Here’s an interesting article. Interesting in two parts, firstly because it contains more detail on what the CDC is doing, and secondly because it’s got such a ridiculous headline.
Skin-sore sufferers cast off as delusional
The headline is “Skin-sore sufferers cast off as delusional“, and the article also says: “Most have bounced from doctor to doctor and been dismissed as delusional“, and “ Doctors tried to blame her case on stress and depression from the death of her husband in a car accident five years ago.”
Here’s the problem. Obviously people are sick, and they have physical problems. They are not imagining their sores. Yet the article says they have been “cast off” and “dismissed” as “delusional”. This gives the impression that the doctors think the patients are imagining their sores and other symptoms.
Symptoms are not delusions. Symptoms are symptoms. The delusion is in attributing the cause of their symptoms to a new disease which is making fibers come out of their skin. The delusion is thinking that there is stuff under your skin that you have to dig out with your fingernails.
The cases presented in the article are very sad. One woman digs out “grains of sand” and “curly white fibers” with her fingernails. She refuses to take the medication her doctors prescribe. The other woman pulls out “threads, black specks and crystals” from her skin, with tweezers, causing her pain. She also “follows doctors’ advice to bathe in bleach and vinegar baths.”
Are their sores entirely self inflicted? Or are they compounding a skin condition like pseudomonas folliculitis? Either way, they are not helping with their scratching and tweezing. I’d like to know what kind of “doctor” told her to bathe in bleach.
Clearly a lot of people who think they have Morgellons are delusional (or, as Randy Wymore says: “a bit eccentric”). This does not mean that their entire condition is delusional, it just means that delusion is a component of their condition.
The article clears up one thing: it was a 900 fiber database, and a 100,000 organic compound database used by the Tulsa PD, not a 100,000 fiber FBI database, as some reports suggested.
Read the article for the information on what the CDC is doing. I’m looking forward to the CDC’s initial report. It should clarify things immensely.
“Clearly a lot of people who think they have Morgellons are delusional. This does not mean that their entire condition is delusional, it just means that delusion is a component of their condition.”
Excellent, excellent. That sums up a lot in a clear, concise manner.
I had a Dermatologist diagnose me with folliculitis – this started on my lower legs.
I then went to see a Microbiologist who I once worked with. He wrote a very detailed letter back to my treating physician at the time, and clearly stated in the letter that he was NOT convinced that I was suffering from folliculitis.
These lesions then spread over my entire body.
I still have the scars on my lower legs – identical to the photo in the above newspaper article.
I am clearly not DOP and thousands of others reporting to have Morgellons are clearly not DOP either.
We all have IDENTICAL stories and symptoms……that’s the truth….whether you lot like it or not.
Gillian said…
May I ask a question? What do you believe about your symptoms? That will determine whether or not a DOP diagnosis is correct for you.
In my opinion, it would be very hard, if not impossible altogether, to believe that you have Morgellons and NOT be delusional.
I’ve communicated with a whole lot of Morgies, over an extended period of time, and they DO NOT all have the same symptoms.
Wymore says that Morgellons is a total mystery. Well, it may be a total mystery to Wymore, but it’s not a mystery to a lot of other people.
I’m being nice, so please answer the question. What do you believe about your symptoms?
Tall Cotton
I’m with Gill. How can thousands be experiencing the same DOP at the same time? That does not make sense.
Certainly, nobody who is concerned about the patients who believe in “morgellons disease” derives pleasure from our awarenesss of their thoughts, beliefs, and practices. There is a huge misunderstanding in how patients viewing the facts of the matter stated on this blog seem to think we’re in a competition, or something to that effect.
Wymore formerly attributed the mental effects of “morgellons disease” to the neurotoxins that he said were involved. Now he is describing such patients as “a bit eccentric”. Well, that’s interesting. Sure, a doctor instructed somebody to bathe in bleach. A gentleman in my community passed away, several years ago, directly from using bleach on his poison ivy rash. It’s like I’ve said before, journalists should, by all means, validate stories of a supposed new disease by including interviews with doctors of the patients they’re doing their stories on. Bathe in bleach…..oh, poo!!!
More on the CDC from the LA times:,1,2889750,full.story?coll=la-headlines-health
That’s an interesting point. The CDC is investigating what seems to be clusters of DOP. Is there a reason for the clustering? Something environmental, or just from the social demographics? Anyway, it sounds like it will take a few months.
I have symptoms that NO doctor wants to look at.
My symptoms distress not only me but everyone around me, because they can all see what comes out of my skin, and the fact that no one has investigated them.
I am the “patient” a victim of this Morgellons insanity, and NO medical professional has even taken the time to try to explain any of this to me. I have simply asked for help and continually followed their so called advice. and lets not forget – taken their “mind bending” pills!
I found the Morgellons website TWO YEARS after my initial onset of severe symptoms, and these were not fuzz in lesions either.
High time you pyschobabble idiots stopped fabricating all these psychiatric illnesses and got off ya arse and did something worthwhile for a change.
I have never been into conspiracy theories, but I have learnt through this journey that the medical community surely is, they love it, and they create it. These so called “medical professionals” have perpetuated this Morgellons misery for me, and don’t one of you dare say you haven’t either, you know who you are, you know what you have said to me, and how you have used me and lead me along. This hurts me to the bone, and not one of you has the descency to step forward and give me an explanation. This really is abuse and you people should be so damn ashamed of yourselves.
I never wanted to believe that people I respected, trusted, and looked up to could be so cold and callous.
If the whole idea and creation of “Morgellons” was to bring “Delusions of Parasitosis” to the forefront I would have appreciated being told this in the first place.
I feel there is so much the medical community wants to learn about DOP and has for many years.
I did NOT sign a document agreeing to research into DOP or anything for that matter.
I did sign a document for BDD research, and this was simply completing questionnaires, and we would all be paid a small fee for our time and input.
I also did an article for a magazine organised through my psychiatrist on suffering BDD. (Funny thing though, my family have always said – “You are definitely NOT BDD”.
Now, I feel I have helped the medical community as much as I possible can, which in turn I thought would help me, BUT I am still waiting.
Waiting for what you ask?? An explanation of Morgellons please because you lot already now the answer don’t YOU??!!
That is a good article. I can’t help wondering how much cooperation some patients can provide concerning their medical histories.
Gillian, think back over the last five years. There have been times when you followed the doctor’s advice, and times when you did not. There have also been different doctors, some conventional, and some alternative. Looking back over all that, when did you do best? Was it following the advice of a particular doctor, or when you struck out on your own, or with other sufferers?
That is a very hard question Michael. I do not want to hurry my reply, but I do need to go out this afternoon so I will just give my gut feel here.
My health has deteriorated dramatically over the past 5 years. The only time I felt I have done best is when I was completely away from everything, and everybody, on my own.
But during that five years I have also been trapped in the medical system, a victim being bounced around from doctor to doctor. I may have seen different doctors, but this was purely for good reasons – such as my doctor being on holidays etc, but I would see another physician in the same practice.
I stayed away from the internet, Morgellons everything for 9 months, took antidepresssants and antipsychotics during that time, and still had the horrible skin symptoms, as well as a growing list of other physical symptoms, namely neurological. I have never been one to get friendly with other sufferers, this journey has been my own, this is the way I have always wanted it, but at the same time I always prayed that it would help any other persons who claimed to have “Morgellons” type symptoms.
I have always been entirely honest with you Gillian.
Morgellons was not “invented” by anyone. Mary Leitao just picked the name to describe what she thought was a new disease that she had discovered in her son. Other people with lots of different problems thought “Morgellons” sounded like what they had, so they adopted the name. That’s all. That’s the whole Morgellons story in a nutshell.
Your situation is your own, and is probably unique to you. Nobody is doing this to you, you are not the subject of any experiment. You are just very sick, and the doctors can’t figure out how to make you well. That happens to a lot of people. I think your best bet is to stay away from quacks, avoid far-out internet theories, and try to keep working with good doctors to live the best life you can.
There’s hundreds of psychiatric illnesses. They’ve not been fabricated.
Gillian said…
Gillian, I’m not a member of the medical community. Neither is Smileykins, Michael, or Jeezelouise. And none of us have used you. You’ve been told the truth. It isn’t our fault if you cannot accept it. I’ve told you that Morgellons is not a disease, and it isn’t.
I’ve told you that there is no Morgellons pathogen, and there isn’t. The closest description I can give for Morgellons is that it’s a delusional disorder. Morgies have all kinds of real physical disorders, but most of them are also delusional. Their doctors have told them so, and I have told them so.
The only doctors that have wronged the Morgies are the few that believe in, or pretend to believe in, Morgellons. If they believe that Morgellons is a real, physical disease, they are as delusional as their patients.
Tall Cotton
I disagree Michael.
The name Morgellons came about after a group of people not just Mary collaborated together. Mary wanted to call it “Elliots Disease”….that is fact.
And a certain medical professional said to me – “wow and just to think Morgellons is not something new, it is an old disease”. And before you even consider calling this person a quack – DON’T bother coz he ain’t.
I do not believe for one minute that all Morgellons victims have been deceived because Mary Leitao got confused and would not accept the diagnosis of eczema for her son.
I try to keep the entire situation as “real” as I can. Blue fuzz that comes out of my body – I say quite possibly aspergillos, but then on the other hand I wouldn’t have a damn clue, that’s why I pay a doctor.
Anyway everyone will have DOP sooner or later, our antibiotics don’t work anymore, most are resistant. I see my situation as an infection gone way bad because the drugs just don’t work, and I am piggy in the middle with the two faced medical community.
DOP – all in ya head, of course it is! – the parasites go to ya brain.
TallCotton – Are the CDC then delusional since they are investigating Morgellons as a real disease??
Or are the newspaper articles on the internet more media disinformation??
Or maybe Morgellons is the fancy term which was chosen to unravel the mystery of Delusions of Parasiotosis – since our entire medical community seem to be suffering from it??
Doctors use Google to diagnose disease:
I don’t know who your comments, that TC responded to, are directed at, Gillian. I’d like to try offering a piece of advice, though, concerning your saying…
Respect and trust are two things that have to be earned.
This little poem may not seem relative, although to me, it is in a way. People who are believers in “morgellons disease” came upon the MRF site and heard all the right things.
DOP is a diagnosis of exclusion, there is a list of tests that must be performed before the patient is given this diagnosis.
A Pbysician of Infectious Disease here in Melbourne, at a major city teaching hospital – denied me of a skin biopsy, he told me he didn’t do them and I would need to find someone that did. (Remember: my father was always present).
No I didn’t find another doctor to do a skin biopsy, I was already too ill, confused and broke. A visit to a doctor would give me anxiety for about 3 days prior, I always new what I was up against, and how on earth was I going to handle it.
Now here is a bit of food for thought:
I have had symptoms of irritable bowel since 24yrs, and this was eventually confirmed with colonoscopy when I was 32yrs.
We have a strong family history of fibroids of the uterus, and premenstrual syndrome. My mum had a full abdominal hysterectomy in her early 40’s due to multiple massive fibroids.
I have complained of severe abdominal pain, distention, gastrointenstinal disturbances, change in bowel habit – the whole nine yards for along time, and of course more so in the past 4 years and of late. I have taken the contraceptive pill since a young age due to heavy menstruation and pms, with a few breaks inbetween.
Given my genetics and family history I would have thought that the doctor would have taken notice when I started to complain of nodules in my abdomen, which then went to my groin, breasts, legs, arms, back, bum, face and neck. This is the GP who was treating me for the folliculitis, which was/or wasn’t folliculitis??? I said to him: “Does folliculitis cause nodules, balls under my skin, I can feel them, they hurt”. He just looked at me.
And now the media is telling all us young women about “The Silent Killer” Ovarian Cancer and what we must do to enable early diagnosis and treatment. Ovarian cancer is not rare, the common symptoms are non-specific – usually caused by other things and can mimic other diseases. Way up?? sounds familiar.
How does a young woman convince her doctor that her abdominal pain is not anxiety??
How was I supposed to know that I was falling into a big trap – I told the doctor my skin symptoms of hair/fibers/fluff/black grit as well as severe abdominal pain. He already knew I was on an antidepressant, and my previous diagnosis was fibromyalgia/depression/bdd.
A lightbulb appeared above his head “Ding dong, she’s DOP”.
And you wonder why we have all turned to the internet to research our own unique symptoms?
Tall said
“You’ve been told the truth. It isn’t our fault if you cannot accept it. I’ve told you that Morgellons is not a disease, and it isn’t.”
Hey small, AIDS is not a disease either.
Gillian, it sounds like you’ve had a tough time with doctors. Have you had any physical diagnoses of your physical symptoms recently?
Starlink, I’m not sure if you are being pedantic or trying to make some subtle point, but AIDS is a disease by most common definitions of the word.
Morgellons disease simply has no criteria to indicate it exists.
Gillian. Patient-doctor communication is problem for lots of people. Based on what you’ve written, it appears that you’ve stated that anticipating communication difficulties with a doctor produces anxiety several days before you go to an appointment. In the planning process, if you were to clue someone in about your health matters that need to be addressed, and write things down for them to check off during the appointment, they could intervene as communication problems arose. It doesn’t require a colonoscopy to diagnose IBS, but, regardless of that, it’s inexcusable that you’ve said that you’ve complained over severe gastrointestinal problems for the past 4 years, and not had that addressed. It’s way past time to place a hand written note into a doctor’s hands, if you can’t rely on another person to help you get things across. That helps a lot, anyway. Since you know how to eat properly to help promote adequate bowel functioning, and still have such problems, you need a medication for IBS. Also, if you get annual pelvic exams, you aren’t the intended target audience for the media ads for ovarian cancer, so don’t let that worry you.
A. Please consider all I’ve just said, and, since you stated that anxiety IS a problem for you, if the doctor has said it too, is the doctor NOT treating you for anxiety? If not, get that message across by making sure another person drives the point home to the doctor, or by writing down the words, yourself, on a note, “Doctor, treat me with an an anti-anxiety medication, since you said that you think it’s the cause of my severe abdominal pain, and, also, place me on something for my previously diagnosed IBS”. Then, if that doesn’t help you, ask for a refferal to a gastroenterologist, employing the same steps to insure adequate communication. Anytime a doctor, as you stated, “just looks at you” when you say something, feel free to repeat yourself, and tell them you would like a reply to your question.
Yes, DOP is a diagnosis of exclusion. In past comments, you’d alluded to having had received that diagnosis once before, as well as having contradicted yourself, saying that you haven’t. Regardless, if you think that you have “morgellons disease”, and say that to doctor, or hand over literature on it, and/or letters, that is not a feasible thing to do since there isn’t any such thing. Most doctors tend to frown upon patients telling them what they think they have, anyway. It is THEIR job to diagnose on patient presentation. If a patient presents what warrants a diagnosis of DOP, the doctor is performing their duty correctly.
Lab Studies:
* No laboratory test can help in diagnosing DOP.
* However, laboratory tests can help identify other diseases that can mimic DOP.
* To exclude infestation, a mineral oil preparation should be used to eliminate scabies, and a microscopic examination of skin and hair should be performed to exclude louse infestation.
* Neurologic pathology due to toxins or vitamin deficiencies can be evaluated with the appropriate tests.
* Tests to assess other causes of pruritus (eg, low iron level, liver or kidney disease) can be performed if clinically indicated. Examples include evaluation of the complete blood cell count; urinalysis; liver function tests; thyroid function tests; and determinations of levels of serum electrolytes and glucose, blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, serum vitamin B-12, folate, and iron.
* Unless dermatitis herpetiformis needs to be excluded, skin biopsy is usually more useful to reassure patients of the lack of pathology than to diagnose DOP.
* Use of cocaine, methylphenidate, or amphetamines must be ascertained, and if occurring, it should be stopped.
* It is useful to examine the “proof” that the patient brings in so that one may truthfully say that the material was examined and no parasites were found. One authority anecdotally relates how he found ants in the debris and, after explaining that these arthropods did not live on or in humans, was able to give practical advice to reduce the problem.
Gillian, I don’t know what all types of illnesses you have, and it’s obvious you’re having patient-doctor communication difficulties. But, you’d recently said you were being treated for anemia. As I’ve said before, many times, just a low level of iron can bring syptoms of DOP. I’ve also stated what tests patients NEED TO ASK FOR. Take notes from the above, and request them. Gather your medical records, and read them.
Norman, look at this comment I saw somewhere else:
It’s awful that people can’t help themselves from thinking like this, but there is something the matter with their brain chemistry. Sure, they have skin symptoms, and, sure, fibers are quite naturally involved. Each person’s situation might be due to a very simple, and very easy to solve, problem, but solely due to their misconceptions, they’ve been rendered unable to seek the correct assistance. I’m certain that some have more complicated situations, as well. I’ve read numerous comments from people stating very serious conditions which they’ve chosen to abandon and replace with “morgellons disease”. It’s obvious that people are completely unable to not think the ways that they are.
Yes Michael I have had a very tough time with Doctors in the past. My symptoms are still under investigation. I will see my doctor again soon as she requested. She sent me to a Neurologist, he thinks I could have a colloid cyst in the brain (non malignant tumour) so I am having an MRA and EEG very soon.
I don’t have a communication problem with doctors and I never have. The doctors were the ones with the communication problem, and I found that a doctors attitude changed drastically towards me as soon as I had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and then depression, and more so since being on the disability pension. They have made me feel like I just don’t matter.
I don’t need anti anxiety medication either, I was put on the dreaded Xanax 8 years ago, which made me feel terrible and it was then that I started with the worst panic/anxiety attacks, I had never had them before. The doctor that put me on Xanax did it of her own accord, I did not complain of anxiety, I was going through a marriage break up and I was becoming a bit angry at times, all perfectly normal I feel.
I always take someone with me to an appointment, I always have a list of questions. Doctors ain’t God. BUT I still get anxious because I am only human and I have been bounced around this health system for 4 solid years and I still don’t know what is going on.
Oh yeah and the birth of Morgellons – what a damn stupid idea that was.
No I don’t believe I have ovarian cancer, and no I am not worrying about that. But screening for ovarian cancer is just one example of how young woman like myself are being denied medical tests because their doctor doesn’t think it is necessary.
Ovarian Cancer Symptoms May Begin Months Before Diagnosis
But Symptoms Are Vague, and Screening Ineffective
** Two years ago when my neurological symptoms really came to a head, two different doctors denied me of a CT Scan. Even after I had described pressure pain on the top of my head, particularly on the right side, feeling faint/spaced out at the same time, and even tasting blood in my mouth under the shower. I was told by one doctor; panic attack. I argued that point with him, and I was still denied a CT scan, even though he had just diagnosed me with a chronic sinus infection that had penetrated the skin of my face!! Oh yeah and this particular doctor did know my cousin who had died years before from a massive brain tumour. My cousin was being treated by his colleague in the same practice, he told her sinus and then migaine, and denied her of a CT scan. She demanded one after 8 weeks of pain, but unfortunately she died a horrible death a week before her CT scan was due.
So what is one to do, hit the doctor of the head with my handbag???? I do hope I have made my message clear.
Gillian said…
No, the CDC members aren’t delusional. They aren’t investigating Morgellons “as a real disease”. They are investigating people’s claims to determine whether or not it’s a real disease. They are only doing that because they have been pressured into it by the Morgies and some of their representatives.
In my opinion, the CDC knows that Morgellons is not a disease. But they will probably be obliged to make a report stating why they feel that it isn’t. (Or is, if that’s the case). God help them if they can’t see something this transparent.
Whether or not the newspapers are spreading disinformation depends upon which articles you are referring to. If any article states that Morgellons is a disease, that is disinformation. If any article states that the skin of the Morgies is sprouting fibers, that’s disinformation. If that disinformation is released, and it’s author knows that it isn’t true, or if he releases it without regard for the truth, that disinformation becomes lies.
Tall Cotton
Your messages have always been extremely clear, Gillian, and I’m glad that an upcoming MRI and EEG have finally been ordered for you. Good luck.
Health News: Depression Special
June 8, 2001
In most developed countries (including Japan) clinical depression affects about 25% of the population and is markedly higher in women than in men. Although much research has been done into the causes and possible cures of depression there are still many myths that, though they have been shown to be false, are still ardently believed both by the public and by many members of the medical and psychotherapeutic professions.
In this special edition we present some of the findings that have been written-up in academic publications. You will read research proving that antidepressants don’t work: that it is depression which makes heart disease the number one killer; that day-care may lead to depression and that confusion and stress over women’s roles are the real cause of the higher incidence of depression among women.
Follow Link for Full Story:
I’ve said this before, but everyone knows I repeat myself, hehe, repeatedly, I’m so, so, sorry you lost your cousin, Gillian.
I just wanted to post this excerpt from the above link. The whole article is excellent, but this particular piece really hit a nerve for me.
Depression Facts and Stats
By Bob Murray, PhD and Alicia Fortinberry, MS
Updated January 15, 2005
Depression is one of the greatest problems and killers of our time. Here we list the latest depression statistics, reveal surprising facts about underlying depression causes, the failure of standard treatments, and what works for depression in the long-term.
Depression Statistics
Why Standard Treatments are Inadequate
Depression Causes
Depression and Illness
Effective Depression Recovery
References and Further Reading
Depression Statistics
Depressive disorders affect approximately 18.8 million American adults or about 9.5% of the U.S. population age 18 and older in a given year. This includes major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, and bipolar disorder. [1]
Everyone, will at some time in their life be affected by depression — their own or someone else’s, according to Australian Government statistics. (Depression statistics in Australia are comparable to those of the US and UK.) [2]
Pre-schoolers are the fastest-growing market for antidepressants. At least four percent of preschoolers — over a million — are clinically depressed. [3]
[Pill-Popping Pre-Schoolers | Even Toddlers Get the Blues]
The rate of increase of depression among children is an astounding 23% p.a. [4]
15% of the population of most developed countries suffers severe depression. [5]
30% of women are depressed. Men’s figures were previously thought to be half that of women, but new estimates are higher
Starlink said…
It does make sense if two people both have unshakable beliefs that aren’t based on the evidence.
Newspaper stories and Message Board Forums play a big roll in creating and reinforcing those false beliefs.
Some people don’t need to be tested to rule out other things. They walk right in and make their confessions.
Delusions pertain to unshakable wrong beliefs. They go in, stating that fibers are sprouting out of their bodies. That is a delusional belief. It’s not something that happens in real life.
If you go into the doctor’s office and tell him that you believe you have Morgellons. Well, you said it. He didn’t. That right there is a confession that you are DOP. Real people don’t get Morgellons, because Morgellons isn’t a real disease.
Now, did your doctor tell you that you were DOP, or did you tell the doctor that you are DOP. In your case, Norman, I understand that your Mother is the one with the health problems. I was making an example.
Concerning AIDS. How on earth can you compare it to Morgellons. AIDS is a real disease, and it really kills. Morgellons isn’t, and doesn’t. I know that there’s suffering people out there, that think they have Morgellons. But I believe that that is somewhat exaggerated. Go to the NMO and look at the clear skin and smiling faces.
Tall Cotton
I just had a memory flashback – this was the very first article I read which started my Morgellons journey. Well I have to laugh you know, because of the name of the article “A Medical Mystery: Delusional parasitosis” – it never clicked at the time back in November 2004. I had never heard of Delusional parasiotosis. I never believed I had bugs or parasites in my skin. I related to the skin rash, hair loss, skin lesions, black specks, and fibers.
A Medical Mystery: Delusional parasitosis
Patients claim fibers sprout from lesions and parasites crawl under their skin. Most doctors tell them it’s all in their heads
Posted: 5/8/2004 07:49 pm
Michael here are some links on colloid cysts if you are interested. As you can see I researched my symptoms through Google – after my preliminary diagnosis of a colloid cyst. I am not worrying about it, I tell myself there is nothing wrong with me and that keeps me motivated (at times!).
Colloid cyst.
Primary actinomycoma of the third ventricle—The colloid cyst
Actinomycosis of the Head and Neck
April 13, 1995
Edward J. Hillman, M.D.
I am not having a dig at you here Tallcotton.
In my case fibers come out of my skin. Now my question is: could these fibers be nerve or muscle fibers, or a component of my body in some way??
Now my fibers are not a delusion, because Tony is doing little “cooking” experiments with them. He can not understand why they will not burn. He has even put a specimen jar in the bathroom for me to put fibers in!!! I don’t want too!!! Geez this is crazy!
Tony looses fibers from unbroken skin also, we both witnessed 2 long clear/white fibers come out of his chin, I just laughed. BUT he is in denial and that’s the way we keep it, because neither of us can explain any of it. His health is poor coz he drinks too damn much, and he has liver disease, but he still keeps drinkin, so damn sad to witness.
This is a small aritcle from Germany. I found the excerpt below rather interesting.
Delusional Parasitosis
Overall, delusional disorders are rare; the prevalence (for all
types!) in the overall population is estimated at 0.03%. Delusions
usually begin during the later stages of life; delusional
parasitosis is most frequently found in the 6th decade of a person’s
life, and more common in women. Several case reports
describe delusional parasitosis as a possible initial syndrome
of neurodegenerative diseases like multiple system atrophy
[Kumbier and Kornhuber, 2002], cerebral infarction [Nagaratnam
and O’Neile, 2000], severe heart disease [Freudenmann,
2003], diabetes mellitus, dementia and other severe systemic
disorders [Bhatia et al., 2000].
Obviously your fibers are not a delusion. Fibers are fibers. The questions are: where did they come from, and are they in any way connected with your neurological symptoms?
Until you can get some evidence connecting your fibers and your symptoms, would it not be best to treat them as two separate things?
WTF do people who think they have “morgellons disease” fail to grasp about what DOP is all about? All of the people who believe in “morgellons disease” aka “the fiber disease” are thoroughly out of touch with THE FACT that people throughout history have taken in collections of FIBERS and wads of lint and specks that come from their skin into doctors. That is delusional parasitosis. Period.
Small said
“I’m with Gill. How can thousands be experiencing the same DOP at the same time? That does not make sense.”
It does make sense if two people both have unshakable beliefs that aren’t based on the evidence.
You went from thousands of people to two. I fail to see the comparison.
Unexplained rash at Houston School
Sounds reasonable to me Michael. You know I try to ignore the fibers, not much I can do about it anyway, it’s just unusual that’s all. You guys are asleep now in the USA, so goodnight all.
It makes no difference whether it is two delusional people or two hundred million. The people who believe they have Morgellons are believing the wrong things. As I stated previously, the newspaper articles and the forums of the Morgellons Believers have helped confuse people who actually suffer from a wide variety of physical disorders. In my opinion, most Morgellons believers also suffer from mental disorders. I believe that the things they say makes it obvious. As I also stated, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
Tall Cotton
Most Morgies have been properly diagnosed, and for the most part, it’s been done by credible doctors. Morgies deny their good credibility, and the only doctors they trust are quacks that are as delusional as they are. In some cases though, I’m sure they are only pretending to agree with the Morgies.
Anyone who believes in “morgellons disease”, please try hard to consider just one thing.
True or False
People who have had their reasons to believe in “morgellons disease”, to begin with, are reported, through the MRF, itself, to have problems with their cognition.
That is nothing to be ashamed of. The various mental health disorders, that people who believe in “morgellons disease” suffer from, also reported through the MRF, itself, are also, nothing to be ashamed of.
It is abundantly apparent to anyone without cognition problems, which is a majority of the population, that such persons, who were already vulnerable, to begin with, have been manipulated. Being deceived, first, by their own senses, and uniting with others going through the same deception of their senses, does not lend legitimacy to a non-existant “disease”.
Norman, things like the mysterious rash in the Houston school are not rare, and have been occurring for many years. As is often the case, the article said that while they didn’t know what had caused the outbreak, all had returned to normal, and everyone is fine.
Ask yourselves, “Am I mixed up and confused?” You are, right? Well, hello. There is help for that, and it’s reported that the majority of people thinking that they have “morgellons disease”, again, by the MRF, itself, have followed suit with the exact things to be expected of persons diagnosed with DOP. Nobody here has ever said that believers are not plagued with fibers, and never have we said that people are not ill from various causes.
I have skin sores that are very itchy and are popping up all over my body. One doctor said it was an allergic reaction. When it popped up later, another doctor said it was shingles. I said, “I thought shingles only hits one side of your body. I have sores on both sides (but mostly one).” His response was “the ones on that side of your body is something else.” The sores are real; they itch very badly, and it takes a long time to heal. I would never use my imagination to dream up something so uncomfortable. Finally my doctor took a biopsy. I read about dermititous herpetiformis. It is a form of celiac desease (can’t tollerate wheat in the diet). The pictures look similar to Morgellons and they both look like what is on my skin. I did have a tick on me about three years ago just before the symptoms started. Maybe that nurse in Texas is right about it being related to Lymes desease. I plan to continue to investigate this because I want an answer. I think people like Tall Cotton can sit back and make judgements of others that are not correct because they only believe things they experience. All I have to say about that is you had better hope you never have to experience this embarrassing disorder. I use to love to wear dresses, but I won’t now because my legs look so bad with sores. Tall Cotton and others like him, it seems to be spreading but it doesn’t seem contagious. Figure that one out if you are so smart!
I Truely Hope You Don’t Get It!
Phyllis Greer
You don’t need to worry your little head on that one. I won’t be getting anything that isn’t real.
Lady, I figured that out a long time ago. The hysteria is spreading, the insanity is spreading, and if you keep scratching, whatever you really have, will likely really spread. I’ve also had shingles. They itch like hell, and they heal very slowly, even with anti-viral medication.
You forgot say, “Have a nice day, because I will.”
Tall Cotton
Now, now, Phyllis. Let’s try and settle down. I’m sorry you’re going through this, and I don’t like you singling out Tall Cotton and accusing him of sitting back and judging anybody. So, you were told that you have allergies, as well as shingles. Nobody can argue with the fact that either one of those, alone, is miserable. Why did your doctor do a biopsy, too, and what did it reveal? Did you not learn all that you’re able to about skin allergies, shingles, and whatever the skin biopsy revealed? If you chose not to, I would sure do it now, and stay on track with those legitimate diagnoses. That nurse in Texas you’ve made reference to, is supposed to be a lyme specialist. If she and the doctor she works with were specialists, in the true sense of the word, they would be more than well versed in all the cutaneous and neuropsychological effects that are associated with late stage lyme disease. Anyone on the up and up knows that patients obsessing over fibers in their skin is not a new disease. In my opinion, the only business that anyone in professional positions have as members of this movement are either A. they suffer from delusions B. they suffer from seeing dollar signs, or some twisted form of recognition. So many people who think they have “morgellons disease” take offense at others’ opinions, as though being against this false belief, that’s further damaging them, is a personal attack directly on them. Being in opposition to something causing so much harm to come to people, is not “making judgements on others”. Stick with what your doctor says and work together,
For 15 years i`ve lived in the same house. 13 of these years i had no symptoms, no `delusions` and no knowledge of morgellons. My job is the same- my diet is the same. I dont stick needles in me or sniff things up my nose-nor do i smoke anything other than tobacco.. So why did i suddenly develope these odd symptoms? My life didnt change yet one day my “imagination” decides to give me DOP. Coincidentally, these “delusions” happen to be identical to thousands of people who i`ve never met, who i dont know, and many of whom dont even live in the same continent as me !! WOW ! What an “imagination” we`ve got ! Just like them, i`ve been branded a fruitcake by doctors and lost faith in the medical system we`re supposed to trust.. One hell of a coincidence dont you think? Why do you think we arrive at the same answers? It`s not the internets fault-if we didnt feel ill – we wouldn`t look for answers !! I know my body and so do the other people- we say we fewel the crawling and find the fibres BECAUSE WE DO!! I`m no doctor but JESUS CHRIST – IT`S HARDLY ROCKET SCIENCE IS IT?? To be honest, i couldn`t care less if one day i HAD woken up raving bloody mad! I dont care if i am a lunatic ! I just want someone to be able to tell me FOR SURE and return me to someone who DOESNT FEEL THE CRAWLING AND WHO DOESNT FIND WEIRD FIBRES ! Take me seriously- bother to examine me -cure my symptoms- give me back my life, and i`ll get on with being crazy quietly and leave the blinkered, ignorant medical profession to diagnose and treat athletes foot and warts! But till i stop feeling what i DO feel- or someone comes up with another answer- it`s MORGELLONS and NOT sudden, unexplained delusions -or lunacy!
From Steve a delusional educated, intelligent fruitcake from the UK.
Steve, what has you upset? You said:
Sure, you have the perception of knowing your body, the same as others who have this particular condition. There is no question that people feel crawling and find fibers, as well. But if you would educate yourself on it, you’ll learn that’s the hallmark of DOP, and there has been absolutely no reason for you to have “lost faith in the medical system we`re supposed to trust”. I believe the “imagination” is what’s medically recognized as a delusional disorder. I think the word, “branded” is better known as a diagnosis. And, DOP is honestly the same as it’s always been, for all of humankind, since long before the internet was around. I’m sorry, but that is the truth. If you feel so bad from it, I think returning to your doctor and treating it, before it gets any worse, would make you feel so much better.
You’ve been told what it is, for sure, and, if you didn’t go running out of the doctor’s office, you’ve been told how to treat it. If physical problems persist, after you take care of those that are mental, report them to your doctor. At that time you’ll be able to give him an accurate report that isn’t mixed with delusions.
Tall Cotton
Your fucked up assuming physical ailments are mental.
I havn’t assumed anything. I know exactly what I’m talking about.
Tall Cotton
Norman, something’s struck a sour note with you and caused you to misinterpret Tall Cotton. Will you finally share the physical ailments you’re referring to, and who has them? Thank you.
one of these days, smelly and small, we’re gonna find your identities and SUE your sorry asses.
Gotta love you starlink
These guys are fucked.
Persistent scabies-like condition may not be all in people’s heads
Richard Fagerlund
Hi guys happy new year
Don’t forget to include your money order, Al.
So, sue me, dumbass!!
Tall Cotton
We know the Bugman’s crossed over into this territory, Al.
It could be a nice gesture? Oh, but he isn’t familiar with “morgellons disease” patients. *Or is he?* Umm, the CDC already has a 12 member task force. I really, really doubt they need his services.
He’s an animal lover, apparently. Does he know that some morgies neglect their pets to the point of death, and talk about it, like it’s nothing, to promote “morgellons disease”? Look at his web site’s special section on pesticides. Does he know pesticides are some morgies’ best friends and that they douse themselves in it, and spread pestcides throughout their homes? Among some of what he says on the hazards of pesticides (which most all of us know, already):
Now, does he really know what he’s getting into with y’all?
What was this, Al?
Tell me who “we” is, and will this be a civil suit, or criminal? Maybe we can settle out of court. Hahaha.
Excuse me, Happy New Year to you too, Al, and everyone. I’m very sorry that I laughed, because it’s geniunely not anywhere close to being funny. Please forgive me.
If you want a bug identified, your taxes already pay for your county extension agency, who has an entomologist. If your county for some reason doesn’t have an extension agency, for the price of postage you can send it to pretty much anyone’s extension agency in the country, and they will identify it for you.
Once you catch it , you will change your tune ! . . . . . Reptilian Fuck !
You’re delusional if you are poor and can’t afford treatment or don’t have medical insurance. You’re eccentric if you’re rich and live in a million dollar house. That’s how the medical fields views us.
What about the Kochs then?
Rich people don’t seem to be immune to Morgellons. If the Kochs, with their millions, can’t get a doctor to believe them, then what’s the more likely reason?
A lady I used to work with had the morgellons symptoms. She had legions on her skin that would bleed and hurt and have the creepy crawly symptoms. I read online as well for her, and my conclusion is this is a real disease or condition, and it might be a mutated form of lyme disease, or it might be several things together. I’m starting to think several environmental things come together and produce this. The problem is no one really has an answer how to fight it, or what to do exactly. Id start with process of elimination. Maybe this is a early kind of sympton for something else.
Go to several doctors if needed.
I did read somewhere, that some one treated their morgellons like a paracite, and used medicines for animal paracites and it greatly reduced the over all symptons.
Since no one can match these fibers to anything that is known, maybe someone should create if not already a data base of what he body produces when it has tumors, cysts, etc and see if there is a match there. I hope the CDC does come up with something.
I have what is labled as scabies. The second time I started noticing minute (very) black specs in a grouping after whtever was in the dish dried up. Also I have acutally Spit -Up which changed from normal mucus to solid white, after it tries to stick to toilet or bath bowl a small white looking piece of rice is left. Also the first time around I would clean out my nostrils and find something of a reddish or yellowish triangular shape and some blood with it, (also find some on sheet after one night sleepin on it. What really gets me is even gloves (Nitrite) or whatever does not help my food. From a 15 min. drive from the store I get these little white bugs , black specs, and or the tringular shaped one that seems to be taking on the color of whatever it is in. One got in a cavity one time and somehow I was chewing food and actually felt and heard a little crunch, I spit it out and this God forsaken thing looked a litle round shaped. NO I AM NOT DELUSIONAL< give your address I’ll send some of each. I am on disabilty though, hence what really trips my trigger is the amazing speed at which they start manifesting, and you stop it. I am broke now , from this and still do not have a handle on it. Am I suicidal?, NO, I have my pet and children and grandchildren others wise yes I am so tired now, I would like to go sleep and not wake up. Oh, one more thing after wearing shoes for awhile or pants I start itching bad, yes I to have found 1/8 to1/4 ” pieces of hair like fiber, when I look for it.GOD HELP ME , I can’t take anymore.
I am out of money, my dog is getting this now, he did not the first time. I can’t get my home sanitized or cleaned I have been up several times for a week at a time trying to get a hold on cleaning, I just don’t know , I’m sick of this! Whatever it may be.