I wrote two articles inspired by Occam’s dictum to not multiply entities beyond necessity. The first, Occam’s Hot Tub simply proposed one particular possible cause of the symptoms that people claim are a new disease called Morgellons. The second, Occam’s Menopause, noted that all the symptoms of Morgellons are also caused by menopause, and since there are a lot of middled aged women in the Morgellons demographic, that probably explains a lot of cases.
People who think they are infested with something often look through a microscope, and sometimes they see things they cannot identify. One of the more interesting and common things is the “starfish“, which looks like this:
and here’s another:
Rather unusual little things that’s for sure. If you found those emerging from your body, then you’d be forgiven for being a bit suspicious. So what the heck are they?
As it turns out, nothing at all unusual. They are stellate trichomes, also known as stellate hairs or star hairs. Stellate hairs are star shaped hairs found on the leaves of plants. Here’s two from oak leaves:
They float around in the air, and get stuck in things, just like lint does. If you live close to oak trees, you’ll probably find them on your skin, and certainly in nasal mucus. They get stuck in amber:
So what is this to do with Occam? Well, it’s a lesson in hindsight. If you find something unusual looking on your skin, something that looks like a weird gelatinous spider or starfish, what explanation should you favor? You don’t know what it is, so either way you’d be introducing a new entity. But “a bit of plant matter I’ve never seen before” is a lot simpler than “a fiber producing pathogen new to science”.
But the real test of Occam for the person who thinks they have Morgellons is when they ask “so, I can see that’s a Stellate Trichome, so why are plants growing inside my body?”. Here again, there are two explanations: some stellate hairs were carried by the wind into your sore, and you found them later with your microscope, or there is some parasitic plant growing inside your body. To the person who wants to be diagnosed with Morgellons, the second answer, although perhaps infinitely less likely, is more attractive.
There’s a little more on trichomes, they can produce allergic reactions. eMedicine says of sunflowers: “An occupational allergic contact dermatitis is often found in individuals who harvest this flower. The major allergen is known as 1-0-methyl 1-4,5-dihydroniveusin A. The pollen is said to be a minor allergen. Trichomes, or small hairs, on the surfaces of the leaf secrete the allergens. Windblown trichomes from dry plants can cause airborne contact dermatitis.”
Morgellons is not a distinct disease, it’s just a list of symptoms that are caused by many other diseases and conditions. Some people who think they have Morgellons probably have skin allergies that gives them contact dermatitis. In this particular case, they may well examine their lesions and find the cause of their problems is a translucent starfish. In this case, they would be correct. But it’s not “Morgellons”.
2016 Update, see:
Photos in Middelveen’s & Stricker’s Morgellons papers that look like Stellate Trichomes.
An interesting insight into logical reasoning. Which is it more likely to be, a new, emerging pathogen conspired by “the government” that is made to control population, or something from the tree in my yard?
We, the taxpayers have a right to know why this is happening and to have
the current apparent failure of the CDC addressed immediately. It is time to end the spread of morgellon-causing oak trees.
I’ve always wondered how come the ” morgellons disease doctors” and the “morgellons disease reasearchers” don’t address the fact that patients who think that they have “morgellons disease” have so much more going on than just thinking that fibers in and on their skin is the source of their illness. So many of the patients see what they refer to as holograms, and are convinced that they have bugs and worms.
Nah, I’m lying. I have not always wondered that.
I apologize, and I’m going to go sit with my nose in the corner now.
The owner of Morgellons Watch is “Michael **********”
Can anybody help to get a hold of him for me?
[EDITED by Michael, bad guess at second name]
The owner of this blog is real easy to contact by:
a. posting a comment; b. emailing him at MorgellonsWatch@gmail.com
Roberta, there are hundreds of programmers in Los Angeles called Michael. Picking the first one you find on Google and then posting his personal information on the internet with the suggestion that people visit his house or call his wife is highly inappropriate, and probably illegal ( I have deleted the post you made containing his personal information). If you wish to get a hold of me, then simply email me, or post a comment.
I really don’t see how thinly veiled threat are supposed to help anyone. I have a great deal of sympathy for the Morgellons community. In fact this site is specifically aimed at helping them obtain appropriate medical treatment. I have repeatedly said that the symptoms are real symptoms with real causes, and that real medical conditions are going untreated because of the focus on “Morgellons” as a distinct diagnosis. I am on the side of the patient.
Posting personal info about people on the internet without their consent is against the law. If this continues to happen Michael I can get you into contact with a person who can give u legal advice (a lawyer is also a prof of mine). I made this same off to smileykins and TC.
You guys post emails of others without their permission
Also the emails were private
You post peoples phone numbers in past with private information.
The stuff up above is already on the internet
I have posted excerpts from web sites and public forums such as Lymebusters under the “Fair Use” provision of the copyright act.
No copyright holder has EVER requested that I remove material. I have never posted anyone’s private information without their permission.
“You guys post emails of others without their permission/Also the emails were private/You post peoples phone numbers in past with private information/The stuff up above is already on the internet”
I fail to see your point, Roberta. I see you making malicious swipes at compromising people’s safety– in fact, encouraging them to harass a person. It’s pretty pathetic. To “prove Morgellons,” have you considered providing evidence?
It is strange to me, that those who support a “conspiracy” of “the government” trying to “silence them” engage in those very behaviors themselves and see nothing wrong with it.
“It is strange to me, that those who support a “conspiracy” of “the government” trying to “silence them” engage in those very behaviors themselves and see nothing wrong with it.”
Great Point
Just because someone says so, doesn’t make it so. If these things concern you, Roberta, although they shouldn’t, check with the person making the claims. You may want to ask where, on this blog, his personal emails were posted. The only ones that I recall anyone posting were done by Gillian, last summer. Maybe she can remember if they included some of his. I don’t recall anyone posting his telephone number, either, but he’s posted his own number, several times, in these LB topic threads, available for public viewing:
Roberta Louise, I think you’re showing that the recent four days they booked for you in respite was futile.
When you speak of “his” are you talking about Michael “Michael”??
I’m sorry people but I don’t know what you are talking about. I do recall posting my phone number long long ago, but I do know that it was removed by Michael on my behalf. Is there something I have missed here that I should know about?
I do apologise for not being able to keep up with all of this but I am too unwell to read some of the ridiculous comments.
I’m real sorry, Gillian. Last summer when you were having such a very bad go of it, you’d had a period of time that you’d posted some emails, from other “morgellons disease” patients, that you’d received. Maybe when I have time, I can think hard enough to recall what topic they were in.
I was hoping to try and clear up something for Roberta. It all seems so stupid, but holds some sort of meaning to some patients. The current confusions that have occurred, from whatever maligned schemes that two particular members of LB plotted, last summer, to try to do to silence opinions on Morgellons Watch, have, not only Roberta, but other patients, entertaining even more things that they shouldn’t be. Several patients have even remarked, after being allowed to share thoughts of various acts of bodily harm, including murder and arson, that they can just plead insanity and get by with it. So many of the patients with “morgellons disease” don’t seem to realize so many things, including the past confusions brought to them by some of the patients that mess with them the most, when all they’d have to do is run searches on their comments on message boards. Brain fog, I suppose, causes that.
P.S. Don’t even try to keep up with this, Gillian. Dismiss it, and take care of yourself.
A little trivia for your enjoyment. My apologies if it’s already been submitted.
Michael says, “I have repeatedly said that the symptoms are real symptoms with real causes, and that real medical conditions are going untreated because of the focus on “Morgellons” as a distinct diagnosis. I am on the site of the patient.”
That statement doesn’t ring true, Jon. Why? Because you allow those who spend their life logged on to your site to demean, insult, harass, and belittle every sick individual who logs on here thinking it’s a site where they might find hope and acceptance. So, apparently you find that wicked behavior acceptable. If so, it’s impossible to believe you’re on the side of the patients. You’re aiding and abetting every statement they make.
Step one: we’ve finally gotten your attention.
“Because you allow those who spend their life logged on to your site to demean, insult, harass, and belittle every sick individual who logs on here thinking it’s a site where they might find hope and acceptance.”
Please show me evidence of demeaning, insulting, harassing, and belittling.
Again, Junebook, you only see these things from the “Morgellons” community. Posting personal information of people who ask for evidence from them (so they can help!) in order to harass them, encouraging people to call those who disagree with them at their home, demeaning, lying, insulting pictures… I truly only see this from, well, your friends. How’s that working out for you?
Junebook, perhaps you should post instead in reply to “An Unfortunate Misunderstanding,” because that entire post is about demeaning, harassing, belittling, in short, your favorite topics.
Because if asking for evidence is harassment, you’re really in trouble. Here’s a conversation could go:
Morgellons: “I have X in my skin! See?”
Me: “I can’t tell what that is. Let’s have a professional check your skin out.”
Morgellons: “Ok.”
But instead it’s this:
Morgellons: “I have X in my skin! See?”
Me: “I can’t tell what that is. Let’s have a professional check your skin out.”
Morgellons: “Oh my GOD, why are you so cruel! How can you not believe a suffering person! Sarah, I know where you live, I’m going to go visit your parents on Christmas day and tell them how evil you are!”*
*An actual threat made to me.
This is why, Junebook, the Morgellons position is laughable. If your condition is abundant, evidence should be a simple matter. If your condition is abundant, there would be actual RESEARCH publications, not publications saying “oh, I have research… I just haven’t published it anywhere,” as you show on that message board link above.
A red flag of psuedoscience is not making your claim through peer-reviewed journals, but through mass media. And which way has the MRF and NMO gone?
So many “morgellons disease” patients seem to like warning US, too, that WE (meaning, of course, Sarah, you, MG, TC, and me), keep damaging our credibility, and so many strangers enjoy personally sentencing us to eternal damnation just for not thinking the same way as them.
Like I’d referenced in another couple of posts, also, LB administrators’ allowing the sharing of fantasies of committing acts of bodily harm, including murder and arson, is just as cool as can be with them, too. They sound so nice and accommodating in their welcome message, though, listing what types of comments won’t be tolerated on their forum. Things that are condoned there, have greatly worsened since I’d first heard about “morgellons disease”.
Morgellons: “I have X in my skin! See?”
Me: “I can’t tell what that is. Let’s have a professional check your skin out.”
Morgellons: “Ok.”
But instead it’s this:
Morgellons: “I have X in my skin! See?”
Me: “I can’t tell what that is. Let’s have a professional check your skin out.”
Morgellons: “Oh my GOD, why are you so cruel! How can you not believe a suffering person!
You sound child-like and immature, Sarah. I think you’ll have to punch up your posts before anyone takes you seriously. Seriously.
Junebook, based on your integrity, alone, I think you have “morgellons disease”. Tell any other “morgellons disease” patients to come here, or direct them to TC’s and my blog, and I’ll be more than happy to tell them that I think that they have it as well. Just make sure to have them say that you sent them.
Now, that really makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it?!
oops – I meant to say “Historical Content”
Junebook says: “You sound child-like and immature, Sarah. I think you’ll have to punch up your posts before anyone takes you seriously. Seriously.”
This is called an “ad hominem attack.” It is used when people want to avoid the conversation and instead try to attack the other person in a debate. It’s considered sophomoric in the least, and illegitimate at the most.
I’m so glad I found this article whilst surfing the internet today. This is exactly what I have been trying to say for a long long time. No wonder I thought I had “Morgellons Disease”.
Shot in the Dark
Why Doctors Know Less Than You Think
“In telling Falchuk’s tale, and those of other difficult-to-diagnose cases, Groopman offers a riveting view of the intricate and not always logical thought processes that lie behind the decisions that doctors make. On average, a doctor interrupts a patient who is describing her symptoms within about twelve seconds. By then, many doctors have decided upon a diagnosis and treatment. Often they’re right, and the ability to “shoot from the hip” is much admired in medical circles, especially in high-pressure specialties like emergency medicine and radiology. But Groopman, who is himself a physician as well as an accomplished writer, is more interested in cases when doctors get it wrong. In How Doctors Think, he uses a series of case histories and interviews with physicians and patients to explore the nature of diagnostic error, and to come up with suggestions for how both doctors and patients can avoid it…..”
Do you mean like this email Roberta?
Doctors are only human, and patients bear a significant degree of responsibility. Sticking with one doctor is the key. Communicating effectively with them is mandatory. When referred to a specialist, the same rules apply. Sometimes, patients need someone else to do most, or all, of the talking and fancy footwork for them. Personally speaking, when I, or anyone I know, goes to a doctor and it takes more than just one, initial, visit to get to the bottom of what is causing our health problem (which is, entirely, common), the term, “misdiagnosis”, has never entered our minds. Even when serious complications have arisen during our pursuit of the root cause, I just don’t think it’s right to loosely throw that word around.
“On average, a doctor interrupts a patient who is describing her symptoms within about twelve seconds.”
We’re allowed to interrupt, and interrupt, and interrupt, them, too….until they GET what we’re saying. It’s often QUITE appreciated, as well, and saves everyone a whole lot of trouble.
My last plee to a doctor about “Morgellons Disease” was when I was in hospital having my baby.
I simply said “Morgellons is an unknown disease and very controversial. The Government in the USA are taking this very seriously. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention have set up a hotline telephone number which you can call for information.”
Unfortunately she hadn’t heard of the CDC, so I tried to explain the best I could.
The CDC Director
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Releases From The NPA
Collembola found in scrapings from individuals diagnosed with delusory parasitosis
07/12/04, Needham, MA – Each year, thousands of Americans complain to their physicians about itching, stinging, biting and crawling sensations on or under their skin. Many believe they have head lice or scabies, though they are often referred to psychiatrists or prescribed anti-psychotic medications.
Medical/Research professionals can click here to apply for access to the original microscopy images published in the ‘Collembola Report’
Now, a new clinical study indicates that many of these people do have something in their skin: Collembola, also known as springtails.
Ninety percent of those who participated in the study were found to have Collembola, which are ubiquitous in nature and minute in size, according to the study conducted under the auspices of the National Pediculosis Association (NPA) in Needham, Mass., and the Oklahoma State Department of Health.
The findings are reported in the new edition of the Journal of the New York Entomological Association (full article, images, video and other information located here), headquartered at the American Museum of Natural History.
Most of the study participants had been diagnosed with delusory parasitosis, a presumed psychiatric condition among people who believe they are infested with an insect or parasite.
But the new findings bolster the contention of many patients that they “actually have something crawling on or under their skin and are not delusional,” said the journal article.
Categorized as hexapods, with six legs, antennas, and no wings, Collembola feed on algae, fungi, bacteria and decaying matter.
During the past few years, 1,500 people have contacted the NPA to report the crawling sensations and related symptoms. The study focused on 20 of these people — and skin scrapings revealed that all but two of them had Collembola.
Researchers used special imaging techniques to discover the Collembola, which are extremely well hidden and easy to miss.
“Collembola as a common denominator in people diagnosed with delusory parasitosis calls for more research to better understand the relationship between Collembola and humans and the critical need to help those who suffer with this condition,” said NPA president Deborah Altschuler, one of six researchers who authored the article. “We believe the study breaks the century-old logjam that the sensations of crawling, stinging, and biting are only imagined.”
Collembola predominately dwell in soil and litter, preferring wet or damp surroundings. They sometimes congregate in large numbers under leaky kitchen or bathroom sinks, swimming pools or in the soil of potted plants.
Little is known about the health effects of Collembola, or how to prevent or treat them as a problem for human skin.
The NPA encourages medical professionals, sufferers or anyone with information on these or similar symptoms to share information by visiting the NPA’s Reporting Registry.
Besides Altschuler, authors of the article included Oklahoma State Health Commissioner Michael Crutcher, Romania-based researchers Neculai Dulceanu, and Cristina Terinte, Beth Cervantes of NPA and Louis Sorkin of the American Museum of Natural History in New York.
Other Press Releases From The NPA
Ok, but this explains itching sensation on the skin. What about fibers? This has nothing to do with morgellons or prove anything. Are u telling us that collembola leads to fibers, drop foot, and all the other vague symptoms? This shows nothing and I dont even know why u posted it.
Ok, i took this from wikipedia entry on collembola,
“Springtails are cryptozoa frequently found in leaf litter and other decaying material [5], where they are primarily detritivores, and one of the main biological agents responsible for the creation of soil. In sheer numbers, they are reputed to be one of the most abundant of all macroscopic animals, with estimates of 100,000 individuals per cubic meter of topsoil, essentially everywhere on the planet that soil occurs.”
100,000 per cubic meter and one of the most abundent macroscopic animals on the earth. These things are probably on everyone so that study really doesnt show anything. I probably have them on me and if you scraped my skin u would probably find them. I dont have itching. This is what is called pseudo science June. A sample of 20 people? U need to sample lots of people from various background with some with symptom and others with none and scrape there skin to see if this is common. This shows nothing. Another straw man argument.
Ok, i am always talking about scientific studies so hear is an outline of how one would work with this collembola:
Take 2,000 folks (1,000 w/ itching symptoms and 1,000 w/ no symptoms)
Scrape all their skin.
If 90% of the group with itching has collembola and 90% of the non itching group does also then there is no connection and collembola is on most people.
If 90% of the group with itching has collembola and not many people in the other group do then collembola is causing the itching.
Again, a study of 20 people with itchy skin proves nothing
I’m not sure why that study is brought up so often.
– Collembola are not fibers.
– The study has been discredited as it used a rather creative visual identification of collembola
– Collembola, as 911 stated, are everywhere.
– Wymore did DNA testing for collembola, and found none (not that I think his patient population is statistically significant either, but that’s another matter).
Michael – Collembola is not the main denominator in this condition. I had collembola in my skin some time back, particularly when I was covered in lesions. I had been doing lots of gardening though.
The fibers are a new and different entity, for some strange reason the fibers seem to like taking up residence in the human body.
Why & How is the question ??????????????
Anything that’s small enough to get on skin, and it isn’t washed off, will be held in the epidermis until it is washed away, or exfoliated. Our mucous membranes protect us too, that way.
hmmm small ? – like nano small ?
I whole nano technology thing is nothing but an internet myth fueled at lymebusters. Absolutley know research that shows this disease as being related to “nano” technology.
I agree 911, nanotechnology is not something that should be feared by the public. Modern technology is a good thing.
U see this Michael?
where is Michael, buttering his toast maybe,
come on boys & girls come out to play
When a made up disease effects my life to the point it is I will rip you apart, i don’y care who you are, or what you are.
Spybot, adaware – eat some of your own shit.
I live and breath this horror every single minute of the day.
This isn’t about me anymore, it’s about my child.
Mr Man behide the curtain my baby can’t get his operation done for some reason, no one is prepared to take responsibility for this cascade of events. My boy is ill, and good doctos do know why, but dumb arses like you thought you would interrupt a Government enquiry and make a quick buck. Emails from Canada to remind me that WE are not delusional, and not to feed this creature Morgellons, as I may find out things I wasn’t meant to know. I don’t have time and endeavour to find out everything I should know, especially when I can smell fraud a mile off.
You framed Mary as a child abuser (Munchhausen) I will point the funger right back at you.
Go pick on someone your own size, maybe that pimple on your arse coz that’s about the size of this entire thing, nano size. Stop fucking with human beings. Grave robbing for stem cell research and cloning.
You ain’t going to kill me or my child.
Top that one big nose.
And I don’t need a lawyer either coz I am representing myself.
What do you say about that 9111111111?? – idiot.
Ban this clown. She contributes nothing. I dont even know why she is mad at you all of a sudden.
So I must shut down this website from within??
Hope you’ve got a buffer in your laser beam for me really losing the plot.
Mr Rutz STATED in his letter to me I should NOT have to do this ALONE, WELL I AM! and this is CRUEL.
GET THIS BLOG SITE SHUT DOWN, somebody please.
How can I put this politely without raising my voice?
Because I FEAR for my LIFE and my child’s life!!!
Will that do ya?
Michael – if you are listening and reading, I seem to recall you using Aussie lingo in the past ie. “no worries”.
So what is YOUR connection with USA & Australia?
“Bug” yeah I got one in my head, and some dill has me on remote control too. Sounds laughable I know, it isn’t.
I dare anyone to turn up at my house and see what I am having to cope with under this roof.
You want evidence??
I will give you evidence for breakfast, lunch and tea. I will even prescribe evidence for your impotence, how’s that sounds, since we can’t mention viagra.
oops sorry, – I’m still in recovery from DOP.
You want a plague, I’ll give you a plague – 2 in fact, the real world and the internet.
Get a life.
Al I’ve been thinking about you, hope you are doing okay. Be in touch when you can please.
Michael, the last time I spoke to Al he sounded as though he had swallowed golf balls, his throat was that sore. He had been vomiting blood too. He said when he opens up his mouth, fibers fly out.
Well I gotta tell ya, Al is one hell of a smart guy. I can just see him in his “dugout” on his farm in Tassie, real worried that someone is going to kill him. I kid you not, this is the truth. The man woke up in a “wheelie bin” 7 years ago in Toowoomba in QLD. I don’t think that was the kind of tropical holiday he was planning on taking.
How does the guy who runs this website have anything to do with you and your child? How is he hurting you? Why not just not pay attention to his website?
how come morgellons usa has the same fiber ball picture that you have. Who had that first?
911 and Michael,
My display of insanity would be best described as “marching across the apparition”. (I know I sound like Al, so please no giggling in the back row!) (((Thank you)))
You like football? I hope so.
911, the fiber photo is from MorgellonsUSA, see the thread “fuzzballs”, where I was asked to duplicate the photo, and did, with a bit of laundry lint:
The Wymore statement is fascinating. He’s kind of missing the point though. I’ll post on it anon, I’ve been away.
What do you think I have been doing all night 911?
Christ all mighty give me a break.
This condition is now giving me writers block, words are running through my head at a million miles an hour.
You say get some help, how the heck would I explain any of this if I turned up to the ER?
I am really sorry I mean that 911, I am so desperate for help I am doing what I have to do to get well. I would much prefer to take my concerns out on this keyboard and blog site, rather than lose my temper with my family. I never used to be an angry person. I don’t enjoy near death experiences. The drain & the strain is felt throughout my entire family and we can’t explain any of this.
Block me from the website if you have to.
I was wanting to hurry things a long a little since I am going to have to vacate from where I am living, and the pushing is getting a little too much.
I’m sick and I would appreciate a little help or hint, thank you.
Gillian, you’ve got a lot of energy. I’d appreciate it if you’d redirect it elsewhere for a day until you refocus. How’s your kid doing?
Would love to answer your questions Michael but I’ve had enough of this mess.
How is my child?
Doing fine thanks, just fine.
I feel like I’m being framed for something here and I am innocent.
Take a break for a day, are you enjoying this?
Ring my phone number if you want to sort this out, at least you will hear all the clcking on the phone line, come and get your evidence. The cyber police need to do an about turn and nail some idiots.
How ever invented this, the plan was for me not to be able to remember, that sucks.
I am not sure who I am talking to at the moment but I NEED ( would like) SOME ANSWERS – here are the questions (No BS answer pls)
1) How hard is the CDC working on this problem /disease
2) Are the CDC working on this problem / disease
3) Is this man made
4) Is it an old disease renamed
5) What is being done exactly
It is distressing to see someone who has fought so hard for this cause/disease to be shi% on froma great heights every which way she turns. Most of you reading this will think she is carzy – SHE IS NOT. She has one of the most analytical brains I know if it’s not full of false promises. I just want our family to act / react/ perform like reality is. REALITY sucks sometimes but other times it is CHRISTMAS 24/7 – I would like the later but expect the some of the former – Mother Nature can be a bitch and so can life – but mother nature tells it how it is – BANG (usually) – no lies – no BS – just straight up. Thats how I like things.
I know this Blog is a public forum but hey – everyone has an opinion and you cannot deny that to anyone in a free world. If anyone wants to contact me privately AGAIN I will leave my personal details
If anyone wants a phone number or is prepared to give their phone number over personal email taht is fine – just email me. Engineers like to fix things, I am an engineer. I will want to talk to someone in either the same situation or an official from the USA Government / CDC or whoever – I am desperate for help for this young beatiful mother.
This is cruel and something has to be done – I have no hesitation about ANY person reading this email or passing on my comments
Please help everyone and get the buck to stop somewhere (I dont care where) just a straight answer.
I think you should treat your mental illness, I am trying to advise Tony of the same.
And turn this rackett off.
Still havent commented on this. Would u like to do it over email to ignore all the noise in here.
I’ve not had the time. I’ll do a full post on it today or tomorrow.
It’s rather odd that the only place it shows up is morgellonsusa (“greg” from lymebuster). Has Wymore posted this elsewhere?
There’s also this vision statement for the “Center for the Investigation of Morgellons Disease”, timestamped back in March.
But his OSU web page remains unchanged, and very out of date:
Yeah, morgellonsusa is a very interesting web state. He too seems to have an obsession with you, too. Your getting for popular these days.
“Publicity is good”, too, they say.
sarah beyond-dumb
just doing a little late night reading on some morgie boards and came across a link to morgwatch. thinking, “hey i could use a good laugh” i clicked on the link. now imagine my surprise to see you misquoting a comment i made to you previously on a different thread about getting together for christmas dinner (post # 22) you and i both know that i have offered numerous times to allow you access to my medical records or to have you accompany me to scheduled Drs visits or even to bring your sorry ass to my humble home to have a look at some of my lesions and the foreign material they produce. you are welcome anytime. i never said i know where you lived only you were located somewhere in Ga. pretty tough to track you down with just that to go on. i guess maybe you didn’t want company for christmas dinner, but you didn’t have to get all hysterical and paranoid about being threatened. i did mention that my brother is a gwinnett co police detective and directed you to contact him if you were truly frightened. remember i commented that unlike you, he is ethical and professional in carrying out the duties his position requires. for you to then chastise another poster(post#29) for ad hominem attacks against instead of debating your issue is just too much. you continually fail to answer pointed questions i have addressed to you with pathetic distraction techniques such as not using key words provided to you when using the google search engine. or another standard one you like is to play dumb and demand documentation for articles or publications that you had commented on previously. you should apologize to the poster for pretending that you are motivated by compassion. you have no sense of integrity. i actually enjoy watching you dig yourself deeper little girl. keep shoveling ok. as i told you before, we have something special in mind for you. dr smith and i have made you our personal little project. we intend to see that your efforts don’t go unrewarded. now don’t act like you are being threatened again sarah. i don’t condone violence and even you can’t make me rethink that position. i just want to ensure that you will always get the recognition that you so clearly deserve. dig sarah dig
Dear PPY,
“imagine my surprise to see you misquoting a comment i made to you previously on a different thread about getting together for christmas dinner”
That comment was not about you, but an amalgamation of many statements to me.
“you and i both know that i have offered…. you are welcome anytime.”
I have counteroffered that it would take a cheap camera and internet connection to not just prove to me, but to the world, that fibers are emerging from your skin.
“you didn’t have to get all hysterical and paranoid about being threatened.”
Please show where I have been hysterical and paranoid about being threatened. Copy and paste quotes will suffice.
“i commented that unlike you, he is ethical and professional”
Please show me in what ways I have engaged in unethical and unprofessional manners. Copy and paste quotes of unethical and unprofessional things I have said will suffice.
“you continually fail to answer pointed questions i have addressed to you”
I have indeed not seen the questions you have asked me. You are welcome to ask them again.
“play dumb and demand documentation for articles or publications that you had commented on previously.”
You said there was “scientific proof,” and I was interested in seeing it. All I have seen yet are opinion articles from Savely and Leitao. Do you have more? I am happy to read them.
I’d reply to the rest, but it was nonsensical and irrelevant.
Hi, Ppy. I’m glad you came back, and I hope you see this. I’d asked you something, in the last topic thread you’d posted on, July 30th, “Tea Tree Objects Idnetified”, in comment #41. I’ve always been very curious about the particular pictures I’d referred to. If you could please consider looking at what I’d asked, and describing what that is, I would appreciate it. Thanks, Smileykins