This site is dedicated to examining the claims made regarding what is termed “Morgellons Disease” (aka: “The Fiber Disease”). The site has been in existence since April 2006, and has over 120 articles, and over 14,000 comments.
I believe that much of the recent media coverage of Morgellons has been inaccurate and sensationalist. This is misleading sick people into thinking they may have a terrible disease, when the evidence does not indicate that such a disease actually exists. People have very real physical symptoms, but those symptoms have many possible causes, which have very real treatments.
Misdirecting people into a wild goose chase, after a disease for which there is no evidence, is harmful to their health.
This site exists in part to help people make informed decisions regarding their health care.
I welcome feedback on the site. If you see anything on here that you feel is incorrect, then please let me know, either by leaving a comment, or by emailing me:
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