons is not a disease, not a health condition, not anything. The movement helps to reinforce a lot of dangerous beliefs and helps to encourage a lot of dangerous practices, including making antibiotics useless for people out there that really need them. Chronic lyme is also a hoax. It’s a gimmick invented to make your quack LLMD’s rich. Post lyme syndrome exists, but it’s a mental problem. Chronic lyme does not. The Morgies are destroying the lives of their children, even killing their pets! Don’t come here saying that those of us that do not believe in Morgellons are contributing to anyone’s suicide. That’s utter nonsense and is totally backward thinking. We are the only ray of light in the Morgie’s lives, although, the hardcore believers are blind to it, and are rejecting it. Hopefully we will get the truth across to a few of the borderline believers. That’s about all we can hope for. But if even one person can be saved from the Morgellons madness, that’s one life that doesn’t go down the drain. I hope that we do damage the Morgellons movement. It needs to be stopped in its tracks. The belief in Morgellons is literally ruining people’s lives, and everyone is suffering because of the actions of the Morgellons believers.
tall cotton
I dont know who you are, but bravo, I needed a good laugh.
Now all you have to do is convince the parasites they dont exist.
I love what you’ve got to say and I want to sign up but those little
buggers wont go along with it.
Something tells me though you are the person we’ve been looking for.
A translator .
So get down on all six legs and get to work baby
How can you be soo convinced that a new emerging disease is not possible? Are you that educated? Is alternative energy possible mr oracle? Please convince us.
New emerging diseases are possible, but that’s just not what’s happening. I am quite educated on the subject of Morgellons. I know how the myth originated, how it evolved, and where it’s going. This isn’t about alternate energy. It’s about delusional patients. I’m not here to convince you of anything. It’s obvious that your delusions are unshakable.
Everything is possible. But to suggest something new, it helps to have evidence. Is there evidence of a “new emerging disease”?
Hi Gregg,
I know this was not addressed to me, but it made me think of something upon which I’d like to comment. You said “Please convince us,” in regards to new emerging diseases. It made me want to note, for everyone, that the burden of proof is upon those making the claim. Because people are claiming that “Morgellons” is a new, emerging disease, the burden of proof is upon them. The burden of proof is not upon others to prove that it is NOT an emerging disease. That’s just not how science works.
This was in the news last month:
Deadly Clostridium difficile infections are making headlines, too.
This was in the news today:
I’m all for alternative energy sources!
And God bless Monsanto, too.
What are you trolls afraid of? Yes there is some mysterious disease.You can call it morgellons. I call it the itchy show. Whatever you call it, its has infected thousands of people.
Where is the harm in investigating further?
Are you champions of ignorance?
There are thousands of diseases throughout history that have popped up and men,
Men unlike you obviously,
Figured them out.
Its a horrible show
but just another disease
There have been many
There will be many
its not a conspiracy. Its rather dull actually.
I could suggest many websites if you like to sink your teeth into a conspiracy
But a word of warning
You wont be too popular there either if you dogmatically approach the subject with a closed mind
People will find you just as boring
compare the spelling of smileykins/smilykins username
I wonder if the same creep might be changing their username to suggest popular opinion
Its doubtful there would be more than 1 creep of that nature
David, nobody questions that thousands of people are ill, and they have self-diagnosed as having Morgellons. The area of dispute is the nature of what they have in common. The MRF and others say there is sufficient evidence of a NEW disease. But most doctors say it’s probably various existing diseases that simply fall under the rather broad case definition of “Morgellons”. Individuals are better off addressing their own particular health problems, than assuming they have the same problem as all these other varied people.
That’s all there is to it really. That’s all I’ve been saying. See the 1.2.3. at the top of the left column here. That’s been the same since this blog started.
there are many one dimensional diseases. easy to identify and irridicate.
the stubborn ones are a little trickier to work out and cure becuse of these
symbiotoc or even bizzare relationships in nature.
What I can tell you first hand from my four years experience is that its not just one thing
I wont bore you with it all, but as far as sceptisism goes I have it in my eye.
Ive all but lost vision in that one
After 4 years it was the first time a DR. was prepared to use a microscope on me
because of sceptisism like yours, and even then it was by default
My eye is full of “unidentifiable flecks”.It undiagnosable because the research is yet to be done. bad luck for me.But good luck for future people.
This show is contagious. I have infected people I know. people react in greatly varied ways.
Why that is the case I can only guess.
But for that to make you sceptical ,i.e. the varied nature, is more to do with your
ignorance of the natural world than the dubious proposition of a new disease.
At any given time there are many emerging diseases. Broaden your horizons a little and it will all make sense to you.
David, I’m sorry for causing suspicions by having accidentally omitted the “e” in my username. I stand by what I post on the web, but I’m not accountable for the actions of any of the “morgellons disease patients” online impersonations of me, various job titles they’ve given me, any of their name calling, or other, related, online displays. It appears that the willful participation in all of the various negative attributes of “morgellons disease” is considered, by the patients, to be very conducive to their plight.
I wish that such patients as the “morgellons” types had been able to let their guard down at the start, with their families, and, then, with the first doctor they saw, because, just that one thing would have been a first step into the right direction for so many.
David, nobody doubts that there will be new diseases discovered. I don’t think anyone thinks that medicine has all the answers. The problem is that there is not really any evidence that there is a new disease involved with all the people who think they have Morgellons.
With your example of Malaria, note that prior to the late 1800’s the cause of nearly EVERY disease was in some doubt, since the “germ theory” of disease had not gained widespread acceptance. See:
Now, in 2007, science is a lot more advanced, and the mechanisms of pathogens are quite well understood. Nobody would dispute that new infectious diseases will be discovered (see, HIV, prions, heliobacter pylori, Lyme). However, first there needs to be some evidence that people have something in common.
See also:
oh. and as far as its origins are concerned.
My own itchy show dates at least as far back as mary laito
And im on the other side of the world
Given the nature of travel in this day and age its not unreasonable to expect
a dirth of diseases spreading from little backwaters of existence to world populations
We no longer have the incidental quarantine of long sea voyages to protect us
And we have industrialisation in third world communities
and this is one of thr results
Its probably been a big problem in Anytown Africa for hundreds of years.
Who knows?
You know I wish you’d actually read what i said before responding
I show you the same respect. And look at your suggested links
And by the way medical science has always and will always have the attitude that they know just about everyting there is to know
Its part of their charm
It isn’t that new diseases are unlikely to emerge in this world. They do arise from time to time. The thing is that we have studied the Morgellons phenomenon in great depth and this disease simply does not exist. There are several other diseases within the Morgellons community, but no Morgellons. You need to study how the Morgellons movement began, why it began, and how it evolved. You also need to study the mental illnesses shared by most of the members of the Morgellons community. You will recognize cases of delusional parasitosis, Munchausen Syndrome and Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, Body Dismorphic Disease, Borderline Personality Disorder, Bi-polar mania, Schizophrenia, Hypochondria, and some others. There are also several identifiable physical diseases. Many of which have been diagnosed, but the diagnoses have been rejected. You are wasting your time here because we “know” what we are talking about.
tall cotton the “we” is debatable.
Especially since I’ve had a response from you smileykins and Michael, all within a space of 15 minutes.
This is either incredible cooincidence that you are all reading the same blog at the same time or perhaps more likely that you are all one and the same person.
You claim that “we” have studied the disease in great depth.
Your qualifications are what?
How do you know what other posters have studied or not studied?
Falsifying the concept of popular opinion might work against morons
but that’s poor sport surely.
Anything works against morons
David, Michael is the owner of this blog. Tall Cotton and I live together, and share the same computer. I wish that you weren’t ill, and feeling as though what you have is “morgellons disease”, but, are you, really, seeking to actually learn what “morgellons disease” is on this blog? If you’re able, stick with it and you will learn.
Michael has always welcomed everyone here, but, David, the internet is full of “morgellons disease patient” sites, where they have an established rapport with each other, only, disallowing any violation to their beliefs and customs. You would be less “bored” there, and encouraged into staying just as far out into the wild blue yonder as you can get your jet to fly.
This blog, Morgellons Watch, is the only one of its kind, analyzing the issue of “morgellons disease” from the standpoint of logic.
Without repeating myself, and trying to be as respectful as I possibly can, since it isn’t the fault of any patient who believes in “morgellons disease”, I think those who have assisted Mary Leitao in orchestrating this situation have proven, all along, to have designed “morgellons disease” as a catchall term, to cover a wide swath of problematic patients presenting to doctors with an absence of the ability to grasp key issues surrounding their health care.
In addressing anyone with a sound, and differing, opinion from theirs, many “morgellons disease patients” seem to try placing irrational, illogical, and unreasonable, demands on them, seeming to attempt employing any methods they deem fit to try ordering people to do as they say.
For the numerous patients believing themselves to have this “new disease”,
the existence of this single blog’s open discussion of the facts known, so far, can not and will not (as I have stated, many times), detract or diminish the existence of what anyone has and is calling “morgellons disease”.
Using words like Logic Rationality and Reason is wonderful smileykins
Fortunately anyone with half a brain can and has compared my postings to yours
And judge who is actually loony tunes
And who is logical and reasonable
And as far as other websites are concerned, Im yet to find one you or your fictitious roommate havent dominated with your wierdness
Scuttle off parasite and get some fresh ideas you are a broken record
Does it occur to you that a sceptics forum, regardless of the subject, is not an opportunity for one person to teach others
You really should remain hiding under your bed in anonimity because you’re an embaressment
If i didnt have this filthy show i would be still living and enjoying my life, not dicking around on the internet
What’s your excuse?
If that was a tad complicated for you smileykins/tall cotton/Michael
I’ll simplify
If you are posed a question–
then you answer it
Not avoid it as you do
And waffle on with irrelevancies
that is called a logical, sane forum
You have the right words
Now all you have to do is employ them
Logic Rationality Reason
Give it a try. You might like it
nite gill miss ya
David said:
What is your point, and what do you need?
Do you have family?
Do you have a roof over your head?
Do you have access to indoor plumbing?
Have you seen a doctor?
Have you been hospitalized?
Are you wanting to rule the world?
David, I don’t expect any answers from you, but you’re in a crisis, and there is help available:
yes thanks smileykins,
I am able to care for myself
But im sure many with this filthy show can’t
To use people’s illness as a way of feeling superior shows plenty of character
I congratulate you for having indoor plumbing
well done
As you dont have anything better to do with your life
I wonder if you could show me where I asked for personal help from you or anyone
on this website.
note: this is a logical response to your nasty questions
It requires a simple response
——-Prove it——-
Read above and support your words with facts
If you are right it should be easy
and the answer to your question “what is the point”
can be found in the next sentence of my posting
Quoting me out of context is brilliant.
Did you come up with that yourself?
And by doning that infer that im asking you for help
“what do i need?” you say
well if you read the next sentence after your quote
I wanted to know why a healthy person would want to dick around on the internet all day
Are you too big to fit through the front door?
Ive heard its quite common in your country
You have my sympathies
If anyone is reading my posts, other than the 3 shitheads in 1
Having read some posts by fellow sufferers, I detected a familiar madness
This is a sympton of the itchy show
Once you accept it as that , you might be able to think rationally
Which is an odd thing to say perhaps but thats what I’ve done
Its a bit like drink driving. It takes practice and persistence to get good at it
but if i can do it anyone can
Makes life easier while we wait for this filthy show to be cured
I actually sort of developed this skill years ago. I plumbed in the northern beaches here where you pick up ticks regularly
Id recognise I had one by a sort of draining feeling, a sick sort of depression
And could seperate myself from it
And this is similar with a few extra discomforts thrown in for fun
Hi David,
That sounds like a wild email. Would you forward it to me? SBDJunkmail@gmail.com?
Check your spam files for email slideshow. Thats where I found mine.
As an attatchment to a posting I made to a website I only looked at once
Rather than scare me off by the way, arseholes, you’ve actually made me realise I might have stumbled onto the right track.
There is a hell of a clue here
I just have to figure out what it is
And after thinking on it all day, I believe I have.
Thanks smileykins/morgellons/tall cotton
Not only do I now have a very good idea who u are and who u might work for
but why
Stay tuned. (i realize its your weekend at the moment but as you read this
first thing Monday morning in your office sipping your coffee ,I’ll let u in on the fact
that I dont like being fucked with, so now its your turn)
You wouldnt have let me know u were watching if you were anything but a toothless tiger
I dont find nerdy computer boffins very scarey, sorry ,you are just dumb working slobs
with a pathetic job that must give u little satisfaction
And an army of folk just dying to know who and where you are
At the top of this page it says:
david hageman has been blocked from posting, and his final ten posts have been removed, since they contained violent threats.
A while back, tallcotton posted the following nonsense:
“This movement is sucking up more and more people, convincing them that Morgellons is a legitimate disease. But Morgellons is not a disease, not a health condition, not anything. The movement helps to reinforce a lot of dangerous beliefs and helps to encourage a lot of dangerous practices, including making antibiotics useless for people out there that really need them. Chronic lyme is also a hoax. It’s a gimmick invented to make your quack LLMD’s rich. Post lyme syndrome exists, but it’s a mental problem. Chronic lyme does not.”
Instead of engaging in prejudicial words against a large class of
sufferers that you have no knowledge about, and have no knowledge
about their health conditions, it might be more useful to come up with
some specific evidence that chronic lyme does not exist.
Following, is some strong evidence that it does exist. Please refute this
and the references from which these views are derived, instead of posting your amateur’s view, derived from ignorance.
“In addition to its complex genetic makeup, B. burgdorferi
engages in so-called “stealth pathology” to evade the human
immune response [11-50]. Stealth pathology involves 4 basic
strategies: immunosuppression; genetic, phase, and antigenic
variation; physical seclusion; and secreted factors (table 1).
These strategies are outlined below.
During a tick bite and before transmission of the Lyme spi-
rochete, tick saliva containing analgesic, anticoagulant, and im-
munosuppressive factors is expressed into the wound, allowing
the spirochete to penetrate the skin and evade the local immune
response [11-13]. B. burgdorferi also induces immunosup-
pression by complement inhibition and induction of inhibitory
cytokines, such as IL-10. In addition, the bacterium induces
monocyte and lymphocyte tolerization and antibody seques-
tration in immune complexes–all mechanisms of evading the
immune response [14-19].
B. burgdorferi engages in genetic, phase, and antigenic variation
that shares various features with other organisms [20-23]. For
example, gene switching is similar to what is seen with try-
panosomes, mutation and recombination are typical of HIV,
variable antigen expression is seen with Neisseria species, au-
toinduction of dormant organisms occurs in mycobacterial in-
fection, and fibronectin binding occurs with staphylococcal and
streptococcal infection.
B. burgdorferi may assume a dormant state with cyst for-
mation [24-29]. Although spirochetal persistence in the cyst
form is a controversial issue, it has recently been shown that
neutrophil calprotectin can induce a dormant state in the spi-
rochete, allowing it to persist in tissue without replicating and
providing the means to avoid antibiotics [30].
Although antibiotic resistance associated with gene mutation
was previously thought to be rare in B. burgdorferi infection
[31], recent studies have demonstrated gene mutations in the
Lyme spirochete that confer in vitro resistance to various an-
tibiotics [32, 33]. The clinical implication of these gene mu-
tations is uncertain at present.
The Lyme spirochete uses physical seclusion at intracellular sites
as a means of evading the immune response in multiple cell
types, including synovial cells, endothelial cells, fibroblasts,
macrophages, Kupffer cells, and neuronal cells [34-43]. In cul-
ture, B. burgdorferi can be grown in fibroblasts for 18 weeks,
suggesting that the organism can thrive over long periods of
time in the right place and under the right conditions.
Physical seclusion at extracellular sites, including the joints,
eyes, and CNS, may also promote survival of the Lyme spi-
rochete. In addition, B. burgdorferi engages in “cloaking” mech-
anisms by binding to proteoglycan, collagen, plasminogen, in-
tegrin, and fibronectin. These substances can mask the
bacterium and make it invisible to the immune system
There are a number of factors that are secreted either by B.
burgdorferi itself or in response to infection with the spirochete
[44-51]. For a number of years, it has been known that B.
burgdorferi secretes a hemolysin, although its function is un-
certain [44]. More recently, the spirochete has been shown to
elaborate porin and adhesin, 2 proteins that allow bacteria to
adhere to cells and pierce the cell wall to gain entry [45].
Even more recently, B. burgdorferi was found to secrete pher-
omones, including AI-2, which is also secreted by mycobacteria
[46-50]. This is the first time that a spirochete has been shown
to secrete an autoinducer and suggests that the Lyme spirochete
engages in autoresuscitation like other dormant organisms,
such as the tubercle bacillus [465-0]. In addition, B. burgdorferi
can induce secretion of aggrecanase, an enzyme that damages
cartilage [51]. This may be a mechanism by which the bacte-
rium induces damage and inflammation in joints. Armed with
these weapons of “stealth pathology,” the Lyme spirochete is a
formidable infectious agent.”
That “stealth” stuff is pure speculation. We need some actual statistics. See:
But this is getting a bit off topic. So you have Lyme? What does that have to do with “Morgellons”?
I sure wouldn’t depend on ILADS for any accurate information. For that matter, I wouldn’t depend on any group that Stricker is involved with. If you ever want to understand Morgellons, you need to focus your research on the various types of mental illness and the physical illnesses that the “Morgies” have been diagnosed with. I’ve studied Morgies for a long time. They know, for the most part, what ails them physically, and those conditions that they have been diagnosed with usually account for most of their physical symptoms. Their mental disorders, however, are a different story, and they aren’t caused by the non-existant disease you call Morgellons. In your case, you might start by studying schizophrenia.
Tallcotton — it’s pointless to argue with you. You’re an amateur and you don’t know much about medicine, or psychiatry. You probably even have fewer degrees and academic background than I, and certainly fewer publications, so this is a pointless argument that I’m not going to waste my time with…
Regarding chronic lyme. There is no controversy and it’s not speculation — it’s proven microbiology http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyme_disease_microbiology — the “speculation” and doubt is only if you listen to the HMO/insurance-funded scientists that have been paid to deliver the science that results in profits, not payouts for long-term, open-ended treatment. And again, the controversy is not for you to decide.. that’s why the Connecticut Attorney General is suing the infectious disease society of america in an antitrust suit ( http://www.the-scientist.com/news/home/49605/ )
“The question is whether there is a denial of coverage
to patients and doctors as a result of inflexible
standards that are then adopted by insurance
companies,” Blumenthal told The Scientist, adding
his office has not ruled out extending the inquiry
to insurers. According to the America’s Health
Insurance Plans, a Washington trade group, major
medical insurers do not cover chronic Lyme disease,
citing the IDSA guidelines in their medical coverage statements.
Michael — Lyme has everything to do with Morgellons. Most Morgellons patients test for lyme (using ILADS diagnostic guidelines, not bogus CDC ‘surveillance’ testing using ‘lymerix deleted bands western blot’ which is also supposed to only be used for surveillance). Most morgellons
patients have the “lyme signature” IgG subclass 1-4 pattern,
and significantly decreased CD-57 (NK1) counts. I would imagine
that the immune deficiency triggered by Lyme, predominantly,
but also by Chlamydia Pneumoniae ( http://cpnhelp.org ) could also
be triggered by other factors in absense of Lyme or CpN (such as bad diet, stress, drug abuse, etc). This might account for skin lesions
in drug abusers that would respond to antipsychotic meds, since they would not need be to abusing immunosuppressing drugs while psychotropically medicated (they were probably using drugs to self-medicate anyways, so psychotropics may be appropriate for drug users that have morgellons). Unfortunately, for Lyme or CpN patients, independent of the level of psychotropic you give these patients, they will still remain immune-deficient, due to the underlying infection. And will therefore continue to be plagued by opportunistic infection of the morgellons parasite. UNLESS GIVEN LONG TERM ANTIBIOTIC TREATMENT such as the http://cpnhelp.org CAP or a very skilled eradication of Chronic Lyme (including cyst form, which requires extended metronidazole or tinidazole treatment, which just happens to be part of the CAP). Thus, IMHO http://morgellonstreatmentsteps.com/Morgellons_Medical_informat.html#correct_treatment
represents the best diagnostic&treatment guidelines for Morgellons.
Of course, in other countries, where research in ticks and detailed electron microscopy of tick-gut flora is allowed/funded, they’re noticing the same “cocktail” of infections in ticks — a lyme-like spirochete,
chlamydia-like nanobacteria, and mycoplasma. Of course, nearly all
ticks contain microfiliaria (dr. burgdorfer discovered lyme by accident while investigating “microfiliaria of exceptional size”) and many also contain plant bacteria (possibly including agrobacterium). As my
Lyme doctor says — “ticks are the sewer of the insect world.”
That is my one disagreement with Dr. Harvey, however, when
he says “it’s not lyme disease” he means the specific symptoms attributable to the “morgellons” opportunistic infection and not lyme.
Lyme disease, as a separate clinical entity, has it’s own diagnosis
and treatment protocols independent of Morgellons, and I’m sure
Dr. Harvey’s distinction between Morgellons and Lyme is to not confound the “morgellons controversy” with the
It is the years-long process of eradicating lyme / CpN / chalmydia pneumoniae that allows the immune system to recover, and for the parasitic “opportunistic infection” to be eradicated through a combination of antiparasitics and the body’s natural immunity.
What Dr. Harvey hasn’t done in his current study
in appropriate detail (because it remains to be proven) is what
pathogen sets people up for the immune deficiency (a documentable, part of Dr. Harvey’s data) for which the morgellons parasite becomes,
like Kaposi’s Sarcoma in AIDS, an opportunistic infection. In advanced
stages, this ends up being an opportunistic poly-infection as mysasis has been documented in florida morgellons patients.
In terms of dermal manifestations, most dermatologists are woefully untrained to recognize the many dermal presentations of Lyme. These typically can include erythema migrans rashes and in europe, acrodermatitis chronicum atrophicans (I’m spelling these from memory, so excuse any mispellings), but also numerous other skin conditions
routinely misdiagnosed when a chronic infection is to blame. For example, rosacea … where they give topical metronidazole claiming it has anti-inflammatory properties… but the reality is that it is a potent antiparasitic and in-vivo, capable of killning the cyst form of borrelia. Borrelia have a preference for hair follicles, and a number of follicular diseases, e.g. tufted-hair folliculitis, should have Lyme disease (which can also manifest 299 other symptoms
other than folliculitis and other follicle-related infections) as differential.
As far as all your talk of “proof” very little of what you speak of — psychiatry — has any proof whatsoever. There’s no proof of the efficacy of any of the psychotropics misprescribed for a DOP misdiagnosis of Morgellons (they’re clinically distinct entities according to Lyme-literate psychiatrist Bransfield). It’s going to be absolutely impossible to perform much of any “evidence based” experiements on humans with morgellons because it would be unethical and unworkable. The disease manifestation is severe enough that it would be illegal to have “controls”
receiving placebos, and patients would be in enough physical discomfort that they’d end up debriding their lesions themselves and applying various topicals in an effort to relieve the physical discomfort. Claims of “self mutilation” should also be applied to people that remove splinters from their fingers, or glass from their feet, because Morgellons is no different. Painful foreign material in the skin, which if not completely removed, will continue to grow and will eventually cause even a healed lesion to re-erupt. And Michael — you can fake up all the pictures of Morgellons exudate on your own website for the purpose of pissing off Morgellons patients, but given that you’re were unwilling to meet with Brandi Koch or other morgellons patients to even have a look-see yourself — i can only speculate your real reasons for wanting to inflict hate-speech on morgellons sufferers.
Because, as Dr. Harvey says ( http://www.eblue.org/article/PIIS0190962207001958/fulltext )
“To anyone willing to look and listen, all patients with Morgellons carry elevated laboratory proinflammatory markers, elevated insulin levels, and verifiable serologic evidence of 3 bacterial pathogens. They also show easily found physical markers such as peripheral neuropathy, delayed capillary refill, abnormal Romberg’s sign, decreased body temperature, and tachycardia. Most importantly they will improve, and most recover on antibiotics directed at the above pathogens.”
The evidence is self-evident. The purpose of this website isn’t, unless
one speculates on the Quackwatch/Barett viewpoint that underLIES this site.
You’ve been listening to way too much bullshit. There is no Morgellons pathogen, and almost every one of those lyme positives are false positives. I can’t prove that right now, but you’ll see, eventually, that I’m right. And, no, none of the things you’ve said about lyme have been proven. It’s not even been proven that there is a chronic lyme. Again, you’ve been listening to way too much bullshit. But, you’re right about one thing, with the fools you have seemingly chosen as mentors, you’re wasting your time trying to convince me of anything. You need to take a nap.
I see a lot of copy and pasting. I find that often, when people copy and paste, it is because they are taken in by the “scientific” sounding words, and actually they personally have little understanding of what it means or how it relates to the point one is trying to make. Consequently, I would like to encourage people to re-iterate research they copy and paste into their own words, to first, show evidence of personal comprehension, and two, be more direct with their point.
Niels, all your chronic Lyme stuff has been answered elsewhere, like in the NEJM for example. I know you think you’ve got this unassailable case, but if you do, then why does every disagree with you? Is it really all a big conspiracy?
Anyway, EVEN IF YOU ARE CORRECT, it’s unclear what this has to do with “Morgellons”. Do you think Morgellons is a distinct disease? Or is it just some mixture of symptoms that arise from having various OTHER diseases, like Lyme?
More to the point, what is the epidemiological basis for Morgellons?
Whatever that commonly shared hate filled state is, causing so many of these patients to go into their one-sided argumentative mode to try and get people to consider the existence of “morgellons disease” resonates something very unique. The worst problem with it seems to be a self-induced development of an increase in their fears following their emotionally charged releases. I really feel badly when efforts to communicate with such people fail, but they seem to want that. I don’t know if some of them have ever known any other way. It’s plain sad, it is.
Can anyone tell me whether or not “Morgellons” patients can legally give consent for their participation in Kaiser’s study? Since these patients have been diagnosed by their doctors as being delusional {multiple times}, I’m not sure that their participation is legal unless they get medical powers of attorney to grant permission for them. I think that we can trust Kaiser not to do anything to harm these patients, but, as most of us know, the Morgellons patients are being exploited by quack LLMD’s and Morgellons doctors, and have no business taking care of their own medical affairs.
Hallo there,
I really feel along with the victims of this disease and I would like to give you herewith some informations that might be usefull to understand and maybe heal this man-made disease. Don`t expect anything good from doctors, because they will not only laugh at you but maybe even poison your body with even worse things trying to treat something they have no clue of. Excuse my bad english, it is a foreign language for me.
I will try to make you see how easy is to understand this disease, the cause and the healing if you have the right knowledge. We use first some logic and some real life examples to make you clear that this is a mistery sickness only because of the lack of knowledge and right thinking of the medicine and people.
1. Plastic things or fibres that come out of the body MUST come from outside of the body, through inhalation, breathing, food, etc. It is wrong and even ridiculous to take in consideration that such things would develop within the body. The source of the disease MUST be the pollution of the enviroment, food, etc. with THINGS they should not belong there. This is nothing new: we had “poliomelitis ” as a result of DDT, we had a lot of lung cancer because of asbest and other things, we have alzheimer as a result of aluminium, we have a lot of things because of the plumb, mercury, etc.
So now we have something in our body that wants to get out and the doctors are astonished – till today they dont want to face the truth that they have no clue of toxicology and nutrition and most disease are cause by them – and powerless. Besides this the media will try to cover up the morgellons and try keep the sickness as a mistery because the governement – or better the shadow governement – is the real creator of the sickness.
2. It is a natural law that the body tries to get everything foreign out of it, if it can! Everyone noticed this when we stick our fingers with sharp pieces of wood, metal or glass which remains under the skin.
So it is unlogic to think that an artificial fibre must be a kind of “worm” just because it moves out of the body. The body expels the fibres out of it, the way it can, which is individually diferent.
3. The fact is that only certain individuals get these artificial fibres in their body and others not, altough the live in the same area means the source of the foreign material is different or some individuals can cope with the foreign material in the body better than others.
1) No everybody will eliminate foreign material in his body by the skin through pain causing the disease called morgellons.
2) This sickness cannot be contagious
3) The origin of the foreign material should be sought in food, air, tap water, medicine tablets, wrap paper, plastic containers for food or beaverages, food, everything containing nanoparticles or in secret experiments done by your governement.
Something that indicate a secret experiment could be the isolated appereance of the desease in only certain areas. If the disease comes up everywhere or randomly than the habbits of the pacients should be gathered and analysed carefully : food, medicine, treatments, containers for food and beaverages, etc.
4. A foreign material in the human body which is too big or cannot be solved and absorved in the human cells to be expelled the normal way is usually expeled by movements of the cells that helps expel the foreign meterial out of the body.
This might create the impression of a worm moving underneath the skin that tries to get out. This is something that most morgellon victims describe. Some other times the object is isolated and cause a wound and the object can only be retreaved through operation.
The entity, the intelligence that controlls all functions of the body (the body does not controll itself as most people think, nor the brain controlls it) is very intelligent in doing that and should be helped to expel the foreign material.
This can be achived in two ways if you know which is the entity who controlls and sustain the body functions and how the body works:
a) Give something to the body that makes it for the cells easiers to pass the foreign material to the skin, towards the surface.
Here I found somebody who succesfully got rid of morgellons this way. See the video in Youtube:
“Connie Tells Her Story of Triumph Against Morgellons”
Something that could help are “Schuessler Cell Salts”, homeopatic Remedies; plants, teas, Hildegard of Bingen Remedies and others.
b) The best way is though to make this “entity” stronger, so it can deal with the foreign material and sickness in the body better than at the present. This entity is nothing but the soul. This is the intelligence that has the mind, the concionsness, this is what we are, this is why dreams and forecast, feel, think, remember. This is also
what your governement doesnt want you to know you posses.
Most people think soul is something without form, but this ist not like this.
Our soul is like our a human body but made out of light material and it doesnt die, but it can get sick and weak and here is the cause for most diseases.
This is the light or etheric body people talk about.
This is actually also what doctors call a “immune sistem” or the thing that get sick in the chinese medicine, before the body itself show the manifestation of it.
A sistem that can function without inteligence and knowledge is as stupid as the thought that a computer would work without processor, the programm and the programmer. So an immune sistem without will, consiousness and intelligence cannot exist.
This introduction was necesary to understand how to make the soul stronger and healthier so it can have the power of expeling the morgellons easier or even solve them away if this is possible.
This can be done with only 3 methods or with methods related to them, as long as my knowledge goes :
1) Solar remedies. Barely known, but best medicine on the earth.
See original book from 1851 by Jakob Lorber, recevied through divine revelation
There you can read what the soul is and how healing occurs. I hope you realize WHO wrote that book…
I use these remedies myself for a long time, mostly not for myself. Amazing the effect, but who wonders anymore when one understands WHO gave the recepies to the mankind ? One doesnt need any other kind of medicine anymore if you have them. No exact diagnostic needed, not even a doctor. They makes the soul strong and thus the immune system strong.
These kind of remedies can be made by yourself (cheap and easy) or can be bought at:
or 2-3 more places in Germany (Google)
2) homeopatic remedies given by a very good doctor. Homeopatic remedies
must hit the lack of a certain etheric substance in the soul, if this is not the case
the remedy is in vain.
3) Best and most efficient way is a spiritual healing through a heart prayer directly to Jesus Christ (means you have to believe yourself strongly) or through somebody
who developed his love to Jesus and to people so far he can lay hands in HIS Name ( this means you dont have enough believe yourself and you will have to look for and find somebody like this, but not a fake or a profit oriented one, or even a sect member !)
Besides of the healing, if it happens of course, the patient comes through this to more belief and to another consciuosness. This also cost anything and has the most win from a sickness. Because every sickness changes us and makes us open for things we were closed or unreachable before.
Now let`s go to the last part of my informations:
Where are these strange things in the body comes from ?
I dont know exactelly where they comes from, otherwise I would be one of those involved with secret experiments or poisoning of the population.
I only can assume and the reality and what the past thought us tells me that I cannot be very far away with my presumtion. One thing is though excluded: Aliens. This is bullshit and governamenntal desinformations made on purpose for the more naive among us. Don`t believe anything where you see UFOs, Aliens and this kind of stories
The US Governemant have flying sauccers and secret technology long time, but there is not a atom of an “alien” here and it cannot be. Thanks God, this is what we still miss here !
So in my oppinion the morgellons or the morgelon causing material is/are one of the following things:
1) Things sprayed daily from planes, the so called “chemtrails” which get into our lungs, water, food.
2) The effect of some other secret experiment with certain substances in certain areas
3) Nano particles – one of the most dangerous things for our health – that right now are pushed massive on the market. You find nanoparticles in food, medicine, paint, cement, toys, etc, soon on almost everything. It will be a major issue in the next years, if no wars or big economic crisis will cover them. It will be the same as with DDT, asbest, radioactivity, ultrasound. Designed to do evil by the most evil people on earth.
Nanoparticles could maybe stick together to form fibres and they get expeled this way.
Sillciumoxid is almost in food and medicine, Titanoxid in toothpaste, paint, food, cosmetics, etc. One should avoid industrial food and standard cosmentics.
Read this:
In order to understand and accept that your governement is doing such things – it is not easy – you should inform yourself, watch the sky and some TV reports :
NBC Report. Chemtrails over California
Aircraft in form of a ball spraying together with a normal jet:
One more thing spraying which is not looking like a plane
Time Lapse Videos
Fallout hanging on the trees.
Pictures of weird particles fallen from the sky which look similar to the morgellons:
Take a look also for the 911 Movie “Loose Change”:
It might be a small step for the humanity if you wake up to understand the truth,
but it will be a big step for yourself !
Jesus bless you all.
A guest.
This is worth to see too. CIA secret experiments with humans
Stinger, “chemtrails” are just persistent contrails, see:
It’s interesting that you bring up Jesus though. For some people their belief in Morgellons takes on a religious fervor.
It’s hard to reason with such people.
Hallo Michael,
you did not even try to reason, you just condamned and put my statments in your drawers. After you see those videos it will be hardly to sustain that vapor from jet engines behave visible and measurable that way… I spent 1-2 hour to put the information here to be help for others and not matter to argue for peple like you.
Take it or leave it and let the people make their own oppinion.
Last post here, I did not post the infos for the argueing people… so you can reply to your mind only.
Regardless of whether the state of mind “morgellons disease patients” are in is the result of the paranoid delusions of an underlying mental health condition, or whether it’s a result of the effects of coronary artery disease, kidney disease, cancer, endocrine disorders, nutritional deficiencies, prescription drug side effects/interactions, illicit drug/alcohol abuse, or any number of known conditions they are oblivious to, because of their compromised state of mind, many of the “morgellons disease patients” have permanently destroyed their central nervous systems with intentional pesticide applications and ingestions. Such patients apparently believe that it’s perfectly acceptable to try and act as though everyone is expected to look upon them as though they’re extreme environmentalists, as they also expect to try blaming their poisonings on someone else.
Now, I, personally, don’t think it’s correct to say that such patients poison themselves “intentionally”, but that’s what it’s called.
Health & Safety Report from the California EPA, on Pesticide Morbidity in California, 1994-1996
Excerpt from the Executive Summary:
The document was revised in May 2004, but the only reason I’m citing it is to illustrate a point.
From page 3:
From page 8 of the report:
Back when I had authored a topic that included the National Pediculosis Association’s with “morgellons disease” in its early days, I’d noted that the president of the organization fully appeared to appreciate that the overwhelming number of reports she’d received after a publishing in the Ladies Home Journal on Lindane poisonings were, indeed, reports of poisonings. Then, she got sucked into something else, altogether, for some reason that only she knows.
From all I’ve read, some “morgellons disease patients” probably have poisoned themselves, and their kids and pets, unintentionally, ignorant of the correct way to rid themselves of head lice or scabies, and they also developed DOP, continuously repeating the poisoning processes.
While I realize that, whatever the cause, some “morgellons disease patients” fully intend to abuse pesticides, dewormers, and other toxic agents, it’s still difficult to for me to think that it’s considered as “intentional”, when patients with such compromised reasoning skills can’t be accountable for their actions.
Stinger said:
No, actually it’s not hard. That’s exactly how contrails have always behaved. This site has accounts of exactly this dating back to 1944:
I’m sorry you are offended by my not “reasoning” with you. But you don’t actually bring up any points. As for your remedies – sunshine, homeopathy and prayer – not particularly useful, and all with no science behind them.
In http://www.eblue.org/article/PIIS0190962207001958/fulltext
I noted the following passage:
“Carl Sagan captured this essential professional obligation in an essay titled “The Burden of Skepticism.” He saw the essential task of every truth seeker to balance credulity and skepticism equally, impossible without the trait of intense humility in the presence of an unknowable universe. Within such a context, we as physicians must see disease names simply as labels and defined disease boundaries as crude guesses that continually evolve.”
Sagan C. The burden of skepticism. In: Frazier K editors. The hundredth monkey. Buffalo (NY): Promethius Books; 1991;p. 1–9.
Michael — as a admitted fan of Carl Sagan (as per “Herd of Swine” on http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/Wikipedia ) — where’s your intense humility in the presense of an unknowable universe?
Why hasn’t your definition of disease evolved past the barbarities
of medicine in the past — DOP and electroshock therapy being of the same vintage of psychiatric quackery, and completely unfounded
pseudoscience that cannot be backed up by any honest attempt at “evidence base medicine.” ???
So what did Carl Sagan actually say?
I have the greatest respect for Sagan, and I totally agree with everything he said in the article. Particularly that we need the most skeptical scrutiny of all hypotheses that are served up to us and at the same time a great openness to new ideas.
You know, most people would simply dismiss the idea of red, white and blue fibers emerging from the body as something obviously wrong. I did not. I took the time (a lot of time) to both examine the evidence, and to even perform experiments to test this proposed evidence (such as the photos). I have read every paper on Morgellons, and listened to all the opinions. I have stated time and again both that I do not think Morgellons is DOP, and that I would be delighted if it were discovered a new disease.
However, after all this examining the evidence, I came to the conclusion that there is insufficient evidence of Morgellons being a distinct disease, or of the Fibers being related to the disease. Fibers are everywhere, and the symptom list is too varied.
So am I closed minded, because after all my study, my writing, my experiments and discussions, I come to a different conclusion to you and Dr Harvey? I examined the evidence and then made a judgement. I write about the evidence, and how I see it. I tell no lies. I present facts and my own opinions and conclusions, yet you say I am closed minded, simply because I disagree with you.
Sagan had similar problems, from the same article:
And, highly related, you might like this article, as it discusses (at one point) the problem of Quackwatch:
It is one of my favorite articles of all time, written by Karla McLaren, a famous new-age guru.
Niels, can you look at the Morgellons-Disease-Research’s Morgellons’ Poll and give me your opinion?
Please refer to, and note, how each person participating in the poll answered questions number 15, 17, and 24
Thank you, Smileykins
That’s a very interesting poll, someone should tabulate the results. It’s interesting that nobody has ever published any patient survey that in any way supports the present position of any of the lead Morgellons advocates. This one certainly does not. It shows that their physical symptoms are explained by other diseases they have a diagnosis for. There seemed to be a lot of thyroid problems, which has many symptoms from the Morgellons list.
(of course, there are lots of other conditions as well, just another example).
I tried to log into the website you suggested, with no results. I will answer your questions: 15. Hodgkins Disease, 1987, Colo-rectal Cancer 2004. Spleen removed 1987, Gallbladder removed 2004. 17. Pain medication, Vicodin. 24. I have spoken to six doctors, and my attorney about morgellons. My Oncologist once asked me if there was “Any history of mental illness” in my family. I replied: “Ofcourse, but none that’s been documented”.
I can see a pattern nearly all of them have been diagnosed with delusional parasitosis in the past :O
Ali, that’s very true, and multiple times. Most of them have also been diagnosed with other health problems that would account for their real physical symptoms. They’re all hung up, though, over environmental fibers, believing they are part of a disease process. Their delusions seem to be unshakable, and they are constantly reinforcing them through their whacked out forums. They’re also doing a lot of things that are dangerous to their health and the health of their family members, but very few of them are coming to their senses. They don’t want to hear the truth. They want to be right, and they want someone else, besides them, to be responsible. They also seem to want to get revenge, but no one has harmed them. People go out of their way to help them, and they throw it back in their faces.
Roselle said: “My Oncologist once asked me if there was “Any history of mental illness” in my family. I replied: “Ofcourse, but none that’s been documented”.”
I know you’re experiencing a painful situation, but I found that so cute and amusing I laughed aloud. Who amongst us wouldn’t say the exact same thing?
I’m sure you won’t publish what I am about to say but YOU need to know that there are some of us out here that know the truth!
We find it difficult to believe a retired programmer in CA would go to this much trouble to create such an elaborate website to discredit a medical issue. The site is clearly a smear campaign against a group of unfortunate people who are suffering from something the medical community and public authorities cannot or refuse to deal with. This site is a clear attempt to sway public opinion and make these victims out to be unstable and neurotic.
The question is why. Why would anyone want to discredit these people, especially a retired programmer in CA.
We believe Morgellons is completely man made and a small part of a larger agenda unwittingly funded by the government (our taxpayer dollars!).
We know for a fact Morgellons is more than a disease caused by mysterious fibers. We know it’s a much more complex strategy involving ultrasonic and infrasonic systems, microwaves, through wall technologies etc.
We are also aware of the untimely and suspicious deaths of Charles Holman and Ken Cowles.
This illness (Morgellons) is completely man made and an illegal perpetration on the victims. It is treason against the citizens of this country and has been going on for longer than anyone wants to admit.
It has gone too far and for too long now. The entire public will now begin to learn the truth. It is inevitable. The agenda behind it (however twisted or misguided) will fail and cause huge disturbances and uprisings in our society. Maybe even the end of the good ol USA as we know it, and believe me, the bad guys won’t win.
-The good guys
In regard of the fact that patients, having what they consider to be “morgellons disease”, possess histories of repeatedly lacking the ability to accept diagnoses and follow-up, leading to further decline in their lives, I think everyone can empathize with your feeling the ways you do. Based upon everything I’ve been made aware of, so far, I’m of the opinion that the medical community and public authorities have performed their duties, but that such patients as this need someone assigned to assist them. Is that the solution you hope to foresee in the future?
Sincerely, Smileykins
No, you don’t know the truth. You’ve been told the truth, but you have rejected it. The truth is this. There is no Morgellons disease! There is no conspiracy! The only coverup is perpetrated by the Morgellons doctors (quacks) that are lying to their patients, pretending to agree with their belief that Morgellons is a disease. Their purpose is the exploitation of their patients. This is also a crime, and any citizen that is aware of the truth should do what they can to stop the Morgellons movement.
It may be true that you don’t understand our purposes. It’s certainly not what you’ve stated. Speaking for myself, I’m against the exploitation of the Morgellons patients, but I’m also against the way that Morgies and the doctors prescribe or use antibiotics irresponsibly. This is a very dangerous situation, dangerous for anyone who plans on using these antibiotics in the future. These medications are being rendered ineffective and useless against the superbugs that are being created.
It’s also a crime that some of the Morgellons patients are abusing their children and their pets, treating them both as their lab rats. In fact, Ginger Savely described her patients as lab rats. Antibiotics cannot be prescribed this freely and used this irresponsibly and remain effective very long into the future. Surely you’ve heard about the superbug, methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Some of the Pseudomonas have also mutated and become highly resistant to most antibiotics. But most Morgies don’t even need antibiotics.
Hopefully everyone will soon learn the truth. But your beliefs are not the truth. Michael has been telling you the truth ever since he first created this blog. And this blog is just about the “only” place one can find the truth about Morgellons. No one has to prove that Morgies are unstable. Their own actions are proof enough. And it’s easy to understand why this blog is needed, if one will have an open mind about this situation. Newbies are being recruited into this cultlike group as we speak, and that, in itself, is a crime. Most Morgies have been properly diagnosed by medical professionals. They havn’t been abandoned. They’ve abandoned their doctors.
It’s becomming more and more obvious that Morgellons patients are not capable of making medical decisions for themselves. Just look at the crazy things they do to themselves and those that live with them. That’s a crime, and something is going to be done about it. When it is, it’s not likely to be what you want. And, no, it isn’t suspicious that Ken Cowles and Charles Holman have passed away. It’s sad, and very unfortunate, but not indicative of a conspiracy. It’s also sad that some of the Morgies have committed suicide. Had they listened to their doctors it probably wouldn’t have happened. The quack doctors and researchers that deceive their patients and promote the Morgellons movement have the blood of these individuals on their hands.
These things I’ve told you are true, and these are the reasons I fight this movement. It’s killing people.
Hi “Good Guys”,
I’m unsure about why Michael’s retirement status or career is of importance? Please explain further.
I’m confused about why it is important the amount of time Michael spends on the website is important. If he is making claims that contradict evidence you can present, then should the claims be the issue, not the amount of time?
I’m confused about your statement “We know for a fact Morgellons is more than a disease caused by mysterious fibers.” It seems to me that, boiled down, your sentence says “We know for a fact that the cause is a mystery.” Could you explain further?
To reply –
OUR previous statement is directed at the organizatioin behind this web site and anyone else involved. We want it to be known that WE are aware and are getting ready to take action against the perpetrators of these atrocities. It will soon all be made known to the public.
Excuse me, TheGoodGuys. Even though your username is plural, I admit that I’m guilty of always being under the impression that one person is posting a comment. I didn’t mean to offend any of you. Morgellonswatch is just the name of this blog, which discusses “morgellons disease”. There is not any type of organization behind it. Do you have family, and how long have you been ill?
But I thought the organization behind this website was just some weird retired guy, like you said, and no one of credit? I’m confused.
Still, if you could make the answers to my questions public, I’d be most obliged.
Seasons greetings!
Here’s the thing about “Morgellons Disease”. If you are skeptical of it’s existence, you cannot contract it.
Many people have these symptoms as they are very common. I have a friend who exhibited all the symptoms of “Morgellons” however, he had never heard of the “disease”. He went to the doctor, was diagnosed with something else entirely and told that his sores and legions were caused by scratching, took his prescribed medicine, and now it perfectly healthy. However, were he predisposed to believe that he has “Morgellons Disease”, perhaps he would have ignorantly ignored the doctor’s instructions, BECAUSE THAT IS NOT WHAT HE WANTED TO HEAR.
This brings me back to my original point. Unless you have foreknowledge or “Morgellons Disease” and are willing to believe it exists contrary to scientific facts, you cannot suffer from it.
To those that feel they suffer from “Morgellons”, I feel your pain and I wish you the best. Most likely your symptoms are real. Only your belief that you are suffering from a specific disease it incorrect. You have to help yourself though and the only way to do that is to listen to your doctor and be open-minded about his diagnosis. If they tell you that the fibers are from material, listen to them. If they tell you the sores are from scratching, listen to them. Your doctor wants to help you but cannot unless you allow yourself to believe that “Morgellons” may not actually exist. Once you can do that you are on your way to recovery.
I believe that people throughout the world suffer from symptoms within the MRF’s Morgellons case definition, but that definition covers symptoms of several diseases. Because of the incorrect ideas about what they are suffering from, i.e., the false belief that the patient has a parasitic infection and/or the belief that the objects of transdermal elimination and epidermal exfoliation are part of a disease process, delusional beliefs become strongly entrenched in one’s psyche. Many of these DOP patients, although they have physical problems, have rejected their mental diagnosis. This occurs even prior to their discovery of the MRF and the Morgellons believers forums. The MRF and those forums do, however, reinforce those delusional beliefs and make it much more difficult to believe the truth. Those websites can be very dangerous.
I believe that some people, with some of what is called “Morgellons symptoms”, discover those deceptive websites, then later come to believe the lies that those sites propagate. There is no Morgellons disease, but many of the “Morgellons patients” do have physical diseases, along with their mental handicap, and many of these diseases have been properly diagnosed. These diagnoses are also sometimes rejected and ignored by these people. Why is anyone’s guess. But I believe that most of these patients are finding some emotional fulfillment though the belief in Morgellons disease. They tend to hold some very grandiose beliefs, like being chosen and special, and being “assigned” the duty of educating the world about a rising plague. This, of course, is nonsense.
Morgellons believers also have a way to vent their grievances against members of the medical community and governmental organizations. The Morgellons movement has become the rebels cause. I believe that most of the Morgellons believers use their misfortune to gain sympathy, and to justify failures that they have made in their lives. It can also be an excuse for one to shirk his or her responsibilities regarding employment, parenting, and family. And, of course, through those dangerous websites, the “Morgellons patient” finds comraderie. These false beliefs have also enabled a lot of quacks to exploit their patients financially, yet the “Morgie” cannot seem to understand why some of us are counter movement. These false beliefs, and the refusal to take needed psyche medications, are literally killing people.
So, you *think* you have Morgellon’s? I *think* I did, too. I got ‘bit’ on the back by something cleaning up litter in Pittsburgh in March, 2006. This THING temporarily ruined my life, which was made only worse by the CDC’s denial and total INactivity and the parade of ‘doctors’ who misdiagnosed me.
I immediately felt feverish and flu-like that day. I got sicker and sicker. I was tired, achy, grumpy, my stomach made weird noises. I had no endurance or strength, I was in fear something would jump out of my skin or I’d infect someone – I laid around alone and cried in pain, depression and fear. IT affected all of my systems and made me sick to the point I almost couldn’t fight.
When my right eye took on a new nervous twitch and I suddenly couldn’t spell one day in April 2007, I began to look for answers on my own.
I’ve already read of two Morgellon’s suicides and I can NOT stand to read of any further suffering. I can’t stand to read of people hurting themselves by bathing in Borax and Bleach anymore (don’t hurt yourself – kill IT)! When I read of all of US, and what we’ve seen and had to go through, it made me weep.
I’m NOT a ‘distributor’ of these products, nor will I ever become one or take any money or perks from this company, purposely so that my conscious is clear when I tell you: I *think* I had Morgellon’s and I *think* one or two of these weird herbal pills cured IT. The ‘Arthropodex’ made me YAWN for the first time in almost 2 years, it also caused HUNGER to return, along w/ the return of the NORMALCY of 2 different bathroom activities. I only began taking Arthropodex on 12/11/07. I feel like it is still working in me. I *think* I am beating this!
Today, for example, it sounds like a small bear is trapped, roaring in my stomach – a sound I heard for a few days in April, 2006. It seems like this THING is leaving me in the same order it attacked.
What I don’t know is if the ‘Morgonex’ I took around Thanksgiving is necessary or if I needed to take the 2 together or if the Athropodex alone is going to kill it totally. Keep in mind, I quit taking the Arthropodex 10 days ago and some things are still going on with me, so don’t get upset if you aren’t finished healing after it’s 7 day course is taken.
I want to help people get well as quickly and inexpensively as possible, so please email me and let me know exactly what worked for you (I’m not a doctor, I’m not a health store person, I’m only trying to help anyone who’s going through the hell I just did…but if I had to through this again – I’d say definitely take Arthropodex, for sure, and if you can, you might want to take both Morgonex and Arthopodex together, at the same time. I don’t think it’s anything ‘mutated’ (but who knows?!) and I didn’t try any of the lotions. I did the weird zapping and the Remote Muscle Testing, which did not work for me.)
Through my tears, asking “Why Me?!” – this feeling came to me that I cannot describe. I know this happened to me there, that day, so that I would help and protect others.
This company is closed for the holidays, but they ship very quickly and you can start to take your life back as soon as 01/03/08!!!
P.S. Know Anyone Who’s Lactose intolerant? I became that suddenly, too – within 11 days of when I got ‘bit’! I think IT was laying eggs in me (Ew!) Anyone who is lactose intolerant may want to give this a try, as well! Additionally, Gee – I got my first-ever gray hairs right in a line with marks IT gave me on my neck…Perhaps our CDC would have helped US if IT didn’t make the pharmaceutical companies and the medical industry trillions. There are wolves among sheep who seem to have been paid to post things to distract, frighten and hurt US. You can’t put a patent on naturally occurring elements such as roots and herbs, my friends. This cure will cost them all trillions, forever. I strongly believe that is what this is ALL about. Let’s help each other J
email – enviro-girl@hotmail.com
Sorry – that was to be let’s help each other w/a smiley-face, not ‘let’s help each other j’
I seriously just popped my ‘blog-cherry’ for the first time here today!
I’m glad you are feeling better, but it seems unlikely that some random herbs would have helped much. The company Precision Herbs LLC seems to be exploting the fears of sick people by offering false hope at inflated prices.
Under their “Subtle Energy Products”, they sell a hematite magnet for $109, when you can buy the exact same thing for $3. Sure, they say it’s been “infused with several homeopathic frequencies”, but they might as well say it’s been blessed by angels, for all the difference it would make.
This is taking the money of poor sick people, and not helping them get better. I would encourage people to report such exploitation:
Unless you have it, you shouldn’t judge. Nor should the doctors who are embarrased that there’s nothing in the books about it that they have to lump us all together in some crazy, contrived hallucination. It is a horrible thing to have befall you.
My mother and I developed it in the same afternoon, having spent the day together after not having seen eachother for several months. A singular pustual on my arm, and a single pustual on my mother’s neck. We wondered what it was–it itched so bad. We saw eachother 6 months later after not having spoken and oddly we were both covered in sores. This was 1991. Anyone who says we all are delusional, OCD, self-depricating morons, may you PLEASE contract it yourselves.
I have to P.S. to those who say it’s an excuse to drop out of living to claim to have this disease.
Those of us with morgellons do not use it for sympathy. On the absolute contrary. Most of us cover our sores with makeup and long sleeves and are ashamed that anyone would know. I have been gainfully employed for the 16 years I have had it and I hide it out of shame because it looks so infectious. There is crushing shame to being visibily covered in sores and “post lesion hyper-pigmemtation”, that is, once the long-living sore “heals” the evidence of it having been there is a dark discoloration that can last for months and months–on skin that is never again afflicted or disturbed.
We who have it, soon become researchers into our own problem because the medical community, until recently, has turned their backs on us in a cruel way.
There are so many quick and insensitive comments made here, and so many “off the cuff” conclusions drawn, made toward people who are suffering terribly, who aren’t mentally ill absent, perhaps, having to deal with such uncertainty. Most of us live PRODUCTIVE lives despite this mysterious problem. And yes, we try anything (some of us go farther than others) but you would too try anything with even a hint of promise.
I don’t know if it’s an infestation. I’ve been tested for parasites and have none. I’ve been treated for all sorts of parasites, but have none. I don’t know if it comes from within or from without. I just know that I leave my skin alone to do what it will; I keep it clean; I try to eat right, drink lots of water…and every once in awhile I’ll bandage myself up with antibiotic ointment, or use powder, or hydrocortozone cream, or something I haven’t tried before…but the fact remains that there’s a missing diagnosis here.
Unkind words, and casual conclusions cut us sufferers deeper than any lesion we could possibly suffer with. Those who say we are hurting ourselves, or killing ourselves, should not prey on those of us who are downtrodden by something that modern science cannot yet explain.
Angie I would like to say that your last two posts are about the most dignified remarks that I have seen anywhere on the net. I am a sufferer as well. I would also like to point out that you made a statement silently that most people would probably overlook. You said that you and your mother were together when you got the first sores on each other. You also said that you have been gainfully employed for 16 years with these lesions. I am curious as to whether anyone that you work around has developed this condition. Also, has anyone that your mother is around developed it? I have been quite sure that what I have is not contagious. I feel like I contracted it somewhere, could have been any number of places, and no one else that I am around on a regular basis was with me. Do you recall what you and your mother did, or where you went that day?? This is a big issue for both sides of the debate. Is it contagious or not? I think not, but I am by no means a scientist. I just know that I have a large family, and that we have a lot of personal contact, and no one else has developed the symptoms. I wish you well and you are a person that we sufferers should have a lot of pride in, as I am not quite as dignified as you. I tend to let what others say and do, as they say, “ruffle my feathers”. I am not a bad person, I am just probably too short tempered. I should have just monitored these blogs, as I have done for so long, instead of putting my two cents worth in. Your comment has brightened my day and I hope that you will soon be cured, as I have decided to put my confidence in the CDC, and the fact that they do have Americans best interest at heart. I feel that when the final verdict is released, they will be on the up and up. Have a good day and God bless YOU!!!
Michael, Please accept my apology for my sarcasm on some of my prior posts. I know that I said some things that were not very nice. I get upset and then I get carried away, I’m sure that that is some kind of dissorder, but I will say again that I am sorry. I guess I completely forgot why you have this blog. I will try very hard to refrain from insinuating things that I personally can’t prove. That Nancy Hinkle thing on the ringtones is back on the recent comments board, just in case you havn’t seen it yet. I would like for you to post my comment to Angie if you would. It is nothing bad, and points out some things that are facts about this illness, whether it be delusional or physical. I also wanted to comment on Tallcottons post just above Angie’s. I’m not sure who they are, but that comment was not offensive and well stated. But he made a statement about most people have been given a diagnosis of, and I am not quoting because I can’t refer to his exact words right now, a physical illness associated with a mental one. That may be true. But everyone has not been given a proper diagnosis. I went to my personal md yesterday for my prescription refills. I talked to him about all of this again. He was very nice. He asked me for the first time about my biopsie report that was taken over two years ago. My doctor is primarily a script doctor, although he is very intellegent. I discussed treatment with him, and I asked him to go back and treat me for DOP, to see if that is indeed what I have. I also asked him about antibiotics for the sores, he is reluctant to do either. He was kinder than he has ever been about this problem. It has been very stressfull for both of us. After reading the biopsie report, he wants me to take vistiril for a while. The report suggested an arthropod attack or a drug erruption. He gave me allergy eye drops, and the vistiril. He is going at it at the allergy angle for right now. He told me if I am not significantly better in two weeks, he will start treatment for DOP, and if that doesn’t help, he will send me to an infectious disease doctor, although he said yesterday that he thinks that it is purely dermatalogical. I do get paranoid sometimes, but you have to understand where I come from. I have been very sick for almost three years. I have just now got to where I can talk to my doctor without feeling like he thinks I am nuts. I probably have been at times. But I am not crazy, I may have DOP, but now my doctor doesn’t think that is the case. I am just the same as alot others, in limbo. All I, and probably the majority of others on your site, am asking for is for the CDC to get the show on the road. I know what you stand for, you want proof of a new emerging disease, and you know that there has not been any produced. I also want proof, of whatever it is. I understand where you are coming from, seeing all the hysteria. I am not hysterical, I am just tired of waiting. I say the things I do on purpose, to get someones attention. You and I are after the exact same thing. We are not enemies, we just believe differently, that’s all.
Here’s what should really be investigated – perhaps the Justice Department can take this on:
Why won’t the CDC help all these victims???
Either they’re covering this up with total denial for a specially interested friend, another govt. agency and/or it’s all about the Benjamins.
Morgies have higher instances of dental, nervous, emotional, sleep, optical and other ‘disorders’, arthritis, muscle pains, lupus, cystic fibrosis, fibromyalgia, later cancers…
Lot of money to be lost forever by some folks who’d rather charge you for lifetime treatment – rather than providing a $37.00 one time cure for all the things this parasite causes.
I’m trying that cure mentioned above and it’s working for me.
I have stumbled onto morgellons while researching chemtrails. I am more and more convinced that there is a massive cover up and disinfo campaign surrounding this issue. I would remind all paid disinfo agents that we are infinite spiritual beings and nothing remains hidden forever. My prayers go out to all the suffering people who are the victims of this hideous nwo plot.
The CDC in under military rule. There are deep secrets held within.
It is indeed about the Benjamins and a complex government coverup.
It is NOT a parasite. It is a machine.
Recommended research: Dr. Hildegarde Staninger
Brooke, please contact me at v.mattie2.gmail.com. I would like to talk to you privately about the treatment you are doing. Thanks, and God bless!! Niecy
The Rockefellers control med schools ,pharma ,cdc ,ama….. they advocate population reduction. We are in their way. Doctors and nurses are so tired it amounts to mind control. ALL vaccinations are suspect. Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffet have given tens of billions to the illuminati ngo’s to slaughter african children through vaccinations. Morgellons fibers are sprayed from the sky by drone planes which create chemtrails. The whole world is a slaughter house. Fight back!
jim jones, Do you have proof about Bill and Melinda Gates?
I hear ya, JIMBO – Thanks for the encouraging words! They let this happen to the wrong GIRL.
Live in a region that has a high senior population, some big players here making trillions off curing the cancer that they, themselves – have given the people for years via chemical and industry pollution (and still do thru a poor-excuse for tap water).
Interesting – that the one doctor in our area openly treating Morgellon’s is not allowed to treat those on assistance for Morgellon’s. Not that they can pay for it out of pocket, even – Noooo. He had to sign a waiver w/the state in order to remain in practice – NOT to treat those on GOV-assisted health care for Morgellon’s. WHAT?
Why would our dear GOV want these poor and old people to continue to suffer needlessly and be treated for life for all the other things Morgellon’s causes, ALL of it, on the taxpayers dime? Are they using the disadvantaged and old as Lab Rats??
Rather expensive for the working taxpayers who have to pay via taxes for an unknown number of Morgellon’s sufferers who can not work and now are institutionalized or have to collect Social Security Disability Income for life.
Keeping a cure hidden and keeping these people in pain is costing ALL of us a lot of money – but making the CDC’s specially interested friends trillions.
This truly IS all about the Benjamins, regardless of what IT is.
And I totally DIG what you are hinting about the AMA, Jim Jones – Right on – the doctors have been trained to misdiagnose Morgellon’s. That’s not gonna stop me from taking at least 2 of them to court soon, but it’s almost not their faults. They should be counter-suing who trained them. What a tangled web!
Well, those who are the bottom of this and let all these people be hurt will ALL be dealt w/someday – eternally.
The only proof is that theWHO has left in its wake a devastation of disease and sterility. Ebola and AIDS were manufactured viruses and Bill Gates Father is a known geneticist. Also doctors arrive en masse to deliver the injections so as to preclude escape from this western genocide. When you look into the people that control the big NGO’s you find the trillionaire illuminati crowd that have the stated intention of reducing the worlds population by several billion. And if any one of these people gave a shit about the third world or us for that matter why does everything always get worse. Between the Rothschilds the Rockefellers and the Queen of England is the majority of the wealth in the world. Gates is just trying to ingratiate himself with his betters.
correction: the word is eugenicist not geneticist……..also just look at the patterns. our water is spiked with fluoride which is poison and good for nothing except making us ill and stupid. Hitler used it to calm down the prisoners and the poles. They put it in prozac. And whose idea was it to inject mercury into the veins of newborn babies. Autism cancer asthma krones disease….. all these things are more and more abundant. Oh, and someone spent a LOT of money to create morgellons.
Jim, Do you really believe someone created this thing? Do you have any links for your theory? I am a sufferer of something that greatly resembles Morgellons.
Dear Curious, I first heard of morgellons while looking into chemtrails. Clifford Carnicom identified the M. fibers in chemtrails(those persistent trails in the sky). Dr. Bill Deagle was able ,with his background in quantum biology, to claim that this disease can not be a naturally occuring phenomena. He states that morgellons is a product of nanotechnology. .This disease is of the highest order of modern technology. Dr. Deagle has a radio program called ‘the Nutri Medical Report’. You will find an archive of recordings there. I find it strange that, just as the air force and FAA refuse to acknowledge the existance of chemtrails, theCDC will not accept the fact of the disease that chemtrails may be delivering. I have heard that the PTB even went to the trouble of replacing all the weather men in the continent so noone would ask why the chemtrails were air brushed out of the satelite images in the news casts. Jeff Rense talks about these things also. Alan Watt ‘cuttingthroughthematrix.com’ is another. good luck to you and don’t let anyone dismiss your own opinions.
Chemtrails do not exist.
They are as heavily debunked as Roswell, the sniper on the grassy knoll, or aliens at Area 51.
If you insist on perpetuating this insanity, do so in a fashion that is not analogous to magic.
Mike, How do you know that chemtrails or a disease that resembles DOP in many ways, and doesn’t in many others, does not exist? Has the CDC produced any facts about either yet? I have to say myself that I can’t see the PTB whoever they are replacing all the weather men on the “continent”, I know that none of the news stations that I watch have changed their weather men, BUT, i do not live in an area where chemtrails were supposed to have been sprayed. So I can’t say that none of the weather men have been changed. Jim, who is the PTB? Hence my name. LOL Are you talking about the American continent? Mike why is there so much debunking going on? What do you mean, to do so in a fashion that is not “analogous to magic”? Don’t get me wrong though, I have seen no evidence that chemtrails are responsible, but there is no evidence to the contrary either. I have seen a lot of evidence that chemtrails exist, if you can believe what you read on the net. Nite all.
Chemtrails I can see with my eyes. The motives of Mike are far more mysterious. I would like to know who is paying his bar tab. The powers that be are even more mysterious but that does’nt make them go away. I just heard that thing about the weathermen so I really don’t know. Still its odd that these huge white stripes are so obvious from the ground yet you will never see them from space. Not quite true .Google chemtrails from space. And get mike to describe the emporers clothes.
why did you delete our last exchange Mike?
So Jim, who is Mike? He work at NASA or something?
Oh and Jim, when I hit your site it says this page cannot be displayed!! How can I read more about you?
Has anymore considered that global warming plays a major role in this condition?
I guess you would have considered this.
Well I guess I’m “global warming ready” now thanks to Morgellons.
Genetics also.
curious, don,t have a site. just an email. yds@earthling.net
Mike must also be Michael, the owner of the site…and the owner of this site must be somebody w/something to cover up. (why else would someone make this site, set up to confuse Morgellon’s victims and deny them further? Kind of obvious…)
I notice every time I’ve spoken the truth and/or implicated the GOV – the name I used is blocked the next time I return, so I’ve had to use a different ‘name’.
Ha, ha it’s me – Enviro Girl, Brooke and Mary Leitao’s My Hometown Hero…Duh – You gotta get up a little earlier than that to shut me up.
So much for free speech – Here you may post ONLY if the siteowner likes what you say. And they didn’t seem to like when I posted about a CURE, so:
Good one envirogirl, These guys are just doing a job. They have been exposed on other sites which I will refrain from mentioning in public. We should trust in the efficacy of karma.
Are any of you joining in on the CDC’s telecast today?
Hello, I was just wondering where you stand on this issue?
I saw the info on the cdc making a public telecast. Any ideas on what it is about?
Anyone have a link/date, time/further info. on the CDC telecast in case I need a big laugh later?
Gee – I just can’t wait to see wait cruel, rude thing the CDC has to say to explain their years of A-hole-ism & Morgellon’s away now.
“It doesn’t exist and you’re ALL whacked…” just didn’t cut the mustard.
Enviro Girl
Enviro Gal Did you listen to the telecast? I did, they only let the media ask question. I will have to say the media asked very pertanent questions, but they WERE given some pretty evasive answers. I think the media will be who keeps the pressure on all of this.
What’s wrong Michael, didnt like what I just said to Enviro Gal, you posted a comment I made earlier today.
That’s ok I will just send her a personal email:)
All comments are moderated, so they take a while to show up.
This is a really interesting website.
I’m curious, though; what is the physical/chemical composition of the fibers? Are they similar or dissimilar to ordinary fibers one finds in bandages, carpet, clothing, etc.? If they are dissimilar in key ways, wouldn’t this be the smoking gun toward a definitive diagnosis of the “disease?”
If they are run of the mill fibers found anywhere, no wonder the scientific community greets the postulate of Morgellons disease as a matter of great dubiety. Why would inorganic matter grow out of an organic wound? How could inorganic matter of familiar chemical composition stuck to a wound be considered definitive of diagnosis when nowhere in the history of medicine or science has inorganic matter grown in living biological tissue?
I have studied a similar disease, and here are my observations, maybe someone will find a cure for soon. The virus lives as a colony in a the nervous system dormant – where ever it lives, that portion loses its nueral functionlity. Loss of short term memory, weak eye sight are all symptoms of it. The funny thing is when the virus moves from its location, that part of the nervous system heals and completely regains its functionality. The same is true for the skin, it heals completely after the virus moves around.
Usually in winter, the virus leaves its colony and begins to multiply – the symptoms are weakness, cold and sneezing. This is one way the virus propagates. When the virus is in the replicating, the person feels tired and weak, usually for a few weeks.
The second way the virus propagates is by forming a colony on the skin. The funny thing is the skin heals completely when the virus moves to new location. If there is no scratching the virus moves to another location. The virus picks spot like the back of the shoulders and every season moves down towards the arms. Once an skin area is infected and healed, the virus won’t attack it again. Watching the movement of skin problems over years, it is clear the virus is moving in the blood stream, not just on the skin.
The virus multiplication is triggered by the additives in tap water – some states have a water supply which triggers the virus. It is also triggered by some flora changes in winter or just sudden drop in temperature, when the body is weakened. It is also triggered whenever the body’s immune system is weak, mental stress, physical weakness being the obvious causes.
The virus looks like a protein seen in human hair, it might not even be a virus, but an errant prion. A prion not as potent as the BSE prion, so it has a better chance of survival and propagating. The problem is there are so many variations possible with proteins, that there is no way you can understand this disease with an ordinary microscope. You need to study the molecular structure of the hairs to get to the bottom of the problem. Only then can we think of a solution.
The current cures are nothing more that alleviations of the symptoms, like taking chicken soup for a cold. We haven’t found a cure for the common cold, this problem is in the same class, not easier.
I think that you all should read this…http://www.parasitetesting.com/door/
scroll to the bottom and you will see this… Dr. Amin now sees NCS (also known as Morgellon’s Disease) patients for evaluation.
During an evaluation session, the patient’s medical history and environmental exposure are discussed, a diagnosis of NCS may be established, and recommendations to manage/resolve the conditions are made. Our phone number at the Parasitology Center, Inc is 480-767-2522.
Apparently, the real name of Morgellon is Neuro-cutaneous Syndrome and it is so very real. I wish that it wasn’t but it is. http://members.cox.net/llyee/neuro.htm
Please read first before flaming and criticizing. I think you will find it quite interseting.
On the topic of the fibers… http://members.cox.net/llyee/ncs_overview/overview_neuro-cutaneous_syndrome_revA.html
The fibers found off the open sores are of two types, textile and non-textile fibers. The textile fibers are of clothing or bedding sources and are often used by arthropod opportunistic infections as nesting material. The non-textile fibers are usually the mycelia of such opportunistic Mycetome fungi infections as Madurella spp. with the “black specks” being possibly their mycelial masses. The healing of some patients’ sores was observed to be correlated with the exit of remaining fibers from the lesions.5 Other fungi and bacterial infections indentified from swabs taken from patients’ open sores included Staphylocci, e.g., Staphylococcus aureus and S. haemolytica; Actinomycetes, e.g., Streptomyces spp., yeast, e.g., Candida albicans, and Enterobacteriaceae, e.g., Klebsiella sp.2,4 opportunistic infections with these organisms have been shown to aggravate the cutaneous symptoms of NCS patients.3
RE: Recent CDC telecast on Morgellon’s
Is this all there was to the big telecast or does someone have a link to the live, taped version?
Yawn. That’s the same ole song and dance we’ve been hearing from the CDC since August. What’s newsworthy about ‘nothing’? Did this info. go out to all news stations or just in towns where angry Enviro Girls have been posting on HERE that they got Morgellon’s in Pittsburgh cleaning up litter???
Mighty odd ‘The Big Study’ has made it into my local paper 2 days this week…What’s the point in putting out a new statement that says ‘nothing’? Who was that supposed to impress?
Pathetic: It’s taken since at least 2001 (longer – I’ve read of some having Morgellon’s for 15 years) – to even get a study promised…Mary Leitao, from my area, http://www.morgellons.org – had to form her own foundation to study Morgellon’s since no one would help her 3 children. If my GOV would have done it’s job properly – this would have NEVER happened to me in 2006.
See, I can sit here and put out news reports for the next 7 years that I’ll someday scratch my ass, too. But I’d probably just reach down right now and scratch my ass.
I want the CDC investigated for their mishandling of Morgellon’s/what they are covering up/how they can let the pain and suicides go on (Oh – and why did the only dr. in my area that treats Morgellon’s have to sign a waiver to refuse to treat Morgellon’s Victims if the patient is on gov-assisted health care? Not that they can pay for it out of pocket, he is not Allowed to treat them.) The ONLY answer can be greed and corruption…
Where & How does one begin to go about getting the CDC investigated?
Let me get this straight –
is this here website saying that this here website
is making up lies when they’ve identified that the fibres and other material are of nanotech origin?
And if so are those accusations based on actual examination of what evidence they say they have and what tests have been done?
Hey I’m just being skeptical here – but why is your website double-private registered?
First I get it registered to godaddy.com, then their information registers you anonymously to a further site, domainsbyproxy.
In all my times of looking up website ownership info I’ve never seen a site that secretive. Not one named e-mail contact! If you want people to think you’re on the payroll of some bio-disease testers or manufacturers then you’re going about it the right way.
I dig, Mush Blot, Right On!
My $.02 – I say this website’s owner either works for a GOV agency responsible for letting IT crawl out of a lab OR one of the many pharmaceutical companies who stand to lose TRILLIONS on a Morgellon’s CURE. (Anyone else read what all these VICTIMS have, in way higher instances than others? Lot of BLOOD MONEY to be lost when I say CURE. “CURE, CURE, CURE!”)
Whether IT’s altered or not, the Morgellon’s PARASITE is & has been for at least 15 years, making them all trillions TREATING all the other conditions this THING causes.
An EVIL system of corruption, w/just a few rotten eggs involved, was set into place years ago, so that Morgellon’s Victims have not YET gotten help.
Sounds like a DEAL W/THE DEVIL, defined. Not gonna let THEM get away w/this. You A-holes soooo let this happen to the wrong Be-Yach.
This happened to me, cleaning up litter – Then, when I was so sick and in pain, terrified, crying my eyes out to God – ‘Why Me’?!
The answer, loud and clear – This happened to you, for you to see, because you have to help them.
Mush – Siteowner blocks my email address after every post, how bout you?! Wonder if they’ll be able to block my posts from their new job as a McDonald’s Janitor next month?! This KHARMA’S gonna be eternally brutal!!!
Anyone want to try out a potential CURE? Need enough of us to see if this works like it IS for me – email enviro-girl@hotmail.com
mushroom_blotter: I’d have registered it privately also. Many of the people who believe they have a diseased named “morgellons” exhibit paranoid and / or spiteful reactions to the information on this page. I don’t blame him.
Could you at least please try to catch up w/current events before you post?
The old “Morgellon’s Disease Doesn’t Really Exist” argument has been ended for you by the CDC.
Despite their corruption, since 2006, the CDC is now admitting the disease does indeed exist by promising that they will do a study w/Kaiser in Cali.…Even a GOV as retarded as ours does not earmark (mere chump change) $545,000 – to study something that doesn’t exist – in an area that was chosen by the CDC itself – due to high incidence of Morgellon’s Disease in San Fran… http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08017/849896-114.stm
Since you have miserably failed in your attempts to try to show that Morgellon’s Disease does not exist – Why don’t you set up a new website that will help you in your next job, at the Drive-Thru?:
Why don’t you set up a new BS blog and you can ‘skeptically analyze & investigate’?:
Do french fries even really exist? Why do more people want to biggie-size their fries?
Are ALL these Crazy Americans planting flecks of salt upon their french fries in a cry for attention? You could put up cruel fake posts & articles of others that were also paid off to cover-up & deny french fries – pretending you are the Hamburgler, the BK King and oh yes, even Wendy.
Even the worthless CDC has been proving you wrong, in writing, since 2006 – get a new site.
Your site is ‘privately registered’ and your identity is hidden due to your motive (you set up this website and post w/a bunch of diff. screen names – because you are being paid to help cover up this disease).
Enviro Girl, I don’t doubt that Morgellons disease exists. The questions I’ve been asking here revolve around what is Morgellons Disease, and more specifically two questions:
1) Is Morgellons a distinct disease, or a symptom set caused by a number of know conditions?
2) Are the fibers that people find connected to their physical disease?
Those questions are the exact same questions that the CDC is trying to definitively answer with their new study. Most doctors feel that the answers are “no” and “no” to both questions, and that is what the CDC will find.
This is not in any way dismissing the illnesses and suffering of people who think they have Morgellons. In fact, by finding with a high degree of confidence that the fibers are mostly harmless lint and hair, it might help people to focus instead on their real problems.
There is also the issue of unexplained formication. Hopefully some addition causes or risk factors can be unearthed by the study, which will help people treat or avoid this condition in the future.
Here is a link to the text from last week’s CDC telecast/conference call:
Kudos to the reporters who keep asking the tough questions!
Smart People – What’s up w/the Agrobacterium being consistent in recent Morgellon’s Victims lab tests? Do ‘normal’ people have Agrobacterium?
Just read this last night and was, yet again, traumatized.
If I’m going to be able to crap out plants maybe I ought to forget about a Morgellon’s Cure and just open a nursery!
The samples came from patients of Stricker.
In the literature, half of the reported agrobacterium infection came from patients with indwelling venous catheters.
Stricker uses indwelling venous catheters on his patients.
For references, see:
(after the photos)
It’s not just Stricker. Others have tested for it and found it, consistently. So, I say again –
# Enviro Girl on 23 Jan 2008 at 11:18 am
Enviro Girl. Nobody other than Vitaly Citovsky has tested for agrobacterium, and he got all his samples from Stricker. If you know of any other cases, then please post a link.
Those links have nothing to do with Morgellons patients – they are to do with the use of agrobacterium in genetic engineering, specifically Bt corn.
Michael – Do you know for a fact that all of this bio-engineered mutant AGROBACTERIUM that your EPA has allowed to be washed down the drain in research facilities from CA to PA, for the last 20+ years, is NOT to blame for Morgellon’s Disease?
If you say YES – Then, perhaps you should get your head out of your tookus and go read about medical professionals (in other countries that PROTECT their citizens) warning lab workers that worked w/agrobacterium, in even the natural form, that it has the ability to attach to human DNA in the same fashion it attaches to plant DNA? They warned them to get tested for Agrobacterium.
So now, the FDA has allowed this GENETICALLY ALTERED PLANT CANCER into your food supply – How retarded!
Show me a presidential candidate who’d vow to ABOLISH the special-interest serving CDC, FDA and EPA – and there’s where my vote would go.
Enviro Girl, the point here is that the is no evidence. There is no evidence that Morgellons is even a distinct disease, let alone that something in particular caused it.
How do you link the two things: thousands of people report differing symptoms, and plant DNA modification? What’s the evidence?
Well, I don’t have a catheter in me, Michael. So, if my blood tests positive for Agrobac this week – I’ll be glad to post up a link to my test results for you to TRY to discredit and deny. (Maybe you can post up that ALL of the Morgellon’s Victims who test positive for Agrobac have begun stuffing BT corn up our bum-holes in order to sway the test results??)
Enviro Girl, I’m Smileykins. Michael is not me. I hope this will help you realize that we’re not the same person.
This is lengthy, and I’m sorry, but I do not look upon this issue with even the slightest suspicion that there is a new disease, syndrome, or any type of health condition, called, “morgellons disease”.
I see this entire matter as a very serious, and unprecedented event begun by the untreated members of the mental health community who, due to their illnesses, have no insight into the fact they’re ill in the ways in which they are.
“Morgellons patients” are always saying they’re desperately searching for a common link, yet, they have had it all along. These aren’t in order, but here’s some commonalities:
a. Nobody who believes they have “morgellons disease” has known the difference in a trusted source of health information on the web from a sick woman’s web site and all the incorrectness of the other things it’s spawned
b. People either haven’t gone to doctors to find out what they have, before hearing about “morgellons disease”
c. Believers who think they have “it” can’t process the information about having been diagnosed with something they disagree with, and that they’ve seen more doctors than most people see in an entire lifetime, with just one goal in mind
It’s been all too easy to target and prey on such excellent candidates for this scheme, and quite a few “experts” have gotten their fingers in the pie along the way. (I’m trying to stay on topic, and just give my views on one fake disease, and not include the other “related” one that most people are aware of.)
Based on what I have learned about this patient movement, before the group had drawn as much attention to themselves as they have…influencing others who’ve been susceptible to their ill-conceived beliefs, as well as leaving themselves wide open to this unprecedented crime of medical fraud…a lot of the early patients who’d signed onto the agenda were either:
a. untreated delusional parasitosis patients who’d gone to numerous doctors in pursuit of finding one that would believe their delusions (just as Mary Leitao had done with her Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy illness)
b. patients who’d been involuntarily hospitalized for delusional parasitosis
I gathered most of this information, and drew my conclusions, from the Morgellons Research Foundation’s site and “morgellons disease” patients’ message boards and blogs. As is to be expected when delusional illnesses go untreated, over time, there has been a marked worsening of the things these patients believe. They don’t even try to keep each other in check anymore, examining their normal bodily fluids and excrement, posting pictures, and sharing so many terribly abnormal thoughts. Given the situation(s) it’s no wonder many have been driven further away from reality.
My personal experience, as well, plays a tremendous role in my opinions. I think if someone has developed delusional parasitosis from an underlying physical condition, that they’re naturally, going to be more inclined to realize that their mind is not processing information correctly, as opposed to someone who has delusional parasitosis from an underlying mental condition. I think a lot of factors go into the equation concerning whether someone is in possession of an unshakable belief, including, personality traits and how one relates to other people, and whether hallucinations are also involved. And, I think a lot of “morgellons disease patients” prove that they have a lot of unshakable beliefs, with delusions involving much more than parasitosis. Sadly, their minds failing them is not something they’re aware of, while everyone else can see it how bad it is. Notably, the quacks see it and capitalize on your, and their, fears.
Sure, of course, there have been other patients, with lots of other things, who claim “morgellons disease” as being what they, too, have. This entire mess is a very sad thing to witness. A number of the morgies report having had strokes, some have brain lesions, cancer, anneurysyms and many things that would account for a compromise to their brain functions, as well as causing the other problems they talk about. I also seriously believe, though, that there are some “morgellons disease patients” who are secretly getting a kick out of this “morgellons disease movement”, thinking that they’ve gotten by with pulling the wool over everyones’ eyes.
I don’t know anything about you, Enviro Girl, but hopefully something good for the future of such patients as yourself, and all of your families, is going to come out of all this and the CDC’s involvement won’t be a total waste of tax dollars. I think that everyone who’s scamming you and the other patients is committing an exceptionally egregious crime and I want all the “experts” to face proper sentencing for it, too.
2003 – “Over time, evidence has grown to suggest that Agrobacterium is among the plant pathogens that can infect animals and humans. Goodner has dug up more than 60 medical reports of opportunistic diseases caused by Agrobacterium. His interest lies in understanding the process by which this microbial menace makes its way into people with weakened immune systems”
Yes, but what evidence is there that this is what you have got? Or that anyone else has got?
So far the evidence seem to indicate that patients of Dr. Stricker are prone to agrobacterium infections, probably due to their catheters. That’s it.
(and please don’t cut and paste long articles if a link is available)
Evidence? If there were any evidence on any of this, I guess we wouldn’t need to be ‘skeptically analyzing and investigating’ on fine websites such as this, no? Why don’t you all show me some evidence that AGROBACTERIUM is NOT responsible for Morgellon’s Disease?
What a dirty deal with the devil. Bunch of greedy, corrupt clowns w/no regard for human life – playing GOD w/plants for the sake of the Almighty Buck.
Enviro Girl,
“Why don’t you all show me some evidence that AGROBACTERIUM is NOT responsible for Morgellon’s Disease?”
Enviro, this is how science works: You make a claim, and you are responsible for supporting it. Everyone else is responsible for trying to figure out why it possibly could NOT be the reason you suggest.
Here’s an interesting link…
See, this WAS about science – but the second GM Agrobacterium was allowed out of a petri dish and began to HURT people, it’s now about humanity.
And since GM Agrobacterium was welcomed into our Food (& clothing) Supply in 1996 and the EPA has allowed it in U.S. pesticides since 1979 – Well lookey here, whole buncha new unknown diseases around, aren’t there? Hmmm…Mad Cow, Bird Flu, Morgellon’s Disease, 30,000 honeybees dead…
So, as a VICTIM of this nightmare that is HURTING many other people, animals and GOD’s earth – I feel it is my absolute right to allege WTF I feel like and I will do so.
I can sit here and say I know we can blame at least Morgellon’s on BEAR & MONSHITO, the FDA, CDC and the EPA. I can also say the rest of the GOV knew there was ‘some’ kind of a problem w/the water supply in 2002, when the EPA had to be stopped from promoting a law that was going to allow crappy water in poorer neighborhoods w/a lovely ‘Let Them Eat Cake’ attitude.
I can say WTF I want. I don’t have to PROVE squat – I’m just yet another of the MANY A-holes on this blog.
It can be up to the companies who paid off the govt. officials who pushed GM Agrobacterium through w/out enough research complete – in ’79 (EPA) & ’96 (FDA) (and the CDC since about 2001 to keep this hidden) & those corrupt govt. officials to PROVE to the citizens, in a congressional hearing – that their greed didn’t cause this ALL. But they did.
‘GM AGROBACTERIUM MORATORIUM’ – That’s what we need and that’s what I’m gonna bring.
Sure, Enviro Girl, people with all kinds of confused thoughts and ideas can freely post them all over the internet without providing any proof to back up their declarations. The sharing of such personal thoughts indicates to others how someone like that feels about their experience in life, and the world around them, but it further creates more fear and confusion among others with similar thought patterns.
A gentle reminder:
# Enviro Girl on 27 Jan 2008 at 1:19 pm
Take care, Enviro Girl.
Frowneykins – Why don’t you please strap a set on & come on over & lick my 2 remaining lesions???
People like myself were FORCED to self-diagnose Morgellon’s Disease on the web – ONLY due to and after the majority of the medical field’s many misdiagnoses, ignorance and cruelty.
Morgellon’s Disease hasn’t been fun, whatsoever. It isn’t something I wanted to have or had the time to spare to have my life ruined by. This shit temporarily ruined my young life. I began to self-diagnose Morgellon’s – ONLY because I was misdiagnosed 5 times, my eye had begun a new nervous twitch and I suddenly could not spell anymore. I had NO choice. If you are implying that I created my own REAL symptoms for entertainment – please see the invite request below.
I would have loved to have been diagnosed properly by the first 5 IDIOTS I went to and paid to do so – but that didn’t happen.
Why? Because doctors have been intentionally mistrained – curing Morgellon’s Disease would cost trillions for Big Pharma, treating all the other things Morgellon’s causes. A Morgellon’s CURE would cost Big Pharma trillions for years to come. How many times do I have to explain that to you until you get it through your thick head?
I had never even heard of Morgellon’s – I typed a list of my very REAL symptoms w/dates that I have never altered and low and behold…Turns out I’m shocked and horrified to HAVE to find out – I’m only one of many MORGELLON’S DISEASE VICTIMS.
If you think I’m happy to be a VICTIM of this and to have to come read that I’m far from alone, people killing themselves in this and other countries because NO ONE WILL HELP THEM W/AN EMERGING, REAL EPIDEMIC – please see my invitation request below, it is a permanent & very genuine one.
I never wanted to get Morgellon’s – and now that I did…I WILL have answers from our poor excuse of a GOV. and I’m not going to let people continue to be hurt for the purpose of the Almighty Buck. I have already been in touch w/the Justice Dept….
Also, you are grossly misinformed – Please note the removal of ‘Delusional Parasitosis’ from even the CDC’s website in 2003 – better come up w/a new BS excuse, you’re waaay out of date. (Ask yourself – why did the CDC remove the definition of DP? – to reduce their liability in being legally responsible when all these doctors can soon be sued for the many DP misdiagnoses – because the doctors should rightfully, in turn – be countersuing the AMA and the CDC, it’s only fair and they definitely deserve it – Can’t wait!)
Sounds like you are alleging that the CDC is wasting even chump change like $545K of the taxpayer’s $ on a study for ‘something that doesn’t exist’…Is that what you are alleging?
Didn’t I read on a blog you married a former meth-head?
Didn’t I also read on a blog you are also hooked on some kind of pills?
I do love how you clog up the blog w/your incessant, BS rambling of the same cruel denial of this disease – after every time someone posts TRUTH here, cluttering this up w/quotes and long meaningless posts to try to distract people from the important information so they forget…See, I can do that, too!
When I want to hear from An Asshole, I’ll fart – Don’t even ever personally address me again – unless it’s an invite to come meet up w/you in person in a dark alley.
Say when, say where – come tell me you think me & 100,000+ others are all KOOKS imagining this, but just say this ALL to my face – Oh, please I am begging you…Might be the most fun I’ve had in a long time – Pretty Please? Feel free to email me off-blog to set that ‘meeting’ up, k?
..and the only thing that was ever wrong w/Mary Leitao (a nameless coward on a blog like you has a lot of nerve even typing her name) – she had the very same condition I unfortunately encountered – SHITTY-DOCTOR-ITIS!!!
I am intrigued by this supposed illness. I have an open mind about it, especially since that baseball player died at such a young age with no reasonable explanation. It is seems painfully obvious that the owner of this site is close minded. Not only that, this site is obviously sniping at all Morgellons sufferers, and the snide tone is smacks of arrogance and close mindedness.
There are better ways to get the point across that this site does not believe. I think this site is more dedicated to the sadistic pleasure of the host of humiliating Morgellon’s sufferers. I wonder if the site owner is the type of human that would laugh at a little girl bleeding to death in a car accident, in her dying face, in fact.
In light of the hubris and sadistic pleasure which this site owner humiliates Morgellons sufferers, I hope the disease is real and I hope the site owner contracts the disease. Wouldn’t that be the ultimate in irony? A person who so joyfully laughs while humiliating Morgellon’s sufferers ends up contracting the disease himself would be too poetic.
If Morgellons is found to be real, will the sociopathic sadist who runs this site recant the humiliation, and post all over this site the stupidity, hubris, and sadism of the content of this site and will he post just what a jerk and an idiot of a human being he has been? If it is discovered to be real, there should be no place you can hide without everyone pointing the finger at you and exclaiming- “What an A-hole”.
If you had taken a less vicious self serving snide approach, and offered even the least bit of sympathy without the sarcastic derision, I would not be writing this. Too bad your mother did not teach you manners, or humility, or empathy.
Whats next on your list of debunking- are you going to tell us how the Holocaust didn’t happen with the same tone of hubris, derison and sociopathic glee? I am sure you have documentation proving Auschwitz was a health spa for Jewish vacationers along with your irrefutable proof that Morgellons does not exist, a collection of puss and fuzz from one of the many oozing acne sores on your skin. I bet you are so proud of yourself, aren’t you.
Hi, Enviro Girl. I’m Smileykins, and I had tried to communicate with you, earlier, first, after noticing that you’d stated your belief that quite a few people posting here are all the same person. Since you’ve brought some other things to the attention of anyone reading your comments, I’d like to try communicating with you again.
You’ve said that you were forced to self-diagnose after a lot of misdiagnoses and cruelty.
Could you please share:
1. how many doctors you’ve been to
2. what prior diagnoses you’ve received from each doctor
3. what ways they mistreated you
I don’t yet know what you have, and won’t until you tell us, but knowing some of the common traits shared among the subtypes of DOP patients, I’d always thought that including delusional parasitosis on the CDC’s parasitic diseases’ page was a very bad idea.
Thank you, and Best Wishes,
Hi, John Durkin. You sound upset, and totally wrong about the owner of this blog. What baseball player are you referring to?
Thanks, and Best Wishes to You,
I wonder if Enviro Girl could raise some $ and offer it up as ‘a reward’…
to get some genuine evidence of the truth about who’s responsible for Morgellon’s Disease and it’s denial and cover-up?
Wonder how much $ The Truth would cost…
This site was obviously designed to “debunk” Morgellon’s disease.
Is it run by the CDC by any chance? LOL
Morgellon’s is real.
Delusions do not create lesions.
People are ill. So are all of you for trying to make “liars” out of innocent people who are suffering.
You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
I pray to God for all of you… for you know not what you do.
Hi, Kandy.
There’s no arguing that those who believe themselves to be ailing from something being called “morgellons disease” are ill. I think, for the most part, unless I’m misunderstanding how you mean it, that you’re absolutely right about the inability of delusions to create lesions. Lesions is a catchall word being used to describe a variety of skin signs that can be caused by a variety of many different things (and some “morgellons disease” patients even claim not to have lesions). Where the word delusion comes into play, is in a person’s interpretation of their experience, such as, what’s caused their lesions, or what’s caused them to be ill. By expecting doctors to practice medicine incorrectly, that’s even more of an indication of delusional thinking. A delusion is not visible, it’s something conveyed to others through spoken language, such as when speaking to doctors, or, through written word, such as can be found in abundance from some patients on the internet.
In answer to your question:
NO, absolutely not, and I’m sorry you’ve misunderstood and been so quick to judge. Rather than offering your prayers (which makes no sense) try giving those, like me, who aren’t used to this phenomenon, a little slack, huh? Because, people who are familiar with telling the truth usually just don’t happen to get mad, evade questions, or vary, and embellish, their stories and shout out all sorts of obscenities. The “morgellons disease” patients want acceptance, but appear to only be interested in doing things that are counterproductive to it, creating, yet, a bigger gap and further distancing themselves from others. Can you explain why, Kandy?
I’m very sorry. I’d misread your sentence, thinking that you’d asked a question.
Sincerely, Smileykins
i think all of you just need to sit tight and wait for the CDC to come out with results…people are ill and suffering…i for one have been very disappointed with the medical community in general….do you know how hard it is to get them to diagnose something that’s already in the books ?!!……. just imagine how scary it is when you go to a doctor and they can’t tell you what it is or how to fix it….just because it’s not in the medical text yet does not mean it’s not possible for something new to arise….i suffer, maybe not with “morgellons” symptoms, but it’s enough…i pray everyday for a cure….i also must agree with Kandy Griffin’s comment….
Excuse me, Lacy, all people who are chronically ill and disabled (other than those with “morgellons disease”) have to cope with daily challenges of all sorts that “morgellons disease” patients either can’t realize, accept, or understand, presuming that they’re the only ones with problems. Everybody has to maneuver the same difficult health care system, and the majority of us are very thankful to have treatments, knowing that wishing for cures for all of our ills isn’t feasible.
I itch, but not real bad. I had sores, a lot of them. I got rid of a lot of them with peppermint oil and a no sugar diet. I still have crawling senstions, drilling sensations, and I find little black specks on my skin AFTER I bathe in salt and peroxide. I take white and black specks out of my eyes all the time, regardless of what I am doing. I have black threads that I pull out of my skin, usually on my chest. The really bad part is the crawling sensations on my eyes and eyelids. And I am tired a lot more often. And I can’t think well anymore. MY boyfriend has it now. A woman he had sex with got it from him. So, if I am delusional, how did I manage to spread my delusion to others? My friends, who have known me for years, all take this seriously.
…the fact is that nobody ever understands anything until they’ve atcually gone through it themselves….everybody experiences things differently…you don’t know what you don’t know … I am thankful for what i’ve got, but it pains me to know that people out there are suffereing much worse than i am…and i’ve been through what it’s like to be at the mercy of those who will not honor the patient’s rights to be thoroughly examined….it’s much harder to get the help you need if the doctor thinks you are crazy….the point is that people are in pain and suffering and they are just trying to get help…they want the pain to stop…whether or not Morgellons is a disease is not for you to decide…by the way i said pray, not wish…
Lacy, I think that most people can discern that “morgellons” is not a disease (old, or new) based upon the facts surrounding the issue. This patient movement to increase awareness has, undeniably, brought more people, with similar problems, into the mix. And, some people, too, in the absence of concern over having all the facts, use less information, than the rest of us, to draw conclusions.
You’ve said:
And, while I happen to disagree with you about that, the fact remains that (haha, oh lordy) I have gone through “it” myself. Regardless, had I not heard of this “morgellons disease”, back in February 2005, and never looked into what all of those patients back then were talking about when they expressed anger at doctors for repeated diagnoses of “DOP”, all I had to do was read from the Morgellons Research Foundation site to see through it.
Never having heard of it, I had to look up what “DOP” meant, and I’d immediately known I’d been a survivor of it a few years earlier. That state is triggered through a lot of different conditions, and, respectfully, I used to painstakingly try communicating with “morgellons disease” patients by saying that what I’d had for a couple of months was an “acute” attack of their “morgellons disease”, as opposed to what appears to be “chronic” for quite a few. One doesn’t dare call it what it is, and they’re the ones diagnosed with it. I hadn’t been, but they showed me that was what I’d had. It is worse for some, and a very complicated state of psychosis to be in.
I’m sorry you thought this was something other than my own words:
But, it’s essential to intimately know God for praying to be effective, and I couldn’t speak on behalf of other people when I’d said “wishing”.
The sufferings of others bothers those of us who also don’t condone needless sufferings too, Lacy.
I wish to remind that I said:
That translates into my not believing that everyone who thinks they have “morgellons disease”, now, at this stage in time, has DOP.
Casey – Hi, I hope you are doing better…Better days are ahead, even if not – email me.
Wow – From all I’ve read so far from others – we thought this was NOT contagious. It was sounding like – if people in the same house/family contracted Morgellon’s, it was from exposure to the same unknown ?contaminant/parasite/lab creation whatever demonic thing this is?
Hmmm. Scary. What you must have gone through! I’m sorry it happened to all of you – this whole thing is biblically WRONG.
Can you email me off-blog so I can ask you something too personal for here about the ‘transmission’ to this other girl? I had/maybe still have Morgellon’s and I am kind of fixated on knowing everything I can about it & trying to help others – since I got IT cleaning up litter and then no one would help me – I’m not quite pleased w/how all of us have been treated…I’m kind of making it my personal mission to get right on down to the corrupt bottom of this all and then getting US all some real justice.
As 4 U/the 3 of you feeling better ASAP – I do think I can help. Email: enviro-girl@hotmail.com
While it may not be possible to understand something without personal experience, empathy can lie within something that is understandable: suffering, confusion, sadness, loss, etc.
See the “Important Action Alert” at morgellons.org
Hang in there Lacy. We have the same distress.
funny that you would be the one to make such a point sarah. most people who display the degree of empathy for others that you do are referred to in clinical terms as sociopaths. as for the terms used by the general public…… ahhh lets not go there. i’m sure you can come up with a few all by yourself. bye bye sweetie pie. hugs and kisses and all that good stuff…
Several interesting things have been added, since the Feb 12, 2008 update
Wonder how much e-medicine got paid to post that article & by whom?! (CDC?)
Boy, are they MISinformed – what a joke…
Hopefully, e-medicine will follow the precedent of the CDC and remove ‘Delusions of Parasitosis’ from their website, just like the CDC removed it from their website in 2003…
A – It doesn’t exist. It was removed from the CDC’s website in 2003 to cover their tracks for being LEGALLY responsible for the MANY doctors MANY misdiagnoses of Morgellon’s Disease being mistaken for DOP/Delusions of Parasitosis.
DOP was removed from the Division of Parasitic Diseases site because it is a psychological condition, and not a parasitic disease.
ARE YOU ALLEGING THAT CDC IS CURRENTLY WASTING THE TAXPAYER’S MONEY TO STUDY A NON-EXISTENT DISEASE? That’s a rather serious allegation – What evidence do you have to prove that Morgellon’s Disease does NOT exist? Yes – NONE – Because it does exist. Current Evidence – Agrobacterium identified in EVERY single patient (not just Stricker’s – ALL OF US.)
The CDC are investigating to see if the conditions that are listed as symptoms of “Morgellons” have any related factors, and if there is evidence of a common cause.
The symptoms obviously exist, people are suffering a lot, and work should be done to help them.
How many patients have been identified as having Agrobactrium infections?
I’m sure this comment will fall on deaf ears, but I’m compelled.
Non-existent and “not a specific medical condition” are entirely different. No one says it “doesn’t exist,” except people from the Morgellons community setting up a straw man.
And who said wasting? Again, a straw man.
The way science works is that if there is a claim, you test it empirically, and you assume that what you are testing will not come out true– the “null hypothesis”, and only when it cannot be explained otherwise do you accept the “alternative hypothesis.”
“What evidence do you have to prove that Morgellon’s Disease does NOT exist? Yes – NONE”
The people making the claim are the ones responsible for proving it. Furthermore, have you ever tried to prove a negative?
Hi, Enviro Girl. Since you’ve mentioned misdiagnoses, how many doctors have you seen? Has “morgellons disease” been much of a financial burden on you? Thank you, Smileykins
Oh, owner of this blog – last week your name was Margellons, this week it is Michael. Before that it was Tall Cotton and you also call yourself Smileykins…
Every time 1,000 people threaten your life, is it then time for a name change?
Why don’t you tell us your REAL name and home address? I’d still like to meet up in person…
My name has always been Michael, I’d just been posting as “Margellons” for historical reasons – it was just a screen name I picked more or less at random when I started the blog. I don’t like the name, and I just changed all references to Michael to avoid confusion.
Tall Cotton and Smileykins are two other people, nothing to do with me. They post a lot of comments on this blog, but the blog belongs to me, Michael.
Michael ,, I am glad you changed to this name ,, on other websites they all have something to do with that desease , something always with bug or something in there..
Any good homeopath will tell you that there is indeed such a disease as morgellons, but fortunately he has a cure. Owing to the disease’s severity, the cure is 100c. If that still fails, aromatherapy, crystal healing or reiki have proved excellent results. As a last desperate resort, accupuncture and faith healing should be tried.
100c means you are treating the symptoms with magic water. It is unfortunate that most people who take homeopathic remedies do not actually understand what they are taking, and they think it is some kind of herbal medicine. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Based on your description, above, it does not sound like your cure actually works.
I went searching google to see if people with AIDS got Morgellons easier and this was the first site on the list. the article it took me to was some pics of some skin taken from some guys back pimple/scab/something and i read down the commenta a bit and relized this was an anti(for lack of a better word)-Morgellons based site. I dont have Morgellons or know anyone with it, I’m just a 20 year old self researcher, and from what ive seen most of the solid evidence on morgellons is substantial. alot of the non-believers(again, a lack of a better word) seem to state that the fibers found in the skin are put there by the person through the wounds, but there are serious doctors that actualyl pull them out from under unbroken skin. the majority of doctors, especially those in “richer” positions that do not believe that the phenomena is real refuse to even investagate it. but there are a few “small-time” doctors, whose careers are thier life-blood that spend thier time investigating this horrible affliction and say that with little effort you can clearly see that its really happening to these people. there was some guy who got a sample and ran it with the FBIs database of some 100,000 known fibers and there was no match, nothing close. if there is a “worm” involved with morgellons, i believe it wouldnt be these “fibers”, but more likly the fibers are produced by it, although fibers have been said to move, and ive seen videos of them doing so. im gonna get a bit off topic, even though in my opinion its quite possibly the cause of morgellons… Chemtrails.. This a 100% real occuance and even before i began my researching i saw them in the sky and knew they were wierd. when i was younger i saw them, and i had also seen normal jet contrails and they ARE NOT THE SAME . its there in plain sight for all to see, and the air force, EPA, and all other fereral orginizations refuse to even look into it. its sickening to me, to see my future literally clouded before my eyes. some scientists have actually taken samples from these things and under analasys there were many different things ranging from alluminum and berium (whech are heavy metals and very toxic to humans) and other traces of metals that are also toxic, to fiberous strands that tend to stick together and have biological organisims on them. these organisims havent (to my knowledge) yet been identified. scientists have also found toxic levels of those heavy metals in dirt and water samples around (im assuming everywhere else also) California, where some of the heaviest “spraying” is done. One of the greatest links between Morgellons and Chemtrails is the fact that the places where Morgellon’s patients are concentrated the most, are also the same places that Chemtrails are most heavy. California, Texas, Florida, and New York(i dont think its as bad there).
What im getting at with all of this is if the government refuses to study this obviously real phenomena, then its not too hard to believe that this other phenomena, which has medicly sound evidence that they also refuse to study, could also be real. i dont think that people would do this stuff to themselves.. entire families… PEOPLE DIE FROM THIS! i refuse to believe that that many people would kill themselves over a “prank”.
Ive presented this evidence not in a mockery of anyone on this site, but merely what i have found that happens to appose your view, im completely open for discussion, in fact i encourage it, unless its going to be drama and mockery of myself.
Damien, the government is not refusing to study Morgellons, in fact the CDC is currently investigating the condition, to see what is actually going on.
“Chemtrails” seem to be some kind of hoax that got out of hand, see:
I went to that site, and i read through the page and im glad you did, because i had been wanting to see the other side of the issue. what i can say about it is, it has alot of good info on contrails, and most of the pics are of real contrails. but from my personal research and even my eye witnessing to it unknowingly when i was younger, some of theses stories of chemtrails are different. i watched a single plane make an X in the sky overhead. plus, these things create clouds where there were none previously, in areas like Arizona, ive seen series’ of snapshots from when it firsts started where over a period of hours they turned a blue sky as far as the eye could see into a cloudy, dull, grey mess. and i look up at the skies today, and tonight and i see the slow changes, our skies are alot duller in the distance and sometimes grey, our sky is never deep blue anymore and i dont know if its just me, being a night owl and all, but i havnt seen a BLINDING BRIGHT sun in a long while. as for nighttime, i can remember even just a couple years ago to being able to see many constilations in the sky at night, now the only thing i can see is the moon, and sometimes another bright light, and once in a blue moon i might see orion, but not within the last couple weeks, if checked every night. nothing… it makes me almost sick and sad to see that its really going on, well something is, to our skies and everyone is too wrapped up in thier day to day lives to even care.
getting back to the site, i also didnt like how the author at times would mock the “consparicy theorists”, which is something that seems to happen alot in these cases, yet the true “consparicy theorists” dont mock non believers, they just try to explain what they believe in thier hearts is going on around us and that we need to adress and think about.
i know in my heart and soul what is true, and what i don tknow is true i research until i get enough evidence from both sides and weigh it. alot of the more recent (within my lifetime) “conspiracy theories” seem to outweigh the “truth” in solid material, ETs, 9/11, the Illumati, Chemtrials, and even morgellons, although its not as widespread as the others. theres alot of bad stuff in the world that nobody wants to look at, the most obvious thing ive encounterd is the governments lack of true concern with the looming oil crisis, which, as far as ive seen we will run out of enough oil to use as we do on a daily basis world wide in 20 years, hell theres even a game coming out about it, its one of those First person shooters. the only thing close i could even possibly imagine that theyve done to solve it is station troops over in the middle east, where over 50% of the worlds oil reserves are. where the majority of the US gets its information is the media, which from what ive read is owned by 3 companies. i keep rambling on because theres so much stuff and none of it adds up… im only 20 and i see this crap around me… its my future and the future of my girlfriend and someday our kids. although i personally think that i wont live to be 30, i would like to believe i could have that “white picket fence” American Dream.
Damien, you seem like a sensible young man, who perhaps gives too much credence to rather unscientific evidence. You will undoubtedly live to much more than 30 – the world will adjust, as it always have. You think this time is worse than WWII or the Civil War? Worse than the Black Death? Worse than the Great Depression? Worse than the Cuban missile crisis?
If you want to be happier, then I highly recommend you read The Demon-Haunted World by Carl Sagan. That really is the other side of the argument. Don’t believe things with your heart and soul – use your mind.
It’s sad reading all these negative comments for sufferers of this awful illness. My cousin had lyme disease for a long time and her parents went to doctor after doctor who said after a time that the parents were delusional but after meeting someone else suffering the same symptoms as her, found out it WAS lyme disease after all despite the doctors saying it was all in her head.
It’s so easy to dismiss what seems incredible to us or something that we are not suffering from and assigning it to mental illness.
For a long time it was said human horns were a myth but that was debunked with photos and real sufferers. Depression was also labeled as hysteria and all in the mind of the sufferer. As women we were also told that our PMS symptoms were not real and yet every month so many of us suffered from these unbearable symptoms.
I may not be a sufferer but I believe in your suffering despite the disbelievers. Who would want to make up such an awful symptom?
And for you critics who put soooo much faith in doctors (who are human and VERY fallible), you may want to take a look at Discovery’s mystery diagnosis and see how often DOCTORS have no idea of what a patient is suffering and dismiss them because it is soooo hard for them to admit to the limit of their knowledge.
Although I have visted your site several times in the last few years, I have to admit that I haven’t really studied it to understand why you are so adamantly opposed to the “Morgellon’s Syndrome” or whatever name you would like to use for it, so I am going to take the shortcut and just ask. What do you hope to accomplish by taking such an adamant stand against this, using so much obvious ability and talent to build a site, just to add weight to the argument that this doesn’t exist? Why do you care?
To clarify why I care – this crap (mostly just the little white worm looking things) knocked me on my ass about 5 years ago. I wish that you were right and that it doesn’t exist but I just can’t quite seem to convince these little round sores with the little white- colored, hoobie-doo’s sticking out of them that they are not really there.
I went through all the B.S. that the other nut-jobs have gone through – “Dr.Normal” thinks I am an insane I.V. drug user and can’t get me out of his office fast enough, “Hot-Looking-Dermatologist-Chick” feels my pain and shoots cortizone into them and tells me that this hundred dollar tube o’ shmear should clear it up… “Oh yeah, and try to reduce the stress in your life.” I left her office thinking, (not daring to say,) “What stress? I haven’t left the house in a year and the depression and fatigue are finally subsiding.”
So now, I feel pretty good. I still got spots, my brain has come to terms with that. I feel well enough to work again. occassionally I’ll search the web to see if any one figured out what the hell it is yet. And every now and then, I’ll snatch one of the little bastards out for a face to face under my jewler’s loop.
So that’s my angle…what the hell is yours?
Regards – Charles Henry, Oklahoma City
I don’t have an angle. I started the blog simply because I found it interesting, that’s all.
If anything, I hope that patients get appropriate treatment for their health problems, without getting sidetracked into the web of quackery that accompanies a diagnosis of “Morgellons”. There’s simply not enough evidence to suggest it is a distinct disease, and to say that there is is not helping people.
The reason that I wound up on your site again for the umpteenth time in the last few years, is that I just had another outbreak and couldn’t do much with myself besides spend my time fighting these litle buggers off, and searching the web for the latest news.
The way this thing operates, just about the time you have all them cleared up, and think you may have beaten it, they come back with a vengeance and it starts all over again -numerous little places to deal with: fight the little sore, hope you can get all of the small mass out of it so that the sore can heal, and try not to create an infection in the process.
There is also a bonus -you get to do all of this with a certain amount of fatigue and insominia! All of this fun while trying to maintain the belief that you are not fighting an intelligent little entity that is taking you over. Believe me, that is one of the hardest parts, these little suckers sure do seem to have been designed and alive, which, I am guessing is why, “Morgellans” has wound up in the UFO files.
During my five years of this cycle I have done just what I expect everyone else that is experiencing this has done -experiment. I have a small amount, of basic wound-care medical training, and have a medical proffessional in my family to consult with, and feel fortunate to have that. There is NO medical help, which only leaves you one option -try to figure out a way to at least close up the sores. I have come up with a process for doing that with fair results. I am not going to share that here, because the cure is almost as bad as the disease. Yeah, Disease. Just because someone hasn’t had one of these things on their ass doesn’t qualify them to dismiss it.
Your site comes up fairly high on a Google search, which I am guessing makes it a near-first stop for people with questions on this subject, sometimes people looking for help. The people that come off as “nut-jobs,” the people that seem so scattered and almost incoherent, I suspect are people that are in the early stages of this. People that are suddenly overcome by open sores that WILL NOT heal on their own. People that are watching their nice, smooth skin become riddled with holes. People that are being ridiculed by health proffessionals. People that are being put in a position of having to experiment on their own bodies, without training, in hopes of just being normal again. Experimenting on your own body is psychologically taxing.
Your blog provides a disservice to those suffering people, a further disservice to (afficted and unafflicted) people that may be trying to find factual information on the topic, and lends credence to it belonging in the UFO files. That is why I asked what your angle is. Expressing an “interest” in this subject hardly answers my question, but I think it may answer why you began the blog. I’m disappointed that it has turned into a place for suffering people to come to be told that they are crazy, by what seems to me, to be coffee house college kids without life experience or anything better to do.
So, in closing brother, I am gonna have to toss your blog into my UFO file.
Charles, I understand why you feel this site does a disservice to those who think they have Morgellons. Because, from your point of view there IS a new and unexplained disease that is causing your problems. But, from the point of view this site offers, there is NOT such a new disease, so this site is unable to be helpful to you because it’s coming from a different view of the situation.
I don’t know anything about what is wrong with you. But this site is not about that, it’s about whether Morgellons is a distinct disease or not. That’s really all that site is about, and all that I’m arguing. I do not tell people they are crazy, and I never have.
If I’m correct, then the disservice is done by those who insist that “Morgellons” is the common cause behind thousands of patients’ symptoms, and attempt to treat or advise those patient based on that premise. That will inevitably lead to inappropriate treatments, and prolonged suffering.
If I’m not correct, then all I’m doing is advising people to consult with medical professionals, and consider other options when treating their symptoms.
I’m confused, Bish. Your cousin thought they had Lyme’s disease, but all of the Western blots that were negative were wrong, but a friend who confirmed your cousin’s self-diagnosis is correct?
I understand getting a second or a third opinion because doctors can be fallible, but for some reason your cousin’s friend is superhuman and infallible?
Just to make a note, the last three sufferers of “Morgellons” disease all claim to have entirely different symptoms and causes, being Lyme’s disease, a fungus, and worms.
Thank you Michael, that is the reponse that I sought, and I do understand your position.
I would also like to thank you for not posting my last comments, which were embarassingly irrational. As mentioned in my last post, I have had a recent outbreak and it has convinced me of the “nut-job” aspect of this. There has to be some serious chemistry going on here. I would also like to stay around as a contributor, in a civil manner, who happens to have the opposing view. In light of that I would hope that you could post the following:
Charles, You are quite welcome to stay around. I would encourage you to read the disagreement policy, to keep things productive.
I replaced your copy of Wymore’s statement with a link to the original, as this has already been discussed several times, most notable here:
Hi, Michael.
Thanks for cleaning up my post. I followed the link to the discussion regarding Dr. Wymores statement of finding. It caused some interesting discussion. I’ll be posting again.
Here is an interesting link …”The 1st Annual Morgellons Conference.”
Awful quiet around here, fellas. Guess I’ll give you a bit to chew on.
I just passed by here to check the date on my first post, 9 June, to mark the begining of the outbreak that I am (thankfully, gratefully,) nearing the end of. Rough ride, this one, second only to the initial outbreak. I managed to, (barely,) stay in front of the little buggers and there were plenty of ’em. The physical aspect of this is nothing compared to the mental. I have been on such a roller coaster of fatigue and depression. I managed to work my way through it with the support of my friends and my own determination to not be beaten.
I spent a bit of time sifting through the trash on the web, during the times when the fatigue would not allow me to work, and man, what a load of crap out there!
It seems that there are too many camps to count, one more loonie than the last, ranging from the idea that we are “ascending” to a higher level of being and that our DNA is going through changes, (based on documents from some “secretive authority that is -in the know,”) to the nano-bot attack theory, also supported by an authority figure. We have conspiracy folks with “chem-trails” and the people that blame the modified foods and, of course the french bottled water group.
Let me tell you what I KNOW about this: There are little white nemotode looking critters that ARE alive -on some level -that inhabit the dermis of some human beings. They colonize in circular-like formations under the skin and for whatever cause or reason, fibers are formed between the epidermis and dermis and even within the dermis and critters themselves. During high levels of activity, (reproduction,) by these critters, the host person endures serious chemical imbalance. I have pulled literally thousands of these out of my arms and shins. These are things that I KNOW.
Let me tell you what I “THINK” about this: I think that we are reaching the time when it is pointless to try to convince people that this doesn’t exist. WE are becoming too many. I further “think” that this could be a natural occurrence, (an evolution of an organism, that now has a taste for people,) however, “Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.” The fact that there is so much disinformation on the subject -that so many people have worked so hard to discredit not only the “syndrome” but the people afflicted and those that work to bring it to the forefront -leads me to think there is money and/or power at stake.
I think it is possible, if not likely, that this thing is “somebody’s baby.” This thing may have started as an organism to make the gypsy moth impotent or some other well meaning purpose -only to find that it had an undesireable side effect when it combined in an unintentional manner. We will likely never know, but I would bet dollars to donuts that there is some high-dollar signature on this shit somewhere -some little high-tech genetic doo-dad that can be traced back to some corporate or government lab, and they don’t want it found. Were that the case, I agree with ’em -the lawyers are rich enough. Whatever the case, they need to help kill this shit, because whatever city you are in, in whatever country in the world, some chemically imbalanced fuck is standing over his bathroom sink, ripping this shit out of his body, muttering things like, “What the fuck IS THAT?” and washing it right down into the water supply. I hope the little fuckers don’t swim.
So …This is Charles Henry, in Oklahoma City, signing the fuck off and checking the fuck out of this one, but since I already signed in at the front desk, I thought that I would mouth off a little before you guys close down shop and strike this set.
check it out try happy jack at your local farm supply 14 bucks my dogs itched after we started they were always outside nearly no contact took them to the vet no results for scabies known as mange on dogs told the farm supply and he said if its alive that would cure it we sprayed them we had a brite idea to spray us it worked but burned like hell and wash everything you touch including your car and by the way SCIENTIST HAVE MADE BACTERIA GROW PLASTIC no lie check it out type it into google maybe the missing link?
Plant Transformation
Charles Henry – you aren’t nuts and I am truly sorry for your pain…BUT it’s going to be alright even if the pathetic CDC ignores us for another 7 years. (who looks corrupt?! Center for Disease Cover-up.)
OK, I can’t tell you what to do – but I CAN tell you what seems to be working for me (and watch me get maligned and attacked for trying to help someone).
1. Drawing Salve (black tar salve, no ‘doctor’ I went to had ever heard of this – yes, because they don’t get a golf trip for prescribing it…old grandma’s remedy, any pharmacy should have it), bandaged up tight on any lesions, you’ll feel it suck the junk right out of you, leave the bandage on for a bit, overnight if you can…I’d prepare yourself to see & feel some stuff come OUT if you haven’t used this yet…
2. Tanning Bed – seems to do something, but again, I WOULD NOT do this during or close to the course of Sporanox (below)…
3. Sporanox – Vicious antibiotic – wouldn’t recommend taking it w/out consult of a ‘doctor’, (never thought I’d say that) there are definitely some side effects…ex – I tanned during and got MASSIVE hives, (ears were even swollen, it was bad!) it makes you sensitive to light – I took this because 1 doc. misdiaged me w/ Sporotrichosis, a landscaping fungus…but I took the Sporanox because I later read of this relating to ‘rose picker’s disease’, which is from agrobacterium, which is found naturally when plants decay…not the GM agrobacterium I blame for this, as I KNOW FOR A FACT I GOT IT BACKING INTO A CHOKECHERRY TREE AND I KNOW DAMN WELL GM AGROBACTERIUM IS USED IN PESTICIDES, WHICH WOULD ALSO EXPLAIN THE CHEMTRAIL ALLEGATIONS, WHY IT IS MORE PREVALENT IN THE BIG CROP STATES AND WHY THE CDC WON’T HELP – BECAUSE THEM, THE FDA AND THE EPA ARE ALL TO BLAME FOR MORGELLON’S – but bygones…Again, be forewarned I would NOT just order Sporanox on the web and take it like I did. It is pretty serious shiznit! Maybe trick a ‘doctor’ and pretend you got pricked by a rose, (?) but take the warnings on it seriously, definitely avoid light and whatever else the real prescription warning says to avoid! Right after that…
4. Paragone – A Parasite cleanse by Brenda Watson, company is renewlife.com
(they suggest no crappy tap water, I’d listen)…Test: I dated a doctor, the AMA’s got them trained to hate her – cuz she’s passing on the golf trips and instead curing diseases for $40 that they want docs to treat the resulting illnesses for and treat you for it for the rest of your lives – she costs the pharm cos. $ and they own the AMA & the CDC, so that’s why they’ve all got a problem w/her.
NOTE: I’m affiliated w/no health food store or company – only trying to help.
It’s been about 1.5 months since I finished the cleanse – still healing…but it’s different this time. I think the above kicked it’s ass…Good thing I’m getting my strength back – cuz Jeez, it’s about time to bring some justice to some responsible parties and make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else – Remember, I always said, this happened to the Wrong Girl, it’s not gonna be good for those who let this happen to innocent people and then hid it. (powerful pimple doctor on the board of the AMA look a little corrupt to anyone else? better hide the assets the pharm cos. bought you off w/, I’m coming for you first, bunghole!!!) (additionally – did you see where that mother who faked a myspace page and contacted a teenager pretending to be a boy was being prosecuted when the teen later committed suicide – web antics held accountable in court, how bout that?!)
Best of luck, CH – post back, let me know how this all helps you!
Hi, Please excuse me for my absent. I was very busy with all my friends and family telling me that I was crazy. on drugs,needed tp
ok my computer froze up, they never told me that I needed toilet paper, but it would have been just the same if they did. No body understands what I’m going through and it is just easer for them to think it is not happing to them also. There happy to think I’m crazy, OK Heres my story . I Lived in Las Vegas for 12 years. For 9 of the 12 years I lived there I was Known as the Bug Lady, I was an exterminator for bugs. During that 12 years I transfered to move to Georgia, Stone Mountain, to be frank. After 6 months I chose a new job, the reason I put on my apps. were the bugs were winning…………..What I really mint was the job I was doing was easy in Vegas and when I moved to Georgia the same job was exxxxxtreemily harder because of the conditions were very different in Vegas than in Georgia, After 2 years in Georgia I moved back to Vegas and went back to being the Bug Lady for a couple more years. So when I moved to Washington a couple years a go I decided I didn’t want to go into the pest control field. I got a job in a Hotel. While I was at work one day I was injured on the job. I got a cast on my foot and a lot of time on my hands being a full time stay at home mom. When I first started deciding I had a problem. Just like you all I was in the tub and noticed these fibers in the tub. Just weeks before I had a —new boyfriend help me install a used deck that his friend wanted to get red of because it was falling apart and he was getting it replaced with a new one. So we-we’ll he cut it up and I watched he use the good pieces to make a deck in my little back yard. We ended up braking up because we just didn’t jive ??? Mabey a little more, During the time he stayed with me , he complained he Thanks he had aquired scavies wjle helping his neighbor move, he went to the doctor and got treament for scavies.. I let him stay at my house during that little expasode, mostly because his parents kicked him out , he had no were to go, being an exterminator for so meny years I wasn’t afraid of bugs…….BIGMISTAKE When he put the Bug shampoo on his skin all kinds of crazy stuff started to come out of his skin. Black dots, Hairy looking strings, black things that looked to me like little black bugs that I thought looked alot like the little black bugs that sometimes infested food in the pantries of some of my homes, we called them food weevles, they made a kinda spider like web in grains oats and cerials. I WAS WORRIED THAT THE SAME THING MIGHT HAPPEN TO MY FAMILY…. WE GOT IN A FIGHT, HE LEFT, I WENT TO THE DOCT AND TOLD THEM THAT I WAS AFRAID THAT MY FAMILY WAS GOING TO GET SCAVIES TOO SO SHE PERSCRIBED THE SAME TREAMENT HE USED.. A WEEK LATER WE WERE ALL ITCHING SO I CALLED BACK TO GET MORE AND SHE SAID I COULDN’T HAVE MORE BECAUSE IT HASN’T BEEN A WEEK AND THE ONLY TREATMENT SHE WAS ALLOWED TO GIVE FORE FOLLOW-UP WAS AFTER 14 DAYS AFTER THE EGGS HATCHED…. THEN ALL SHOULD BE WELL. I TOLD HER ABOUT THE BLACK SPOTS AND BUGS AND HAIRS AND SHE TOLD ME THAT SCAVIES ARE SO SMALL THAT YOU COULD NOT SEE THEM, AND I’VE DELT WITH BED BUGS, CRABS AND TICKS ARE ALSO FERMILER TO ME SO I KNEW THAT THAT WASN’T WHAT I WAS DEALING WITH. I DIDN’T WAN’T HER TO THINK I WAS CRAZY SO I LET IT GO….. NOT REALLY THEY HAVEN’T WENT AWAY… I LOOKED AND LOOKED AND ALL THIS TIME NOT NO=ONE HAS EVEN SAID THAT IT COULD BE CAUSED BY BUGS. THE FACT THAT THEY COULD BE BUGS….. THATS WHY I WAITED SO LONG TO REPLY DO I HAVE THE ANSWERES? I DONT KNOW BUT I HAVE BEEN LOOKING,,,,,I DO… I DO NOT HAVE THE ANSWERS BUT I FEEL I HAVE MORE THAN ALL THE DOCTORS THAT ALL CALLED YOU=ALL CRAZY. I FEEL CRAZY ENOUGH WITHOUT GOING TO A DOCT SO THEY CAN TELL ME IM CRAZY. I WANT TO HELP TO FIND THE CURE BUT WHO CAN I TRUST??????? HAVEN’T FOUND ANYONE YET!!!!!! I’LL GIVE YOU MY TREATMENT YOU CAN TRY IF I GET ENOUGH SUPPORT TO MAKE IT WORTH MY WILE (FOR LACK OF BETTER WORDS) IF ENOUGH DO WHAT I DID TO GET RID OF THEM AND IT WORKS I’LL GO ON TV MAKE IT GO AWAY,,,MORE PEOPLE HAVE IT THAN THEY THANK!!!! IT’S A WORLD WIDE PROBLEM. AND I AM WORRIED
Those who continue to ridicule people with Morgellons are the ones who need serious help. If you aren’t willing to get help for your problems with ridiculing people who are suffering then at least STOP ridiculing. You should spend a little time hoping that you won’t become infected as well.
These people are no more delusional than you think you are.
I have seen Morgellons and it is a spider-like, mite-like parasite. Those that are large enough for the human eye to see are very visible. The problem is; the majority are not visible and can travel on the skin without being seen. Even those that are large enough to see could elude you because they are light in color and very small.
Many people who have this parasite have to vacuum their homes constantly because they can be found making webs in their homes. Once you have the webs forming you can simply go to the webs and see the larger ones…take them to a microscope and clearly see them. They differ from spiders slightly in their physical make-up at least visually. Two of their legs are bent…not straight the way spiders legs are.
This is not a sudden epidemic of crazy people running around claiming something that isn’t really happening. However, it may very well be an epidemic of people running around claiming people with sores that won’t heal from this burrowing spider-like parasite are crazy, indeed is.
Find some compassion and really check it out..investigate before you condemn. The majority of these people with Morgellons are rational, hardworking professional people who don’t have the freakin’ time to deal with the nonsense of creating sores all over their body and spending their hard earned money to try to heal. Especially when their fellow brothers and sisters of this planet have nothing to do with their time but decide they are crazy rather than showing compassion and intelligence rather than ignorance from a lack of real investigation.
Pray you are not so unfortunate to come into contact with a parasite that is extremely difficult to get rid of, if not impossible. If you aren’t infected. Thank your God and thank him daily.
JT, it seems unlikely that this mite you have found is the cause of the symptoms of all the people who identify as having “Morgellons”. For one thing, such a mite would be very easy to identify with microscopic identification, and this has simply not happened, despite thousands of inspections.
No, it seems much more likely that they simply have different causes of their symptoms. For you it’s a mite, for other it could be something else. There does not seem to be a specific disease called “Morgellons”, and people should try to find what helps them best as individuals.
To be told the truth would be a good place to start.
Morgellon’s and Lyme Disease are REAL. They are caused by bioengineered “things” (fibers, wormlike parasites…etc…) put into chemtrails and water treatment plants to poison a portion of society either for depopulation purposes or to cause distractions in society to not focus on the government or to make people go to the doctor to spend money so the healthcare industry can make that much more money or so you cannot be insured and spend that much more money. The doctors like this “Mike” guy are in on it. The average person in society is not a sociopath or congenital liar or nutbag looking for attention. The average person goes “Gee! Something is off here. I just do not feel right. And I cannot figure out why.” I know someone who had Lyme disease whom I played soccer with and another woman who was cured of Morgellon’s by ingesting NutraSilver and doing a toxification of her body. And the parasites came SPILLING out of her. These suckers were REAL. They were wormy looking little parasites coming out of her nose, mouth, ears, corners of her EYES!!, pores in her skin, her scalp. EVERYWHERE. This purge lasted a few hours and then they were gone. She had Morgellon’s for about two years and noone would help her. Finally a friend who was just a health conscious kind of guy, but NOT a doctor had her try NutraSilver and it was a miracle. And after the horrific purge, she was cured. She thinks she got Morgellon’s from working in the soil and somehow it getting into her system. It does seem to come from soil or the water pumped into your house from a water system that has been affected by chemtrails or something. It’s hard to say. There might be a small number of doctors who really do think it’s a bunch of BS, but some do know it’s real and are not telling patients that it’s real. This Mike sounds like one of them. If you just observe people coming in with Lyme or Morgellon’s and do even a little bit of tests and LOOK at the fibers and test them and the worm-things, any doctor would say “Gee! These are things I have NEVER seen before ever.” Why someone like Mike who is supposed to be an actual doctor who went to medical school is so threatened by a person who is just curious and feels sick and just innocently wants him to check them out is beyond me. What is so threatening? Why debunk something that so many people are saying seems real? Why call them liars or sociopaths or the dregs of society? What is the point of that? Aren’t most scientists excited to discover a new condition and try to figure out what are the causes of it? Isn’t that stimulating for a doctor? Isn’t it something that would be a challenge? I grew up in a family of physicists and biologists and they were never threatened by mysteries. Obviously there is no way that every disease has been discovered yet or certainly not cured yet. What is so threatening? When someone first had lupus or polio or cancer or anything, were they all crazy too? Didn’t someone check them out to figure out what the hell was wrong with them? I don’t understand the defensive attitude or just calling all the people who have observed themselves “loonies”. Mike, would you be obliged to respond sir?
Emma, if you were addressing me, then: I’m not a doctor, I’ve never called anyone a “loonie”, and I have a great dealt of sympathy for those who are sick.
I just don’t think they all have the same disease.
This link mentions some diseases involved.
That link is just more quackery from Hildegard Staninger.
that’s because “medicine” today IS quackery, run by the big drug comp’s.
mycotoxins, myocoplasma, Lyme
are real, and they have been weaponised.
We all deserve RESPECT!! and to be told the “God’s honest truth”!!
Justice for all.
JT & EmmaRose – thank you for your support! This is quite real, despite what the innocent victims are paying most ‘doctors’ to be told. I contracted Morgellon’s Disease from a diseased-looking sharp, thorny tree, cleaning up litter in March of 2006.
Gillian, hang in there, we’ll all get through this together, there is hope! If you don’t know of 2 websites that HELP AND NOT HURT, please email me or post….
Debbie Boggs – Anyone remotely humane that has Morgellon’s should not be able to see anyone else suffer. Notice how I posted up my best healing method so far. Since the CDC has turned it’s corrupt back on us & the AMA is making the situation worse by training new docs to cruelly misdiagnose it, because some govt. agency must have something to HIDE – There are at least 20,000 sufferers. Many more w/it’s MANY symptoms, that aren’t even aware. Can you not feel HOW WRONG this all is, girl?! Do you want anyone else to go through the relationship problems you did due to this? This is life-ruining shit! People have committed suicide to escape this and are terrified of what they see coming out of their skin. IT probably came from that DECK. We need to HELP each other here to figure out what kills this thing from hell because I’m yet to see a CURE. The longer I wait and the more victims that I see, the more pissed off I get, Dear CDC & AMA – I think if you don’t light a fire under Kaiser Permanente’s lazy ass, give us the CURE and tell us how you are going to RETRAIN the medical community and have them contact every misdiagnosed victim they ripped off and hurt with this bullshit misdiagnosis of ‘delusional parasitosis’ – I’m about to start screaming for a Congressional Hearing and a Justice Department Investigation! I think I better hear of A CURE from you SICKOS w/in 14 days from this so-called study or I am about to bring some noise like you’ve never heard, I swear to you. You let this happen to the wrong person with me. End this nightmare right now so you can save yourselves, because anyone who had a part in covering this EVIL up is surely going to rot in hell…14 days from now and the CDC & AMA will have exhausted any remaining patience I had. Always amazing how things seem to get done in Washington around Election Time, isn’t it?!
So, Debbie – If you THINK you’ve got something that works because you have done a better job as one woman that entire CDC & AMA – let’s hear it right now so we know you are for real. You should understand WE have been though enough nonsense. IF your ‘cure’ works, I’ll personally send you anything you ask – and if you genuinely had it and cured it, you would know that the sufferers would be soo relieved & grateful that you’d get more than what you’d ever dream financially and eternally. BUT show me you aren’t one of the snake-oil sales predators, first.
NOTE: Debbie, if your cure involves drinking some kind of pesticide or doing something painful or weird, please don’t even bother. People have been hurt enough, no POISONS. We’ve seen more than enough weirdness just having this. And please post how you KNOW you got rid of it, what happened as you got rid of it, what did you see, what did you feel – Let’s see if you really have cured this before anyone’s going to make anything ‘worth your while’.
Mike, I apologize. I thought you were a doctor and especially couldn’t understand your curt attitude. I just know what I saw when I witnessed by friend do the purge. It was something out of a horror movie. Seriously. I mean horrific. These parasites were coming out of her like in Alien or something. It was REAL. She would not let ANYONE film it, but I wish she had. It had to be seen to be believed literally. I think the hormones they put in food, the pesticides, the early innoculations all done within an 18 month span for toddlers (36 injections!!) for measles/mumps/TB etc…it’s just overkill. And these odd things like Lyme, Morgellons, Autism are happening off the scale. I don’t think Autism was misdiagnosed years ago. It just wasn’t as prevalent. I’m an early 70’s baby and noone I remember growing up in the 70’s and 80’s in school had these conditions or it was very rare. They were not just put into special ed or multihandicapped rooms. There just wasn’t much autism period or lyme or any of it. I think our food was organic and healthier and we weren’t getting “stuff” put into our water or medicines that now is and we have no idea is there. I mean the government is doing weird stuff maybe to make more people be dependent on drugs. Why are schools only now having healthier lunches after serving pizza and fries for years? It’s odd.
Just to be clear, I post as “Michael”, not “Mike”. There was a brief comment by someone called “Mike” (not me). So I’m not sure who you are referring to.
I’m sorry if you think I have been curt. Perhaps you could quote what I said, and I can attempt to explain it better?
Hi Michael,
Sorry to butt in here. I was wondering if you could possibly do a topic on INTERNET CULTS, suicide, mind control & brainwashing.
My 17 mo baby has this, as well as I, I don’t know it I continue watching him suffer, and being in pain too, very little sleep, I feel like quitting and taking my poor baby with me. please pray for us, pray for us all!
Hello Enviro girl, I’m with you 100%. Which websites are you referring to by the way, I am interested. I/we are having a great deal of trouble getting any help. The “denial” with our health departments & wanna be governments is wearing very thin with me.
Michael, I understand what you are saying about not everyone in the “Morgellons” community suffering the same thing, but then again WE ARE matie. There is no Delusions of Parasitosis, you can kindly stick that one where ever you can fit it.
Anyone in Australia who cares to take their head out of the sand & read some information on the internet regarding Lyme Disease will learn that Lyme Disease is in fact epidemic, now verging on pandemic in the USA.
Lyme Disease IS in Australia. Denial IS sending this country down the poo shoot. Mark my word Australia I will be shouting MORGELLONS & LYME DISEASE from my grave, that is how serious I am about this DEADLY INFECTIOUS DISEASE. Lyme KILLS – we still don’t know everything about Morgellons, now that really really frightens me.
Please follow this link to watch a short 5 minute film about Lyme Disease.
I completely agree with Michael. Morgellon’s is non-existent….in the context that it is not simply “A” disease, but “SEVERAL” diseases being reported as a completely new one by a certain percentage of people who can’t (or won’t) accept the fact that they haven’t been mysteriously poisoned by the government.
At least that’s the usual story we hear out of a Morgellon’s “patient”, on top of the exagerrated claims that can’t be backed up with hard evidence 99% of the time.
Keep in mind that I initially started my interest in Morgellons on a site that was 100% full of Morgellon’s believers. I had ALWAYS believed in “the fiber disease” that I saw on the news years ago. I had came up with a weak theory, but one that I thought deserved mentioning. So it was posted there.
Within a week, I had been accused of being Michael, accused of being “Smileykins”, accused of being a paid spreader of disinformation, & accused of being a meth-addict. And when I made the absolutely horrible request of wanting to see STUDYABLE evidence of the claims being made, it was clear that I wasn’t welcome in Morgellons-Land. (The story was always remarkably similar to EmmaRose’s above…..”Take my word, there’s living critters coming out of my body….but I won’t let you see any real evidence of that. But trust me, I have critters in my pores.”)
So basically, what my experience led to, is that my take on “Morgellons” did a 180 degree turn, based strictly on the attitude of the Morgellons community itself.
My take on it is…..
…..Yes, Morgellons patients DO have a disease. It is NOT Morgellons, but a multitude of other diseases….most of them already nown about, perhaps 1 or 2 some type of emerging disease. There are treatments available for many of these, but the extreme deniability of what they actually have & desire to blame ANYONE for their suffering have made them incapable of believeing that they DON’T have this “mysterious new alien disease invented by the Bush Administration & caused by GMO’s being spread by Chem “Con” Trails.”
So, in affect, the Morgellons comunity itself has also introduced yet ANOTHER form of “illness” into the community….a mental one now. They so want this to be what they think it is that they can’t accept the fact that it is something completely different. And THAT is perhaps the most deadly aspect of this entire “disease”…..we have people constantly clawing off their own skin, refusing medical help, & even commiting suicide….because they’ve believed the crap that some people have fed to them about how they have this new disease called “Morgellons”.
Would Monsantos bio-engineering program w/ the recalled cry9c genetically modified corn raise your radar as to possible side affects on humans. You know that was sent to market before approval and russia does not want our gen corn or the crap in their childrens diet?
Frito-Lay will not use gen corn. Why?
I’m not writing about generically modified corn. I’m writing about “Morgellons”, which is a long list of symptoms with many possible causes. If you claim that allergies to cry9c might be one possible cause, then I’m not going to argue with you. But clearly not everyone who diagnoses with “Morgellons” has cry9c allergies.
There are MANY possible causes for these symptoms.
GMO’s are simply one of the many wild theories that “Morgellons” sufferers have latched upon to describe their “disease”, so they don’t have to accept the fact that it’s not a disease at all, but a collection of SEVERAL diseases in MANY people…..MOST of which there is already a diagnoses & treatment for.
Some of these other theories are Chem “CON” Trails, secret government experiments on DNA, a “new evolutionary step” (The X-Men Theory), implantation of thingies during alien abductions…..where should I stop?? The list goes on..& on…& on….& on…..& on…….&………………
Until the “Morgellons” community makes up their own collective mind to stop with the childs-play, give the medical community some HARD evidence to study, & let them try to help the afflicted….then Morgellons will always exist. As that stranged series of symptoms ranging everywhere from abalone infestations through man/plant-hybrids to bodily invasions by mutated octupuses.
And who exactly led me to feel this way about the “disease”?? The Morgellons community themselves, after spending a few days listening to their outlandish theories to explain their obsession with having something that no one can help them with.
Sounds cruel….but the truth is painful sometimes.
I was speaking to Michael. I just nicknamed you Mike. This disease is real. It could be caused by many things, but it seems to be coming from diseased plants, trees, and water treatment plants. That’s what people researching this have narrowed it down to. And colloidal silvers (NutraSilver…etc..) either put on topically or INGESTED into the body seem to purge these suckers out of the body pronto. They seem to be the fetus stages of actual creatures like worms and parasites. Some of these things magnified up close seem to look snakelike and some even have fangs on them and some look like the fetus stage of rats. It’s weird. And they’re definitely bioengineered. And the flourescent wiry things that are red/blue/silver are not thread or something you can find everyday. Uh uh. Nope. They’re bioengineered too. And they are flourescent. It’s bizarre. Try ingesting some brand of colloidal silver without overdosing. (I’m not sure what to do about your 17 month old…how horrific). But it seems the chem trails dissipating into the lawn or trees (and they will crystallize) or actual “stuff/poison/god know’s what” being put into water treatment plants which then ends up in your shower/bathwater/faucet is poisoning you. It’s going into your pores, scalp, and stomach and slowly killing you. After my friend ingested a couple glasses of NutraSilver, she waited about 12 hours and was throwing up wormy parasites that were flowing out of her and spilling out of her scalp, eye sockets, nose, pores in her skin, ears…no lie. And then she was cured. She stays away from gardening and stays inside when she sees chemtrails sprayed into the atmosphere. After using the NutraSilver (but you can use any colloidal silver) topically or ingested into the body, you will be CURED. Also, some people I’ve heard have put magnet bracelets around the wrists and ankles and around their heads and this has helped them brain fog and headaches…etc..the suckers don’t seem to like magnets or this colloidal silver.
Emma, I suggest you read David’s comments above. I think you misunderstand what is being discussed here.
…..David makes note to himself——“NEVER drink NutraSilver!!”
Reminds me of those long-ago years, most of which are pretty fuzzy, when I was young, dumb, bulletproof, made of rubber, & enjoyed (??)….uummm….”beverages of ill repute”.
By your own admission, Morgellons as a generall term is unacceptable to you. Can you provide some insite or logic why gen food is ok w/ y ou?
You mean the term “gen food?” I’ve not heard that term much before now. I presume you mean “genetically modified food”, but then I don’t understand the question, other than it seems like a reasonable abbreviation.
Unless you can show some link to the “Morgellons” label, then I’m not really interested in discussing “gen food”.
David and Michael, I’m not understanding why you really think this is hooey phooey or a combination of unknown ailments and why can you not drink NutraSilver? You absolutely can. Like you two have admitted. You are NOT medical doctors. You’re no different than any of us here. You know as much as we do from reading, watching, and thinking. But you have NO background in medicine or anatomy like a doctor would whatsoever. So why be so curt and condescending? That makes no sense to me at all. You’ve admitted you know no more than any of us. I would never be so arrogant to tell people to stay away from colloidal silver or that this is paranoia from a skin rash. No it’s not. It’s very reasonable people who cannot figure out what the hell is wrong with them. And something is wrong. Have you seen a chem trail (not a con trail!!) dissipate? It crystallizes on branches and on the ground. It creates slick spots in the sky that light cannot refract through. I’m just understanding why you have to debunk everything when you’ve admitted your background in understanding this is limited. Why not be open to what honest people with this condition are saying?
I am open to it. I’ve looked at it very carefully, and I agree with 99.999% of doctors who say that Morgellons seems to be just a name for a list of symptoms that have very many possible causes. I also agree with David in that some of those causes may well be new conditions.
That’s all.
I consider myself as a scientific-minded person. I’m an amateur astronomer who has studied the skies above us & what’s in them for over a quarter-century. I’ve saw haloes, mirages, crespecular rays, circumzenithal arcs, tangent arcs, heiligenscheins, rainbows (single, double, & triple), glories, flashes, sundogs, noctilucent clouds, & the zodiacal light. I’ve performed military training during my service years under the aurora borealis. I’ve saw rocket launches, & the interesting atmospheric effects they leave behind, from the Cape, Vandenburg, & White Sands.
I’ve been stationed close to a few of the most active Air Force bases in the world, where you simply grew accustomed to the constant sound of aircraft in the sky. And I’ve lived near several civilian airports and enjoy showing & telling my daughters what I know about planes. (Maybe not much really.) I do know that at any one time there are approx. 5,000 aircraft in the skies above the U.S.A. alone.
But I have never saw a “Chem” Trail.
Now if you had mentioned CONtrails…..well, I’m not concerned terribly about them. Anyone who looks up has been able to see them for, oh, about 60 years…..maybe a bit more. I can take pictures of several dozen above my home each day & almost always can tell you which airport the flight originated from & which one it’s going to. And then there’s the occasional crop duster or some joy-flier with no particular path in mind.
Now, keep that in mind before reading further…….
To answer your inquiry….I’m 100% completely open to what “honest” people are “saying”….but notice those 2 words in parentheses.
As a scientific mind, I am much more interested in what honest people can SHOW me….preferably documented in a fashion which can be deemed reliable & easily studied. If that person doing the “saying” is “honest”…..then they should have absolutely no problem with doing so. Instead, what I have saw MULTIPLE times in the Morgellons community, are excuses very closely resembling what has been posted here…..
“Critters crawled out of my friends skin by the buckets-full, but she wouldn’t let me film it……just trust me”.
You’ll have a VERY hard time convincing the average lay-person that Morgellons exists with that type of evidence to prove your case…..and the professional medical community, whom have all the equipment & knowledge to potentially find a cause/cure for this “disease”, will most likely write it off as a joke. Isn’t that what most of you claim is happening anyway?? HELLO!! Can you see WHY now?? Give them something to work with…PROVE to us that you actually have what you claim. Give us some good high quality video of these little worms crawling out of your nose. Capture a few of them & put them in a jar. Dig out a “bean” & take some video of it moving around like has been claimed.
I have saw NOTHING of that type of hard evidence from the Morgellons community, only pictures of bloody tissue that anyone can scrape out of a scab, pictures of many different types of material that have already been easily shown to be common everyday items, & so-called pictures of “a bug that I dug out of my lesion”….which IS a bug….but doesn’t show it anywhere near a lesion, only laying on a microscopic slide. I can do that too by finding a bug from my own back-yard.
This lack of any convincable evidence coming from the Morgellons community, and the direction they take of blaming their unprovable illness on ANYTHING that can’t really be studied easily….Chem “CON” Trails, GMO’s, mutated octupuses, plant/animal hybrids, secret government experiments, etc……shows me that 1 of 2 things is happening:
1. Morgellons is a hoax, the Morgellons community knows it, so they CAN’T supply any hard evidence that has continually been requested from them.
2. Morgellons exists, but the Morgellons community isn’t interested in finding a cure, so with-holds studyable evidence & instead blames the disease on wild, outlandish theories.
I don’t go for the wild theories & I explained why that is at the beginning of this post….they just don’t hold water when approached scientifically. I know HUNDREDS of astronomers, both amateur & professional….the Chem “CON” Trail conspiracy theory is one of the most ridiculous ones in existence. HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of $$$ are yearly spent in this branch of astronomy that relies on one VERY specific thing……the skies MUST be clear.
Do you honestly believe that if some government agency was pumping something into the air that there wouldn’t be a BUNCH of high-powered astronomers, scientists, & their lobbyists raising hell in Congress on a daily basis?? There’s not….guess why. Those of us that look at the sky for our profession and/or hobby just aren’t seeing what you claim is there. So we can only assume that it ISN’T there.
When the “honest” people with Morgellons start using factual happenings to support their theories, and when what those same people can SHOW proof of what they are constantly “saying”….then yes, at that time I’ll be 100% open to every single one of their claims.
But that isn’t happening. It’s just the same old endless. “Trust me….the government is loading GMO’s into their spray-planes & mutating our DNA with agrobacterium crystallizing out of the Chemtrails, causing little unknown animals to grow out of our skin.”
hi, u know I believe your right, this is a “crazy ” person disease. What I don’t understand is why you all are so adamnant and determined to convince the “crazies”? What does it matter , or how does any of this affect you? If some one thinks they are napoleon, or thinks they are invisible, would it affect you in any way? Why does this matter to any of you so much to disprove this? I would like to understand why people who don’t have it are so interested in it? Wouldn’t there be a better way to spend time? I tried to convince myself I was “crazy”, that would to me be a relief. But my crazy is in/on my baby, He cries, sctratching at his head, his neck, his arms, fingers, etc. He looks at me like why are you not helping me? He wakes up every night crying with his hands scratching. I have other children, so I am familiar with ear infections, teething, etc, I have never had one of my babies fall on the ground scratching and crying, If it was easy enough for me to show proof, then none of us would b on this site, I know I wouldn’t, I’d b at disneyland watching my babyhve fun on dumbo, or at the beach, fishing hiking, enjoying life! So GOD BLESS to all, just let the “crazies” be, who cares if someone wants to be”crazy” Really, does it matter?
karolyn, that really sounds terrible about your baby. I don’t know much about skin conditions, but is it possible that he has baby eczema and/or the croup?
In any case, I would strongly suggest that you consult some type of health care provider if you think your baby is sick. Even if you believe that he has Morgellons, that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have other, treatable conditions which could be cured. I know you want what’s best for your child.
“CRAZY” is when a mother allows their precious baby to go on like what was just described.
I’m sorry. Quite a few morgies obviously seem to have a rather relatively good time with their illness, and I think that’s grand. Many morgies focus on a central theme of “what’s wrong with the world”, when, really, the largest issue is the neglect and abuse their illness brings to the little children and pets in their lives. That is everybody’s business, and it’s very upsetting to be made aware of such occurrences and to not be able to do anything about it.
From what I can see, quite a few “morgies” suffer either from psychosis or extreme OCD, and probably are pretty tormented. It is tragic to hear about children and pets getting caught in the crossfire.
I can not stress enough how important it is for you to take your baby to see a doctor. A doctor you trust.
My baby had a rash on his chest & back some months back. I took him to the doctors & he was treated for eczema. The rash cleared up in 2 days.
Even my sister told me (& she has 2 childern herself & is an RN) that babies get “rashes” all the time.
Go see the doc Karolyn & I am sure your baby will be just fine, I really mean it. Please take care.
hi all, thanks for the advice, I have been to kaiser SEVERAL times throughout his life, through regular day time appts, urgent care, e.r. etc…. my baby has been given treatment for eczema already, not cleared up, antibiotics, more harsh creams, ( kinda scary stuff when a dr. puts a baby on antibiotics for over 3 weeks, 1st one type, that didn’t work, so another one that was stronger!). He got sooo sick from being on those antibiotics for so long. But I kept taking him back to kaiser, have recently seen a dr outside of kaiser, trying something else. It seems like kaiser has dr’s that just prescribe meds, no one really caring enough to see what treatment that has been used, to stop and say, “ok, i care enough about this child to spend a little extra time to investigate, to find the root of the problem,” Not just ” here’s some medication , put a band aid on your boo boo” Thanks for caring about my little one every one, even though some meant it for evil, I will receive it as good, that you took the time out of your day and life to think about us. that’s almost like a prayer! GOD IS GOOD! Smily, and merc you really care and obviously want to help, email me your number, I would gladly appreciate any help and assistance!, especially during the 2:00 a.m trips to kaiser, maybe if you go with us you guys can assist the dr’s with the diagnosis? The LORD knows we haven’t had great luck with them. Any hoo, GOD”S grace is sufficient, Thanks Again!!
Oh by the way, here’s a web site that is good http://www.eytonsearth.org/healing-clay-skin-parasites.php., We have been doing good, this web site just amuses me. GOD BLESS!!
karolyn, I’m relieved to hear that you are regularly visiting a doctor, though it’s a shame that your baby is still in distress. I have had frustrating experiences with dismissive doctors, and I can’t imagine how much worse they would have been if they involved my child.
It’s good to hear that you’ve been persistant, and that you have the means to see doctors who aren’t on your insurance plan. To be honest, almost all of my medical expenses are out of pocket, because my employer’s health insurance is terrible. This isn’t advice to anyone, this is just my personal experience.
Keep your chin up, keep looking for a doctor you connect with, and best wishes to your baby boy.
I’m so sorry for you. Look I thought it would be the case that you had already treated for eczema but I couldn’t just assume, if ya know what I mean?
You sound like a really smart lady. All I can say is that I hope the CDC have sharpened their knives.
I read somewhere that they were doing this in their hallway?
I have no idea why
Discovery of this Morgellons subculture has been quite unsettling to me. I was mulling over it tonight and thinking that this represents the best and worst of the internet. The best is this site, without which I’d probably still think Morgellons is “real”. It’s fabulous to see how one guy can completely debunk this type of junk science with one well-researched blog. I’m quite impressed by how objective, thorough, and reasonable all the articles are.
I was going to say the worst is how the internet allows small groups of people to collectively sustain each other’s illness. I also want to say that I am utterly appalled at the state of medical journalism in this country. I’d always kind of rolled my eyes when people bemoaned the quality of network news, but the fact that ABC, CNN, CBS, Fox, and numerous other reputable news sources have produced such lazy and sensationalist stories shocks me. I’m naive, I guess.
However, I wonder if some good won’t come out of this after all. Morgellons victims may be mistaken about the cause of their suffering, but there’s no question that they do suffer. And hey, why should they suffer in silence?
I’ll be curious to see if the CDC comes out with a generic “we found no evidence supporting the idea of a distinct disease called ‘Morgellons'”, or if they will provide some additional insight into the underlying pathologies, and perhaps a better protocol to assist people with DoP.
i wish i had filmed it david, but she wouldn’t let me. she was horrified at what had happened to her and is still ashamed bizarrely enough even she didn’t cause it. all i can say is it’s not fake. and i have certainly seen a chem trail. they are completely different from con trails. night and day. i’m not a conspiracy theorist at all. but this condition does exist and the parasites are crawling under people’s skin and do cause brain fog, headaches, etc…and the microfibers are not being stuffed into people’s skin. they’re not mutilating themselves. it got into their system and is near impossible to get out.
Karolyn, try this link
Here is what I don’t get about Morgellons: when sufferers first discover that they have this disease, they tend to have highly visible symptoms. Brightly colored things sticking out of wounds, or collecting under the skin. Things crawling and flying out of the eyes, hands, or feet. Piles of black specks emerging from the scalp or hands when washed.
Yet somehow, when they go to the doctor, these symptoms are no longer visible to the naked eye. Microscopes and highly sophisticated lab work is required. The black specks in particular should be incredibly easy to demonstrate to a doctor. Go to a sink, run your head or your hand under water, and freak the heck out of whoever is watching.
Similarly, the news stories often show people’s lesions, which are disturbing. But I have yet to see a normal camera close-up showing anything growing out of these lesions. All the pictures on the web are at 10x, or much higher. Yeah, the world looks alien in extreme magnification. Microscopes are cool. But how on earth did you notice your symptoms in the first place, and why are microscopes required now?
I can understand the difficulty with recognizing Lyme disease, because the symptoms as first described were all internal. It’s easy to imagine a doctor shrugging their shoulders if someone comes in complaining of fatigue and joint pain. But bright blue hairs growing out of a rash? I would think the average doctor would be fascinated.
I know, I’m belabouring the point. Still, I just can’t completely wrap my mind around it.
merc, exactly. some doctors refuse to look at ANYTHING the people bring in. not anything. and they’re doctors! i have a brother-in-law who does internal medicine and cannot imagine refusing to investigate thoroughly someone’s symptoms. so when these board certified doctors will not even investigate, they’re in cahoots with the gov’t or something. that’s absurd. and i wish these people would bring in the parasites and the fibers and make them use their “tools” to figure out what these things are and how they got into their bodies. someone needs to figure this out.
Sorry, emmarose, I guess I wasn’t clear. I meant to say that I have trouble believing Morgellons is a “real” disease because I haven’t seen any footage of weird things growing out of anyone’s skin. This disease supposedly has very visible signs, but all the “evidence” on the web is gigantically magnified. Why aren’t these pictures clearer, and on ordinary scale?
As for why doctors don’t accept things that people bring in: let’s say that you’re a dermatologist, and someone brings barbie doll in and says that the doll was extracted from their skin. I’m guessing you’d find this unlikely. Now, if someone comes in, and half of a barbie doll is growing out of their head, that’s hard to ignore. Similarly, imagine someone who comes in and says, “I have dolls growing out of my skin, but you’ll need an incredibly powerful microscope to detect them.” It begs the question, how did the patient discover the specifics of their skin in the first place?
Let’s look at this another way: let’s take the self-reported number from MRF that 10,000 families claim to have Morgellons. Let’s assume the average family is 5 people, and let’s further assume that every member of each family suffers from Morgellons, and that they all live in the US. This gives us 50,000 people, which is a large number. However, compare that to the population of the US, ~300 million, and it’s about .02% of the US. It seems reasonable that a very small percentage of people suffer from DoP, or something similar.
Assuming that each family member has one doctor visit. This seems conservative, since many Morgellons sufferers says they’ve seen over a dozen doctors, but let’s say one. That means that in 50,000 doctor visits, there are maybe 25 doctors who recognize Morgellons as a distinct disease. There’s a fudge here between doctors and doctor visits, but it suggests that 99.9% of doctor visits resulted in a diagnosis the patients did not agree with. That’s pretty incredible if Morgellons exists. I mean, to even say that MOST doctors are stubborn and myopic would not account for this. It would indeed probably need to be a conspiracy to keep that many doctors quiet.
So, which is more likely, that a very small number of people have a delusion about their skin, or that the entire medical profession is swathed in a cloak of silence?
Okay, I know the answer. If you think you have Morgellons, it’s the latter.
A shout out to the ignorant pricks @ the CDC, who finally added Morgellon’s to their A-Z list of diseases!!!
It wasn’t listed in the A-Z last year, dunno when that happened.
Only took the Centers for Disease Cover-Up, what 6 years now (?), since Mary Leitao began doing their job for them – in order to accomplish this truly amazing feat. Better do something else to help, though. Adding it to the A-Z and pretending to do a study is not quite cutting my mustard.
Love how the CDC been subtly trying to downplay their corrupt lack of attention to Morgellon’s after their inattention leads to suicides and they are responsible for the AMA mis-training these rude, mal-practicing doctors. Just to trying to avoid mass lawsuits & pink slips – same thing as when they removed the ‘Delusional Parasitosis’ definition from their website in 2003.
Just spoke to someone who was trying to get help through Kaiser and was told that ‘isn’t acknowledged’. Um – Why are the people doing study still not treating Morgellon’s and are still denying it’s existence to it’s victims as of last week? Hmmm.
Somebody better send somebody an inter-office memo @ Kaiser Retardemente. That shows this is still being denied. Study Faster.
Congrats, though, CDC – on listing Morgellon’s in your A-Z, you big heroes – to think it only took you 6 years to PRETEND to get your heads out of your corrupt asses! Highly commendable!!! Better get to work on correcting ALL the doctors now! At your given rate of output, I expect you will have the AMA retrain the doctors and contact the folks they hurt w/DOP in no less than 12 years!!! It is fantastic to see my tax dollars @ work so efficiently!
OK, folks, now you are hearing from a physician with Morgellons, and having it is weirder than anything L Ron Hubbard could make up. The CDC has its work cut out for it and it is high time it stepped up to the plate. I encourage all of you to see the film “Under Our Skin”, which will be in wide release soon.
This is a whole new era in autoimmune phenomena, co-infections and the emergence of biological entities which may have been dormant or newly mutated, and which now have the environmental conditions to express themselves. Any medical practioner who sticks their head in the sand out of self-interest for profit, research grants or political power is unconscionable.
Anybody who has not experienced this should not sit in judgement on anybody who has. Count yourselves lucky if you have never seen it coming from your own skin–I wouldn’t wish it on anybody.
Find a doctor who believes you and be willing to consider creative treatments. We don’t know what it is exactly, or what causes it, but I will do everything ethically possible to provide relief for my patients, myself and my family.
I do believe that “first, do no harm” is an important part of the Hippocratic oath. Accusing patients of being crazy does them harm, as much or more than any unnecessary procedure could do. I have experienced the resentment when it is clear that a doctor doesn’t want to hear about my uncharacterizable symptoms, or doesn’t want to admit they can’t explain baffling lab tests or findings. I have been blessed with relief from a dermatologist who said, “yes, something is wrong, we will work to find it out”. I wish that for all of you who need to hear it.
For those who have it, please know that although there is not a cure known as yet, there are treatments that can help provide relief, and they are not just pharmaceutical ones. Look on the ILADS and LDA websites–those associated illnesses have some common features and common treatments which can provide relief.
Those sites also list physicians courageous enough to take on complex and baffling illnesses, often at the risk of their licences and livelihoods when the insurance companies decide they are spending too much money or taking too much time treating patients.
Many of those physicians take their own time to educate those of us who need to know more about such illnesses. I feel cheated that information has been falsely filtered by the political-medical powers that be, when knowing the true complexity of many of these illnesses could have literally helped me save lives sooner. It makes me feel like a waiter in a bad restaurant, but also more determined to build a better restaurant, from the ground up if necessary.
Let’s hope the next federal administration will lend a hand in that process rather than conceal or restrict information from physicians—making sure people with “pre-existing conditions” can have treatment options would be a refreshing start.
Good luck to you all, Dr W
Hi David (offamychain)
Your first post to the Morgellons community was about the possibility of Morgellons being linked to Meths exposure:
Then this:
Can you not see why you started to upset folks?…
You set yourself up for a fall.
And now you blame us, on here, of all places?
Very poor
ps – its a pity you never investigated the bounty of evidence that was right under your nose. Maybe, just maybe, you were preoccupied with displaying your scientific knowledge to us? You never once gave me the impression that you were seriously researching Morgellons.
Hi Dr. W!
I like the waiter in a bad restaurant analogy – TRUE. Sorry if WE tend to trash docs., I’m sure you can understand why. It is good to hear from one of the few who aren’t delusional themselves!
I’m about to try something new, if you’d like to email me to join in or hear of my volunteer guinea pigging (might as well give my life to see what works, short of borax, bleach, pesticides and anything else hurtful people have tried – if I have to be a test rabbit, fine – because that’s what needs to be done – feel like most of my life has already been taken from me by Morgellon’s, anyway – I’d rather give up what’s left of my life to fight, rather than to be JUST another victim. I see many worse than me that need solace – so I will be strong for them, even when I don’t feel it.) …And I just made a new friend who has Morgellon’s & who thinks her baby was born w/it – so now, I am more determined than ever to HELP. We need to stick together until we get some answers. Doc – Please email me so I can let you know what I’m doing and if some weird wheat-grass concoction makes me keel over – you will know what NOT to take & can post on here that it did something bad to me.
Cross your fingers/Wish me luck, friends!
Start taking this probably Wednesday…Hopefully, I’m not going to have to stay close to the home toilet until the following Wednesday 😮 – but I guess I’d expect a demon like this to not leave my body w/out a fight – so, put me in the game, coach…I’m ready for battle!!!
OMG!!!! Literally!!! Doc, I am sooo sorry that you had to get this. The way I look at it, is like enviro girl, whatever it takes!!
I believe GOD has a plan for us all, pray, pray ,pray, that we can submit ourselves ,to know what it is.
Enviro girl I luv ya!!!!
Hello Enviro-Girl,
I’m not a dr but I suffer from delusions.
There is no shame in suffering delusions. I am grateful in a way, because if it weren’t for my delusions I wouldn’t be alive today.
Cured to death, is that what you are trying to say?
Apparently billions of people have Morgellons.
Could you elaborate on that for me please Michael.
It’s just that I am being sprayed at Morgellons Free. They don’t think I “mean” what I say. This is awful. My specialists are tying to ease my suffering but hell on earth my partner is not well, my family don’t understand, and don’t help.
No one returns my emails. Michael should we communicate via email to talk about what Morgs really is, or do you want to email me?
This is an experiment by the way.
Gillian, can I ask you to consider for a while that this is not an experiment?
But just different people, with different symptoms, with different (and sometimes unknown) causes.
Just think about it. There’s no evidence of an experiment. Lot’s of evidence of plain old unexplained illnesses as usual.
Gillian: I already asked you to email me, you never did. If you truly want help and understanding I wouldn’t look to those who host a website that is designed to mislead, confuse and hurt Morgellon’s victims. Remember to consider your sources and the motivation behind them.
Just remember – any a-hole can post on a blog, set up a website or impersonate anyone for any reason. Sheep amongst the wolves, babe. Don’t let these sites and blogs confuse you and remember that when you post around, you are inviting commentary. I know of 4 people that seem to be paid to attack victims, on the web and in real life – this is corrupt. Plenty more posing as victims who are selling lifetime snake oil. Personally, I wasn’t sure if you have Morgellon’s because I see your post above agreeing w/David that WE might be delusional, imagining we have Morgellon’s. “Both”…
That’s usually not how we roll – so if you think that, I doubt you have it. That’s kind of an insult to us to be agreeing w/that, actually. I’ll forgive you because you seem sick. If you think you have Morgellon’s – email me.
you have to ingest colloidal silver in amounts that won’t kill you but it will push the parasites out of your body. you cannot just do external method of putting vaseline on your body or lotions, you’ve got to get them out of the INSIDE of your system which seems to require colloidal silver products of some kind to make them leave. they don’t like magnetic fields or silvers and will leave or really pour out of your system. you have to purge your system of them, but base it on your weight and all to still be healthy.
Gill, u ok?
NO I AM not OK.
I am unwell and “delusions” are part of my condition. I never said everyone was “delusional”. I have BDD also, which involves delusions which are not treatable with antipyschotics. BDD is condition which is still fairly new just like Morgellons.
Yes I have both. Michael I know this is not an experiment, I just get sooo fed up, OK!! EmmaRose what is your email address please. I can’t remember alot of things so please do not have a go at me.
I believe Morgellons makes me, us distrust the people closes to us, well it does for me anyway.
I believe my delusions are visions, not saying I’m a prophet because I’m not. I just see a lot of things that make sense, that tell me we’re all in a lot of trouble.
We have a brand new telescope, since someone stole our last one. I will let you know if I see any flying sauces.
Many people have told me off for 2 yrs now for posting music videos, well I’m sorry, but that was the only way I could tell the story of Morgellons.
Don’t shoot the messenger please.
Well you’ve already done that.
Have a nice/nite
Unfortunately, I have been banned from all Morgellons Forums. I think because I can not lie, or hide the truth. Story of my life, I have been kicked in the head for 40 years. I am not saying I am smarter than any of you, I certainly am not. I am going on my personal experience. Is it a crime that I am full of tenacity? as my father has always said. I try & try & try with all my might, all I ever wanted to do was HELP.
I apologise AGAIN for upsetting the Morgellons Community.
EmmaRose, If you keep taking nutrasilver and if you keep promoting that other’s take it, when I have never read a scientific review stating it’s safety this is what will happen to you.
Michael it’s not youtube, it’s google.
Well it goes to YouTube eventually (fixed the link for you), but I’ll let it slide as it’s not music.
I was actually just watching this episode yesterday.
You sound like you are soldiering on Gillian. I wish you well.
Gillian, by BDD, do you mean Body Dismorphic Disorder?
gillian, type for my e-mail that works “edorapietrafesa@hotmail.com”. nutrasilver will NOT make you a vegetable. it won’t. take it in amounts that will not actually harm you but push the parasites out of you and they will spill out of every orifice about 12 hours after you ingest the colloidal silver. put vaseline all over your body to make them expel easier and they will come out of your scalp, nose, eyes, mouth, and skin pores and you will be cured finally. the topical solutions are only temporary because they are infested INSIDE of you and can keep spawning more parasites unless you expel the host(s).
Hi EmmaRose!
How long do you have to take this for and how many people have you personally seen it work for? You, too?
Do you work for them or are you a rep.?
I’m a little concerned w/metals, though (lead, mercury – ick!)…So, how long have ppl. been using this product for, is there actually silver in it and what else is in it?
Ever check out the black tar ‘ichtammol’ drawing/gardener’s salve in conjunction w/this? It’s usu. good bandaged, but maybe not if things actually do come EXITING w/force…? I would check that out, if you have not – ENJOY!
I’m about to try something new today and am pretty excited about it…If it doesn’t work, Emma, and I like your answers, I’ll try this in a few months – what the heck?!
I think you are absolutely right on about Morgellon’s being internal – and I’m thinking the ‘indistinctive’ symptoms in us victims is a co-infection of the parasites and THINGS that are in your own region’s water/food supply/things in nature – THINGS the Morgies get stuck in them – but others would just pass…what ELSE we get after we have Morgellon’s, seems to depend on our locales. (?)
And if IT has some type of a web, like I’ve seen w/mine – then that would also explain how fuzz and fibers and different things that one might ingest or wear, would also expel themselves out of lesions. Like IT snags things internally and w/the lesions, to use in IT’s web (?)
Seems like Mary Leitao was indeed right to me, for 7 years now and counting – the weird fuzz, the fibers, even your own hair – used to build it’s web, that’s got you strapped down inside – it traps parasites and other bugs/diseases – this seems like TODAY’s Harsh Hairs. I still KNOW I got it from that sharp tree, that day. Lactose intolerant 33 days later, sicker and sicker every day since until recently…
So, if you consider the web aspect, perhaps this could be a GM agrobacterium pesticide monster (perhaps similar to one used in Australia by a nobel peace prize winner and then used 1 yr later in the U.S. in pesticides, first on trees, years later on crops), designed – innocently enough, to protect plants from natural decay.
WTF IT is, something’s got to kill IT. It’s too bad that somebody who knows, but won’t say, won’t be a HERO & tell us what this BEAST is or at least tell us victims how to kill it.
Thanks, Emma!
Merc, yes Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Thanks for the info EmmaRose, but I think I would rather let my doctors deal with this one thanks. If Nutrasilver was all that is was cracked up to be no one would be ill, would they?
So what is the word from the CDC does anyone know? I was told by the end of this year we should know something. I’m getting rather anxious coz sometimes I fear I will never make it till the end of the year.
Governments don’t move mountains with new diseases unless people are dropping dead. Now poor Mary Leitao has been fighting this shit for 8 years, and me for 4 years. I think that’s enough time for you all to complete your stupid studies don’t you?
I wish you well too Michael.
The longer the CDC supresses the truth the more ANGRY us SUFFERERS are going to become, not that we haven’t been angry since it all began.
We all know the truth about HIV and that alone MAKES ME ABSOLUTELY WILD!!!!!!!!! Human beings are selfish by nature, and men have always been the down fall of society even since the Roman Empire, and you’ll doing it AGAIN!
The men today aren’t men, they all carry on like a bear with a sore head. Now I see that there is something very very wrong in this world, but no one is listening. I do not believe there is anymore studies that need to be performed with regards to Morgellons. I can not see what the big secret is.
We have all been driven by fear thanks to the Bush administration, not saying Bush himself, but his advisers look pretty guilty.
hi, sorry about how your feeling gill. You know when I was utilizing my ins, with kaiser, they had me on all sorts of meds, including upping my dosage of gabapentin, to extreme amounts, cuz they just could’nt get my”nerves” to stop moving, It actually made me worse, that’s when they sent me to psych, cuz “if it ain’t textbook” you MUST b crazy. From what I’ve learned about parasites, they thrive on acidic ph balances. drugs, alchohol, tobacco, and ALL CHEMICAL DRUGS (MEDICINE FROM JU DR), Are THE MOST acidic things around. So that’s why “the diet” is so important. Enviro-girl, I was thinking the same thing, if what I’m doing now doesn’t work, what the hey, I’ll try drinking a bottle of silver, beats pouring gasoline on yourself, like some people have tried. Don’t think I’m that brave! Guess I can handle puking my brains out , “literally”, but who knows!!! Maybe I’m not brave at all? If it don’t kill you, it only makes you stronger. I wasn’t gonna post here anymore, but it seems , that michael , is having a sensitive streak, and not beating down, on us fools. AAAhHHH, the grace of GOD, life’s good.:) peace gill, I’ll be praying 4 you!
Hi kc, thanks.
My specialists believe in Morgellons as they said to me, “the CDC is taking this very seriously”. My doctors know I’m not crazy. I’ve thrown my fear out the window, no way to live my life.
Throwing gasoline on yourself? Not a good idea at all. Reminds me of that movie “Bug”, what a disturbing film that was. I’m sorry, but nothing like Morgellons.
I wish you well too kc.
You sure about that KC??
Out of the most commonly used 25 medicines…15 of them being prescription-only & 10 being OTC…here’s how they rate:
Acids (below ph 6) = 12, including Aspirin, Singulair, Lipitor, & Plavix
Bases (above ph 8 ) = 7, including Nexium, Prevacid, Sudafed, & Fosamax
Neutrals (ph 6-8) = 6, including Celebrex, Flomax, Advair, & Benadryl
If you expand the list to however many you want….50, 100, 250….the percentages will still stay much the same.
So where did you get your info from?? Mine came from various well respected chemical & medical sites, which I can provide links to. I’d like to know your sources.
Hello everyone, I am writing to you finally cured from what I believe to be the most horrible disease that there is, not only because of what you go through when you have this disease but also the fact that no one believes you. my own mother who is a doctor thought I was crazy, however, it is because she taught me many things about the body growing up that i have been able to cure myself and I hope to help others from this horrible disease. I got morgellons from staying at a hotel room where i felt things crawling on me, at first i thought i had lice, then scabies, but of course nothing i did helped me or my cat who also started scratching. I knew that oil kills bugs because they can not breath, so i decided to get some mint oil from bath and body works. I had what i thought was a pimple on my chest and as i was putting the oil on my body i saw a black worm come out of that pimple. I then realized that that whatever i had was a lot worse then just a bad case of scabies. I sat in my tube with oil all over my body and i kept seeing new little black and brown spots come out of my skin along with different color fibers from clothes that i had warn. I went on line and spent thousands of dollars on a bunch of crap that had claimed to cure morgellons, scabies, bugs, and almost nothing worked. here is what did work, The ultimate zappper helped bring back my energy, waiora natural cellular defense took away many symptoms such as memory loss, sexual problems, depression, fatigue, and fever like symptoms, i would use it and put it in my cats water. nutasilver helps, the first time i took it i drank 20 drops and waited for things to come out of my body, nothing did until i took a bath and then i saw even more black worms come pouring out of my skin. I also gave that to my cat with a dropper. Solaray Reacta-C 500 mg, i took 5-10 tablets twice a day, after a while i had to lower the does because i became dizzy, so please be careful, listen to your body the best way to cure yourself is to be healthy. 5 whole bunches of garlic pressed with a garlic masher mixed with a 1 and 1/2 quarts of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of salt, some cayenne pepper and 1 whole lemon. I would take 2 table spoons of that oil with some of the garlic twice a day as well. I would use mineral oil mixed with a little tea tree oil and put it all over my body (do not indgest), wait for at least an hour and watch things come out of the body, figure out what works for your body, don’t use too much tea tree oil you can get burned, also watch your eyes if you put it on your hair, have a paper towel available so that you can wipe the oil coming down your face. for my cat i just used mineral oil on her, i would not use any tea tree, that can hurt the cat, after i put the oil on her it was hard to wash off so she would walk around with some oil still left on her for a day until i would wash her again. please keep your home warm if you allow your pet to remain with a little oil on them because it can get very cold with the oil, it feels like your hair is still wet even though its not, so i am sure they feel the same when their fur is wet with the oil. You must stop eating all real and fake sugar other than nustevia. The only thing you can eat is fish, and vegetables, natural brown rice, and sometimes potato’s, after a while i started to eat fruit as well, but for the beginning of the diet try to only eat the fish and veggies. stay away from all animal products including all dairy. soy is also not good. miracle mineral supplement also known as mms helps, i even took baths in it and washed my carpet with it with a carpet cleaner. Also because you can not kill these bugs from just washing them you may need to buy some cheep clothes from walmart and Belles Outlet has great stuff very cheap. I bought new clothes every week, under garments as well and would never wear the same things twice. if it seems like a lot it is less than having to deal with this disease. I slept on a plastic blow-up mattress that i would wash down with baby oil every night before i went to bed. I also vacuumed the house everyday or every other day, even the walls and the ceiling, and air vents. The Dyson vac works great. If you have a couch, chairs, bed that you have slept on or sat on, you may need to get rid of it, its just not worth it to keep it because the bugs are in it. For pillows and sheets on the bed, same thing i would buy new $2 twin sheets from walmart, and walgreens has cheep little pillows and blankets. After i would shower i dried off with paper towels so i did not have to buy towels. everyday i would put everything in a trash bag and put it in the trash. also i would sit on plastic bags or empty trash bags in the house and throw them out each day. this may seem hard or like a lot but you must do this for at least 2 weeks, then see what you can change while still healing. i promise you if you do everything i have written you will cure yourself within about 2 months or less. Good luck and God bless you all. please let others know if you try this and it works for you, and please dont waste your money on all that other crap that is sold over the net, trust me i tried it all!
Dear David,
I don’t care if what we have in my family is the so called morgellons, or something else. What I know is that the crawling in our bodies is something very annoying and to seek treatment for it is frustrating. My husband was treated for scabies, allergic reaction, and now for bacterial infection. I am avoiding all treatments and taking the natural approach, specially with better hygiene.
I am seeking for research in my region. I contacted the local health authority and a dermathologist researcher in Brazil and I am hoping that somebody can show some interest.
I found information about other people with similar symptoms searching online for “crawling in the body” after all the unsucessful treatments that doctors tryed in my husband.
It is unfortunate that we can’t find a trustful source for information about this issue. I will keep looking for more insights in this forum because it gave me some ideas about what I may have.
Good luck to you.
We are not claiming a new “disease” exists (like someone wants it named after them), what these folks are describing is a relatively new “syndrome”. Aids is a syndrome also, remember when no one wanted to recognize aids, gulf war syndrome, lyme, etc. So your position that a new syndrome is not at hand is frankly very closed minded given the large number of cases and unexplained symptoms occuring.
There is already enough scientific evidence for those of you who continue to explain this away…Would you like to discuss non & genetically modified agrobacterium? I bet not.
As a person who never had 1 thing wrong w/them in their life and has suffered daily since I backed into a tree busting my ass to clean up litter and began to self-diagnose ONLY after 5 overpaid doctors failed me…Pardon me, but I do personally take offense to & wish a case of this on anyone who’s so in vehement denial of the FACTS that 20,000 (?) ++++ U.S. citizens are infected by Morgellon’s, that it is obvious they are paid to go around denying its existence on blogs.
I do wish LESIONS upon the face to anyone in the U.S. govt who has REFUSED to help its citizens since 2001 OR who maligns victims trying to get help or help others, who slanders victims by saying we’re lying and asks for further proof to further persecute us with – because when you are given that proof you just deny it away, thus convincing me that it’s your job to do so…
Let’s make a deal – you non-believers bring your camcorders on over and I’ll put anything that comes out of my skin on your sandwich. Perhaps the Illumanti gave you some top secret Morgellon’s vaccine – I’d love to help you take it for a test drive 🙂
enviro-girl@hotmail.com – Email me to set up a meeting, please.
The doctor is still trying:
No doubt, he got his idea here:
Remarkably, that June 2008 MRF’s “investigative research study” is based on someone’s reportedly having actually used water from an abandoned hot water tank. So sad.
Jenn: Thank you for the post. If the people here were true scientists with altruistic intent, they would ask for samples, help clinical trials get under way or somehow assist with funding. They would gather information. They seem to be interested enough to have this website. Why not study the pathologies? Remember AIDs and the reputations of the men/women who denied the truth? That was a sad story in our history and people died, for impossibly corrupt reasons. Do you want to be part of a solution or be part of the problem? It is spreading, and it will be a leading cause of torture, death,misery in the future as it is in the present. Your families will get it, not because I wish harm on anyone, but because it is a complex pathogen with many life cycles. It is easily spread, especially to those with weak immunity. It will rob our country of the best and brightest. Some of the people in the fields of medical research and science have loved ones with it now. They suffer in silence. They are afraid to step forward. Some were given the disease by those who have it. This was done, I suppose because they were so desperate and wanted attention to their cause.
I ask that funding be made available immediately. I cannot let my identity be known, but I implore anyone with the ability to find funding, to supply it.
I agree, people should look at the history of AIDS.
AIDS came to the attention of the medical community in 1981. There was a vast amount of publicity and research about AIDS immediately after this. It was almost immediately confirmed to be a blood-borne infection. The CDC immediately started tracking cases.
The problem with Morgellons is that it is nothing like AIDS. It’s a long list of symptoms. Patients have very little in common. There is no evidence of a common underlying condition. There is no evidence of an infectious condition. All you have a a group of people who are very ill, but whose illnesses are for the most part explained by a variety of known conditions.
Much like AIDS, perhaps once the PHARM cos. can patent a life-long treatment they can take these victims $ for permanently, they will then allow our GOVT to help us.
It is infectious, MW, knock it off – I got IT from a tree, that sounds infectious and quite specific to me. Tree is still there if any of these science geeks who are always demanding PROOF from victims on a blog want to come see what is rotting this tree, w/black sap oozing out it’s roots…I want it taken down but my health dept. won’t do anything (surprise) – If anyone wants to see IT, I will be pointing The Tree out from across the street, in my car. I suggest Bio-Hazard Gear, at the very least. If someone doesn’t come remove it soon, I think I might crash a car into it (I’d jump out first, of course) – because IT’s still there and it makes me sick thinking about this happening to someone else and there’s nothing I can do about it. But then I worried that the clean up crew after the tree was knocked down would get Morgellon’s, so I never did that 🙂
IT came from there or IT came from the dead tick on the tree that was in my sweater. End of story. Stop w/the games, it’s a joke at this point, please…
Lyme meds did nothing. Tree Poke – Immediate fever and intense flu-like, (felt like the onset of the WORST flu you’d ever contract), sharp bright red shards that embedded into my foot and calf, intense itching days later in my back where the tree poked me, weird nodule grew on my back, lactose intolerance began 14 days. Every other symptom IT causes since that day, those are facts. I didn’t have these things before, MW – IT caused them. So you are right about many resulting diseases, I’ll give you that. That is why I get pissed when you corruptos accuse of Morgies of being delusional – not one thing wrong w/me prior, ever – including my mental health, thank you. I had every single symptom typed by date long before I went looking on the web and NOT because I was looking for an ignored, emerging disease cult to join – I only went looking, one year after The Tree because my right eye began to twitch constantly and I could no longer think normally or spell (A.K.A. – Brain Fog) and I let 5 docs misdiagnose me and take my $, long before I went looking to help myself. It’s rather rude to say people are just googling around, looking for attention from their loved ones and Morgellon’s looked like a !@#$%^ fun summer vacation!! If I had my choice, I woulda picked a disease that gives ya big hooters or something, instead.
Pretty ‘speficic’ to me, that THIS caused ALL of that, since I’ve seen and felt every symptom since THAT DAY. The thing that causes many things, if that can help those of you w/a lesser IQ to cease your ignorant denial. But I understand, you are just doing your jobs. So the rest of us can understand, get well and help others – you all keep up your work of denial and I hope whatever the Illumanti is paying you to deny this is worth the price of your diseased souls.
Genetically Modified Agrobacterium being used in pesticides on non-crops in the U.S. for at least 28 years, (used on crops since, what 1994?) as long as I’ve heard anyone say they have Morgellon’s, is also is pretty specific. Too much of a money maker for BIG PHARMA to let us stop IT’S usage (treating all the other things IT causes) is why they won’t let it be stopped. So, Agr. Industry, that’s great that produce will have a longer shelf life, except guess what? Oops, we’re all too sick to be hungry, ya tools! The earth and it’s people (and animals) are screaming for help. I need to do more. Someone who can help me HELP, please email me…
P.S., MW – In case you are genuinely trying to understand this, once you have the MORG, the differences in us seems to vary by region – depending on what other diseases and parasites are intrinsic to your specific region/tap water/food/plants, etc…Hope that helps clue in you in 🙂
“All you have a a group of people who are very ill, but whose illnesses are for the most part explained by a variety of known conditions.”
Two issues:
1 Group of very ill people
2 Variety of problems
A) Similar Conditions
B) Fast to Explain Away
It is hard to understand why a group of various disease would join to claim a single disease. splain
Try this and see what happens with you. When I first developed the felt the symptoms of MORG, I went out and bought bug spray thinking that I could get them to stop biting me….funny huh? Out of laziness, I combined that unscented Cutter’s Outdoor bug spray with my thick Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Lotion that I’ve used for years. I mixed them together and applied it in a thick coat all over my body…..All of a sudden, these little things started to pop out of my skin that were filled with little threads and I could feel the NESTS OF PARASITES TRAVELING UNDER MY SKIN. I cried when I realized how serious this condition actually was. You never realized how badly infected you are until you aggitate them. I haved used this technique every day after showering to help minimize the biting and help me to get some sleep…..hope I can help someone with this info….remember, ur not alone…..and we just gotta stick it out until the cure is found…..I always hold on to the thought, WELL IT’S BETTER THEN TRYING TO BEAT CANCER.