Oh dear, it looks like Fox News took my script, and had a hollywood screenwriter make it more interesting:
“Mysterious Condition Finally Acknowledged!”, they say, which is a total misunderstanding. I’ll repeat what I said earlier:
The CDC is investigating why there seems to be an increase in the number of people reporting symptoms that look like DOP. Maybe there is an actual increase in cases due to some environmental cause (like pollution or fiberglass) or infectious agent (like MRSA), or it’s just a demographic shift with baby boomers hitting menopause, or maybe it’s an illusory increase, focussed by the media’s coverage of Morgellons, or maybe it’s magnified by the internet’s villagification of the world. Maybe a combination.
If you are new here, and really want to know what the medical community feels about Morgellons, read this link:
Or this one, if you really want to get into details:
Finally, I don’t want to pick on the people in the video, they are suffering enough. But really Fox, what was with that close up of the woman picking at her lip. The “white specks” which she claimed were emerging fibers looked just like dry skin peeling off her lip.
This is unprofessional scaremongering, which is HURTING PEOPLE. Fox should be ashamed. I only hope that the recent OJ reversal might prompt them to have a degree more oversight in the future.
[Addendum: Nov 23 2006]
I watched the video again, and one thing that grated was Professor Wymore again relating the story of how someone suggested that fibers might be getting under the skin by people injecting their skin with fibers in a saline solution mixed in a syringe. The way he says it suggests that’s the only explanation that has been offered by doctors.
Are thousands of people injecting themselves with fibers? Of course not! That is just ridiculous, and nobody is suggesting otherwise. And for anyone reading who thinks they have Morgellons, I’m not suggesting you did it either.
But might a few people be doing something like this? Is Wymore’s total rejection of this theory justified? It actually turns out that there are many well documented cases of people injecting themselves with things in order to get medical attention. People even inject their children with things, things much worse than fibers.
I’m not suggesting that Morgellons is caused by people injecting themselves with fibers! I’m just disappointed in Professor Wymore’s portrayal of a false dicotomy – for him it’s either a bizzare mind blowing disease new to science, or people are injecting fibers under their skin. Wymore takes the former, since he’s staked his reputation on it being true. Occam, if pressed, would take the latter, since it’s something known to happen. It explains a few cases, but don’t forget hot tubs, and menopause.
Mom Accused Of Injecting Human Waste Into Daughter
Test Results Show IV Fluid Contained Substance Consistent With Fecal Matter
Mother Charged with Injecting Fecal matter into Toddler Son
McMullen is a former nurse at A.I. duPont Hospital for Children. She is accused of deliberately injecting fecal matter into her son, causing the toddler to be hospitalized numerous times.
Occasionally, patients with Munchausen’s syndrome inject their knees to produce swelling, ingest agents to distort their laboratory findings, rub irritants on their skin to produce rashes, or wear splints or braces unnecessarily.
A woman presented to our emergency center after self-injection of human chorionic gonadotropin in an attempt to gain admission to the hospital.
The patient presented with bleeding from various sites; repeated subcutaneous emphysema of the face, orbit and upper chest; ulcers on the tongue, and dermatitis autogenica. The illness was confirmed to be factitious and self-induced when she was caught red-handed trying to inject air.
We report herein a male patient displaying factitious disease of the breast due to injection of a high viscosity liquid plastic material. RESULTS: Establishment of the proper diagnosis was greatly delayed due to a lack of suspicion of this entity. Only direct confrontation of the patient with the biopsy results (lipogranulomatosis) led to a reluctant and then only partial admission of the self-induced nature of this patient’s illness.
For the record, Fox did not name this site in that report.
Of course not. Why would they? Fox is simply trying to build their audience base by doing stories that they think people will find interesting. The more interesting they make the story, the more people tune in.
There was nothing new in the story. Nothing that had not been reported two months ago. They just needed a filler, and sexed it up to fit.
Why would Fox mention this site? Credibility might be a qualification.
Fox is not interested in credibility. They abandoned that a long time ago. They seek to entertain in this case. I’m happy not to be included in their silly sensationalistic piece.
But you miss the point. This is not about credibility, it’s about what is actually happening. Who is sick, with what, and why? Can anything be done? Is it something new? If people are diagnosed several times as delusional, then how do they know they are not? What are the facts?
I tend to agree with the “spoon feeding” comment.
That media report doesn’t teach me anything new, I know it all too well.
I said it before, if the media new how much people like myself were suffering, they would have pulled their fingers out long ago.
The best comment from that video was the gentleman who said; “Step up to the plate and do your jobs properly”.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!!!
Michael – The Neurologist phoned me. I had actually called and left a message with his secretary today, because I have felt very unwell.
MRA Scan – normal
EEG – normal
No signs of Epilepsy
I asked him about Toxoplasmosis, he said that a simple blood test is all that is required, and that I should contact my doctor for this. Oh and he is still waiting for the Neurologist from the “other” hospital to forward my other test results (he has contacted him twice already).
See what I mean?!!! I am Still doing this friggin running around!!!
Morgies believe that when they go public everyone will be able to see that they are normal, and that the doctors are the ones that are delusional. I hope the CDC is monitoring Lymebusters, Biology Online, The Morgellons Group, Morgellons Disease Research, and any other forums of the Morgellons Believers so they can see just how screwed up the Morgies really are.
Err and I will have to wait about 2 weeks at least for an appointment, and I’m trying to get by on 4 hourly panadol, for a headache and stiff neck, urinary frequency/dribbling, and neurological dysfuction, which have become intolerable for 3 days now. All I want to do is sleep, but I am so uncomfortable and aggitated.
The thought of turning up to a Hospital ER, no way known, I’d rather die in my bed thanks.
You are missing the point, Norman. Read Michael’ first sentence and click onto “my script” and read the script.
This Suzanne Stratford chick, from Fox’s affiliate station in Cleveland, according to her biography page, is an Emmy Award-winning general assignment reporter. Well, what a pissy job she did reporting on this, including the special….
Her bio also says she’s a veteran of the Persian Gulf War where she served as a Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Warfare Specialist. I suppose she knows how terrified morgie people are about such things.
My gosh, they even supplied a link to the CDC’s site, right there on the page, where anyone can go and see there is no mention of what she reported as “acknowledgement”. I’m having problems with the video, so I didn’t watch it. Does she just leave it at that, or does she set it straight, concerning the CDC?
fox is attempting to tell the truth. something this site knows nothing about. you wouldn’t know credible if it slapped you in the face Michael.
if people are truly sick with some other condition as you pretend to think, doctors would find it. besides, who the fuck are you to say otherwise. mind your own fucking business.
you always disguise your hate with an altruistic approach of concern for the sufferer’s health. if you think anyone believes you and your bullshit – you are delusional, not these people who are living with this condition.
fox knows what they are doing. how dare you, a retired computer programmer, trash a network as if you knew better. you are not even an expert in your own field anymore pops – so give up trying to be an expert in other people’s business and life’s. get a life old man or woman or whatever you all three are.
you, tc and that smiling bitch have not only abandoned credibility, but you’ve abandoned whatever good taste this site may once have had.
your hate and putting down of site visitors will catch up to you. you will drive someone over the edge someday with your diagnosing, and you do diagnose, even if it just with your lame cut and pastes. not only will you be responsible for a persons psyche, or life, but you will have a lawsuit more grand than the canyon.
believe me pops. your bullshit and fake concern will catch up to you.
The Morgellons Fibre Disease
known in China as strongylus monospinigerum
A novel nematode discovered through investigation of an unknown disease
Fox is attempting to tell the truth? Then why do they resort to a horror movie style dramatization of someone “mixing fibers in saline solution, filling a syringe, and injecting it under the skin”, as the only alternative explanation for the fibers. Hardly fair and balanced. That’s the part of the script where they are supposed to interview a dermatologist and then play a quote out of context that makes it look like he thinks everyone is crazy. Instead Fox took it to the next level, and had Wymore relay his syringe story on behalf of a dermatologist.
What they did is get four believers in a room together, and let them say their piece. What would have been fair and balanced would be if they had also accompanied those four people to a neutral set of doctors, and discussed the results of their examinations.
Instead, what we get is the exact same story we’ve been getting since May. They followed the script, and made it scary, to entertain people. It’s a trend on TV, “Medical Incredible”, “Medical Mysteries” and even “House”, morbid fascination is selling. But it’s the same story as before.
I’ve updated my “Oh Fox!” post (above), adding some opinions and information about injections.
Ivankipling. Whenever I feel I’m about to do something wrong, I know it in my heart. I recognize the difference in hatred, and in loving and caring, as well. Michael’ has supplied an oasis of valuable information with his blog, with the intention of assisting those wanting to understand the phenomenon. When his blog is seen as something other than what it is, some people, who have what they consider as “morgellons disease”, make comments here. We try helping them, but they are well known to be resistant. I’ve overstated the fact that I don’t think such persons should read here and allow it to upset them to the extent that it does. You, also, should not let it concern you in the least, Ivankipling, because you aren’t interpreting things here for what they are.
There’s no “hate”, no “putting down of site visitors”, and no “diagnosing”.
I don’t know your situation, but I agree with the gist of your having said….
……and, I have also said, that most people do not see nearly as many doctors, in their entire lifetime, as some morgie people have gone to. I’ve also said, perhaps a new strategy, or method of communication has been needed to be implemented. I feel I’ve been pretty lenient, stating several things, as to what the problem may have alternatively been, that’s resulted in doctors commonly diagnosing one thing, in particular. I’ve even tried showing it is nothing even resembling a cop-out diagnosis to avoid really treating the patient, as is commonly thought by those who complain over it. Doctors do their jobs right. Patients have a role as patients, too.
This is a person’s personal blog. He has allowed public comments on it. We’re not sticking our noses into anyone’s business, Ivankipling. Many people seem to not realize that this is the internet, and what is said about their conditions, day and night, is out there for the whole world to see.
You accuse “US”, of going to be driving someone over the edge someday and be responsible for a persons psyche, or life??!!!! Please listen to what your doctor says. Please try not to feel that we are detracting anything from you. We aren’t invalidating you, as a person, at all. I wish you knew how much we cared, and, please, get well.
I watched the video yesterday, and I have just tried to watch it again, but I am now having trouble viewing it.
I can not recall whether she set it straight about the CDC. If you click on the link for the CDC, of course there is no mention of Morgellons syndrome, even if you do a search.
Anyone in their right mind is scared of anything relating to bioterror, not just the morgies. The media seem to do a great job of “scare mongering”.
The start of that story turns my stomach “these people look normal from the outside, but inside”!!! This is bullshit, and so unfair.
Stop pissing around and solve this mysterious, rather than toying with fragile minds.
Oh and the bit about “injecting fibers under the skin” – Dr Wymore why would you even bother to say this shit? Do you think it helps the sufferers?
ummm, what are your qualifications again Michael? I am curious how they would stand up against those of the physician below. What you are doing is wrong. But please, dont stop and please do not find another hobby as you have stated perhaps you need to do. Although I completely expect you to crawl back under your rock and disappear once this is officially acknowledged.
William T. Harvey, MD, MS, MPH
“I’m a physician with varied backgrounds… Bachelor’s Degree in
Astronautical Engineering from the USAF Academy, Masters Degrees in
Public Health and Electrical Engineering, an MD from Case Western
Reserve University.
I’m Board Certified in Aerospace Medicine and Board Eligible in
Emergency Medicine…a 23-year career in the US Air Force, much of
which was in space science, space medicine and space medicine
research at the School of Aerospace medicine, Brooks AFB….Medical
Director for the Space Station Program for Lockheed Corporation,
then for Wyle Life Sciences at Johnson Space center. …solving
medical problems in spaceflight where no knowledge or texts existed
before has been my career.”
“The Morgellon’s phenomenon is real. It is also clearly devastating,
life-shortening, and infectious. I have observed the herald lesions
microscopically with their central fibers in dozens of patients.
Virtually all have lost both income and medical insurance, and are
now a significant drain on the medical system, the federal budget
and their immediate social system.
…international link up with physicians in Europe and most other
English speaking countries has resulted in a crescendo in awareness
of the illness, and collection of large amounts of publishable data.
Tragically, the roots of the illness now appear to be global….”
– William T. Harvey, MD, MS, MPH
San Antonio, Texas
Why not just tell the “Truth” rather than this half hearted attempt all the time, reminds me of a “Hollywood drama”. No wonder no one has been taking this seriously.
We don’t get a thing on television about Morgellons in Australia. One newspaper report, from the Chicago Tribune and that was it. The media in this country continue to ignore people like myself, who have contacted them for near on 2 years, but nope they are not interested.
Now..why would that be????
Dr Wymore did you not think to mention “Nanoparticles” in our environment that can penetrate anything??
For christs sake mate, something has certainly penetrated your brain, get with the programme god damn it!!
I’ve never claimed qualifications, nor do the facts I present in any way depend up my qualifications. I just report what is going on, and express my opinions.
What I also do is report the opinions of others, such as the entire dermatological establishment. I don’t diagnose people, but I rely more on the diagnoses of the twenty doctors they have seen than on their own personal diagnoses.
Dr Harvey abandoned science in 1987 when he became obsessed with antibiotics and Lyme. What did he say happened?
What do other doctors say about Harvey?
That has been obvious from the start. I see Derm’s running with their tails between their legs….useless lot!
Well I don’t blame the man for abandoning science! He is unwell also, and even he can’t penetrate the minds of those thick idiot doctors.
And tell me a doctor that doesn’t make up his own rules hey?!! They’re not God ya know!
Are you saying that personal information has been disclosed to you?
and if so…
I damn well hope so too. They need to know the truth. The truth being to date so far; sick, vulnerable people are being taken advantage of, and this is being done mainly by the medical community and people in research.
I/We/Them/Us are screwed up, as you put it TC, thanks to doctors not doing their damn jobs properly, and the media living in fairy land.
I may be a little “screwed” up you know, but I can see this entire situation for what it is…..cruel!!!!!
Yes I know I am cranky this morning!
I sleep more than my cat these days, and still do not feel refreshed. I wake each day feeling sicker and sicker.
Look my current doctor is lovely, but here is an example of me “hitting my head against a brick wall”.
When I saw her the other day, she examined my tummy as she normally does. I said to her that my breasts were so damn painful, as well as some other things that bothered me, and were not normal. Well her reply was; “why is that”? I said; “I don’t know, I think my body is very messed up at the moment”.
I should have said; “I don’t know, that is why I am asking YOU, you are a doctor aren’t you, or am I just having a hallucination”!!
Well, then, there we have it. I’m simply not in my right mind, because bioterror isn’t something that scares me. South, you have “morgellons disease”. Happy, now?
I wonder if those “fibers” made their way into our bodies via one of those vaccinations we had many years ago. Well I know I have had plenty, I have lived in 3 different countries.
My gosh, Ivan, even according to the Morgies, their doctors do find plenty of other problems. But instead ot treating these conditions, they opt to believe what they really have is Morgellons. Most of their doctors also diagnose them as being delusional, and clearly are. It’s obvious to normal people. It’s also obvious that some of them have other mental disorders as well. But they don’t treat these mental disorders either. They discount everything their doctor says and hop from doctor to doctor, looking for one that will believe their fantasies.
Eventually they may run across the quack they are looking for, one that believes them, but it’s sometimes also one that is ready to exploit them for their money. No reputable doctor or nurse believes the Morgellons myth. Most, if not all, Morgies are mentally ill. They need help, and they cannot help themselves. Doctors and nurses are taking them for everything they’ve got, and laughing all the way to the bank. I think this is especially true of Dr. Harvey, Dr. Schwartz, and nurse Savely. When mentally ill people are being exploited because of their vulnerability, it becomes everyone’s business. If we didn’t care for the Morgies, we wouldn’t be here. We try everything within our power to get them to open their eyes and see the truth.
You said that Fox News knows what they are doing. I agree. They have never been concerned with the truth. They specialize in sensationalism, within the agenda of the owners of the network. They aren’t “Fair and Balanced”, and never have been. I commend Michael for his honesty and fairness. This blog is the only place one can find the truth about the Morgellons myth. And it is a myth!
Morgies come to this site “attempting” to put us down. They always fail. Their thinking is totally backwards. We aren’t the ones that are filled with hate. We aren’t the ones that are recommending dangerous practices. We tell the Morgies to see their doctors, get a second opinion when in doubt, and follow their instructions. That includes treating their mental health problems. If anyone wants to sue me, have at it. I’m already laughing! You make my day, Ivan. You’re such a NUT!!
Tall Cotton
Gillian said…
Gillian, doctors are doing their jobs, most of them. One doctor can’t diagnose all these people, in various locations, that have nothing in common except their delusions.
Gillian said…
Back when we had the incidents with anthrax, I was curious about its origin, but I certainly didn’t wear gloves to get my mail out of my mailbox. I go through my days, and nights, usually without giving any thought to bioterror. It’s not normal to live in fear.
Gillian said…
Gillian, there’s no mystery to solve. These individuals have different problems, but they aren’t mysteries. The Morgellons Mystery is solved with the words, “Delusions of Parasitosis”.
Gillian said…
There is no “this”, and there is no “it”. Morgellons isn’t taken seriously by most people because there is no such thing. Everyone will be a whole lot better off when they forget they ever heard of the myth.
Gillian, I understand that it’s very difficult to change the old thought patters. It’s not easy, but it is important.
Tall Cotton
No. People say themselves that they have been diagnosed as having DOP by doctor after doctor. I just tend to believe the doctors.
Maybe occasionally some people are misdiagnosed. But thousands of people? Tens of thousands of doctors?
Sadly, it’s well documented that patients who think they have “morgellons disease” were the ones who couldn’t take their illness seriously, ignoring the diagnosis and treatment for it. Not everyone can just decide to change their thoughts, even when they know they’re harming them. That’s the thing about brain chemistry. Good, or bad, it rules every single one of us.
Hmmm – makes ya wonder doesn’t it, somethings not quite right that’s for sure.
Hey you guys I forgot to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Sorry about my outburst earlier you know how it is, I went back to bed and slept, I feel a bit better now.
Same for me TC, it was the comment below from Smileykins that made me think of it, and of course reply.
Do you think maybe that is why they got that woman to do the Morgellons report?
To keep perpetuating the fear?
I dunno, that’s why I’m asking…
Dear Ivankipling,
I don’t know about anyone else here, but nothing really makes me agree with an opposing opinion like them throwing around the “F word.” Right guys?
Before you dropped the “f” bomb, I wasn’t a Morgellons believer. But now, my mind is changed.
Thank you for swearing at me. Your effective communication style is impeccable.
Sincerely, Sarah
Dear Southcity,
And indeed, what are your credentials?
I always see that. “What are your credentials, what are your credentials?” This statement is never followed by “My credentials are….”
You can always find someone with “credentials” to tell you what you want to hear.
You can’t always find someone with “credentials” who has common sense and critical thinking skills.
My credentials are; common sense and critical thinking.
Just in case you where wondering!
Southcity, I’m real sorry to say this, too, but really, considering the harm he’s doing (and if he’s a paranoid schizophrenic patient, I truly know he can’t help it), did you check into the background of the person that you heavily promote, who’d told you he was affiliated with a university and hospital staff laboratory in Europe? You know, the one who contacted you last October after viewing your old website?
Most of the news agencies report what they are told. They report a story of fear because the Morgies are telling them a story of fear. Morgies want us to be afraid, and although we aren’t, in they least, they like to think we are. They have it in their minds that their imaginary disease is spreading with epidemic proportions. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The only thing spreading is the fearful story the Morgies have reported. They believe that a lot of people have Morgellons and don’t even know it, yet they also tell us how terrible the symptoms are. One would think that the people that supposedly have Morgellons unknowingly would suspect something being wrong. Morgies bend and rebend the facts to their liking. At least most of the news agencies leave some room for the possibility that the Morgies are wrong. Morgies are afraid, and they want everyone else to be afraid too.
But, then again, yeah, wait a minute. Just like SBD said, what about YOUR credentials, South? Crossinglines.net really does “cross lines”, lines of decency, in my opinion, spreading one helluva lot of fear to vulnerably susceptible patients. I don’t think any one of us is going over on your site, griping at you, though, now are we?
VITAL SIGNS: Bugs Are Crawling In My Skin
Skin eruptions mystify both doctor and patient.
By Claire Panosian Dunavan
DISCOVER Vol. 27 No. 12 | December 2006 | Medicine
Chemtrails, Nano-Tech and Morgellons – Warning this information can change whirled views. You thought you’d seen it all?
Thought … all » chemtrails were a myth? Not looked upward in the last decade?
Rick DelVecchio, Chronicle Staff Writer
Friday, November 24, 2006
Michael – Are you home today? All seems very very quiet…are you out hunting wabbits?
Irresponsible Article In Discover: Vital Signs: Bugs Are Crawling In My Skin
Ho hum, I see, like that hey..
MyFox Cleveland: Part 2 – Medical Mystery: Morgellons Syndrome
I got some news Michael, could you please do me a favour and get this working for me, so I can watch please.
What irresponsible about it? He’s saying that some people who have neurotic excoriations have latched onto Morgellons to justify their scratching? Are you taking it personally? It’s not about you, it’s about people who dig imaginary stuff out of their skin.
I think that article by Dr. Dunavan is superb. Thank you for sharing it, Gillian.
Some excerpts:
Yes, the article very neatly illustrates the problem – the doctor knows what is wrong with the patient, yet the patient cannot be helped because they don’t believe the doctor. It’s very sad – and there does not seem to be much that can be done about it.
Some doctors say that in the past they would just prescribe anti-anxiety drugs, claiming they were anti-parasite, and the symptoms would go away. Now with the libility problems, and the ease with which patients can look up drugs on the internet, they can’t do that any more. I’m certainly not recommending that approach, but it’s sad that that was the only thing that worked, and now it’s not available.
Actually, I suppose the new approach of hijacking the “Morgellons” name is actually along the same lines.
An “impassable gulf between science and belief” exists in many instances in many lives (religion, conspiracy, paranormal, fear of flying, …) but this particular gulf is just rather damaging to their health.
Of course I’m not taking this personally, silly!
I just thought I would bring it for you guys to have a look at, that’s all.
I thought that Morgellons Medical Mystery was meant to be Part 2? I have already seen that one.
My god, cutting through the red tape is so darn ridiculous, yeap and folks are really really suffering.
OR..doctors just give the anti-anxiety drugs without any further investigation into the skin complaint, and no mention of it being an “anti-parasitic” drug.
Either way…it is WRONG.
Ha! Okay this is just ONE person, BUT since when did a Staph. infection produce fibers, especially blue ones?
Why doesn’t the doctor try believing the patient for a change, hmmm??
The Dermatology Community needs a major kick in the butt.
Yeah I had my nose swabbed 3 or 4 years ago. Actually the woman tried to tickle the back of my skull via my nostrils with her darn swab, I nearly chocked the cow!
My nose swab showed nothing, but under my armpit it grew Staphylococcus aureus.
So which Antibiotic should I take NOW??
My sister who is an RN was visiting my Grandma in hospital a few months back. A nurse was doing her rounds and checking the patients in the room my Gran was in.
My sister witnessed this nurse attend to THREE different patients and she DID NOT WASH HER HANDS ONCE!!!!!
So…who ain’t listen to who, and who ain’t doin their job properly?
For patients like the one that article described (and there are those who have written, cluelessly, about having antibiotic resistant infections, like MRSA, on morgie message boards), not only do they continue on in their unusual beliefs, practices, and pursuits, but they put the rest of us at risk.
It’s not their “morgellons disease” that we’re at risk of contracting, of course, because they all have different reasons for thinking that they have such a thing. Some morgies really are contagious, with bacterial and/or fungal infections, and some, of course, are not. I feel sorry for all of these patients, but I don’t appreciate that risk to the rest of the public from their ignorance/denial of MRSA infections.
As I’ve said in the past, the antibiotic experimentation that’s employed by so many patients in the morgie community, endangers the future, increasing the chances of even more resistant strains of bacteria. As such strains inevitably develop, hopefully we’ll be able to use bacteriophages, more, in the future, as an effective replacement weapon.
See, I happen to think medical technology is a good thing.
Oh, shoot!! I mean, naturally, bacteriophages will hopefully be an effective replacement for non-effective antibiotics as a “replacement weapon” against super-pathogens. I’m sorry, I should have thought it out before I chose those particular words.
Morgellons Victim’s Note To The Editor Of Discover Magazine
That looks like Cindy’s back that is pictured on the left. Are those the side-by-side pictures from Morgellons Watch?
Anyway, the threat of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and other antibiotic resistant pathogens is a growing problem, and Morgies are making sure they do their part to put us all at risk.
Neurotic excoriations, and the deliberate removal of scabs from partially healed lesions, keep the Morgies seeking antibiotics for an indefinite period of time.
The prolonged use, and the use of the wrong types of antibiotics, set the stage for dangerous mutations to take place. Not all Morgies have MRSA, but like the woman in the article, some do. And MRSA is highly contagious.
Morgies sometimes count the costs of their so-called disease. But they undoubtedly fail to count the portion that is paid by other people. Some of these costs are paid by their children, spouses, and pets. Some are paid by members of the community, to whom they spread their thoughtlessly created super pathogens.
Morgies are a threat to everyone, and it isn’t because they have a new emerging disease. It’s because a wake of destruction follows them. Something needs to be done to stop this.
Tall Cotton
Great day in the morning. I’ve been reading some morgie board comments of people saying that “morgellons disease” has damaged their liver, rather than having the ability to understand that their liver problems are what’s caused their symptoms.
Interesting letter from Cliff. He totally fails to point out anything actually factually inaccurate with the article, just seems to express general dislike. Yet to the average reader, the article comes across as eminently reasonable.
The two photos in the article were originally shown in my Neurotic Excoriations post, then Nature Magazine copied the layout (they actually asked me as well). It is Cindy’s back, and the other photo is from Dermnet.
TC – I thought exactly the same thing!!
So I bet you guys didn’t save me any turkey or trimmings?? I am so jealous, role on Christmas.
Hope your holiday weekend was a great break for you all.
Do you think so?
Sounded like a “made up story” to me.
I think the following Discover article is the best one I’ve read about Morgellons. It illustrates how the Morgie’s beliefs are both illogical and unshakable.
Morgies don’t like this article because it tells the truth. The truth is totally foreign to them. In my opinion, Cliff Mickelson is the master of bad science. He also has a way of using a lot of words to say absolutely nothing. The man is an idiot!
Tall Cotton
I wish that morgie people could consider refraining from playing follow the leader and flooding Discover Magazine with letters protesting their article, or sending photos or videos. Doctor Claire Panosian Dunavan, the doctor who wrote the article, is a tropical medicine specialist, as well as a professor of medicine and infectious diseases at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. It appears to be an excellent illustration of how problematic this “morgellons” patient phenomenon is. The following that Mr. Mickelson has cultivated, screams volumes, to the general public, just how ill anyone who holds him in high esteem actually is. I know that is not something that such patients are aware of, as well as I know the back of my hand.
Michael – Do you think these articles would come across as eminently reasonable to the average reader?
Tick-Borne Rickettsioses around the World: Emerging Diseases
Challenging Old Concepts
Ultrastructural and Genetic Evidence of a Reptilian Tick, Aponomma hydrosauri, as a Host of Rickettsia honei in Australia
Rickettsioses in Australia.
“Rickettsia marmionii” is the proposed name in Australia for the new rickettsial strain – Australian Spotted Fever.
R.australis – Queensland tick typhus
R.honei – Flinders Island spotted fever
R.conorrii – Mediterranean spotted fever
R.sibirica – North Asian tick typhus
R.rickettsi – Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
R.akari – Rickettsialpox
I tested positive for the above Spotted Fever Group on the 25th February 2005.
**Pathology performed by
The Australian Rickettsial Reference Laboratory,
Barwon Health,
The Geelong Hospital,
Geelong, Victoria
Michael – The Rickettsial Research Laboratory gave me two doctors in Melbourne to contact to treat my Rickettsiosis. I did try to get an appointment with this doctor first but he was away on leave for 2 or 3 months. So I phoned the other duck, I mean doctor.
CFS – Discovery
P.S. I wonder what his treatment “medications” are?
Rickettsioses in australia.Graves S, Unsworth N, Stenos J.
Australian Rickettsial Reference Laboratory, The Geelong Hospital, PO BOX 281, Geelong, Victoria 3220. Stephen.graves@hnehealth.nsw.gov.au.
I read the short text version from the link above, and I wanted to throw up.
This bit stinks;
Our knowledge of Australian rickettsiae is expanding with the recognition of an expanded range of R. honei (Flinders Island spotted fever) to Tasmania and southeastern mainland Australia (not just on Flinders Island), and the detection of a new SFG species (or subspecies), tentatively named “R. marmionii” in the eastern half of Australia. This rickettsia causes both acute disease (7 cases, recognized so far) and is also associated (as a “R. marmionii” bacteriaemia) with patients having a chronic illness. The significance of the latter is under investigation. It may be a marker of autoimmune disease or chronic fatigue in some patients.
Would I be completely wrong in saying that I could possibly be one of the “7 cases” mentioned above?
they get paid a lot of money to report that so called “professional information”
they used my blood to achieve their research goals?
I may sound like a complete morgie moron with my next question, but what the heck…
Why have I been treated so badly, when my blood pathology shows that I have a serious life threatening illness?
Oh by the way… I think you can strike “Clindamycin/Dalacin C” long term Intravenous Therapy off your list of cures for the new Australian Spotted Fever. That is, unless, you want to end up looking like me.
When everything fell apart with the MRF a few months back, I just could not understand any of it.
Someone, somewhere intervened between myself and Mary Leitao, Why?
I am just guessing here, but my gut tells me that maybe Mary was led to believe something about myself that was very untrue. It is really hard for me to remember because at the time I was so bombed out being on the IV antibiotic treatment. I think it was July 2006.
The quack treating me at the time probably thought I would be long dead by now.
Don’t laugh, I ain’t joking…remember I told you my last IV treatment had to be stopped because he said: “you will be dead in 2 days if we give you another IV, so we will wait until next week”. (I never returned).
Why did that quack get one of his patients to exchange email addresses with me, and then I never heard from her?
This woman lived in Tasmania for a little while and had a relapse of Rickettsiosis, went to the local hospital and got admitted to the psych. ward. She told the doctor (Microbiologist) about the treatment she had received in Melbourne, and the name of the treating physician. He replied by saying; “Oh him, he’s a wacko quack”.
He gave my phone number (with my permission of course) to one of his patients to call me to chat about Rickettsia, CFS, Lyme and Scleroderma. I have no idea why. He did say that this mans friend has Scleroderma and just needs to talk to someone who understands.
I listened to this man (a farmer) for over an hour and a half, symptom by symptom, joint by joint, pain here, pain there, twitch here and a twitch there, I can’t wear this and I can’t wear that, I can’t sleep this way and I can’t sleep that way!!!! It was really awful to listen to him (not because I felt sorry for him either) I felt sorry for myself, WHY??? the phone call???
Stupid me tried to help him. I posted him some information on Rhomanga supplements for lifting the Ph level in the blood. The quack put me onto Rhomanga. I sent this infor. Express Post with a nice note inside, and ended saying “please let me know how you get on, and what you think of the brochure I sent you”. Unfortunately I also mentioned to him that he should have NAET done first before embarking on the Rhomanga. (What was I thinking!).
This farmer was a real church goer too, just like the quack. He could not understand why no doctors in North Victoria were intersted in studying Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. He said he was even going to consider giving away the farm just to give his time to help people in his community, as most of his farmer friends had CFS, Q Fever, Lyme, Rickettsia and Scleroderma.
This is a criminal offence.
I could name a university, some doctors, a couple of hopsitals, etc right here on the internet who are conspiring in this abuse, and I would not care less. (I wouldn’t do it here Michael)
I could say some really nasty things right now, but I have to hold my tongue. The agony I have suffered is beyond words, and I would never wish it upon any of you.
I was correct 2 years ago in my saying to the Infectious Disease Specialist and the Neurologist…
“I looked the sickest person out there in your waiting room, out numbered by the gay men in pink shirts with their boyfriends, and if I had HIV I’d be just fine wouldn’t I?? but NO you choose to wait until maybe I have a massive stroke or something, and they you might give me the time of day.”
You see I worked in the Infectious Disease Unit at that very hospital, for only a short time, temporary medical secretary to the Head of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology. The Pharmaceutical Sales Reps would have booked appointments with these physicians to discuss the new HIV meds. I was shocked, first time I’d seen that, majority of specialists and professors I have worked with in the past have always been way to busy to talk to a sales rep, behind closed doors. Ha little did I know, dats where the money is!
So there you have it – maggots the whole lot of em.
DEATH AND DYING in Light of Affect
Oh yes research is a wonderful thing, pity they don’t even know how to discuss this particularly topic with the patient when it is put to them.
Quacks have gotta earn a living some how
who better else to rip off ??
Someone who you think will never recover…
Or maybe some quacks are just not sure
coz they don’t listen to the patient
but at least they can play learn as they get paid
lets true some new drugs, and research protocols!
Michael – Could we start a new topic on Euthanasia?
Department of Dermatology, Melbourne.
If you scroll down this document you will see the heading “Teaching”…..
oh yeah him, cost me $170 for 10 minutes so he could take some photos of me
and wrote down on a piece of paper “Menthol in aqueous base cream 1% 100grams”
and contact this lady Dr at the Skin and Cancer Foundation to let her know
about Morgellons!!!
Other than that I am sorry Gillian but I really can’t help you in any other way.
I bet he drives a nice car, pity he ain’t got a personallity.
General Practitioner Education
The department has developed two booklets for general
practitioners. The first entitled A Guide to the Treatment of
Common Skin Diseases was produced in 1999 and the second
entitled A Guide to the Performance of Diagnostic Procedures
used in the Management of Common Skin Diseases was
produced in 2002. The third entitled A Guide to the
Diagnosis of Common Skin Diseases is in the final stages of
production. All three booklets are distributed free of charge to
all Australian GPs through an educational grant received from
CSL. In addition the Department contributed to the
development of the Therapeutic Guidelines – Dermatology
booklet. The first edition, produced in 1999 sold over 10,000
copies nationally. This edition was translated into Japanese.
The second edition was published in 2004.
Members of the Department regularly provide lectures to
general practitioners in training courses and GP educational
conferences. General practitioner teaching is an important
way for the Department to contribute to patient care.
WHAT?? I think maybe the doctors can’t read
Booklets ? what booklets, I have never been to a GP that said, oh hang on I will just check your lesions against those provided in my Dermatology Booklet.
LIARS – Spin Doctors
Just another excerpt from that Dermatology link, this one is really funny, he specialise in hair conditions??? My hair been growing into my face, but you didn’t give a crap did ya?
Rod Sinclair, who specialises in hair and nail conditions,
headed a team of clinical and genetic researchers comprising
Masters of Medicine students Jack Green, Keng-Ee Thai, and
Shannon Harrison, Research Fellow Julia Hyun and also
Bachelor of Medical Science student Uma Ramadaas. They
have worked on a number of projects related to a variety of
forms of alopecia. This team has contributed much that is
new and interesting to the world research into hair disorders.
Here are those “fibers” I was trying to tell you about:
Intraepidermal Nerve Fibers Are Indicators of Small-Fiber Neuropathy in Both Diabetic and Nondiabetic Patients
Noninvasive Monitoring of Diabetes-Induced Cutaneous Nerve Fiber Loss and Hypoalgesia in thy1-YFP Transgenic Mice
Hi Michael – I’m still here!
and doing okay I think.
I posted that many links and info, I have not a clue really what the heck is happening, but that is the way I like it.
I just hope that my link on the fibers etc, may help assit Dr Wymore with his research into the fibers. I feel it is a good place to start since he knows a lot about Diabetes and of course his past research into cancer and heart disease.
You can only hope anyway, can’t hurt! over and out.
Michael – Could I please ask a question.
I want to have a guess at what is going on if I can please.
This is EXTREMELY painful, BUT I CAN do it. I can.
I can not understand why my Dad talked about Steam/pollution etc and the new book he is reading on Climatic Change, The weather maker it is called.
I think he is trying to protect my mum.
I can not remember my past as in very young, but one thing I do know for sure, is that my mum could be very strange, with me and my sister, oh boy, can you help me please. this is awful.
back again..
here I go blaming my mum again, so hard when my memory will only stretch so far.
I will see if I can help you to help me here goes;
I can recall when I was child, I think in the UK I was young about 6yrs old. I recall walking in a crowd my mum with me of course. I remember telling her that I felt people were staring at me all the time. She got so MAD with me and grabbed my hand and pulling me along, saying “NO they are NOT, don’t be silly”.
Through out my research on my own symptoms I read about Schziophrenia and how people would have this kind of experience of people staring at them. I wondered, naturally, if I had schziophrenia or even drug induced psychosis from smoking some joints to cope with illness and pain (I didn’t smoke dope as a child!). I trust my pyschiatrist, he told myself and my parents I am not at risk of schziophrenia.
The mental image when I was 6 years old just keeps coming back into my mind of late. What prompted this thought was something my Grandma said to me in a phone conversation not long ago;
She phoned me one day (which is unlike her) to see how I was. We chatted, one topic onto another…she reminded me of someone somewhere commenting on what a beautiful looking little girl I was and apparently my mum got upset with this person and said, but what about Jane (my sis) she is beautiful too.
I repeated this conversation back to mum. She replied with “well I had too love, because I didn’t want Jane to feel left out, I wanted to love you both the same, and everything equal, you understand don’t you love”?
Well I have to understand, that is the hardest part about all of this, I have to confer to her needs the entire time.
What does one do, keep shifting the blame, which I have done my entire life, and ultimately I always put the blame back on myself because that is the only way I can make reason.
Without concrete thoughts in my mind, how on earth can I proove anything.
All I know is that I feel as though I have been the “PREY” (don’t laugh please!!) my entire life, that is what made we freak out completely these past 6 months. Memories just flooded my mind, and of course the strange comments and reactions from my dad, the man I trust so much, but yet I did once just once not long ago fear him terribly for one night, and I do not know why??
Gillian, a phone number within these links can help with a caring listener on the other end that could give you some guidance. Also, try doing as you’ve said before, and draw on the strength of your grandfather. Try to think only in terms of identifying all things as positives and negatives, and if a negative thought comes into your mind, replace it, just as quickly as it got there, with a positive thought. Try to not allow anything negative in. Good luck.
Thank you for the information Smileykins, but I would much prefer to call my own Psychiatrist, he is very well aware of the Morgellons disaster!
His mind has ALWAYS been open to any possibility of what I could be suffering from. It really upsets me to see others within the Morgellons community bagging the shrinks. Not all shrinks are bad. And the shrinks don’t “cook” up the antipsychotics or antidepressants themselves, the drug companies do. But I am not going to pass judgement on them, or I may see an AT&T van in my street!!! Hahaha.
I try to explain this to Tony, but he has trouble seeing through the smoke screen. I said to him, how on earth was my shrink meant to know that the medication was making me sicker. He was not the one who put me on medication in the first place. I found him after many other witch doctors had played with my head. My shrink saved me.
And I know he loves the word “shrink” coz he has a sense of humour!
Michael – I think the ABC stole “my story” too.
Lying in bed last night watching the tele, I wasn’t sure what was happening to me. I really felt as though I had experienced time travel or something.
The show I was watching told me what I had already told everyone else!
The experience last night was nothing like my first twilight zone experience, but it was really strange.
I felt as though I was waiting for the ceiling to open up and a big beam of light to shine down on me, and then be sucked up into a space ship. It wouldn’t be too bad really, I wish the Aliens would hurry up, at least they could make me well (I think)!!!
When I was looking at the ceiling in the dark it was as though I was looking at the galaxy, lots of tiny sparkle dots all over the ceiling. That has happened to me before. I wondered if I should look in the mirror to see if I had “twinkles” in my eyes!!
The noise in my head and ears is very annoying though. I had a great deal of trouble getting to sleep due to the noise in my head, so I got up and had a mug of warm milk.
At least it stopped this damn song going through my head : “I’m Henry the 8th I am I am I’m Henry the 8th I am”!!!!
I have never sung that song in my life before!
You know being crazy is kinda fun sometimes, ya just can’t talk about it to anyone!!!!LOL!
Apart from you guys!
Oh, I’m glad you sound much better today.
Yes, I think you should stick with the doc you have, Gillian. One reason I’d posted those links, had been because I’d taken into consideration something that you’d said about calling your doc and being told to just hang on for a while. Many, many, years ago, with no support system, when the stress of my journey through life seemed overwhelming, back then, I used to call a crisis hotline number, sometimes, to talk things over. I’ve found that identifying negative energy, and avoiding it, helps a lot.
Any morgie person who thinks that being referred to a mental health doctor is something to be ashamed of, or offended over, is very narrow-minded, and mistaken.
I’m trying to avoid the negative energy. I really should sleep under the stars tonight.
I hope I am still here in the morning.
I will be though..
I refuse to die.
Thanks for your help.
Still doesn’t explain who is framing ME on the internet with MY BRAIN SCAN.
I have told my Neurologist.
I have my suspicions as to who has
put the scan on the internet,
but I don’t care
I just watched the entire video
I really like the part that has
a knife stuck in my skull!!
Wow great graphics!!
I love being crazy
I am tired of being the Prey.
I will do more than rain on
their parade
I will crap in their laps
I’m not angry, I’m just getting even, and much much closer to the TRUTH.
I use the “Dinosaur Therapy” Small at one end, much much thicker in the middle, and small again at the other end.
Anyone care to argue the entire Morgellons controversy with me now?
Step right up I’m waiting..
Bye all……..
Wiggles saddened by colleague’s departure
“Hot Potato hot potato… hot potato hot potato…hot potato hot potato! potato, potato, potato, potato go spaghetti go spaghetti… go spaghetti go spaghetti… go spaghetti go spaghetti.. go spaghetti go spaghetti… spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti”!!!!
I LOVE the Wiggles!!!!!
Devils Own Disease
The Anderson Report.
I’m sorry I’ve neglected my manners, in saying, “you’re welcome”, several times, Gillian. Thank you, also, for the Thanksgiving wishes, earlier.
Hey, since you have a neurologist, describe your neck problems, and what happened that time in the shower, to him.
What a great idea, to sleep out under the heavens. I hope you have a tent with a floor and an entrance flap, though.
I certainly don’t know about this “getting even” business, Gillian, I really don’t. I feel it’s better to drop things, put them behind us, and move forward. We teach people how to treat us, and living a good life is really the best revenge. Of course, I don’t know what’s going on, but I just wanted to mention that.
For your information Smelly I used to do Crisis Telephone Counselling myself. I worked in the field of Mental Health. I used to recruit all the Volunteer Telephone Counsellors and organise there rosters.
I am sorry to say this, but a crisis hotline isn’t going to help me at all. I could tell them a thing or too, don’t you think so??
I have spent nearly my entirely life in and out of counselling. For what reasons, who the hell knows?
All I have ever done in life is ask for help from; doctors, nurses, teachers, parents, and even LAWYERS. And the whole damn lot of them come with an amazing price tag;
Well, which is it? Were you the counsellor or the patient? If you were the counsellor, God help the Australians.
Don’t worry about the “getting even” talk Smiley, I just angry, that is all.
I just want to get well, I really do, that is all that matters to me.
I didn’t sleep under the stars either, I would have been eaten alive by mosquitos anyway!!
I am trying to rest up, I am back on those darn antibiotics. Severe UTI (again)!! So I am HERXING already, and my head feels like it is going to explode.
Thanks all, and be well.
I’m only human, and I’d said a long time ago, that I’m ill-equipped for trying to relate to people with this new and unique “on line phenomenon”. I try to understand. I swear I do. The ways you appear to end up turning on anyone who tries to care, seems as though that’s a big hindrance to you, Gillian. I don’t know how it happened, and I am sorry if things you’ve experienced in life resulted in making you this way.
Saying that all you have ever done in life is ask for help, is believable. You’re 38 years old now. Are you ever going to grow tired of that amazing price tag that has been attached to asking for help from all those you’ve listed? For whatever reason you’re so helpless and/or haven’t learned the necessary tools to assist yourself, by now, I wish that you could. Nobody knows what your true situation really is, naturally, but if this has been going on all your life, and become the only way you know, you’ll either keep the behavior up, getting whatever it is that you like from it, or, hopefully, you can identify it, realize where it comes from, and work on fixing it.
Whatever ill-conceived ideas that you, or anyone with similar problems as yours, chooses to think about TC and me is immaterial. Michael is a very kind and generous soul to have created his blog, as well as to allow the airing of problems here. I don’t think any of the answers to your dilemmas are going to be found on line anywhere. Several months ago, when you’d decided to turn on TC & me, again, apparently to test whether we’d still hang in here for you, I had said, then, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” I’d known better than to bother, again, but, with casual aquaintances/strangers, I have a three strikes you’re out rule, because I think everyone, usually, deserves more than one chance.
I know you can’t change what you can’t acknowledge, and that most people have to want to change, and often do, when things get bad enough. You don’t appear to even realize the things that you do, or why you do them. Do I know why? Of course not. Do you know why, is the question. Change can only come from within, but you seem to really need someone appointed to manage your life for you. Now, since I’ve never been successful in relating to unstable people that play games of cat and mouse, color me finished, Gillian. Stick a fork in me, cuz I’m done.
Gillian, before resigning, you’ve overlooked that I’d given you a reason for posting the links, where a crisis number could be found in Australia:
You hadn’t sounded in very good shape in comment #75, when I did that. Good luck.
I’m w/ Gill.
I’m still w/ Gill 12/3
I have a question for the person whop said thay had “goo” all over their house. It was someone who said they were taking meth. I forgot the name and now I cant find the post. I am very interested in hearing more about the goo thing because you are the only person Ive read on any of the sites who mentioned this and I have it very badly in my home. I woould be interested in hearing morfe aboutit.Thanks
Hey Dimm…I mean Michael, are you still here? Couldn’t find a more productive hobby yet? Oh let me guess, you’ve been reforming morgies by the droves. Gillian, you’ve been here quite a while, are you “reformed” yet? I don’t quite get the purpose of this blog entry except that I too wondered how long until someone realized the potential story here. Still, I wouldn’t go see it–don’t need to exacerbate my real-life nightmares if you know what I mean.
So, how’s it hangin’? (referring to your conscious of course)
CDC To Investigate Mysterious Skin Disease
December 4, 2006.
In my opinion, patients who think they have “morgellons disease” seem to delight in spreading a helluva lot of fear, pain, and misery, back and forth to each other. (I said, “seem”.) I know they must not be able to help it. It seems that most of them think it is a normal way to be, (caused only by their “morgellons disease”), and that the majority of the population is in need of “their wisdom”.
Fear Factor of Bioterrorism:
But, look at “morgellons disease” patients and what they believe about this topic!! Hard knowledge is rejected by them. They don’t seem to know how to rationalize, or even have the ability to attempt to try understanding, so many of the ways the world operates. They embrace so many false ideas of how things are done, thinking that a person should merely be able to scream injustice long enough, loudly enough, and to enough people, to be compensated. Compensated for what? What they think is an act of bioterrorism upon them that makes people, who are chronically fatigued, itch, bitch, and do all the bizarre things they do?
Would they fall for this?
The Thackery T. Lambshead Pocket Guide to Eccentric & Discredited Diseases
I’m sorry. But how can this problem be fixed? I want it to be, so badly, but, for so many people, it doesn’t look very much like it will be.
`Disease’ creates medical mystery
December 8, 2006
*** Just a few excerpts from the above link.
Many doctors dismiss patient complaints as simple insect bites or delusions of being infested with parasites. The fibers are nothing but bits of skin or lint from clothing, they say.
“Until someone can prove it to me, I’m not going to believe it,” said Stacy Beaty, a dermatologist at St. Louis University.
“I usually diagnose these patients with delusions of parasitosis.”
The CDC announced its investigation after a barrage of phone calls, and even inquiries from members of Congress.
“Our mind is open to all possibilities,” said CDC spokesman Dan Rutz. “We know that people are suffering, but we don’t know why.”
Leitao’s organization, which has about 8,000 families in its registry, has been instrumental in getting Morgellons large amounts of publicity, primarily on television and through the Internet.
“The focus should be on what’s causing this, who’s at risk,” Leitao said. “Research is the key, but in the meantime, patients need support.”
Some doctors, including Raphael Stricker of San Francisco, are beginning to offer support.
“I think it’s a real disease. It’s really quite a strange disease,” Stricker said. “Writing everyone off as delusions of parasites is wrong. … These are people who were perfectly sane before they developed these symptoms.”
Stricker has sent biopsies of his Morgellons patients to researchers at Stony Brook University in New York. Some were found to carry bacteria that attack plants.
“Ticks can carry plant bacteria,” Stricker said.
Randy Wymore, a scientist who teaches pharmacology and physiology at Oklahoma State University, has worked with a staff physician who inspected the skin of about 25 patients who complained of Morgellons. In every patient, the doctor found clumps of fibers under the skin, even where there were no sores.
Wymore took Morgellons fibers to the Tulsa, Okla., police crime lab for analysis. It determined that the fibers weren’t from any known textiles, nor did they match anything in a database of 900 fibers.
“We don’t know what this is yet,” he said. “But I think most people would agree they shouldn’t be under a person’s skin.”
Well there you have it Tallcotton!!!
Oh yes indeed TC, yourself and Smileykins “brain washed” me throughout my suffering that I had a “non existence disease”. I came to this blog site for a couple of reasons, one of which was to find out what the hell was going on.
Now then TC what is your agenda in the whole scheme of “Morgellons”??
Michael – Are you home mate??? The blog site is old news, need to update please.
Aherah, I’m not here to change the minds of the Morgies. You really can’t do much with true believers.
My site is aimed at people who have not yet become convinced, and at the media.
How are you doing anyway?
Aherah – Very interesting name you used for Michael – DIMM???
Yes I am still here Aherah, I haven’t had any other choice, all of my contacts have been cut off at the knees. I have been given completely different stories from certain people who were with the MRF and those that are still the MRF. I have not spoken to any of them in quite sometime. I figured that the only way for me to deal with this was on my own. I just do what I have to do.
Post 103: For some reason my comment did not go through.
I said with reference to the “blockquote”: “That would probably be Tallcotton, who else hey?
Firstly Smiley if you and your internet lover Tallcotton had NOT got in the way of people like myself trying to find out the truth, maybe just maybe I would not be so frustrated as I am right now.
I would really like to rip your throat out lady/man whoever you are, but I must compose myself, or that would give you further cause to just continually put me down. Yes you have. You make out I am not in control of my life, get a grip shittykins you are not exactly the most popular person on the internet are you??
You now what would really help this entire situation? For you and your lover to piss off.
Oh yes and if this is bioterrorism I think I am big enough and stupid enough to handle it. Besides that is the job of Mr Dan Rutz. I have spoken with many people in the USA and many of them have had the chance to tell me so. I am not scared of bioterror. Smiley you LOVE to push the fear factor buttons.
You make out how caring you are, and how you thought you and TC had Morgellons Disease. We can see straight through you and your own hidden agenda. The verbal diarrhoea that comes out of your mouth is really a waste of food and oxygen for the readers to wade through.
Do you not remember the lies you and TC have spoken on this blog?
Remember this:
Tallcotton was apparently diagnosed as being a Schziophrenic and on antipsychotic medication, then his story changed to be that he had post traumatic stress syndrome, and wasn’t on medication.
Tallcotton made posts on the “Dredge Report website” telling people to learn Spanish and please go tell them over at Lymebusters.
My story has NEVER changed. I have and still have fibers (that look like PLASTIC) coming out of unbroken skin. We are drowning in the crap in this home.
I still have NOT had a full medical evaluation nor have I had a skin biopsy or fiber specimens taken from my body.
Human beings DO NOT and SHOULD NOT have FIBERS that look like PLASTIC coming out of every single orrifice of their body. It is not normal to have fibers coming out of the human body. Maybe for you smily and TC, as you have said many times, “everyone has fibers coming off their bodies”. Rubbish. So tell us all – how did you get rid of those fibers??
I do NOT give a damn who you are Smily or TC I will not let this entire situation go down without a fight. I am stonger now than I have ever been (thanks to getting off the psych.meds). Losing “myself” for 10 years due to a misdiagnosis and being put on antidepressants by a dim wit GP is unfair. Then suffering this insane syndrome we are calling Morgellons, which has nearly stripped me of everything in my life, and IT IS NOT MY FAULT!
The Politics Of Medicine – The Health Maintenance Organizations : HMO’s
The Corporate Takeover of Healthcare in America
Is that “sharp” enough for you Sniffykins?
Thank you Michael.
“True Believers”???? No no no – “Fibers makers and fiber spitters, one big ball of fuzz”
Go Tony-
Im /w you
Well, I have been away for awhile, mostly because I found it all tedious arguing the same argument over and over again.
I see that Gillian has gone full cycle again, from angry and confrontational to reasonable and rational, to depressed and back to angry and confrontational.
Finally, again, here comes “Tony” to blame it all on “you people”.
Tony, I would suggest that you do some research on bi-polar disorder, if you truly want to help Gillian. No one here has done anything to Gillian, but suffer through her swings and try to convince her that she’s not dying from some new, strange disease. All anyone here has suggested is that she should take the advice of her doctors .. over and over and over.
For that effort, we are regularly verbally abused, accused of being part of some outlandish conspiracy, and occasionally attacked by YOU .. for no reason!
Tell me, exactly how are WE making her sicker?? She chooses to come here and play out her moods. You go look at the conversations here, all you are going to find is people VERY PATIENTLY trying to deal with a bi-polar personality who lives with an alcoholic.
Why do you want anyone here to ring you up? You should be ringing up mental health workers in Australia and dealing with your own reality rather than expecting a FREAKING BLOG to save you.
For Pete’s sake, Tony, if you were looking after this “young girl” that you claim to love, just maybe she wouldn’t be looking for validation and companionship on the Internet.
We know her situation, and, generally, who else is “at risk”, as well as what causes what people were diagnosed with (DOP). This has been known for years. It’s people who have the problem that can’t deal with the facts of the matter. They need support, yes, in the form of medication and professional counseling. Probably a large amount of these people need financial assistance, considering how they have wasted their money, destroyed belongings, and lost their livelihoods. They need patient advocates. If they do not have a capable person in their lives, they need a social worker to help them.
Um-hmm, and where did he GET that info — from patients’ mouths, or from their doctors & medical records?
He “thinks”, he says. Well, he is dead wrong. Exfoliate some of the patients, without lesions, or any skin irritation, with a decent scrubbing, and/or by using some alpha or beta hydroxy acids, or lactic acid (like Dr. Harvey said he used on some, and got results). Get that old “scurf layer” off of them. and reveal some new, healthy skin that is functionable.
Freedom of speech doesn’t make me responsible for anyone. Grow up.
We had temporary conditions. Other people might too, but it doesn’t appear they want it to be that way.
You damn yourself every time you call Tall Cotton and Smileykins liars. Enjoy it.
In the summer of 2004, after having been released from the hospital, I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress, depression, and schizophrenia. I was in a poor state of health, and wasn’t doing a very good job of communicating with my doctor. I didn’t know exactly what schizophrenia was, at the time, and I didn’t properly describe my symptoms. My doctor put me on Zoloft for depression, and Zyprexa for schizophrenia.
After I learned more about the condition, I discussed my symptoms with my doctor more fully. When I did, he took be off of Zyprexa. I don’t have schizophrenia, and never did. If I had schizophrenia, I would take anti-psychotic medications, but since I don’t, and never did, I don’t need them. That’s why my doctor took me off of it. At the present time, I’m on Effexor for depression and Buspar for anxiety.
Gillian, you shouldn’t repeat what you don’t understand. It’s too easy to twist the facts. I don’t know whether your twists are deliberate, or not, but we’ll find out, now that I’ve set the matter straight. No one has lied to you. Some of us have told you that there’s no such thing as Morgellons. Now, that’s a FACT, whether you agree with it or not. You’re a sick person, but you don’t have Morgellons. No one has Morgellons! But Morgies aren’t capable of separating fantasy from reality.
You need to either quit playiing the blame game, or else move over to biology online, and join in on the discussions with the real schizophrenics. On the Fiber Disease thread you will find several people, as you already know, that believe that there’s a plot behind Morgellons, and that people are conspiring against them. They live in paranoid delusions. One minute they blame one group, and the next minute, it’s another. The people they are blaming, and even talking to online, don’t even know they exist! It’s time for the Morgies to get real.
As for you, Tony, don’t try to fix Smileykins or me. We aren’t broken! If you’re a practicing alcoholic, you are, and that would be a good place to start. You need to get sober, and stay sober, for yourself. But maybe, just maybe, after you do, you can help Gillian with her mental problems. But work on Tony. That’s the best thing you can do for yourself and for Gillian.
If you’re thoroughly convinced that you have Morgellons, you’re welcome here, as far as I’m concerned, but, in my opinion, you don’t belong here. You aren’t going to change our minds, and we aren’t likely to change your’s either, not until you begin treatment and/or therapy with a good psychiatrist. I know that you try to make us look bad and feel bad, but you’ve failed miserably at both, and will continue to do so. The only thing you are accomplishing is revealing the nature of your mental problems. It’s time for all Morgies to get honest with a good psychiatrist.
If he says you are mentally well, he’s either not a good psychiatrist, or else you aren’t being honest with him. Get real, and get well!
Tall Cotton
To Jeezelouise – Well hello there lady. For some funny reason I knew you would turn up today!
Ha!!! I would take the doctors advice if they had some “advice” to give me! They are at a complete LOSS.
Now THAT is hilarious!! Bi-polar hey Jeebus??? Very interesting. And what might your qualifications be again? An Accountant am I correct?
Funny thing you know lady how can YOU diagnose me as Bi-polar when I do know one of the BEST Psychiatrists in this country, and well renowned worldwide. He has never diagnosed me as Bi-polar, and in fact he is extremely happy I am off psych. medication and that I feel so much better. He said “I do NOT need psychiatric medication”. I have told you ALL this in the past.
Are you calling him a liar??
Mood swings, depression etc etc etc are part and parcel of suffering any form of “Chronic Illness”.
I suffered paranoia this year for the first time in my entire life. Brought on after cessation of psych. meds and of course taking Flagyl and all the other poison pills (ie. antibiotics). I am over the paranoia and so very pleased, but you just can not see this can you Jeebus?
I am rolling on the floor laughing over that comment!! Besides leave Tony alone, he is a very sick man at the moment, and it is MORE than alcohol that is effecting him. He has fibers, filaments and grit also coming from his body, but he NEEDS to be in denial because he can not cope with what is happening to him.
Validation of what exactly???
Validation that we have a worldwide epidemic of a delusional and deluded medical system, that is driven by nothing other than “BUSINESS” and “MONEY”. I will not even comment on the DRUG companies.
Companionship??? – How very skilled you try to be at “twisting”, “disinformation” and “defamation” of character. (Maybe you have Lyme Disease)!!
I will repeat once again for you. Myself like thousands of other people turned to the internet because our bodies started to produce strange filaments, fibers, grit, blue fuzz etc, and NO doctor would take a look.
I never had access to the internet until I moved in with my friend. BEFORE that I used to go to the Library and read books to try to find out what the hell was happening to me!!
So I ask you Jeezelouise, why are YOU, an Accountant, here on this blog site?? Do you need Validation and Campanionship??
Maybe you could be Tallcottons other personality (joke!), some people are very very clever on the internet, we have learnt that from TallCotton (aka Bugs Alive) and Smileykins (aka Adapted). I know Smileykins had DOP for 2 whole months!!! BUT that does not mean to say the rest of the entire world should follow suit and get over whatever is wrong with them like Saint Smiley has.
I came to this blog site for a couple of reasons, as you already know. I was more than happy to at the time, but it is a trap and has become a trap. I was banned from Lymebusters and then ended up here. I had NO support and NO idea what the heck was going on.
I was asked to be the Australian Representative for Morgellons. I have put myself forward and my medical history out to the entire world to try to unravel this mystery. And yes it is a mystery and I don’t care what you say. I have spoken with many many other people in Australia of ALL ages who suffer from the fibers and fuzz and all the other nonsense.
I am a very caring and compassionate person, and always have been. I have the highest respect for the Mental Health Sector in this country. I worked in Mental Health as my very first job and I have seen some strange symptoms in people for years and years which tells me something is going on.
Jeezelouise – unfortunately your comments on bi-polar and mental illness make you look very uneducated and ignorant. The brain and the body are ONE. If the “physical” body is sick so is the brain.
How do you think we move our arms and legs? Because the brain sends signals and talks to the rest of the human body, and vice versa.
The brain did not come with an instruction manual.
Damn myself to “what” exactly??
No I do not “enjoy” confrontation. No one enjoys being dictated to.
Do you not think we look after our health to the best of our abilities and always have?
I was merely stating the truth, that yourself Smileykins and Tallcotton have at times changed your story, which in my mind is a lie.
How do you both sleep at night? How is your conscious?
What puts you Smileykins in such a position of “power” to discredit people like Mary Leitao, Dr Randy Wymore, and Dr Stricker?
(blockquote>They need patient advocates. If they do not have a capable person in their lives, they need a social worker to help them.
Why do you think myself and other sufferers have taken our parents along to our doctors appointment. Our parents know us better than any person in this world, they are the perfect advocate. But they have also received the “cold stare”.
Social Worker??? Oh please – have you ever worked with social workers?? My experience with “some” social workers taught me they have major problems with addictions, and are extremely LAZY.
Dr Wymore used the words “I think” because people like you Smileykins rip him to pieces.
Exfoliating is a good thing at times, but over washing the skin, especially with hydroxy acids etc. can become a problem, stripping away the natural Ph from the skin. What ever happened to good old fashioned soap and water?
Do YOU really know Mary Leitao’s situation?
Delusions of Parasitosis has been, and still is, a “medical mystery”.
The “people” you speak of that can’t deal with the facts of the matter is NOT the patient. The doctors I have seen have NEVER uttered the words DOP or delusional.
Yes I/We do need support. Professional counselling would be a great idea to help overcome the abuse of being a “victim” of the medical system.
Medication is also a good thing if it is to treat the underlying illness. Not a bandaid, ie. psych. medication.
We are Human Beings, we deserve full medical examinations and laboratory tests to find the underlying cause of an illness which has eventually taken to our skin.
Delusions of Parasitosis is a diagnosis of exclusion.
Many in the medical community have NOT followed the rules and guidelines prior to giving a diagnosis of DOP. In my case I think DOP is probably written in my medical history by some GP’s, but this was never said to my face, and I have never received the full medical “workup” to be even put in the category of DOP. So in a nut shell DOCTORS have broken the law.
Delusions of Parasitosis is a REAL illness. Yes a person does become delusional, but their delusions are real. Their bodies are FULL of parasites in many cases. A clear cut looney tune is a person who turns up to a doctors appointment with a bag of garden worms and claims they crawled out of their ears.
A very large number of doctors are driven by the Drug Companies, and nothing else.
Big business and money seems to be the “big picture” these days, not caring for the patient.
Think about it people, I am a young woman on a Disability Pension, how many more people do we need in Australia and the USA like myself?
Not a lot is going to be achieved with regards to growth of our ecomony with the entire nation disabled.
The government has been forced to act, and I think we all hope they do.
Tallcotton – Thank you for your informative post. I do appreciate you clarifying the situation for me as to your state of health, and how I “may” have miss interpreted your circumstances.
Oh really..news to me.
FACT is it TC? Funny that you know, Mr Dan Rutz wrote me a lovely letter and explained to me that the CDC is working hard to figure out what “Morgellons” actually is. He NEVER said Morgellons is NOT real. He was extremely sympathetic to my situation of distress and suffering, and I found his letter to be very comforting. To be completely honest, if the CDC where not involved and I did not have a letter from Mr Dan Rutz in my possession, and my doctors possession, I would let the whole Morgellons situation go. Remember I have been to Austin Texas a couple of times, as well as other places in the USA. I am not chasing a fantasy, I am doing what I feel is right for me, and the people around me that I love and care for very much.
I don’t play “blame” games TC, just scrabble.
Biology online is far too medical and technical for me. I sometimes pop in to have a read, but it makes NO sense to me at all, and certain things I have read from that website have scared me in the past. I do like to read London’s posts though she is so funny and extremely intelligent.
To live in a paranoid delusion must be terrible. Readers need to go to Biology On Line and read what “morgies” are feeling and suffering. We still don’t know what causes Schziophrenia, and anyone that does suffer from the illness needs all the support in the world. Telling them to simply get real is not support.
Gee thanks TC, you don’t belong here either – Touche’
I am not thoroughly convinced of anything in this world. Not until Science and Medicine have covered every single aspect with a fine tooth comb, which they are all doing as we speak, so are they also chasing a fantasy and need to “ground” themselves in reality?
I am not trying to change your minds. I am here for myself and as a Representative for other victims in Australia who report to have the skin symptoms of Morgellons.
And what is wrong with one having “mental problems” may I ask? I was diagnosed with “Body Dysmorphic Disorder” approximately 6 years ago. This disorder however is still somewhat of a mystery to Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Anthropologists and Neuropsychiatrists.
I was happy to accept this diagnosis and receive treatment at the time, even though it was very difficult for me and my family to grasp and understand. Especially since I did not quite fit under the entire “umbrella” of BDD. For example I never went to such lengths as seeking cosmetic surgery, wearing hats, sunglasses, or trying to reshape my nose with a pair of tweezers. A good example, I feel, is Michael Jackson, that poor man sure fits the picture for BDD. I just knew something physically was not right inside my body, I felt fatigued and extremely UNWELL!
My symptoms of BDD however, accelerated out of control once I was put on antidepressants 10 years ago. The strange thing is, now I am off all psych. meds I feel so much more “calmer”. No preoccuption with my skin, I do not wear makeup on my face anymore, and I do not have the obvious shakes and fragility which my friends and family could all see. I am not concerned that others may see some scaring on my skin, but the scarring is getting much better, fading and my skin is looking healthier each day. I have been told recently how much more stable I appear now that I am off this medication.
If I had not been entirely honest with my Psychiatrist, I wouldn’t even consider doing what I am doing right now. That was the only way for him to help me, to tell him EVERYTHING, the truth. I am trying my “guts out” to get well don’t you worry about that mate. He is an EXCELLENT Psychiatrist, he is my Shrink!!
Please educate yourself Tallcotton and any readers to this blog site.
The British Journal of Psychiatry – Disorders of Body Image
The New England Journal of Medicine – Disorders of Body Image
I must also mention, please can we keep Tony out of this? I know he made a post yesterday, I tried to stop him, but he insisted. He keeps losing site of the Morgellons issue and I really do not want him to get involved. He can no cope mentally, because nothing makes sense to him anymore.
I know I have mentioned him more than once and the terrible struggle he has with alcohol. He has been my friend for 20 years and I see changes in this man which even make his specalist raise an eyebrow. Tony has also been to Austin Texas, 42 times to be precise, and many other places in the USA and around the world. He is another “allergy” prone person like myself. He too has had severe glandular fever in the past, he had to defer his University Degree for awhile because of this. He has extremely bad psoriasis which only came about after he had a total knee reconstruction after a water skiing accident. He has terrible fatigue and depression. I can tell him until I am blue in the face that he is drinking a bottle of “depression” everyday, but this is not going to help his situation.
I have had no choice but to fight hard to regain my strength, to be able to help him. No, his alcohol problem is not my responsibility alone, that is why he is seeing a specialist. I try to make sure he eats good food. I get up at the crack of dawn to make his breakfast. I practically force feed him lots of fruit!! he is getting used to it, but I can not, and will not, watch him self destruct. He can not understand what is happening to himself, and to his skin also. He has became delusional and paranoid and this makes me so sad. He had a terrible marriage break up and divorce which left him a complete mess. She was a bitch to be perfectly blunt, but he must learn to move on, he has to. Alcoholism is an issue for his parents also, and they are the most wonderful people you could ever meet. And they both have extremely weird symptoms, ie. neurological problems, stroke like symptoms, bladder instability and dysfunction, arthritic symptoms, itchy skin, and scalp and lesions that do not heal.
What can I say hey?? I care about people, and never want another human being to suffer the way I have suffered.
Thank you for reading.
Gillian said…
That isn’t necessarily true, but one thing is for sure, and you’re the living proof. If the brain is sick, the brain is sick.
Gillian said…
How long do you Aussies live, anyway? Up here you wouldn’t be considered a spring chicken. I’ve always been curious about that delusion.
Tall Cotton
Promoting mental health for all Americans will require scientific know-how but, even more importantly, a societal resolve that we will make the needed investment. The investment does not call for massive budgets; rather, it calls for the willingness of each of us to educate ourselves and others about mental health and mental illness, and thus to confront the attitudes, fear, and misunderstanding that remain as barriers before us. It is my intent that this report will usher in a healthy era of mind and body for the Nation.
David Satcher, M.D., Ph.D.
Surgeon General
Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General
The main findings of the report, gleaned from an exhaustive review of research, are that the efficacy of mental health treatments is well documented and a range of treatments exists for most mental disorders. On the strength of these findings, the single, explicit recommendation of the report is to seek help if you have a mental health problem or think you have symptoms of a mental disorder.
Coercion vs. Stringent Controls and Treatment Mandates
It is essential for first-line contacts in the community to recognize mental illness and mental health problems, to respond sensitively, to know what resources exist, and to make proper referrals and/or to address problems effectively themselves. For the general public, primary care represents a prime opportunity to obtain mental health treatment or an appropriate referral. Yet primary health care providers vary in their capacity to recognize and manage mental health problems. Many highly committed primary care providers do not know referral sources or do not have the time to help their patients find services.
Some people do not seek treatment because they are fearful of being forced to accept treatments not of their choice or of being treated involuntarily for prolonged periods (Sussman et al., 1987; Monahan et al., 1999). For most, these fears are unwarranted: coercion, or involuntary treatment, is restricted by law only to those who pose a direct threat of danger to themselves or others or, in some instances, who demonstrate a grave disability. Coercion takes the form of involuntary commitment to a hospital; in about 40 states and territories, it includes certain outpatient treatment requirements. Advocates for people with mental illness hold divergent views regarding coercion. Some advocates crusade for more stringent controls and treatment mandates, whereas others adamantly oppose coercion on any grounds. One point is clear: the need for coercion should be reduced significantly when adequate services are readily accessible to individuals with severe mental disorders who pose a threat of danger to themselves or others (Policy Research Associates, 1998). As the debate continues, more study is needed concerning the effectiveness of different strategies to enhance compliance with treatment. Almost all agree that coercion should not be a substitute for effective care that is sought voluntarily.
Reduction in Financial Obstacles
Recent legislative efforts to mandate equitable insurance coverage for mental health services have been heralded as steps in the right direction for reducing financial barriers to treatment. Still, for the more than 44 million Americans who lack any health insurance, equity of mental health and other health benefits is moot. For many who do have health insurance, coverage restrictions for mental health treatment persist. Data reveal that access to and use of services have increased following enhancements of mental health benefits in private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program. Chapter 6 of this report makes it clear that equality between mental health coverage and other health coverage—a concept known as “parity”—is an affordable and effective objective. In states in which legislation requires parity of mental health and general coverage, cost increases are nearly imperceptible as long as the care is managed. A recent paper suggests that the value of mental health treatment has increased in recent years—that is, effectiveness has increased—while expenditures have fallen (Frank et al., 1999). In light of cost-containment strategies of managed care, concerns about undertreatment still are warranted for individuals with the most severe mental disorders, but high-quality managed care has the potential to effectively match services to patient needs.
— According to how it goes for “morgellons disease” patients, even for those who can afford high-quality managed care, services can’t be matched to patient needs, because misdiagnosis and maltreatment has kept many of them throwing all their money away on doctors that are dumb as a doorknob, without a clue how to practice medicine.–
P.S. My apologies. The previous comment consisted of excerpts from the link I posted. The footnote at the bottom was mine. Anyone who is hearing voices (as has been brought up here, several times, by someone), as well as misinterpreting their health, and so many other things, making them live in fear of conspiracies, needs the proper medication to help stop that misery.
Hearing dead people; having your body reshaped, and thinking your head is regularly changing shape; feeling and seeing something corkscrew-like, pulling your skin; hair growing into your skin; believing you produce fuzz; thinking you and your pet are programmed by remote control; once being a victim of gang rape; parental conflict; jealousy issues; exchanging physical and verbal abuse with the person you live with; being suspicious of others; getting angry at and demanding personal treatment from various places, including another continent’s medical authorities; staying in a confused state over every health condition diagnosed, or undiagnosed, since the age of twenty months, on up; wanting to know who’s at fault, for “morgellons disease”, and expecting them to set things right, etc…..
Congratulations, if, to someone, the “appearance of being more stable” is the same thing as being it, and feeling it.
this has to stop
If you’re talking about all the hysterics that is being spread by the “Morgellons” believers and media sensationalists, then it does need to stop. Maybe you could consider putting an end to your contribution to it.
The belief that Morgellons is a disease, is utter nonsense, and the people that believe it are delusional. The Morgellons movement has brought DOP out of the closet, and has taken it mainstream. Hopefully, this revelation will bring about mental health reform.
The self-abuse needs to end. But the abuse of dependent children and pets MUST end. This situation is very serious, and it is not going to end in the manner that the Morgellons believers expect. They have begged and begged for the government to take notice of their insanity, and that is happening.
Tall Cotton
Many morgie people fear the government. So, then, what’s blinded them from realizing what they were doing, following ML’s direction to contact the government to try getting “her disease” recognized? I don’t guess (?) she has really done any of this on purpose, but she’s sure sucked a lot of people into this mess with “her creation”. I hope, somehow, people can be reasoned with, eventually, and accept that help is out there, just like so many of the doctors had told them.
That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
How long do you Americans live?
I had read somewhere on this blog recently that apparently there is no “it”.
Time to put on your clown suit.
Stability is an “it”. It’s an “it” that you aren’t familiar with. Morgellons is the non-entity. Make sense to you now?
With a life expectancy of 75, the center of it’s peak is at the age of 37 1/2. You said that you are 38. That puts the “young woman” over the hill.
The life expectancy might be considerably less for hypochondriacs with such a sick vision of themselves.
Tall Cotton
It = stable
Gillian said…
Tall Cotton said…
Take it off, Gillian, so someone else can wear it for a while.
First of all, I have to give a big shout to TC and Smiley, I have indeed missed you two….hope all is okay.
To Michael and everyone really…..
If this was a game; the game is over. They used an Mac computer to create most of the digital organisms that are now in us. Yes, it can be done Michael, and you know it. MEMES…..Parasitic Media……
Now, I think (I SAID THINK; DO NOT KNOW) THAT I might have nailed what our affliction is called (part of it anyway)
That’s all I wanted to say….
I dunno if all this was a big joke or what, but it sucks that some people had the audacity to do this.
Michael, you still at the university teaching I see?
Hi, London. I have missed you too! Porphyria cutanea tarda was one of the things I had read about, once upon a time, close to five years ago. I narrowed things down and ruled them out, but, then again, I wasn’t running with a pack of others, further rendering me unable to reel myself into reality a little bit. I’ve never seen so many ideas about something that doesn’t exist. I hate it, but if you genuinely have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and it’s eating away at you while you think you have something else going on, that somebody has done to you, and others, you won’t be able to repair the damage it’s already done, if you ever are able to reach the point of dealing with it. If you could deal with it, now, you could slow its destruction down. Take care, somehow. I know you can’t, though, but I wish that you, as well as others, could. Good luck.
Hello London. We’ve missed you too. How’s your health been lately? Have you seen a rheumatologist yet? You still need to do that, and pronto, if you havn’t already.
As far as your theory is concerned, I won’t say it’s impossible, because I don’t know. But a lot of theories are being proposed by Morgies that certainly weren’t technologically possible back when some people started experiencing what they now believe to be Morgellons. That’s not to say that they are now, or that any of them are taking place.
We drop in on biology online quite often. As you know, there’s Tam-Tam’s theories, MSC’s theories about Renova, Staningers theories about high desnity polyethylene coated biological capsules, Cliff’s GM cotton, Jules’ nematodes, Carrie’s trematodes. I must say, in my opinion, none of them are s blanket cause of what is ailing the Morgies.
Morgies have a very wide variety of physical and mental disorders. They do not have the same symptoms, and they do not have the same thing. One thing they do have in common is their false belief that Morgellons is a disease. They cannot be shaken from that belief, although the evidence, logic, and common sense indicates that it is not a distinct disease. That means that the Morgies are delusional.
London, I’m saying this as a friend. Try not to get mad. In my opinion, you are suffering from schizophrenia, in addition to your other health problems. I wish you would see a doctor and open up to him about your paranoid delusions. Even if you don’t agree that you have this problem, I wish you would at least talk to a doctor about it, honest and open, and let him know about your feelings.
Who knows, maybe he’ll give you a morphine sucker. Just Kidding. Take care and stay in touch.
Tall Cotton
Dear London,
Please explain what a “digital organism” is and show me evidence of their existance.
Please show me the evidence that a Mac computer created the digital organisms that are now in us.
Please show me how a Mac computer can make “digital organisms” and explain why it was a Mac versus a PC.
Sincerely, Sarah
Smiley Sez:
“Many morgie people fear the government.”
I disagree somewhat, but I think it’s more a technicality.
People who believe in paranormal activity, such as the “government” or “UFOs” or “Morgellons,” do have a psychological predisposition. They are more likely to engage in fantastical thinking patterns. So they are less likely to accept that they have something like “exzema” and are more likely to feel put-upon by “the government” and have Morgellons.
It’s an idea to think about.
I have never heard of this condition before.
I agree with London something strange has been done to us. I am thinking of dying my hair peroxide blonde, maybe that could shut those darn voices up, and maybe I won’t be on remote contol anymore. Who knows! Just fed up with the whole thing too.
Seriously, putting all of my skeptic attitude aside, do you feel like you are being operated by a remote control? Do you feel like you are hearing voices?
Gillian, do you really believe there is a conspiracy target at you? Do you believe that people are experimenting on you? Do you think planes are spraying chemicals on you?
Because they are not. You are sick, obviously. But lots of other people are sick. Lots of people are much sicker than you – they are not subjects of a conspiracy.
I think I can understand how you might think you are being conspired against. It perhaps makes the random nature of your illness seem easier to bare. But it’s not going to help you get well in the long run. You are wasting half your life away with nonsense on the internet. What else could you be spending those hours on?
London, why don’t you actually read up on Memes.
You are indeed infected with an idea. It’s a bad infection, because of your suppressed ideammune system. But it’s just an idea.
Like if I were to say “don’t think of an elephant”, that’s a little meme, a little virus of the mind. Momenteraily annoying, but short lived.
There are memes that are harmful to your health, like “feed a cold, starve a fever”, or “seatbelts are dangerous”, or “colloidal silver is good for you”, or “if you find fibers on your skin you are infected with a deadly disease new to science!”.
That’s all memes are. Ideas that get inside your head. The key thing about memes is that they sound good, so they spread.
Memes are just ideas.
(“Ideammune system” is a joke I just made up, indicating the mind’sdefense mechanisms against automatically believing new ideas. You, London, have a weak ideammune system. If the word “ideammune” catches on (zero google hits right now) then I will have started a new meme).
Ah, Michael, you ruined my fun with London.
I find many “Morgies” make what I call a “scientific omelette.” This is, they take several “science” words and combine them in completely nonsensical ways, and then can’t back them up or explain them. Such as how memes and digital organisms.
I like to leave the burden of proof of the accuser. Once you asked me, “Can’t you Google?” Surely I can, but why should I make the effort, when it’s the responsibility of the person making the claim? If it is so obvious, and logical, then it won’t be a thing for them to pull it together for me.
I know it’s all in how we interpret things, but I really see things written by some morgies that give me the impression that they are very fearful of the government. I read their worries of a NWO. Some appear to get on a soapbox about making “somebody” (the EPA, I suppose, but oftentimes, nobody identifies who), wake up and fix the planet. It looks like there are quite a few who say that they’re afraid of our food supply, our water supply, the air we breathe, you name it, and they’re going to have somebody pay, someday soon, for all of this. Many of them seem to believe the FDA is not doing their job. It appears that some believe their computers are infecting them. Why they remain on their computers, who knows? I guess they assume if the infection has already occurred, it can’t be remedied. Some think chemtrails, for sure, are killing them, or programming them into becoming drones, or something. It just goes on and on, involving fear of practically everything, it looks like, to me. I’ll be darned if I can understand any of their disturbed writings, whether they really believe it, and mean it, or not. A lot of it sure looks like it’s paranoid schizophrenia, to me, though. I don’t completely discount certain things regarding paranormal activity, myself, but whoa boy, I sure ain’t ever been into any of the kind of stuff I read from morgie message boards.
Michael – London is right about the meme.
I certainly do feeling like I am being operated by a remote control. I do hear voices. I do not have to be near the computer for any of this to happen. I can be anywhere doing anything. I do feel some type of control over me, or a better word “presence”. I don’t let it scare me, I just go with it.
I don’t know what is going on, but it sure isn’t normal. I don’t think a plane is spraying chemicals on me, but the plane still flies above this house all day everyday and now it has turned up at Tony’s work.
Thank you for your reassurance, but I am ok, I don’t need reassurance. How can you be so sure there is nothing going on more than just being “sick”? I need proof also thanks. You wouldn’t know how sick I was compared to someone else. Measuring the level of ones sickness against another is not a very nice thing to do. Has anyone ever taken the time to ask others who are extremely sick if they feel like they are conspired against?
I don’t know how you could possibly understand. Nothing is easy. Nonsense on the internet ?? how the hell do I comment on that!!
What else could I be doing other than the internet??
Wasting away in bed I guess?
One more thing on the remote & voices;
I wouldn’t come to this blog everyday, or post the things I post, or say the things I say. Other than I am told to by the voices. It isn’t worth trying to resist, or even try to figure out why.
I just hope I will wake up one day and it will all be over. Or wake up dead! if that is at all possible.
Tony is going to be admitted to hospital on Sunday. He just saw this new Gastroenterologist lady, and she has organised this hospital stay for him.
About three days he will be in, so they can perform a bunch of tests.
Mind you, Tony will be flying to Brisbane tomorrow to attend his work Christmas party, I ain’t going I haven’t been invited.
Yep, now I give UP.
Gillian maybe you should focus on dealing with the voices. That’s obviously a problem. Have you ever though of looking for a support group for people who hear voices?
Hearing Voices Network Australia
That hearing voices site looks like a good idea, but there’s absolutely no point in anybody having a psychiatrist and not sharing what is troubling them. It completely defies all matters of reason to withhold information and remain being so seemingly disturbed and bewildered as to what’s going on. When I had to see one, over my depression from my physical disability, I let her have it all. She gave me advice on how to deal with people who looked at me like I was some kind of freak, too, when I’d have to use a cane. (Hahaha, I didn’t take that advice though. I could have gotten into trouble, talking like that to strangers.) But my gosh, medication is in order, big time, with some people, as well as receiving suggestions as to how to cope with the dynamics of troublesome relationships. Group therapy, even, could be ordered. Seeing a shrink and pretending all is well, or thinking that they need educated on a disease that doesn’t exist is ridiculous.
Michael – I just opened a letter that was posted from my doctor. Apparently my urine did grow an infection.
It grew E.coli. The doctor said to follow up with her in mid January, so I guess I will do that.
I haven’t checked out that link yet Michael, I will have a look. I have never thought about a support group for people hearing voices?! To be honest – no thank you. No offence to you at all Michael, but I don’t go for those “support groups” these days.
I have been in “support groups” in the past for something completely different. I found that dealing with the other people in the group, was more of a problem, than the actual problem. Too many loose boundaries, people trying to get into your life. I don’t need that worry. I will read the link though, and thank you for trying to help me.
I can live with the voices in my head, it’s okay, time is a healer.
For anyone interested in E coli infections. I know that I am interested, and need to educate myself.
E Coli Infections.
Here is a better link for the “lay person” like myself.
Urinary Bladder Infection:E. Coli Uropathogenic Bacteria
E. Coli and Standard Drug Treatments
Has anyone heard of “D Mannose”?? Meant to be 100% guaranteed to eliminate bladder & urinary tract infections. Would love some feed back – especially since I have had UTI’s as long as I can remember.
D Mannose treat Bladder & Urinary Tract Infection
We saw a report on TV here in Melbourne, on the weekend about the E Coli outbreak in the USA.
This link came as a bit of a surprise to me. I would like to share with you, for your comments of course.
E Coli ecoli Lawsuit Class Action Lawsuits
E Coli Bladder REPORTS
This condition can develop in some individuals, with regards to the above.
Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome
Michael – I wonder if E Coli could possibly be the cause of the “DOP” outbreak that we have?
Happy reading!! Told ya I was up shit creek in a barbed wire canoe!
Encyclopedia Britannica E.Coli (Escherichia coli)
BUBL Link – Bacteria
E. Coli Bacteria
Stock Images – Bacteria
Scientific Stock Photography – Category: Bacteria
Bacteria Images
Food safety experts launch battle against E. coli bacteria
Health Headlines
Officials: Wash those hands to ward of illness
Unseen danger in bagged salads
E.coli in your veggies? At least 26 people in 3 states reportedly got sick
First E. Coli In Spinach – Now Salmonella,
Perhaps in Tomatoes. What’s Happening?
E. coli O157:H7 – Why Can’t It Be Washed Off Contaminated Spinach?
Fluid forces within the body help invasive bacteria
E. Coli Outbreak Links
Bacteria Levels in Sligo Creek
E.Coli – What you need to know
Bactericidal Effects of High Airborne Ozone Concentrations
on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus
DNA for Dinner: Strange Microbial Menu Discovered
BioFilm: bacterial photography made by E. coli – 100MP camera
The Right Exposure – Students develop the first living bacteria photographs.
Pictures brought to life by living photo film
GM Bacteria Creates Living Photographs
Scientists engineer bacteria to create living photographs
AgentCell (Digital E. Coli)
Bacteria Used as Photo Film
Bacterial pH Research Lab
funded by the National Science Foundation
E. Coli Outbreak Hits the Buzz
Is a dangerous bacteria lurking in your kitchen?
Preventing E. Coli
EPA Microbiology Home Page
Here you can access EPA resources related to microorganisms
Oh Goodness, My E. coli has a Virus!
NanoSensors Completes Testing of Nanoporous Silicon-Based Biosensor Technology to Detect E-coli
Microfluidic Devices That Capture Bacteria for Growth and Kill Analysis
BioHacking is the art of hacking the biology
What is Microbial Intelligence?
What is Synthetic Biology?
What is the Philosophy of Biology?
October 04, 2006
First Teleportation Between Light and Matter
Publications of Dr. Charles A. Ofria
JOURNAL P UBLICATIONS. Sexual reproduction reshapes the genetic architecture of digital organisms.
Pictures brought to life by living photo film
Adaptive Radiation from Resource Competition in Digital Organisms
‘Digital organisms’ illuminate evolution
The Avida-ED Project
Technology for Teaching Evolution and the Nature of Science using Digital Organisms
Evolution of digital organisms at high mutation rates leads to survival of the flattest
Escherichia coli
Cryo-electron Microscopic Localization of Protein L7/L12 within the Escherichia coli 70 S Ribosome by Difference Mapping and Nanogold Labeling
Digital Ecosystem and Technologies
Evolution, Ecology and Optimization of Digital Organisms (1992)
Evolution of digital organisms at high mutation rate leads to survival of the flattest
Experimental Evolution with bacteria and digital organisms
Cyber-biology: Artificial Life on the Internet
Experimental evolution with bacteria and digital organisms.
“I certainly do feeling like I am being operated by a remote control. I do hear voices. I do not have to be near the computer for any of this to happen. I can be anywhere doing anything. I do feel some type of control over me, or a better word “presence”. I don’t let it scare me, I just go with it.”
And you see a psychiatrist? Both of those symptoms are indicative of a particular, manageable disorder.
“Michael – London is right about the meme.”
Gillian, London is implying that a meme is a little creature running around through your system. That’s not what a meme is. Leave the burden of proof to London, because as soon as he/she actually bothers to read the articles he/she cites before he/she takes some words from the title and makes a word salad as a “diagnosis,” then he/she will go on to another random assembly of words and look more like a fool.
LOL thanks for the “proof” from the link. Did you bother to read it!? Clearly not. Digital organisms… still in their vicious “mac” computers…. are used to be an example of evolution. If you can’t bother to read something before you throw around some links, it
makes your position even weaker.
I’m not reading any more”links” from you, London, or South. If you can’t synthesize the information into a logical, cohesive sentance for yourself, I’m not going to do the work for you.
Anosognosia http://www.lackofinsightmi.org/
Gillian. UTIs are nothing suspicious. Most women get them, some very frequently. E. Coli is responsible for most UTI infections. Sure, UTIs are horrible, but they are just a regular health problem that billions of people have to one degree or another. They are also easy to treat by antibiotics. D-mannose looks like snake-oil.
Gillian have you ever got anything useful from the internet? On balance do you think it’s a good thing? Are you addicted to the internet? Perhaps you should cut your losses and quit your random googling, or re-evaluate your approach to information seeking.
I had not see that two huge lists of links you’d posted when I wrote that (they were in the spam queue).
Gillian, you really are turing into London. Why google stuff you don’t understand and then post links to articles you have not read?
If you want to know something, either read the articles you post, or ask a question.
Best of all, why don’t you just restrict your investigations to Wikipedia, so if there’s something you don’t understand, you can just click on it.
Trawling the internet for links is not going to help. Read, take a few days off and actually read.
Gillian said…
Tall Cotton said…
Something is wrong with this picture.
I don’t think so.
TC says:
Um-hmm. And, I guess it’s been a while since I’ve read very much pertaining to the remedies for “morgellons disease”, too, and I’m feeling downright angry. That always had a way of getting to me, and has been why I have avoided looking at it. But, I saw a list, today, of things one person was on, consisting of two enzyme debriding ointments, antifungal cream, an anti-parasitic med, and FOUR TYPES OF ANTIBIOTICS.
Hypothetically, I think it’s safe to say that if a doctor were to humor many of these patients, and agree that they had worms, and gave them anything that they wanted (remember, I’m being hypothetical), that it wouldn’t change things for them one iota. Look at how they try fighting their “disease”. They really do not know that……oh my gosh. But, I mean, they don’t realize….
Taking into consideration all the stuff many of them discuss taking, as well as everything they use topically, well, I’m just beside myself right now. I remember, now, why I have purposely avoided reading their “CURES”.
It’s called Schizophrenia, and it is manageable with anti-psychotic medications.
Wikipedia: A Techno-Cult of Ignorance
I don’t understand what happened when I hit the submit button the first time, the post just disppeared, so I thought I would do it again. Oh you know those elves – like to make me look an idiot, thanks!!
Sorry Michael – another link for ya..
The Great Lie of Wikipedia: “the….encyclopedia that anyone can edit.”
PSYCHIATRY (Satan’s pusherman)
The Medical Mafia
Human Experiments & Genocide of the Medical Mafia (and other cartels)
The North Queensland Workforce Unit – Website Library
Michael – I am rather curious to know why Morgellons got a mention.
Bible Believers’ Newsletter #436
Bible Believers’ Newsletter #452
I did a search on CDC & Morgellons through an Australian Search Engine. Post #173 was the first link, and the two I have just provided are the other links.
Something doesn’t seem right about THIS picture
… here we go
Managing allegations of scientific misconduct and fraud: lessons from the “Hall affair”
Clinical trials without consent: some experiments simply cannot be done
….and of the course the very brave
Experimental human infection with the dog hookworm, Ancylostoma caninum
Researchers as guinea pigs
Time for a new approach to medical workforce planning
Genesis Health Products
(Morgellons gets a nice mention)
Brisbane – Exchange / Morgellons
Melbourne radio station / Morgellons gets a mention
Google Directory – Morgellons
Gillian, it seems all you are doing here is posting an endless list of links that you not read or understood, yet you feel somehow pertain to your situation.
I am sorry you are ill, but there is nothing I can do to help you. I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose you over the internet, and can offer no advice besides telling you to talk to your doctor (and perhaps get some exercise, and off the internet).
I am not part of a great conspiracy targeted at you. This site has almost nothing to do with you, besides debunking a condition you once thought you had.
If your endless posting of barely connected links does not stop I will be forced to delete them. If you want to continue posting here, and engage in discussion, I suggest you simply slow down a little, and actually post some thoughts in your own words about the actual meaning of the things you link to, and limit it to one a day, carefully considered.
If you wish to keep posting material like the above, then it’s very easy (and free) to get your own blog, over which you will have full control.
Links links links. Read, comprehend, interpret, synthesize, and report. It’s more than a little condescending that you don’t bother to read what you link to other people as “proof.”
Do the work. Instead of throwing wild, random links at people and having them bother to read it, and tell you you’re wrong, so you can go off and find another random list of links you haven’t read.
Morgie people have a valid reason for everything that they do.
1 +1 = 2
Thank you for your lovely feedback once again!!
As a matter of fact I did have a read of those links. Well I guess I must be having a heck of a lot of trouble absorbing the information. To me it made sense, but that’s cognitive dysfunction for ya, and I got plenty of that.
I wanted to post the links for the readers Michael. I think it is really important for the readers to make up their own mind about Morgellons.
I do not know what condition I really have, just “sick” and that is it, sorry correction “I got a head cold”!!. I will leave the final debunking of Morgellons to Mr Dan Rutz. I left a telephone message on his voice mail last night.
I had to do this, I have no one else to turn to. Mr Rutz wrote me such a supportive letter, I feel I can approach him to ask him about the Morgellons. If he can not help me, well then I just don’t know.
I will be seeing my doctor mid January, as she requested. I do know she is off overseas real soon for her xmas holidays, and I am really happy for her.
Sounds like a top idea to me Michael. I might have to get a set of wheels made up for myself though. The internet, well I never thought!
What I mean is, I can not understand how I am literally “drawn” to this piece of electronic “junk” in the back office of my home. It’s kinda like a “life support machine” at the moment! Good company because I am lonely. I only use the internet for Morgellons and my music therapy.
The only reason for me coming to the internet was to find out what was happening to my body, since a doctor could not tell me. To me, at the time, it made perfect sense to be able to take some printed documentation to my doctor and say; “look at this information, it is identical to my “skin” symptoms, ie. blue fuzz/hair/fibers, can you find out for me, and help me please?”
Now that I see the entire big picture and all the controversy surrounding the diagnosis/treatment of Delusions Of Parasiotisis, I would never have mentioned Morgellons to the doctor. Of course at the time I was so very ill, there was no other way for me to ask for help, or even see the situation for what it was, DOP. I did the best I could do at the time.
I guess a lot of doctors could do with reeducating themselves on the illness of Delusions of Parasitosis, cause it sure is real.
….and strange!! for me anyway. I can not understand a lot of the things that have happened to me. My mind is still open as to whether there are other live forms lurking in the shadows ie. Aliens. After what I have experienced in the past 6 months, there is DEFINITELY without a word of lie something out there.
As I said in my previous post, I have a major problem with cognitive dysfunction at the moment. I do apologise if I have confused you further.
All the links I have provided during my time on Michael blog site, has been to bring worthy information to share on the topic of Morgellons and the debunking of. Also to help the readers and the media in Australia form their own opinion.
It depends on which way you want to look at it really – Morgellons a Disease?? Not exactly – Morgellons is kinda everything really, ie. different illnesses, diseases, syndromes, conspiracy theories, quackery, medical mistreatment, medical misdiagnosis, bioterror, chemtrails, nanotechnology, delusions of parasiotisis, fibers fibers everywhere, epidemic Lyme, epidemic mrsa.. I can not think of anymore at the moment. My head is going to literally burst if I try to think any deeper.
I like to stay inside the box these days
a much nicer place to be, for a little mouse like me…
yeah i know!!
Thanks Michael. I know you were kind enough in the past to email me the directions for setting up my own blog site, which I had asked you for.
I apologise for my link “overdose”, I fink I am all linked out!
After my Morgellons experience on the internet, my goodness me, I wouldn’t recommend the internet to anyone!
Ok I know, that is a bit over the top! The internet is a great library, source of information and entertainment right at ya finger tips. It does have a terrible “dark side” though, which is extrememly frightened and manipulative.
If I had children, I wouldn’t let them near the internet, if I had no choice in the matter, I would install every protective software ie. network nanny to protect my children from the lurking predators. I have experienced extremely loose boundaries on the internet, and such invasion of my privacy.
Privacy Act??? Ha – now that is funny!
There’s a Morgellons article on this link that Gillian posted. It’s really one sided, since the Morgies have been told, over and over, what their problme is, and they refuse to treat it. It’s also the Morgies that have abandoned their doctors, not the other way around.
I thought they were relevant to my situation, but I guess you could be right, I dunno.
Michael, I understand completely. Please feel free to delete whatever you like. I will do my best to slow down.
Unfortunately I don’t seem to have any control over my current pace, or control over anything really.
Please don’t laugh at what I am about to say, my mind is like a child’s mind, my boundaries are so loose, and yet I am aware of this, but I can not control the urge. I mean, I do what I do to keep calm and peace inside of me, to make my suffering as less as possible.
I want to engage in the discussion, I can not jump out now.
I have been fighting the “Morgellons” issue for far too long, to just walk away and pretend it never happened. The Morgellons has been with me for 2 years now and I want to know why.
If I become a complete pain in the bum, by all means block me from posting, you won’t hurt my feelings at all.
Thanks for that link TC. I thought the article on Morgellons Syndrome was extremely well written, full of heart and soul.
I actually did a bit of further reading, and found this link along the way.
The Journal of Degenerative Diseases
Of particular interest to me was the section – What is Auto Immune Difficiency Syndrome??
My point exactly! I have been told that my skin symtoms are Auto Immune Disease. Well what the heck is that? and what is the treatment?
I’ll tell you what the treatment is;
Go to your local supermakert go from aisle 1 to 12
fill basket to the brim
take to check out
hold up the cue for 30 minutes
and spend $500
then onto the Green Grocers
fill another trolley
Spend $30
Go by the butcher
grab a nice selection
of the finest meat
of course
Then go to your local Chemist Warehouse
Do aisle 1 to 8
Fill one handbasket with items
and under left arm pit, and left hand
stagger to check out
Spend $250
Go to local Pharmacy
Hand over presciptions
look over the entire chemist
fill both hands with items
proceed to check out point
Simple!! All for under $1,000!! ….sorry I forgot to mention, that is “per week”. Good luck.
That Bible Believers’ Newletter is not written by a Christian!! There is nothing but fear all over that terrible page. As far as the section on “morgellons disease” is concerned….
That is a load of hogwash, too. Morgie people have publicized that they’re offended and too proud, angry, and ignorant to get the mental health care they need. Boo-hooing it up ought to be telling them something loud and clear.
So? Go to an eye doctor. Sight normally declines in middle age.
Yeah, some morgies have hair loss just like other people, too, and many might have some hair if they’d stop pulling it out, or if they’d stop shaving their heads.
The rest was too sickening to go on with. HEALTH CARE ADVOCATES are needed for these people.
Excuse me, “When people don’t pay attention to doctors, and their messed up minds make them do real stupid things, thinking they’re home remedies, that type of thing can be expected.” was not supposed to be in blockquote.
Fight for answers over mystifying skin disease continues
11:33 PM CST on Monday, December 4, 2006
Interesting news report.
So what is going to be done then?
People who believe they have Morgellons have to basically suffer and figure it out for themselves?
The entire situation is just getting totally out of hard. WRONG it is totally out of hand.
Yeah I think the best advice for me is to “Live and Let Die”, I just wish it wasn’t so painful.
The TRUTH…it is painful.
I posted that link for my friend Tony.
I am scared he will not come home from hospital.
I’m praying for his soul.
Yeah, that article illustrates, fairly well, what happens when vulnerable people hear the propaganda, and, unwittingly, add to it. Just imagine that woman’s doctors, shaking their heads upon reading her having said that she has been to lots of them and never received a diagnosis. People who can’t reason, fail to see the “one-sidedness” in these news accounts, and that these patients are used, purely, for sensationalism. If these stories were anything resembling sound journalism, and they thought a new disease was spreading, they would obtain releases from the patients to interview the doctors they’ve seen. Here is another story, that I’d missed from July, with some odd comments, including:
The poor screwed up guy needs a derm to do just that, and to bitch slap him into yesterday. (That’s a figure of speech, I’m not advocating violence.)
I know someone, with untreated mental illness, who has been dying for over thirty years. Not that they can help it, I’m sure, since they aren’t treating it, but here is some food for thought to illustrate merely one aspect of how problematic it is, for others in their lives to try to knowing how to cope with them.
(The ending I’d grown up with, was that the wolf ate the sheperd boy.)
If he sent specimens to a lab in June, he should already have the results by now. He probably got the report and is suffering from the 501 Blues.
Gillian Says….As I said in my previous post, I have a major problem with cognitive dysfunction at the moment. I do apologise if I have confused you further.
You have a major problem with cognitive dysfunction, you say. So you are unable to even read the links you post to us? Again, MORE than a little condescending. You say “This is proof!” and then you say “I can’t think.” Contradiction?
Gillian Says…All the links I have provided during my time on Michael blog site, has been to bring worthy information to share on the topic of Morgellons and the debunking of. Also to help the readers and the media in Australia form their own opinion.
But Gillian… you haven’t bothered to even read the links yourself. How can that help someone form their own opinion, when it’s nonsensical strings of unrelated links? Opinion about what… randomness? You haven’t even bothered to read them yourself.
Here’s “proof”, Morgellons-style…
A story about fibers’
Strings in science! Proof of the government putting fibers in our skin from evil scientists!
A cure for Morgellons! From chemists… proof they’re out to get us….
Sarah, I do appreciate what you are saying, and I understand. Yes I can read, but at times I have suffered “information overload” and end up really damn confused.
The links you provided are rather interesting, to say the least. That first link, sorry not even going to bother reading, I attempted a couple of times, but then left the website. My speakers on this pc were about to blow up, with all the “clicking”, I need to clean out my computer now.
One more thing Sarah, I am aware that you are studying to become a psychiatrist, correct?
Can you try to be a little bit nicer?
I am not saying you are an arrogant person, or not nice, but it just comes across in your writing when I read it back, that you are rather condescending, ie.
Walk a mile in my shoes Sarah and then you might understand a little bit more about my situation.
I know life wasn’t meant to be easy, but it wasn’t meant to be bloody impossible either.
Beside all that rubbish, I want to share a joke with you all.
My great uncle is 84yrs still lives in UK, but he is such a card!
There was this Irishman right, and he ends up winning one million pound in the lottery!
Well 2 days later he dies.
His wife is very distressed of course, and after she reads her husbands will, she decides to proceed with his wishes.
He had requested that when he dies he would like to be buried with all his money…
So his wife had a cheque made out, and popped it in the coffin with him!!
I thought it was great!
Much better than some of the others he has told us. Especially when my relatives would take him out to a nice restaurant and he would turn around in his chair to complete strangers on another table and say; “Hey I got a really good joke for you, have you heard the one about the prostitute….!!!!”
God I love him!!
Oh dear…I don’t want the readers to take me the wrong way, sorry “foot IN mouth disease”.
How can I put it??….
The poor young women that have been murdered recently in the UK, and are known to be prostitutes. Well the entire thing just breaks my heart.
I was back in the UK in 1979, when the “Yorkshire Ripper” was murdering young women. It happened in the very same town I was staying in. I was only 11 yrs old, but I will never forget seeing it on TV, so very frightening, and those poor helpless young women.
Always someone, somewhere worse off than ourselves..
Makes ya feel grateful hey, take care all, bye.
Gillian Says:
The links you provided are rather interesting, to say the least. That first link, sorry not even going to bother reading, I attempted a couple of times, but then left the website. My speakers on this pc were about to blow up, with all the “clicking”, I need to clean out my computer now.
Gillian, you totally missed my point. My links were all just bogus random links. Like what Morgellons defenders post.
One more thing Sarah, I am aware that you are studying to become a psychiatrist, correct?
No, clinical psychologist. What is your profession?
Gillian says:
Can you try to be a little bit nicer?
I’d like to invite everyone who participates in comments to reply to Gillian’s request that I be a little bit nicer? Tall? Smiley? Anyone?
SBD, I think we’ve all gone the “nice” route here.
But since we’re all part of the conspiracy, they see right though us.
Yes Sarah YOUR links were bogus random links, but MINE were NOT.
I would have thought a trainee clinical pyschologist could read the sarcasm in my writing, in post # 197.
My profession you ask???
I HAD a profession Sarah. What I did in the past in MY profession and MY career, is really non of your business.
Profession, and/or credentials have nothing to do with the crime of Morgellons, in my case it hasn’t.
But for people like yourself on the internet, blowing off about their “professioin” and “credentials”, ya digging yourself a bigger hole lady, sorry, that’s the only way I see it.
Skin and Aging
Sarah, please take a look at this link.
Scroll down the page to find “Dr Noah Scheinfeld”, under the sub heading “Legal Ease”.
You would of course remember seeing Dr Scheinfeld on a CNN story on Morgellons. Where he stated that Morgellons is not real, and these people are just skin pickers.
His area of expertise these days is updating doctors on how to protect themselves from emerging legal issues in practice.
What Dr Scheinfeld doesn’t realise is that, his comments on national television and in newspaper reports is helping to create and fuel emerging legal issues.
Dr Scheineld could totally turn this whole situation around.
If he just co-operated. ie. examined a patient just like myself.
Why does he not does this?
Who is he trying to protect?
Definitely not the innocent and suffering public that’s for certain.
I think that SBD’s response to South was proper. He’s been harping on everyone’s credentials, asking what they are, for a long time now. He doesn’t have any, related to Morgellons, unless it would be from his environmental studies, yet he expects us to. Well, SBD does have credentials, and since they are in the field of psychology and psychiatry, they pertain to Morgellons much more than any degree in biology.
Gillian, what do you consider the crime of Morgellons to be? I consider it to be an unfortunate situation that some people are trying to convince everyone that Morgellons is a distinct physical disease, but unless they are deliberately deceiving someone, they havn’t committed a crime. I don’t know what ML’s true motives are. She may only be mistaken. It’s obvious that there are some snake-oil salesmen out there. Is this the crime you are speaking of? If your doctors knew what your problems are, they would tell you. And if they don’t know, they don’t know. I think you should follow your doctor’s advice, assuming he isn’t a quack, but I think you would be better off if you would focus more of your attention outward, instead of inward, and get your mind off of your own problems more than what you are. I know it’s hard when you are sick, or in pain, or both, but you will get well quicker if you can keep from dwelling on these things.
Tall Cotton
Tallcotton said:
I like your view TC.
What do I consider the crime of Morgellons to be?
People (especially treating physicians) who fall under one or many different false beliefs of Morgellons. Then treating patients who claim to have Morgellons with dangerous medical treatments.
Sarah said:
I probably couldn’t, so I won’t mention it again.
Sarah said:
That was clever! I found it funny reading that back to myself, that was a really silly thing for me to say.
The only way I can explain why I responded that way, is because, I had been feeling very vulnerable for a couple of days, I was fearful of losing my grip and control of my situation. I’m sorry I took my fear out on you in an aggressive manor.
My Credentials? High School Year 10 (I dropped out half way through year 11 and found my first job).
Some night school courses, nothing fancy. One course inparticular was for one of my jobs at the time, which was medical audio typing.
I can pour a great bear!! (I got a full hospitality course too)
and I even used to work in a nursing home, just on weekends, as a second job to save money for my house. Dong things like domestic cleaning, washing and making tea and coffee for the old people.
One of my favourite jobs was with a small aged care (Alzheimer’s group), day times only. I would cook lunch everyday for about 18 peole. The pleasure it brought me each day to see all of the lovely “oldies” clear their plates and praise me everytime with a big smile & thank you.
I do miss working with the oldies, good memories.
Ha!! I am rather good at “Donging” things. I need a dong on the head!
“Doing” is what I meant to say.
Morgie people don’t play by the rules.
I am serious when I say this TC – I like to be “told” sometimes. Well said.
Today I decided to give up “stress” as a bad joke. Focus, calm, cruise along, not necessarily in that order, I’m practising to “tune” into my deep inner self.
I want to learm to empower myself, and to trust deeply in who I am.
I am not following a book or anything to learn about “tuning” my inner self & brain. I’m “flying solo” as I like to say. Very different sensation I might add.
I’m a little nervous at timez, but each day I am making baby steps, and starting to feel some nice new warm vibrations through my body. Especially if I try to practice calming positive self talk.
I think it might take me some time though to perfect the positive self talk. I never realised how my negative self talk happens on a subconcious level most of the time, in other words, I am “bagging” myself 24/7 and I don’t even realise I am doing it. It feels like my negative self talk can find a space in my brain, almost invisible and quiet. My brain seems to be programmed in such a way that my negative self talk process flows through my mind, the same is the blood flowing through my veins, it happens and I am oblivious to this process.
I’m blown away you know?!
AT LONG LAST – I have finally recognised this little “cliche” in the system (my brain). . I am patting myself on the back as we speak.
This is what it said in the link you provided:
This is the article.
Legal Ease:
Extending Your Practice with Physician Assistants: What’s Legal?
– By Noah Scheinfeld, M.D., J.D.
Try and get your mind off “morgellons disease”, and get through the holidays. Try being happy, for Sally, please.
Gillian, hehe, ya got me tickled today. “Donging”…..Hahaha. BTW, how do you liquefy a bear, find a vessel large enough to pour one into, and does it make the bear mad? Whaddaya donging, anyway, trying to rob me of my place as the queen of typos around here? Thanks, really. Now I can add the bear thought to my collection of things that make me giggle. Try staying happy. Practice makes perfect, and we can never be perfect. That’s why we just keep on practicing.
I think i can, i now i can, i’m sure i can …. yes i can…”I” WILL!!!!!
Sally is my ray of sunshine.
Tony is home!!!
He is doing soooo well. I’m extremely proud of him, I knew he had the strength.
The hospital, and the new Gastroenterologist he is seeing, I think, have done a great job so far! Very impressed!!
Smileykins said:
oh lordy lordy…I am such a “dong”, a bear in a beer glass!! I don’t think so!
I do pour a good beer anyway, as long as I have thesaurus wih me!
I’m glad your spirits are lifted, and that Tony is donging so well, Gillian. (You know I couldn’t resist that.)
Tony is doing okay. No alcohol (good news), no cravings for alcohol (good news). But he isn’t Tony anymore. The Naltrexone is working wonders for the addiction problem and keeping him calm, but he is extremely “bombed” out on the pills.
It makes me so sad to have lost him this way. I hope I get him back.
Have you ever known him when he didn’t drink? He’ll need all the support that you can give him. Hopefully the doctor will taper him off of the medication over time.
Tall Cotton is right. I know what it’s like to see someone that way, too. Just hang in there, Gillian. Hopefully, Tony will find out, for himself, too, who he really is, once this phase is through. Gosh, I know it is so hard, but be strong. You can do it. You’re both in my prayers.
I was referring to my very distant past, concerning the person I’d previously mentioned with schizophrenia. Sometimes, while seeking the right prescription, in the right dosage, a rather sad state was induced. That was time to try another medication, and we did.
Yes it is hard, but I’ve come this far, I can’t stop being strong now.
Thank you for your kinds words.
I hope that one of these days things won’t be so hard, and that you can take it easy, and not need to be so strong, for a change. Gillian. I’m sorry, I keep on forgetting to say, you’re welcome. I do well with that in person, but on line, I lose my train of thought. On line brain fog, I suppose.
Has anyone heard from Gillian lately?
Hey TC, I’m here! Doing well too thanks, as strong as an ox!!! Happy New Year to you.
Well I’ve been giving him LOTS of support and loving care, but ya know what, that damn alcohol has such a grip. He is still doing it. Makes me so damn wild, and I have every right to be angry. Yes I am ill, and yes I am pregnant, due to the fact the contraceptive pill failed for some reason.
I have thought to myself, no wonder the doctor hasn’t really listened to me, especially when I take him along to my appointments, and he stinks of alcohol. It doesn’t paint a very good picture for me at all. The reality is, I am ill and the doctors just assume and presume THEY know what is going on. Well my blood tests say it plain and simple I am ill. And I’m STILL waiting for a return phone call from my Neurologist.
This is serious stuff – neurological illness, I ain’t talking fibers with this man, for goodness sake, fibers is not his field. Well I have found out fibers is no one fields these days. They ain’t interested. But maybe one day, when THEY get hit with the fibers they might just stop and listen.
Michael – Don’t you think we have pulled the “Morgellons” apart enough to know what is going on? and to know what is NOT being done.
Money makes the world go round. I don’t have any money left, but my world is still spinning, money will never bring happiness, but a level head sure damn will.