Why don’t doctors get Morgellons?

People suffering from Morgellons are constantly going to see doctors. These doctors are generally dismissive of the symptoms of fibers coming out of the skin.

The Morgellons Community claims there are thousands of people with Morgellons. Many also claim that it is a contagious disease.

If so, then why have none of these skeptical doctors ever been infected with Morgellons?

Think about it, if 10,000 people have Morgellons, they have probably been to see a doctor at least 10 times, that’s at least 100,000 times a doctor has been in contact with a Morgellons sufferer. (Probably more like 1,000,000).

Why, over all those visits, being in close contact with the patient, has a skeptical doctor never been infected?

This lack of infection proves with a very strong degree of confidence that either Morgellons is not a contagious disease, or that conventional Doctors are somehow immune to it.