This NPR piece just tells the story of Morgellons:
It’s reasonably well done. Of interest is that the CDC expects their investigation to “take six months and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars”. Which means you probably won’t be hearing anything from the CDC until sometime late 2007.
Still, it looks like the medical profession is forging ahead – again in the story is a mention of simply taking the name “Morgellons” and making it synonymous with Delusions of Parasitosis. Overall, I feel the discussions surrounding Morgellons will eventually lead to the development of better ways of treating people with DOP, as well as some investigation into various physical triggers for DOP/Morgellons.
I think it’s sickening that morgies forced the hand of the CDC, and I feel sure that many will still refuse to treat their “morgellons disease” when the investigation is completed. I sure hope it’s going to end up leading to different ways of approaching them, because their selfish refusal to treat is endangering innocent others. That is not nice of me to say that, is it? I know, but, it’s not nice to be as pigheaded about needing mental health assistance either, and to talk openly about crimes of self abuse, and various crimes of neglect, like it’s normal, either, and to blame it all on “morgellons disease”.
Smileykins said…
I do too, but, by the definition of DOP, people have a “fixed” false belief. There aren’t too many things that will unfix it, and antipsychotic medication is the most successful approach. That fixed belief is preventing them from believing their doctors, and following his prescribed regimen. Counselling is also out of the question.
I don’t think they are going to be tricked into taking antipsychotic medication. They’ll be watching for their delusional doctors to try to get one past them. I don’t see any way of helping these people. Some borderline DOP’s may fall off the Morgellons wagon after the CDC’s report, and some would be Morgies might be discouraged from going that route, but other than that, the situation looks hopeless. It’s one hulluva trap they’ve fallen into.
Tall Cotton
The Morgies at Lymebusters didn’t like the article.
Well, now, Smiley, I disagree respectfully. I think that all medical questions are valid to the CDC, and while it may seem, and is probably true, that the MRF et. al. pushed and forced very aggressively, the investigation should not be belittled.
However, everything else you said… I’m right there with ya.
I’m not belittling it, Sarah. I want strong action to be taken.
I feel that the CDC has known, for several years, that the Morgies have DOP. The CDC has repeatedly told the Morgies to consult their local doctors. I believe that the CDC is now being forced to formally investigate the matter, which, of course, isn’t going to change the diagnoses, or the recommended protocol for DOP. The CDC is concerned about the people’s questions, but that doesn’t mean that they have the time or resources to be doing what they were eventually forced to do. Do I want my tax money to be spent on another paper about DOP? Hell no. It’s a waste of time and money. If the CDC is to guide the public on medical issues, it’s important that it maintains the respect of the public. In that sense, this task force is a maintenance proceedure. I find it sickening that Mary Leitao has been allowed to continue her “movement”, and do it openly, to get Morgellons classified as a disease. In my opinion, she has been a great negative influence on a lot of people, and she has needed mental treatment for many years.
Tall Cotton
Michael you are an ass! I hope you get this thing and it kills you by a long, slow agonizing death. You don’t even have the balls to let me post because you know that if people see what I have to say then you will be exposed for the mental midget that you are. What is your degree in? I bet you work at KMART you looser.
What a fool you are. By the way, the world is round. Come into the 21st century you idiot. You probably think that AIDS and Ebola are fake illness too. I guess you have to have something to occupy your time because you obviously don’t have a life. This thing is spreading and I’m doing my part. Sleep well looser.
You’ve been posting, stupid, and we’ve been answering your nonsense. Don’t be comparing Morgellons to real diseases. AIDS and Ebola kill people. People who “believe” they have Morgellons only whine like little babies. You have a mental problem, and you’re wearing it on your sleeve for the whole world to see. You’re the ass, and you’re the fool, and if you don’t realize that you’re the loser, take a good hard look at yourself.
Tall Cotton
Hello South. I see you’re still trying to make people think you know something that you don’t. TC
Fascinated by this topic, I’ve spent the day exploring several sites devoted to Morgellons. By the far the best is the one in Germany, where a great deal of research has already been completed. I encourage anyone seriously interested in this odd disease to visit:
(If you don’t speak German, you’ll be able to choose an English-language site from this page. Be forwarned: Some translation is clumsy!)
In the left part of this site, under the heading “Click on Menu,” click the first entry, “Morgellons-Report” to expand it; then, click the last entry, “Latest conclusions.” It presents an insightful summary of findings that, surely, the CDC will carefully investigate. And which I hope you all will find stimulating.
It makes so much sense, based on everything I’ve read today, that this is an artificially created bio-organism, created in a gene laboratory with the best of intents (for example, in search of a cancer cure, etc.) but which has inadvertently inflicted unintended consequences. Read for yourself.
From the “Latest conclusions” area in the site, work back up through each of the topics in the “Morgellons-Report” for detailed information; the “Introduction” is also full of insights.
I’m eager to hear what you think.
Here’s a good link on Scizophrenia.
Lorri, you’re beyond being irrational and uncivilized towards Michael. That’s not anything resembling what many morgies think they’re able to get by with passing off as simple “brain fog” either. Yes, *this thing is spreading*, and YOU ARE doing your part. The “morgellons movement” has clearly gotten society to wake up to the problem.
Thanks for posting the link, but theat information is bogus.
Tall Cotton
No, I don’t quite think so. Thanks, but that’s a site for delusional parasitosis, same as other sites about “morgellons disease”. Did ya read about the hygienic measures? When I’d had DOP, I didn’t practice all that type of stuff. I had a mess on my hands, no question about it, but I didn’t try to keep up with thinking I could get rid of anything through doing a lot of the hygienic rituals that morgies do. I knew it was whipping me out right away. My skin was so fragile that I couldn’t wear clothes, and, hehe (I can laugh now), things were exploding out of me all of the time, so badly, and getting into my food, that I tried fashioning a garment out of aluminum foil to try being able to eat. It didn’t help any, either. Can’t nobody tell me that “morgellons disease” ain’t DOP.
Michael is a “looser”? And he’s the idiot?
(Who’s with me, that condescending, angry, name-calling really changes your mind? ;))
So I went to this site.
It claims “we concluded that various body structures were visible” but doesn’t say what body structures were visible! If they are visible, shouldn’t whoever this is be able to say what structures were visible? Because they sure aren’t visible to me.
Here was another gem:
“But mostly the spreading in nature or a direct human infection is taking place over a kind of fungal spores (fibers).”
What on earth does this mean? And what do spores have to do with worms, what they “identified”?
Hardly convincing.
“This process [sampling] was complicated due to the oblong fibers, worm structures that had both ends, autonomously with head, feelers, hooks and/or mandibles.”
Feelers, actually, are called “antennae.” Perhaps that’s just a personal snobbish preference for taxonomically appropriate nomenclature.
“Present not only as fuzz balls, but also inside of human slime and/or pieces of dead skin.”
Human slime? The only thing I found after Googling “human slime” were video game message boards.
“After further investigations it`s well known that there are insectozoide manifestations, as well as multicolored fibers and algae/bacteria and fungal forms.”
They recommend, to understand how “Morgellons” can be a fiber, an insect, an algae, a bacteria, AND a fungus, we compare Morgellons to trees that “bear different fruit,” such as, an apple on one branch, a pear on the other. So while “Morgellons” is one entity, it just grows into different life forms. The problem with this comparison is… that’s just ridiculous. For the same reason a puppy can’t grow up to be a bird, or a human can’t give birth to an insect, it’s just basic ignorance to think an organism can just magically grow into several different life forms.
Oh, the lingo. Maybe our bodily secretions, wet and dry, and the various things they can do, pose a real threat to us all, but we just haven’t realized it yet. Pick your nose and look sometime. There might be a hair in something that looks like a booger, but maybe that really isn’t a booger. Maybe that really isn’t a nose hair. Maybe we aren’t the ones hallucinating, too. I’m not entirely sure that some of these poor people don’t know that a puppy can’t grow up to be a bird, or that a human can’t give birth to an insect. I wish the poor things would treat it, and be well. Yeah, right.
Dear friends,
Thank you all, especially S Bione-Dunn, for taking the time to explore the German website ( and post your critical evaluations of its content.
I am not a scientist — I’m a designer — but I’m fascinated by the controversy that has developed over the claim by some of suffering a delibitating illness, which is supported by physical evidence, including not only photographs of lesions on their skin but also photographs of the material ejected from the lesions. Indeed, this very material is being examined by a researcher at the University of Oklahoma today. And, in his recent newspaper column, “The Bug Man,” Richard Fargerlund, an entomologist at the University of New Mexico, reports that he regularly receives so many letters from people suffering the the Morgellons symptoms that he is now asking readers with material ejected from their lesions to prepare it for shipment as if it were an insect and send it to him, in hopes of establishing a national database for use by the Centers of Disease Control. (His own theory is that the source of the illness is an unlisted and untested ingredient in pesticides.)
You all are probably familiar with the story of the Oakland A’s pitcher. Not only has his career been ended by the disease, but his entire family (wife and three children) all suffer from it — quite a delusion, indeed!
What I found so compelling at the German site were the “Latest conclusions,” as reported in the “Morgellons-Report” (listed at the top left of the website):
“Morgellons are parasitic bio organisms, which were created artificially in a gene laboratory. Thereby the oldest bacteria, the basic modules of life on earth (Cyano-bacteria/single-cellular organism), was randomly mixed (cloned), in a recombinant process with other gene sequences (DNA) of single-celled or multi-celled organisms.
“In the later stages there were also higher multi-cellular organisms developed, on the basis of a constant genetic recombination and by a genetic information exchange on the cellularer level (signalization) designed to mutate by necessity. This, in short, represents our evolution, since all organisms descend from this Cyano-bacterias, which later developed themselves further into multi-cellular organisms. (See details under biology)
“Morgellon`s are at the same time Ecto and Endoparasites because they can live on and in the skin as well as in the body of the host. These parasites live mainly subcutaneously in or near the lymphatic system which are the (fine) vein systems. The lymphatic system extends over the entire body (see below). This fine vein system extends further than blood system with its fine capillary system.”
“It is that assumed after exacting studies that there is neither evident acari nor helminthes kinds (e.g. scabies or worms/filaria) but some genetic resemblance to many different organisms: insects, bacteria, worms as well some types of fungus and algae (Protozoans, Trypanosome, Protothecosis etc.) and partially also mammels genes (mice, humans etc.).
“The only commonality all of these organisms have, is their will to survive by any means. Due their extreme adaptability, as well as their minuscule size, they can adapt and settle in all areas of the host`s body. But mostly they live subcutaneously (under the skin), on hairs and in or near the lymph system.
“The basic form of this parasitic organism is probably a kind of a very creative living mold/slime (Cyto/Protoplasma), with more fungal and algae characteristics (e.g. green and blue algae etc.). Due to similar genetic characteristics of other organisms that have a similar DNA, additionaly from multi-cellar, they can mutate/switch at any time into another life form, or being present and growing out of this mold with many different life forms at any time.
“It may be possible, that via an assimilation and integration/metabolism of human based engineering materials (protein), after a certain period a fusion/merging with human cells can take place, which our immune system cannot recognize anymore and fight against. This is because they become practically part of the human body system and their basic structural makeup is very similar to ours. Sometime they can even appear as wandering skin sheds, unrecognizable to usual investigations.”
So, based on everything else I discovered while exploring this topic through Internet links, the conclusions at the German website appeared to me to “tie up a lot of loose ends” — to provide a theory that explained much of the apparently contradictory evidence.
I thought it was a bold, creative leap for these investigators to hypothesize that, based on their observations, the source of the disease could be a bio-engineered form of life, probably created in a laboratory seeking to end a scourge like cancer, but inadvertently releasing an organism that can attack the human body as described by the growing number of sufferers — the law of unintended consequences.
All in all, of course, we’ll just have to wait and see. Clearly, more and more people are interested in solving the mystery; with the CDC undertaking its study, Congress demanding answers, and even “The Bug Man” getting involved, we’re bound to find the answer sooner or later. Thanks to each of you for your stimulating comments.
Happy New Year to you all!
We’ve all known about the German website since it was created. We’ve read it many times. It’s still as nonsensical now, as it was the first time we read it. Trust me! The information is false. There is no Morgellons Disease. There is no Morgellons pathogen. The people who believe they have Morgellons, have a wide variety of common skin disorders. They are also delusional. This particular phase of DOP began with a woman who was suffering from Munchhausen Syndrome By Proxy. She’s still picking at a 5 year old lesion on her son’s face. It was recommended that she have a full mental evaluation. Most of the lesions on the internet, that are said to be Morgellons lesions, are neurotic excoriations. The bugman is an entemologist, but this issue has nothing to do with arthropods, or any type of organism, for that matter. He also wants 10 bucks for every species one mails him. Sounds like a money making proposition to me. On the other hand, I think that Dr. Wymore, from OSU, is just a nut. Happy New Year.
Tall Cotton
How can it be just stated, as if a fact, that “Morgellons are parasitic bio organisms, which were created artificially in a gene laboratory,” and then later you call it a “hypothesis”? Which is it, fact, or a hypothesis?
All of their claims are devoid of any proof. So what, if someone is researching it in Oklahoma, or that a famous person claims to have it? People research UFOs, and Madonna claims to be able to “cure” toxic waste with magic Kaballah water, and both of those hold as much water (even Kaballah water) as the Morgellons supporters. They say that Morgellons was created in a lab. Fine. How do they know this? They say Morgellons is able to “switch life forms” but how do they know this utterly impossible snippet of information?
(Furthermore, just the words “gene laboratory” sounds like bad Twilight Zone writing.)
There are really two delusions going on here: 1) Delusions of Parasitosis and 2) Delusions of Reference
Those subscribing to nanotechnology, biowarfare, chemtrail, and the myriad of other commonly espoused conspiracy theories suffer from Delusions of Reference.
You are a Russian spy, your hair falls out, you become critically ill and you discovered to be perfused with an obscure radioactive material. You can legitimately assume you are the victim of some sort of a conspiracy.
You live in Texas. You have a normal job and life. You develop unexplained itching and skin lesions that physicians are unable to diagnose. This is not a conspiracy.
The frequent tendency to invoke conspiracy as the etiology of Morgellons simply buttresses the theory that the entire problem is neuropsychiatric in nature.
DHB, how many days into “morgellons disease” are you?
DHB, excuse me. Thank you, and Happy New Year to you, too.
I agree with you, Gobucky, and whatever the actual number of “morgellons victims”, even if it’s a mere drop in the bucket of society, it’s too many. It’s a very dangerous situation people are in.
In the past, there were some people on lymebusters’ message board that I hope really meant what they’d said, and actually went on to recover. We’d corresponded by email, and if they did as they’d planned and got over it, they were obviously ill with DOP from an underlying physical cause. Recovery is possible, that way (listen to me, making it sound ‘so easy’), without anti-psychotic medication, if the underlying physical illness is treated.
But yeah, people with delusions of reference…forget about it. They can only pay attention to their senses to start with. To them, those ill-begotten references make excellent sense. Of course, once I’d entered into this scenario I knew I could never be frank, and had to call this “morgellons disease”, but some morgies saw through it and hated me. One is never to recover from “morgellons disease”. Since the time I used to try finding a way to break through, somehow, they seem to have really gotten worse with everyone, and everything, on all the morgie message boards.
When I was sick those two months, in 2002, I didn’t do the majority of things morgies practice, and I didn’t own a microscope. However, I lived in The Twilight Zone, too, and I saw unbelievable feats performed by things expelled from my mouth and skin. It was dead cellular waste and environmental debris, but Lord have mercy. Hallucinating, and, of course, not knowing it, caused me to think I was harboring some strange pathogenic substance. Anybody would think like that, being under siege of real-life science-fiction.
None of these people will listen to reason from any reliable source. To be so tortured and tormented in a chronic state like that, and not want to get better, well, it’s like the ONLY statement I can appreciate in that letter published by the Bugman, at the end, where he said,
Well, yes, we do.
In addition to the somatic and the persecutory types of delusions, some also have those of a grandiose type, believing that they are going to sue some party that has brought the scourge of Morgellons to mankind, even the score, get rich, and live happily ever after.
When Mommy Munchhausen brought them out of their closets to accomplish her personal agenda, she succeeded in making herself and all of them look like fools.
LBs (lymebusters) WAS RELAVANT
It’s pitiful, in every sense of the word, and just how can anybody attempt communication with people operating from a delusional standpoint? DOP is a complicated matter, anyway, but the people who are listed, originally, on the MRF’s site, obviously have the primary psychotic form and the secondary functional form due to underlying psychiatric conditions. For the most part, the patients on line think they can deny that, even with it blaring at us there, and even with their on line behaviors.
The Following Six Signs or Symptoms Are The Basis of Morgellons Disease
4. Cognitive difficulties, including measurable short term memory and attention deficit, as well as difficulty processing thoughts correctly. Described by patients as “brain fog”.
5. Behavioral effects are common in many patients. Many have been or will be diagnosed as Attention Deficit Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. A minority do not show this pattern. Almost all, if previously seen by well-read physicians without prolonged observation, will have been labeled as “Delusional Parasitosis”. Temporal relationship to skin lesion onset is not known.
2. Numerous neurological findings. A variety of neurological symptoms have been reported. Some patients have been diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis, and other well-known and recognized disorders, while others display significant symptoms not falling into any well-defined neurological category.
4. Neuropsychiatric symptoms and signs, ranging from mood or personality changes to diagnosed disorders including Attention Deficit Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and occasionally frank psychosis. Temporal relationship to skin lesion onset is not known.
William T. Harvey, MD, MPH
Michael Ledtke, MD
Ginger Savely, RN, FNP-C
Raphael B. Stricker, MD
Gregory V. Smith, MD, FAAP
Medical Advisory Board
Morgellons Research Foundation
That’s quite a Medical Advisory Board.
Morgie people lash out at us because they’re sick and confused, they feel persecuted, they’re paranoid, and because some of them have inflated egos. There’s no bridging the chasm. Birds of a feather flock together. Notice how many say that eating sugar makes their “morgellons” symptoms worsen. They don’t even want to hear that could be diabetes. No, it’s all “morgellons disease”. It’s insidious, it’s mysterious, and that’s why they have to search for clues to it, outside-of-the-box.
Look at all this link, including so much in one convenient place…
Dr. Gobucky,
I agree with everything you said. Some Morgies have delusions of reference. For example, they believe that a Morgellons pathogen was accidentally released after being genetically modified, without the paranoia that they would have from a deliberate release for the purpose of population reduction. I do believe that Morgellons is neuropsychiatric in nature, at least in many cases. Thanks for your contributions to the blog.
Tall Cotton
Michael, I’m sorry, I was away, and didn’t realize I had already submitted a comment, until I revised what I was meaning to say, and sent it. I received a statement that I’d submitted it previously. The second one was the only one I’d meant to send. Now, see? That’s brain-fog. Hehe.
Hmm. Maybe I didn’t have a case of forgetfulness, earlier. Hahaha. Perhaps I’d accidentally double-clicked, when I submitted a comment, so I got the notice that I’d posted a duplicate. Oh well, it confused me.
Anyway, Wikipedia covers all the recent controversy on chronic lyme, that I’d brought up a couple of weeks ago, but, sure, people who fit into this category can, and often do, fit into “morgellons disease”, also. In my opinion, that’s why lyme has so many differentials. Unconventional doctors, in my opinion, especially ones who have been in trouble in the past, know how to make a good, dishonest, living. Some people will pay very good money to be told what they want to hear, and that makes a big difference to them.
I disagree with many things you mentioned, eec, but since you “aren’t a morgie”, and since I am a former DOP, my opinions are covered well enough. But, concerning this….
“Our rights”? Yes, I agree, but this issue is not about “our rights”. It’s about a group of mentally ill patients refusing to treat, who forced the government into their affairs. They harassed the CDC (and even continue to), but after the mass media aired their stories, the CDC had to take action. These people are NOT preserving their health. They openly tell how they cause themselves harm, and endanger their children, their pets, and probably others in their lives. Anybody who abuses antibiotics is putting the entire population at risk, too. Psychosis is something that has to be treated!!
Food for thought. Note the dates before assuming that this happened decades ago. This is not the entire article.
Doctor and invention outlast jeers and threats
Vertigo – John Epley’s chair conquers dizziness, wins acceptance and has a business plan, thanks to his daughter
Sunday, December 31, 2006
The Oregonian
“He is a doctor and innovator. Years ago, he took aim at a medical curse that has disabled millions of people and defied treatment. He came up with a cure that was astonishingly simple. No surgery. No pills.
Now, think: Would his colleagues cheer his stroke of ingenuity by spreading the news — and practice — of the treatment to relieve suffering?
No. Inexplicably, they rejected him, ridiculed him, heaved accusations that threatened his license to practice medicine.”
“At 76, Epley sees patients three days a week. He spends the two other days of the workweek at Vesticon. His daughter’s startup has already launched development of two of Epley’s other inventions.
In a pause between patients, Epley reflected on the reasons other doctors refused to accept his findings for so many years.
“If I look back at medical school, much of it was misinformation,” he said. “Physicians learn to just do the routine, to do the accepted things — don’t go too far out.
“They’ve got so much to lose if they stick their neck out.”
Doctors have invented lots of things and have made lots of discoveries. Just what the hell does that have to do with DOP/Morgellons? Let me answer. Not one damn thing!
Tall Cotton
South, I think I can understand the point you’re trying to make, but I fail seeing any relevance in it. The article says that doctor “took aim at a medical curse that has disabled millions of people and defied treatment. He came up with a cure that was astonishingly simple.” I just don’t believe things that easily. There are plenty of treatments for vertigo. I get it occasionally, but I don’t view it as a “medical curse”, or even treat it. It passes in 3-5 days, so lying perfectly still, keeping a puke bucket, and crawling on all fours, works for me. If it were more of an interference than that, I’d take something for it, like ativan.
You scoff at my convictions. I think I have made my reasons for having them crystal clear. What are the reasons behind your convictions?
yes smiles
point well made on my topic #9
which is even more proof i am not a morgy–i have been working with the same DR since my symtoms began
in august 2003–and we work together to maintain the highest level of health i can–
i want to work and earn $62 an hr
i want to study massage-health and fitness to learn and practice how to have health and longevity in
thats probably why i got removed from there guest list
i wasnt on the tam-tam band wagon
now there was some evidence of
mass delusions
on the other hand wiki-up-pedia
is not the only material on lyme
it is a thought provoking disease
whic is why it is dismissed so often–too much work and thought for the DRs
all the symtoms of morgellons
are clearly covered by ACA
now i dont know that all morgys
have lyme–but most didnt want to look either—the admin at LB
didnt encourage seeking any solution to suffering but had lots of love and sorry sad sympathy
for each other
i am not here to pick a fight
i do agree with some or a lot of what is said here–but some of the topic points made here are a little abrupt against psychological–neurological conditions that are part of a true
I’ve got it. You have the right to remain ill.
Every doctor that treats Morgellons as anything besides DOP is operationg in the fringe or beyond. Dr. Stricker, who works with the MRF, was discovered to be lying on an AIDS research paper in order to land a grant. Dr. Ames, who also works with the MRF, was caught using a gadget that wasn’t approved by the FDA. Both of these doctors were penalized. Nurse Savely’s liberal antibiotic treatments were disallowed in Texas. She now works with Dr. Stricker in San Francisco. Dr. Schwartz lost his license in New Mexico because he couldn’t account for narcotic that he prescribed. He allegedly used narcotics to treat Morgellons patients. There’s becoming more and more quacks as time passes, looking for ways to cheat Morgies out of their money. Outside the box is no place for a Morgellons patient to be. They don’t need to do business with doctors on the fringe. The need a real good GP, and a good psychiatrist, and they need to break ties with the forums of the Morgellons Believers. Now, those are facts, and they’re pretty simple to understand.
Tall Cotton
eec, the topic is “morgellons disease”, but, as I’d said, my reason for posting the Wikipedia link, since you’d brought up lyme disease, was due to its updated concision on the recent problems. I’d brought it up a short time after the announcement, last month, when I’d also posted about Dr. Stricker’s past, his new lyme test, and about Dr. Ames’ past.
Can you elaborate on this?
Also, what is the ACA? Thanks
eec, I wasn’t directing that, “I’ve got it. You have the right to remain ill.” to you. Comments were in moderation, so it appeared as though I was. I’d posted it after I’d said, “You scoff at my convictions. I think I have made my reasons for having them crystal clear. What are the reasons behind your convictions?”, to South. I shouldn’t have said it, but he refuses to answer even the simplest of questions that I ask, after he makes statements, and he’s just never tried communicating to promote any understanding. That’s all I want, and I lost my cool. I’m sorry, South.
Now, think: Would his colleagues cheer his stroke of ingenuity by spreading the news — and practice — of the treatment to relieve suffering?
No. Inexplicably, they rejected him, ridiculed him, heaved accusations that threatened his license to practice medicine.”
“If I look back at medical school, much of it was misinformation,” he said. “Physicians learn to just do the routine, to do the accepted things — don’t go too far out.
“They’ve got so much to lose if they stick their neck out.”
TC what do you not understand about how this relates? smiley, atavan huh? yes, your convictions are quite clear.
South, I’m very sorry, but what are you trying to tell us? What that doctor has done still has nothing to do with delusional parasitosis and any of the underlying conditions that cause it. You, and other “morgellons disease” believers, form opinions based on far less information than the rest of society, and you hold onto them tightly, expecting people with intact reasoning skills to understand how you arrived there without telling us. None of you have gotten any resolution to your individual health situations, and you seem to think that the rest of society can’t see that you’re all, sadly, free-falling without a parachute.
To me, saying that the doctor in your article, “Took aim at a medical curse that has disabled millions of people and defied treatment”, and that he, “Came up with a cure that was astonishingly simple”, isn’t completely sound. There are a lot of reasons for vertigo, such as multiple sclerosis, strokes, tumors, seizures, trauma, infections, drug toxicities, migraines, reduced oxygen to the brain, and these are things that simply sitting in a spinning chair won’t help. Granted, I didn’t access the full length of the article, but it is not anything that interests me, or I may have.
“Ativan huh?”, you asked? South, what are you talking about, saying to me, “Yes, your convictions are quite clear”? I described how severe vertigo does me from time to time. I’d said if it interfered more than that, meaning, if I had to go out of my home, I would request something like ativan, which I’d used a few times, about twenty-five years ago. Do you still think I work for a drug company?
Why I’m even trying to communicate with you is beyond me, because there’s no breaking through to be had. I know it seems that all morgies get off on saying that anyone who doesn’t think like them believes that the world is still flat, and yada, yada, yada, but that’s only another perversion of reality. If your group is so against the wisdom of conventional medicine, why did you all harass the CDC? Has it been to just get DOP changed to the name of “morgellons syndrome” aka DODOP (Denial Of Delusional Parasitosis)? Will you treat it then? Because you all seem to despise the health care system that we all rely on to preserve, protect, and promote, better health for our nation and the rest of the world. You’re a minority, not making any sense. I suppose you would probably want to abolish the research being done for those of us with autoimmune diseases (which includes a large percentage of the group you’re a member of), by the National Institutes of Health’s Immune Tolerance Network. You seem to not want the advancement of any type of medical research and technology, other than to discover the causes of your own DOP, which already has several proven treatments, but you won’t take it. That is very selfish, whether any of you know it, or not.
I hope you’ve maneuvered your way around and read my other recent comments, South. If you feel like telling me what convictions of mine are quite clear to you, feel free.
dearest smiley cheeks
iam sorry to seem off topic
but since morgellons is not really
anything on its own –it lends to
discusing other aflictions
like that CFS article–thats a lot of tired people
like DOP –apparently there are a lot of imaginary parasites out there// what is a parasite ??
how big or small are they??
are there really that many meth users???
or my favorite lyme–Bb///
late stage chronic disease
ACA= acrodermitis chronica atropia
also caused by B azelli
unusual fibrosing of the skin
1860 by buckman/1902 by herxhiemer bacteria make all kinds of things
as i said before i am carrying an olive branch here–not picking fights
doctors are not scientists-they are business people tryig to make money like the rest of us
when doctors do try to be scientists they get in trouble
guessucated patients that read the internet do not help the confusion
by ignoring thier doctors
you see smiley-tc-marg
i am agreeing with you on several levels–maybe i used a poor selecton of words –abrupt ????
whatever i said about psych ad neuro symtoms—these symtoms are often times – many times – can be – indicaters that there is an underlying illness involved
even having a cold or flu can/will cause one to have psych/neuro
i also agree that people who get stuck on certain forums and blogs
may misunderstand or become overly focused on particular topics
i keep beating the lyme drum because i know that there is a lot
of cunfusion with this disease and it is a psych/neuro disease in its later stages–
and yes people do have the right to stay sick–i believe ronald reagon granted them that privilage
i too am a recovered DOP–the
doctors stopped giving me ivermectin-albenzole-and scabie
cream after i tested pos for
lyme–but if i was DOP why where they treating me parisites???
i wasnt DOP but i was very ill
and i was very confused
i can see clearly now and i stay focused on my one disease with its many symtoms
thank you for having this space for me to preach in
Southcity asked…
There’s plenty of scientists looking outside the box, on various topics. But that’s no place for a “citizen scientist” that doesn’t even understand the things inside the box. I fully understand that your head is cross threaded.
Tall Cotton
A parasite is any organism that is feasting on your body or possessions and not paying for its keep. There’s no limits to it’s size. It might be a spirochete, or it might be your next door neighbor.
Looking at the Morgellons group as a whole, the evidence indicates that the Morgies are suffering from a wide variety of health problems. The list of symptoms is quite large, and by the people’s own testimonies, some have many, some only have a few, and no one has them all. There’s other diseases to account for every one of these symptoms, and no reason to believe that a new disease has arisen. The fibers mean absolutely nothing, except that the air is polluted. But many of them come from clothing. This isn’t just what I say. It’s what the evidence says.
Morgies have been diagnosed with a large variety of physical and mental health problems. The MRF has a list of some of them from their survey. As you know, most of them have also been diagnosed with Delusional Parasitosis. It’s evident that many of these diagnoses are accurate. A DOP diagnosis doesn’t always require tests, of any kind. The determination can be accurately made solely by listening to one’s beliefs, taking into account the strength of their convictions.
I’ve seen primary lesions, but there’s many things that can cause them. I’ve also seen linear excoriations that were caused by compulsive scratching. Many of the Morgies demonstrate an Obcessive/Compulsive disorder. Some have Bipolar Disorder. Some have Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy. Some have Body Dismorphic Disease. The evidence indicates a lot of variety. Do people such as these always need psyche medications? No. It depends upon whether or not a person can straighten out their thinking without them.
It took a long time for me to come out of my Morgified state. First I had to balance my brain chemistry. I did this by abstaining from the street drugs that were causing the imbalance. Some people will have to add certain chemicals in order to find a balance. When I laid down the drugs my thinking began to straighten up. It didn’t happen instantly. But the fear left completely. I now believe in zero conspiracy theories regarding Morgellons,. with the exception of the conspiracies that some individuals and groups have to use the Morgies misfortune to accomplish their personal agendas.
There is no Morgellons Disease. That’s what the evidence says. That’s bad news for some people that are longing for its recognition. Some feel like they have to be right. Some believe that they will find someone at fault and hold them accountable. Some think that they will be vendicated and validated, and that their old friends will be begging for forgiveness. Some long for a quick cure. Others are happy right where they are at. They’re getting exactly what they think they need. Morgellons isn’t wrong. Morgellons is inanimate. It’s just an idea, a wrong idea. The error is in the “Belief in Morgellons”. And that belief is causing a world of harm.
Tall Cotton
I didn’t see your blood tests, but it would be my guess that your doctor realized that something was drinking out of your cup. You probably had elevated whites, indicating infection of some sort, and your symptoms and/or suspicions led you to lyme. I know that there can be a late stage lyme, but Im not too convinced of Chronic Lyme. Your diagnosis may be accurate, but I definitely believe that many Lyme diagnoses are false positives.
Tall Cotton
Thank you for telling me what ACA stands for, eec. Demeanor often doesn’t translate well in the written word, but I desire to understand people. We’re in agreement, and I think we always have been, here, about there being numerous underlying causes for the development of DOP. Many of those causes are listed in the “morgellons disease case definition”. Plenty of others aren’t, but it all ties in, anyway, because so many things can cause a state of DOP to develop.
“Morgellons disease” united people, making them all think “they have the same symptoms”. No, they have the same delusions, and they itch, and the environmental and biological waste materials from their immune cells, epidermal flakes, and scabs, plus those damned fibers, all look the same. I’m positive that anyone with that distortion in their frame of mind has found it all too easy to believe, not only due to their underlying health situation(s), but due to how this entire mess was designed, and carried out, from the start.
I think the lyme experts that are associated with “morgellons disease” are pretending to not know any better. Sure, they can be delusional too, but I don’t feel it in my gut. I think they’ll always go on like this, though, because they can. I feel that all doctors who pretend to not know any better than to believe in “morgellons disease” are paving a road to their future with this, at the expense of some of society’s most ill people.
Getting over it is no small feat, eec. Bravo, bravo, BRAVO!!! I’m real sorry that you have lyme disease. I know you’re real smart about health matters, and the whole mind/body/spirit connection. I also include the soul, but not everyone does. So, does that mean you don’t still think that I’m Mary Sheppard?!! Hahaha. (It’s me, “Adapted”.)
How we doing then folks? Looks like lots of stuff to read and catch up on. I haven’t read all the posts or links as yet.
It is so nice to be a recovered DOP also. How refreshed I feel. The country side is wonderful medicine.
Happy New Year anyway everyone, lets hope we can wind this Morgellons phenomenon up sooner rather than later.
How disappointing, late 2007. I wish it wasn’t going to take so long, whatever Morgellons is really meant to be, we all need to know one way or the other, simple as that. I really want to know what are the chances of passing on this so called “delusional” disorder, which has very stricking physical and mental symptoms, to my unborn child. Yes I am, if you were wondering. The pill is certainly not “cement proof”.
So I guess you could call me “double trouble” now!!
Good article, thanks Michael.
Persistent scabies-like condition may not be all in people’s heads
Richard Fagerlund
Saturday, December 30, 2006
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Q: Can you please help me? I have been using lice and scabies treatments (over the counter and prescription) for three years. Something seems to be crawling within my scalp and skin. I see black things, large eggs in my hair and things that look like “sticks” that shoot out of my scalp and body. I also have what looks like pieces of gravel falling from my body and head.
Nothing seems to help. Medications are useless. I have given up going to the doctor. I have visited a specialist who refused to even look at my head. I am very clean. I do garden, and there are many ticks where I live. Is it possible I have a tick infestation?
I hope you believe me, that this is so odd.
A: This letter is representative of many I get on this subject. Twenty years ago, I would get three or four letters like this in a year. Five years ago, I was getting a dozen or so a month. Now I am getting them almost every day. Initially, the condition this person described was called delusory parasitosis or delusions of parasites. It was considered a mental problem, and it still is by a large portion of the medical profession. Indeed, I used to refer these folks to a dermatologist with the hope that the dermatologist would refer them to a psychologist.
I am not sure anymore. This condition is starting to reach epidemic proportions, and I can’t believe it is all mental. My theory, and it is only a theory, is that a small percentage of these cases are delusory parasitosis, but the rest may be the results of something else, possibly pollutants. Pesticides are not adequately tested, as the inert ingredients in all pesticides are considered trade secrets and are not even required to be listed, much less tested. It is a very real possibility, in my opinion, that some of these inert ingredients are causing some of the phenomena occurring in some of these people.
This condition now has a name, Morgellons disease. As I said, most people don’t take it seriously, but I do. I have offered to help by collecting samples of fibers, seeds, mites, etc. and curate them for further study. If you suffer from this condition, you can send me samples if you like. Go to my Web site (see below) and on the front page you will see instructions on sending bugs in the mail for identification. Follow the instructions.
I am going to set up a national database of all the samples we receive and try to get the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to take a serious look at it. If this condition is caused by pollutants, we need to address it, possibly by insisting all ingredients in pesticides are tested and listed on the label. If this is a mental condition, then we have a major problem on our hands in this country, in my opinion.
Entomologist Fagerlund can be reached at and has a Web site at
Page F – 6
“Morgellons disease” won’t be over with, after the CDC has spoken, as long as quacks exist to fill a special need for these patients. Happy New Year, to you, Gillian. Of course, parental delusions are passed onto children. Please get into a discussion with your doctor, right away, about prescription medications and pregnancy.
Concerning “chronic” lyme, I used to see a lot of morgies on LB, who didn’t understand their test scores. They concluded that a high titer number meant they were full of infection, when that number indicates their natural immunity is doing its job.
eec said:
That’s funny. Hehe. I just so happen to believe we were all born with a free will. There are morgie people with their conspiracy theories, and there are others we don’t discuss. I know, fully well, that outsiders are not allowed to talk about it, but morgie people are all over the web saying certain things. So, here I go with one.
Many of them make posts about The Golden Rule, and warn people about karma, and some of them talk about their beliefs, in both, which are essentially the same. A lot of people, these, and others, refer to “morgellons disease” as a curse, and some will type out words of Christianity, faith, and prayer, and, sometimes (this really gets me) email prayer chain letters, as well as other chain letters. (Sorry folks, any that came to me, stopped dead.) They’ll claim that they want to be delivered from evil. So, well, with all that talk, some of them appear to seem to as though they may almost believe in a ruler of darkness and in a Supreme Authority.
When I’d first heard of “morgellons disease”, I was taken by surprise when I noticed ritualistic oil anointings, instructions on the strategical placement of sachets, (someone instructed cages of mice, even), antibiotic experimentation, herbals, herbal-cleanses, hand-held machines of different types, and, then, I read of “looking forward to a good herx”, or “just coming out of one”. I didn’t know what any of that was, and I’d really thought that some people were practicing a form of witchcraft, to be honest. Much more horrifying things came to light, in a very short time, but what people are embracing is beyond scary.
Yes, they have a right to do it, and to remain ill, but is it hurting them, or anybody else, in the process? I wonder how many really think “morgellons disease” is their punishment? A lot of them wonder, all the time, what they must have done, they say, to deserve it. It definitely isn’t their punishment, for anything, but if they think it is, maybe, in their minds, it truly is!!
DOP – A Dying Delusion
This link is definitely worth listening to.
Interesting. I had some bloods done last week, just to confirm the pregnancy. I have elevated white cells – 17, and an ESR of 31. The doc said both are WAY too high.
Lets hope my current treating doctors will NOW take a very close look at me, especially since I am carrying a baby. Mind you, all is very quiet, not heard from no one! You can ask for help until the cows come home, one day the penny might just drop with them.
My skin looks great, I have no lesions or sores, BUT my scalp whoa!! itchy and crawling sensations!
Did you know that the “matchbox” sign has been renamed by that Dermatologist Dr Seinfeld (sp?).
“Saran Wrap”.
Heck that’s progress, I feel better already…
Dear Mr. Tall Cotton and Ms. Smileykins:
Thank you for sharing (at the site linnked from Tall Cotton’s name in any post) in painstaking detail your separate experiences of many of the symptoms historically and routinely diagnosed as delusional parasitosis or, more recently, grouped under the umbrella of Morgellons disease.
I understand from your initial post describing your experiences with lifelong illnesses (Smileykins) and methamphetamine addiction (Tall Cotton), both of your replies to posts at your blog, and several of your posts at the Morgellons Watch site that you
– have satisfied yourselves that you both suffered from classic delusional parasitosis, due to at least those lifelong illnesses combined with dehydration (Smileykins) or drug addition (Tall Cotton)
– believe everyone else reporting similar symptoms must also be suffering from the same delusional parasitosis as you have suffered
Furthermore, you believe that
– there is, in fact, no such thing as Morgellons disease; instead, everyone blaming their symptoms on it are, just like you had been, suffering delusional parasitosis (sometimes in combination with other mental or physical diseases, which can alter the symptoms)
– the sooner those professing to suffer from Mogellons disease accept this fact, as you both have done, the sooner they will find relief, as you both have done, and the sooner our government will be freed from such time-consuming and costly tax-payer-paid investigations by the Centers for Disease Control
Based on everything I have discovered in my attempt to “get to the bottom of this,” I conclude that you are not only well intentioned but also, probably, correct in your conclusions. That is: I won’t be surprised that the Centers for Disease Control will confirm your conclusions.
Nevertheless, I think you fail to understand how best to counsel those who disagree with you. As a result, you inadvertently and unnecessarily evoke argumentative and negative commentary in response to your posts, when a measure of your success would be positive and affirmative, even “Eureka!”-type, posts.
May I offer a few suggestions?
1. Embrace, don’t rebuke
It appears to me that you have adopted the same kind of intransigence in furthering your point of view in your postings as those claiming to suffer from Morgellons disease have adopted in defending theirs. You provide a kind of tit for tat.
As you point out in several postings, intransigence is counterproductive for those professing their affliction with Morgellons disease: it prevents them from accepting the only cure you both, who have fully recovered from delusion parasitosis, know works.
But your own intransigence is also counterproductive because such an unwavering stance is challenging, alienating, and potentially damning to those you seek to educate, to enlighten, and to enfold with you in successfully dealing with these terrible symptoms.
In several of your postings, you appear impatient with, and intolerant of, those who have yet to make the conceptual breakthrough that you both have made: for example, when you quickly post your findings of non sequiturs in their comments (I can hear you imply, with the authority of beloved Rachel Ray, “How stupid is that?”), or when you belittle their narrow and fortified defenses. You come off as though you are throwing your hands up in despair at the stupidity of those around you. (Which, owing to your superior intelligence and understanding born from experience and recovery, may very well be the case. But, friends: no one cares about your superiority or your recovery. They care only about how you can help them. Please, don’t alienate them with your high-faluting condescension. Your quick-as-a-dart jab at their failure to be logical.)
If, indeed, you wish to help fellow sufferers who have not yet made the conceptual breakthrough you both have done, then you must
– take great pains to LISTEN to and ACCEPT them on their terms; after all, they are struggling just as hard as you both did during your episodes; indeed, they may have suffered longer and slower and, therefore, be more deliberate in their intransigence, having already encountered countless health-care deliverers who could not be bothered to listen — attentively (or at all) — to their complaints
– only then offer your own observations of your own experiences, and don’t pretend that you know all for everyone and no one else could possibly have an answer (in part, because, as noted below, you cannot know such a fact)
– leave it at that (please, don’t degrade your petitioners in any way; you can’t win by offending, however much their own offending comments may appear to justify your offense right back at them)
You may very well be justified to post your particular responses, but I’d nonetheless encourage you to adopt a less strident, less confrontational, less “I know I’m right!” stance.
When you feel attacked, resist the urge to attack back. Instead, reply with “Having been through experiences similar to yours, I know how convincing the evidence at hand can be. Indeed, I believed that [whatever impossible thing actually occurred]. While I and my husband/wife [soon?] were just as certain as you that we were victims of a strange new disease, we’ve come to accept that, while it’s hard to admit, we were suffering delusions. …”
Keep accepting, keep opening your arms to, keep welcoming all those who staunching disagree with you.
By doing so — instead of challenging them or contradicting them or pointing out the fallacies in their logic — you stand a better chance of helping more people who have suffered as you both have done.
Equally important, on the outside chance that someone somewhere may be experiencing something similar to what you have done, but their affliction, fundamentally, is different, you at least appear to be open to finding out about it, which supports healthy scientific inquiry. Even if you don’t believe in your heart of hearts that it’s true. As much as I respect you both, I must offer: Where would we be if no one ever questioned the Powers That Be? Why, therefore, are you not encouraging such questioning?
2. Specify, don’t elaborate.
For all your detailed descriptions, you fail to provide a succinct summary of what, exactly, your delusions comprised.
In other words, what was real and what was just a figment of your (and others’?) imagination(s)?
The clearer you can make your ultimate, final, summary understanding of all your rich descriptions of your experiences, the better off all your readers will be.
To me, a lay person, “delusions” are something imagined but not, in fact, real. Thus, when a person reporting symptoms of Morgellons disease can provide physical evidence of material erupted from his or her skin — or any other kind of physical evidence — I cannot categorize such physical evidence as a “delusion.” It is there; it exists! So it cannot be a “delusion.”
Nevertheless, such physical evidence, in fact, may be due to an unrelated or, at least, not causal event: for example, fibers from one’s bed sheets can be scratched into one’s skin lesions, which fact could explain their apparent emanation from such wounds.
Thus, when Tall Cotton describes the experience of his mother and sister witnessing material he claims came from his own body and “jumped a foot” — what, exactly, precisely, is the delusion? Did his mother and sister, presumably not compromised by any kind of drug addiction, witness this astonishing movement? If so, how can it be categorized as a delusion? Or, did Tall Cotton suffer the delusion that both the movement of this matter and that these witnesses were present (did he hallucinate both the event and those attending it)?
While I appreciate the extent and exactitude you both have demonstrated in your descriptions of your experiences, I feel that what is glaring lacking is a summary statement which categorizes all the experiences you describe as either 1) fact, proven by scientific analysis, or 2) fantasy (delusion). It would help us readers, enormously, for you to do so. (In fact, your failure to do so to this point raises its own questions.)
For those suffering what you suspect to be the same kind of delusions you both experienced, the more clarity you can provide in analyzing them — what, exactly, were the delusions you suffered? what exactly were not delusions? — the better able you will be to counsel fellow sufferers.
Mr. Tall Cotton and Ms. Smileykins (“Mr. & Mrs.” yet?), I applaud your efforts on behalf of all those whom you believe suffer from nothing more than — but every bit as much as — you both have done, delusional parasitosis. My comments are offered only in the belief that, if you sincerely wish to help others, while you may have inadvertently offended and alienated some, you can take steps to avoid doing so in the future. My best wishes for your happiness together and that you can find the way to help the growing number of people who claim to have suffered as you have done, but, as yet, believe their suffering owes to another cause. Which may prove to be the case. I encourage you both to stay open in your hearts and minds. At this point, who really knows (besides, of course, yourselves)?
With love and support for your efforts, yours faithfuly
Smileykins Said:
I hope that stands for me also. I am not a Morgie because I don’t know what a Morgie is. I did/do have the symptoms of Morgellons though, just like they are on the Morgellons Website. I still sprout fibers from unbroken skin.
We can’t even get recognition for Lyme Disease in Australia, we got no hope with Morgellons. Let alone getting a doctor to help.
I can not understand why it will take the CDC close to the end of 2007 to figure this out, and hundreds of thousands of dollars??
Michael – Is that comment documentated somewhere, did the CDC actually say that? AND you said to me Michael not to bother with the media, well come on mate. No fairness here, not on my part anyway, and what about all the other people in Aussie who claim to have the skin manifestation of Morgellons. Good god I am wanting this whole mess to stop, I do not want to see anyone go through what I have gone through already. I have no idea what is ahead of me, but I damn well know I can’t do it all on my own.
I have to witness the deterioration of my friend who I live with every single day, and I predicted this 2 years ago, and I’ve run around like a crazy woman ever since to try to get someone to damn well look and listen. I am most UNIMPRESSED with “professionals”.
“I really want to know what are the chances of passing on this so called “delusional” disorder, which has very stricking physical and mental symptoms, to my unborn child. Yes I am, if you were wondering.”
Gillian, indeed it is possible to pass on a delusional disorder, in about 50% of cases. It’s a situation called Folie-a-deux, meaning “folly of two.” Just like yawning, itching is also contagious.
Hello Sarah, you know what you can do with your “folly of two” don’t you!!
What about those fibers then Sarah, what do you say about that???
Well, let’s see, salary and additional costs for ten people (doctors and psychiatrists) for six months. $500,000 (at least)
Why six months? What do you think they are doing? They have to filter through thousands of cases, examine each one, see if there is anything significant in common, then find those people who seem to have the common factors, and follow up with them to see if they really do.
It’s complicated.
Life is complicated. Inappropriate simplification is a keystone of delusion.
Gillian, a team of ten doctors could probably work on JUST YOU for six months, at a cost of $500,000. DO you think they would cure you?
DHB – I think I love you!! What a wonderful post, thank you.
DHB said: “To me, a lay person, “delusions” are something imagined but not, in fact, real. Thus, when a person reporting symptoms of Morgellons disease can provide physical evidence of material erupted from his or her skin — or any other kind of physical evidence — I cannot categorize such physical evidence as a “delusion.” It is there; it exists! So it cannot be a “delusion.”
Its important to distinguish between delusion and hallucination — to distinguish between misinterpreting reality and perceiving that which does not exist. That’s the difference between someone with Morgellons and someone with schizophrenia.
$500,000 wow!! makes my $600 a fortnight look rather miserable hey?
I am not expecting a cure. I would like someone to take a look at me though. You know remove some fibers from my body and see for themselves with their own eyes, that it is real. Show me some respect, compassion, and support wouldn’t go a stray either.
Anyway Michael you know it isn’t just about the fibers, the suffering, the pain, the whole 9 yards, it’s really horrible.
I have actually left my contact details with a medical facility in Melbourne who are hoping to carry out some research on Fibromyalgia. The add in the newspaper just said that the person must be over 18 years of age and has been diagnosed by a doctor with fibromyalgia and suffered with the condition for more than 3 months.
I think I fit the bill. I was diagnosed by a Rheumatologist 10 years ago.
Research is a funny thing though. My dad recently registered for the Alzheimers Disease Research. He got knocked back because he has suffered cancer in the past 3 years. He is really devastated you know. I can quite understand, his mum suffered from Alzheimers, before she died.
Research is a wonderful thing, and from the info. you just gave me Michael, it seems to come with a big price tag. But something is missing in all of this, the patient gets forgotten. Why will my doctor or any bloody doctor for that matter, NOT discuss the Morgellons issue with me, even DOP, but NOPE no one wants to talk about nothing. Well talking is therapeutic, and it sure helps sort out a few problems.
DHB, it’s going to take some time to read through your lengthy comment, and correct the different misinterpretations you’d stated about what you think you understood about Tall Cotton and me. That’s just in the beginning, before I’d even made it down to:
From the looks of things, you didn’t wait on a response from either of us.
Gillian has obvious skin, nerve or other dermal problems. What satisfaction do you obtain from informing her she does not? We humans have all kinds of parasites living on us. Some are nastier than others like human heartworms, etc, etc,.
DHB, I’d asked how fresh your introduction to “morgellons disease” was the other day. I don’t appreciate your advice. We have plenty of past dealings, and tried it all, before they began coming here and attacking us. If they want a shoulder to cry on, they know where to go. All I’ll do is correct the key things you misstated, before that.
1. That was a mere summary on our blog
2. I gave a history of my health and stated the reason why
3. Neither of us had “classic delusional parasitosis”– We didn’t burn things, move to different homes, lose relationships, run to doctors, beg for pity, need anyone to believe anything
4. You mentioned “lifelong illnesses” again — Reactions to cat scratches and eczema have been all that I suppose you can call lifelong, but they are both avoidable
5. No, dehydration and the aforementioned things didn’t bring on DOP
6. No, “everyone else reporting similar symptoms” is most definitely not “suffering from the same delusional parasitosis”
7. You said, that we both believe “the sooner those professing to suffer from Mogellons disease accept this fact, as you both have done, the sooner they will find relief, as you both have done” — NO. Not at all. They need to take antipsychotics. We didn’t. Most of them have what you called “classic” DOP. TC and I had secondary organic DOP. Many of theirs’ is stemming from a mental disorder they aren’t treating. Ninety-five percent of them have seen an average of 10-40 doctors and been diagnosed, repeatedly, with DOP.
8. “the sooner our government will be freed from such time-consuming and costly tax-payer-paid investigations by the Centers for Disease Control” — They forced them into it, so I want the use of money & effort to translate into strong action.
Dude, I never said anything of the sort. Gillian has some mental illness problems obviously, as she has admitted herself. This does not preclude her having physical problems, including skin problems. The physical and mental problems might be related, or they might not.
Of course humans can get parasites.
What’s this got to do with Morgellons?
I’m turning off moderation, since I don’t have time right now to keep checking this site every day. So freewheel for a while. We’ll see how it goes.
I might not be reading all the comments, so if you want a response, email me.
Now, I have read your extensive advice, DHB. Considering the circumstances behind it, I don’t mind too much of anything you said, except, I don’t like your telling us what we believe and how we believe. I repeat this, all of the time, but in case you don’t venture around enough to see it, DOP manifests depending on what the underlying cause is. There are three sub-categories. 1. Primary Psychotic Delusional Parasitosis: When DOP is the sole psychological disturbance, and patients otherwise behave normally, and reason in a rational manner; 2. Secondary Functional Delusional Parasitosis : Which is due to an underlying psychiatric condition, including, schizophrenia, paranoia, depression, anxiety disorders, obsessional states; 3. Secondary Organic Delusional Parasitosis: Which occurs due to an underlying physical illness, including, diabetes, hypothyroidism, cancer, cerebrovascular disease, neurological disorders, tuberculosis, vitamin B12 deficiency, thiamine, or niacin, deficiency, alcoholism/drug abuse, prescription side effects/interactions, liver disease, kidney disease.
Anyone who has secondary organic delusional parasitosis, because of an underlying physical cause, which was our case, will have it subside when that cause is treated. You don’t know, but we’ve helped all that we could, already, in the past. Their families can’t help them, their doctors can’t help them. We’re not trying to help talk anyone out of this, DHB. We didn’t even try to before, but apparently, those who had the capacity to understand, sought our guidance, themselves, and improved. That’s a minority in this set of patients, and all you need to do is look around a while. But, his is a debunking blog. Like it or leave it, there is no coddling coming from me anymore. Don’t compare TC & me to these people. We do accept them, ya dummy, they can’t accept themselves. They’re hung up as hell on prejudice notions about mental illness, and a whole lot of other things. No one can help them. Period. They cannot help themselves.
But listen, DHB, this is not just DOP patients. Yeah, in the beginning, I imagine it was. Every skin associated mental illness is covered now. View some of the You Tube videos of them in action. Sadly, there are all sorts that fall into this, because who doesn’t have fibers in and on their skin.
If you’re that interested in the topic, go on, and find out the hard way, by taking the advice you gave us. When I walked among them on lymebusters’ message board, I never uttered DOP, not once, after I looked up what it was, due to seeing it cropping up in so many of their comments. All I had known before then, was that I’d been sick enough to see things incorrectly, years before, and I’d figured out why, and had put it behind me. I’ve never tip-toed around so hard in my life trying to be nice to people. So go on, have a go at it. Join that cult. We gave up and defected. Do you know what it’s like to leave a cult?
Read someone saying that they’re setting themselves on fire, and see if you can applaud it. Drinking bleach isn’t a good thing, either, as well as bathing in it. Neither is talking animal de-wormers, and apply pesticides. Read how they neglect their children, fearing they’ll have them taken away if they seek medical attention for them. Go on, and pat them on the back and tell them that shows how much they love their kids. Applaud them spiking their children’s beverages with toxins, too. Cheer them for neglecting their pets to the point of death and blaming it on “morgellons disease”. Enjoy, DHB. I handled them with kid gloves, for six months. Go. Try. See. You can’t spread the love. We’ve been there, and it is impossible. They’ll tear you apart, stating their right to self-mutilate.
DHB, all the “morgellons” quacks say what Gillian cheered you for. Lint, fibers, and all that crap, has notoriously been what DOP patients retrieve from their skin, and always has been. Nobody has said that there isn’t THAT STUFF residing on them. When they go to a doctor with it, and say whatever it is that they say, about how they interpret it, that thought is way, way, way, way out there. So are yours.
“Hello Sarah, you know what you can do with your “folly of two” don’t you!!”
Gillian, if you didn’t want an answer, why did you ask?
“What about those fibers then Sarah, what do you say about that???”
Diverting the topic– stay on track. How is a delusion transmissable? Folie a deux.
Try and hold steady, Gillian, you’re bending like a willow, back and forth. Please be careful.
I overlooked this erroneous statement, but with such volume, gimme a break.
We DO NOT believe these people suffer from nothing more than — but every bit as much as we did. They’re mentally ill with delusions in the worst way. We’d both almost died, but it was better than what we read out of them on a daily basis. We never lost sight of things that mattered like they all do. Not on your life!!! How dare you instruct us and think we’re trying to reach them. They’re free as can be to stay in their traps.
One last thing:
Okay. If I were off in the head and a threat to myself and others, and didn’t have sense enough to know I was broadcasting it to the world, and petitioning my government to help me with it……..
There, is that specific, without elaborating any further towards my point???
Sarah said:
Sarah you got me all wrong, sorry you misinterpreted me. NO, I didn’t explain myself correctly.
I was being a bit sarcasitc when I said:
I meant that I would like the answer from the CDC, just like everyone I guess.
I was just messing around when I mentioned the fibers to you. Hey the fibers are real okay.
I am sorry Sarah but you do have more of an edge than myself on the topic of psychiatric illness, psychology etc. I was just trying to have some light hearted fun, because the suffering is not fun. I am sorry if I got your back up.
I think the word “delusional” alone gets my back up. Look you can call my fibers delusional if you like, but my delusions are very real to everyone, apart from the doctors, purely because they have not looked. Yes some look identitical to human hair, and many others don’t. I have no idea why these different fibers are in my body, and still appear from unbroken skin. I have no idea why the skin manifestation involves not just the surface of the skin, but my entire mucous membrane, and lymphatic system. A good physical examination by a doctor would surely confirm all of this.
Smileykins said:
I will try ok. I know I bend all over the place, I am really trying so damn hard.
I am careful, but what do I need to be careful of??? That is what is so confusing to me. The whole Morgies thing just seems so political, and secretative I find that really hard to deal with.
I feel as though everyone else knows exactly what is going on apart from me. Okay I read this blog and understand most of the stuff, but something is not right.
Thanks for the advice, I do hope you understand what I am saying. I am honest and always have been, I hate conflict and I don’t want to fight or argue with anyone here because it really isn’t healthy for my mind/body.
Dude said:
Dude I just wanted to let you know that Michaellllons has NEVER said I DO NOT have obvious skin, nerve or other dermal problems. He has always acknowledged my symptoms, and has always been very sympathetic.
Dude, I have never in my life, said to a doctor that I believed I had parasites in my body, or in my skin or on my skin. I do not suffer from an unshakeable belief that I think I have parasites.
If I really wanted to have a wild guess and diagnose myself I would say Lyme Disease. But these days I don’t want a diagnosis, I just want to be me and get well. Besides I have had a diagnosis of Rickettsia and mental illness, I think that’s enough!
It would be nice if one day I could perhaps help other people, the victims of Morgellons that is. I never want to see this happen to anyone else.
I’m with eec –
peace, love, kindness, forever – I like simple things in life that are easily attainable.
Bending like a willow is a good thing, as we go through discovering things, Gillian. I’ve told you I admire your courage, and I certainly mean that. You have a sense of self and you know that you have a unique place reserved for you, and you, alone, in the universe. When I’d said to be careful, I’d meant to try and hold steady to the present, out of concern that the influential pro-morgellons’s thoughts will transfer back into your psyche again. Forward, to the future.
Me too. That’s a very good sign, because only people living in fear of the deception of their own senses keep looking for answers in a realm of science fiction, that has nothing to do with reality. It will go on forever, for some people, until any number of compounding tragedies stops it. The alternative would be that they would survive it, let down their guard, as you have, and change.
Dear Smileykins,
I am so sorry that my comments offended you, as that was not my intention. Please forgive me.
I have misunderstood the purpose of your blog. I thought it was an attempt to reach those who claim to be suffering from Morgellons disease to share the insights that you and your husband-to-be have gleaned from your firsthand suffering and a great deal of research and investigation. The tone that permeates so many of your comments — indeed, in your reply to me — as I described in my earlier posting, appeared to me to be counterproductive to that goal. I now understand that it was never your goal to reach those sufferers; indeed, you tried and were not only rejected but, I gather, rather badly hurt.
I am convinced that you and your fiance are doing the best job you can to share your understandings and dispel myths and, from the bottom of my heart, I wish you both the very best — and a long and happy life together.
How long have you had “morgellons disease” DHB? You’re not another one of Aherahs’s personalities, by any chance, are you?
Haha, I’m sorry, I’m just laughing so hard, right now!!! I would like to what drives you so, DHB. You’ve ignored my asking, twice, at least, so far, how new the “morgellons disease” phenomenon is to you. That’s simple enough, isn’t it?
DHB, I feel you probably do deserve more attention over your problem with Tall Cotton and me.
You’d overlooked my having said:
When someone has bothered you to the extent that we, inadvertently, have, and you need to work your way through it, the easiest thing for you to do is to ask questions. We’re not as dense as you’d like to fool yourself into believing. You’ve been pretty deeply offended, so you’ve meant to try disrespecting us, by telling us what our minds, and our experiences, are, and were, and by asking if you could give us your advice. You went ahead, after asking, without allowing us to answer whether you could. Topping this off, you’d visited our blog, and left not a word. It’s possible, maybe, that you wouldn’t have misunderstood us, nearly as badly, if you’d read the comments there, too.
You don’t seem to understand that I would have named our blog anything other than “The LIE Of Morgellons”, if I’d wanted to attract morgie people to it. I just usually direct them there when they come at me a-lyin’ & a-bitchin’for no reason. If they have a reason, they won’t tell it. But, like you, they bring it all here. How you’ve gathered that we’d gotten our feelings injured from rejection is beyond me. Tell ya what….
I’ll start all over, just for you, and pretend like I’ve just heard of “morgellons disease” recently. These are a few things I want to know: I’d like to hear any justifiable reason why these patients obsess over, and vehemently defend, a similarly described, and named after, 17th century non-existent disease, rather than treating what they’ve been diagnosed with. I’d like hearing any views on why they all fail to acknowledge every ramification that stems from that refusal to treat, as well. I’m most curious of all, what the real anticipated hope of the morgellons’ movement is. I’d appreciate having these things defined to me, by victims of the proclaimed malady, to keep me from incorrectly assuming anything.
DHB, I’m not obligated to play in this deadly game of deception. They aren’t fooling anyone but themselves. These sick people are broadcasting themselves all over the place, but they can’t tell others anything, directly, other than to dare us to hug them, take a bath with them, sleep in their beds, or bet that we’re afraid to do any of those said things. They shut themselves off from reality and want no part of it. They drill us, here, with questions, threaten us, lie about us, and demand credentials, giving nothing of value to us in exchange. (Except for Gillian. She’s all right.) “If” someone told you that TC and I exited their message boards due to their hurting our feelings, that is purely someone showing more of this phenomenon to you. It’s a lie.
Gillian can tell you. She came along here, programmed, herself, carrying out direct orders from Mary Leitao. Read here, and you’ll see it, if you’re not a blast from the past, and already know. I’m sorry, if you aren’t, but there’s something up. If not, and this illness is a thing you want to delve into, and be part of, then by all means, enjoy it, I suppose, if that is how you’re so inclined. If not, you’ll tire of it, throw your hands up, and leave them to be as they wish. Many of them are doing unthinkable things, and breaking laws, neglecting innocent ones that they’re in charge of. People that selfish, are as bad as off as it gets. I don’t like others falling into the pit, but it appears to seem very, very attractive to some people.
Just don’t you worry yourself about TC and me. I’m not feeling your histrionic well wishes, so pass them on to someone else who might need them from you. I’m up front with saying I don’t know how to deal with morgie people, and I don’t usually baby them here. They enjoying saying that they aren’t in need of mental help, so I often deal with them just like I would any disrespectful adult, when they’re outside of their forums. I think that’s as good as I can be towards them. So, take your tit, now, and stick it in your tat, DHB. Only because you’d asked, I’ll work on forgiving you. I sometimes make comments, impulsively, and ask forgiveness afterwards. You’ve put an awful lot of effort into yours, for some reason, but maybe you feel better, by now. I know I always do when good communication results from misunderstandings.
Smileykins said:
Thank you so much. Your comment is the nicest thing I have heard from anyone, in a very long time.
After giving your comment some thought later on, I was hoping the above is what you meant. I agree 100%, my “wounds” are still fresh, so to speak. I still have to concentrate at times, especially if I am tired or emotional, but I am managing to do it and get through. I bought myself a really good book called “The Quiet” written by Paul Wilson. I am only a quarter into the book, but I am really happy that I bought it.
I like that comment!
Dangerous territory that little ol pit ya know.
DHB when I first heard of Morgellons just a little over 2 years ago my inner voice said the following to me;
“Morgellons Disease?? I think it could end up being a name I wish I had never heard of.”
My advice to you DHB would be; if you have just learnt of Morgellons, please do yourself a BIG favour, leave the investigational work to the CDC Taskforce.
I would love to give you some more advice, but it is still early days for me, and I don’t like to think about the past too much just at the present.
Morgellons is dangerous territory, please try not to get involved. Leave it to the CDC, please.
Good luck.
P.S. I do have a little bit of advice DHB
Smileykins said:
DHB – if you do decide to delve deep, or even be part of it, when things get tough it isn’t pretty, and the end result can be suicidal ideation or even suicide.
Take care please.
It isn’t recommended to reinforce the delusions of anyone with DOP. But it’s also not recommended tell them they’re psychotic. That leaves a person without too many options except to leave the people alone, and let someone else see if they can weigh the options and come out any differently. we don’t involve ourselves in the message boards of the morgellons believers, but if the come here, we give them a good dose of honesty.I think the truth is always better than a lie. If they can’t handle the truth, they can go back where they came from. It is possible to handle the truth. It has been done more than once. The morgies may have to get off their pity pots and make a quality decision that they are going to go what it takes to get well, even if it means coming off of some of that foolish pride. If they don’t want it, however, it’s no sweat off our backs. We didn’t come here expecting to change anyone suffering frog DOP. We came here to keep others from falling into the same trap.
Tall Cotton
Oh, you’re welcome, Gillian. It’s the truth!! You’ve got so much strength, and courage, and I sense that you’ve always known you can develop it even further than you can imagine. You’re tuning in, and turning on to a good thing.
Don’t try reading too much into my saying that we have plenty of past dealings, and “tried it all”, DHB. We couldn’t even get off the ground with real communication in morgieville. Others can vouch for how it is, there. They come here, and it’s the same. Now that I’ve slept on it, I forgive you due to my misunderstanding of your intentions, too. If you’d answered for me, how many days you were actually into this, it would have been assisted me. We all fail, at times, in saying what we mean, and meaning what we say, and, to me, you’d sounded real sure of your intentions. Please try appreciating that TC and I are very strong spirits. He’s a lot sweeter than I am, and until I met him, I’d never asked advice from another person, about anything, in my entire life. That’s the truth!! So, the perversion of what our truths are, and your advice, had to be settled. It’s behind me, now.
My typo makes me sound foreign, eh? “It would have been assisted me”. Hahaha. That sounds like a great book you’re reading, Gillian. I’m glad you bought it. Cheerio, Sweet Potato!!
I thought this joke was very funny!
Subject: Women!
Driving to the office this morning on the A50, I looked over
to my right and there was a woman in a brand new BMW doing 90 miles
per hour with her face up close to her rear view mirror putting on her
I looked away for a couple of seconds and when I looked back she was
halfway over in my lane still working on that makeup!
It scared me (and this is coming from a bloke….) so much that I dropped
my electric shaver, which knocked the bacon roll out of my other hand.
In all the confusion of trying to straighten up the car using my knees
against the steering wheel, it knocked my mobile from my ear, which fell
into the coffee between my legs, causing it to splash and burn BIG JIM AND THE TWINS, causing me to scream, which made me drop the
cigarette out of my mouth, ruined my shirt and DISCONNECTED AN IMPORTANT CALL.
Bloody Women Drivers !
That is funny!! Thanks, Gillian.
Pregnancy & Sauna
Smileykins, are you able to have a look at this link for me please.
I was going to go to the sauna and swimming pool this morning. Since our hot water system is broken I thought I could have a nice hot shower there also, but after reading this I don’t think I can.
Oh, Gillian, I’m so glad you decided to check first!! I’m sorry your hot water is out. No, you cannot use a sauna during pregnancy. To assure that we grow healthy humans, we shouldn’t color our hair with permanent hair color, or get a perm, polish our nails, and a whole lot of things that many pregnant women go on and do, thinking nothing of it. The first trimester, when a baby is first forming, is the most crucial phase of development. No, I’m sorry. no sauna.
Gosh, I’m sorry I used the word, “human”, rather than, “baby”, but I’m funny that way. I call them “little people”, because they are. You’re an incubator, now, Gillian!! Hehehe. Do you know how far along you are?
Not yet. I did have an appointment yesterday morning with a local medical practice, hoping to just get a referral for an ultrasound scan. (Tony talked me into doing this). I didn’t feel good about it, so I phoned my doctors surgery first thing to see if she was back from holiday, I explained my situation to the receptionist. She spoke with the doctor, and the doc wants to see me. So I go tommorrow afternoon. I didn’t think that seeing another doctor was going to be good for my track record!!
The lady doc I saw last week whilst in the country, said that by looking at my blood results it was early days, maybe 4 to 5 weeks, but I don’t think so.
I feel pregnant and I LOOK pregnant, my lower abdo. has jutted out and become hard, I have that bump look! Tony had his ear to my belly last night, I said “what are you listening for”?!!
I was convinced I felt 2 to 3 baby kicks last week. I had just got into bed, and felt this funny sensation. I thought it couldn’t be a kick, maybe anxiety!!! ha, anyway it happened again and then again. So I don’t know. Maybe just wind, and I got plenty of that!
I must mention something I heard on the radio just after christmas. It was about Toxoplasmosis Gondi, the report said that 8 million Australians are infected with Toxo. and it can damage a mans IQ and increase a woman’s libido. Personally I didn’t think that was really a good way to describe Toxo. They could have said; “It will make someone very ill”. Do you think I should request to be tested for Toxo. since I’m pregnant?
Humm didn’t think I would get a reply.
Michael, your blog site has been interesting and a curse. I just wanted to tell you and the rest of the world that the “Lie of Morgellons” is ONE BIG FAT LIE. Yes thank you for your help Smileykins and Tallcotton, you have your reasons for why you do what you do, and I have mine. I do know for a fact, the truth of the entire matter though. Please do not continue to hurt the good people, namely the MRF.
Michael/Michael, Why???????
Oh, no. Once again, and right on time. I expected this the first week of January, or no later than the second, and there you are doing it, Gillian.
At first I thought that you were saying that Morgellons is a lie, which it most definitely is. But now I realize that you meant that our blog, entitled, “The Lie of Morgellons” is a lie, which, of course, it isn’t. The only truth you know about Morgellons, you learned right here on Morgellons Watch. As far as I’m concerned, There are no good people at the MRF. In my opinion, if they aren’t evil, they are aweful damned confused. But the bad records of some of their doctors speak for themselves, and as far as I’m concerned, the doctor’s opinion about Mary Leitao’s mental health, or lack thereof, I should say, appears to be verified by her actions.
I don’t think that the MRF has done anything but harm to a whole lot of people. As I see it, they are spreading lies and hysteria. In my opinion the MRF is reinforcing the delusions of a lot of mentally vulnerable people. It gives “Morgellons Disease” an aire of legitimacy, but in my opinion, there is nothing legitimate about it. I have plenty of reasons to back up my opinions. And yes, we do have good reasons for what we do. Do you?
Tall Cotton
Tall Cotton,
In the past I have heard others say the MRF is cult type behaviour. Since I have never known anything about cults before I could never understand this. Since learning of cults I am still not sure what to think. Morgellons Watch seems like a cult in its self.
All I seem to be told is that the “truth” will one day come out, well that in itself is cult behaviour, and it hurts like hell. I think you know my reasons for doing what I do, I don’t need to explain myself again.
Thank you.
Someone said that Lymebusters is like a cult. I don’t recall anyone saying that the MRF is like a cult. Lymebusters has a practice of deleting comments that don’t agree that Morgellons is a disease. They consider people with opposing viewpoints to be trolls, and they ban such individuals from the forum. In my opinion, they do NOT support the people, they support a made up disease they call Morgellons. If you try to take it from them, you had best look out. Lymebuster’s admin also locks message threads when the conversation doesn’t go their way. They get the last word, of course, before putting the lock in place. Lymebusters also began requiring membership. Why would a person want to be a member if they didn’t agree with the policies and the message of the group? If you aren’t a member, you aren’t even allowed to read the messages. If you oppose their message, and express it, you’re out the door. The information about Morgellons on that forum, and all of the message boards of the Morgellons Believers, are lies. Bar none!! A lot of the practices that the members recommend to each other are harmful. Others are expensive, but useless. Does admin care? Apparently not! Lymebusters supports Mary Leitao. Did you see what happened when Mary Leitao allegedly refused to let her Board of Directors examin the organizations financial records. Comments about the allegation were absolutely forbidden. A lot of the people a Lymebusters consider Mary Leitao to be a saint. Afterall, didn’t she give them their precious “disease”?
On the other hand, Morgellons Watch doesn’t delete comments, except for spam. Anyone can come here, and say almost anything they please. They don’t have to agree with the Admin of Morgellons Watch. They are allowed to voice their opinions. Sure, there’s bickering, back and forth between people, but that’s the way it is with free speech and opposing viewpoints. Michael Watch is certainly not operated like a cult. Michael is one person, and he has, of course, one set of viewpoints. But Michael welcomes people to try to change his viewpoint in public debates. Is that cult-like. No!
The truth “is” out! It’s up to an individual figure out which opinions are true and which ones are not. If anyone has difficulty seeing through the morgellons nonsense, and they cannot see that Morgellons is a lie, they may have difficulty believing what the CDC reports. I don’t need the CDC to tell me that Morgellons is not a disease. You act as if you are being tossed back an forth between to different groups with opposite viewpoints, and that the people in the groups are ripping you in half. I think, if I thought that that was happening to me, and I couldn’t decide where I belonged, I would get the hell out of both groups. You can’t do either group much good, if you are going to flip back and forth like a pancake. This blog is not about Gillian, and it is not for Gillian. This blog is one man’s personal attempt at debunking an idea that isn’t supported by verifiable evidence. The topic is always Morgellons. I’m sorry that you find life so confusing.
Tall Cotton
I am not a member of Lymebusters. I was once upon a time, but I got banned because I came to this blog site. I am banned via my IP address and I have no interest what so ever to go there, and I haven’t.
If Morgellons was a complete lie I personally don’t think the CDC would be spending hundreds of thousands of dollars investigating a lie. Morgellons may not be a distinct disease, but something in our environment is trying to poison a lot of us.
I am sorry to say but “one man’s personl attempt” is a complete lie. This blog site has such power to always be at the top of the list in Google. This site has got what it always wanted ATTENTION and POWER, and to belittle people. I am sorry but that is the only way I see it.
You speak of verifiable evidence, well I have plenty of evidence and so do a lot of other people, but no one is willing to look at the evidence. I have said in the past this condition can appear to be closely related to Lyme Disease, so then is Lyme Disease a complete lie also? See how insane this whole thing is.
Life is not confusing, it is people with their own hidden agendas who are driven by money and big business that try to confuse the general public, and I think they are doing a pretty good job.
Do you still loose fibers from your body?? I guess not, I don’t even think you ever did. So it just isn’t worth going around in circles discussing this with you any further. As I said, thanks for your patience and help in the past. I can’t compete with disinformation specialist who do this stuff as a paid full time job.
1. DOP patients refuse to take medicine for it
2. They’ve continued easily falling right into a diabolical trap
3. They are very honest about their experiences and want everyone to know all too much about it
4. They’ve been tricked into something worse than if they’d never fallen for ML’s site and carried out her plan
Read the twisted irony, in these familiar words of one of the prominent ones:
Morgellons Watch is not at the top of the Google listings. I’ve never seen it at the top, either. Type the word, “Morgellons” into Google, and see what you get. Morgellons Research Foundation is number one on the list. That’s the same place it was the last time I looked. Do you actually believe that power is whst puts someone at the top of Google. The position at the top of the list is the site that is recieving the most hits. The MRF is at the top. They certainly don’t have any power. Morgellons Watch is number 9 on the list. It got to that position because it is a very popular website on the topic of Morgellons. Power didn’t do it, and money didn’t do it.
Gillian, you cannot possibly have any evidence that indicates that Morgellons is a disease. You don’t even have any evidence that any of the Morgies have the same illness. Doctors have looked at scabs, hair, cellular debris, and environmental fibers. The Morgies don’t have anything else to offer. There’s nothing else there. The Morgies are mentally ill, and that’s a fact!! If you wanna be one, go right ahead. You’ll fit right in.
No, Lyme Disease isn’t a complete lie. I believe it’s a partial lie, though, and I don’t think that near that many Morgies have Lyme Disease. In fact, I don’t believe in Chronic Lyme Disease.
I’m totally convinced that the CDC knows that Morgellons is DOP. The Morgies may have a variety of other known skin disorders, but Morgellons is nothing but DOP. A lot of pressure was put on the CDC to conduct a formal investigation of Morgellons. The CDC knows that the problem is DOP, but they know that the problem is BIG. How will they deal with all of these crazy people? The Morgies are abusing themselves, their children, and their pets, and the CDC knows it. I don’t know what they are going to do, but it’s going to be very interesting to watch.
Liquid used to shoot out of my skin, through the pores, becoming shaped like a fiber as it was excruded. No, it doesn’t do it now. What you, or anyone else, thinks about my experiences don’t have any bearing on the truth. You think I’m a paid disinformation specialist, and I think you’re a certifiable nut.
Tall Cotton
Let Freedom Ring.
I never said it was. This is what I said;
It is quite okay with me if the CDC annouce that Morgellons turns out to be nothing more that DOP (which I feel is a very serious and real illness). But I’ve told you all a billion times I have never been diagnosed DOP and I have never had a skin examination. I was simiply taken advantage of whilst I was extremely ill and I find the whole thing very very sick and twisted. And a lot of doctors need a MAJOR kick up the bum for not doing their jobs properly. That is a FACT and that is what has happened to me in this country.
Either that TC or you have a major issue with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Well gee thanks mate! takes one to know one hey?!
“This site has got what it always wanted ATTENTION and POWER, and to belittle people. I am sorry but that is the only way I see it.”
I have never seen anyone belittled, except when they couldn’t take the heat of a science-related debate, and so they resorted to name calling and threatening. Then, they’ve been belittled, for being like little children not getting their way. If you have examples, please quote them.
This is pretty amusing – Gillian, think about it. Lymebusters chucked you out for VISITING A WEBSITE. Think about it. Something’s wrong there.
Thanks, Gillian, I’d lost count. Still, I thought you’d been diagnosed with BDD because of your skin. Why have you had to be on prednisolone? You’ve told us so many different things, its impossible to expect any of us to keep up with it all, especially, when it’s always changing. So, give us break, we ain’t your keepers, whether ya know it, or not.
Or are we?
Gillian, I distinctly recall that you’d once said that you’d thought that your mom had been the reason that you’d gotten diagnosed with DOP, because she’d told you to take things in to a doctor. There have been many things said about that time, when you had to go into the facility, since you’d said that. Maybe you weren’t aware that you’d said it. You did, though.
Another thing, Gillian:
Yeah, a lot of people talk quite openly about poisoning themselves. If you expect we don’t think you’re DOP, how come, sometime back in July or August, you’d told us that you and Tony were taking something over the weekend to flush out your parasites? You’d returned, saying that it had made you feel so much better.
You have said that you have severe mental problems, and I admire that, but you’re the only morgie who can acknowledge it to others. That doesn’t mean everyone can’t see it, and tell, in the posts of others who are. “It takes one to know one” is only true, in it being why they identify with each other, and don’t desire outside communication with people who aren’t like that.
Gillian also told us, repeatedly, that she is DOP. She also admitted that Morgellons isn’t a disease. She also said that Morgellons is DOP. Well, we already knew all of that, but it was nice hearing her speak the truth, while it lasted.
Gillian, the games are over. It’s time to get honest, and stay honest. It’s time to quit playing people. That’s not for us. We can see through every bit of it. It’s for you, Gillian.
None of you are worth talking to anymore, I got better things to do with my life, you obviously haven’t.
Have a nice life, that is if you can get one.
What you really mean is, if you can’t play people, you don’t want to be around them. I hope you game plan includes taking good care of your health. We do other things too, Gillian. You don’t know much about our personal lives. We don’t have to “get” a nice life. We have a nice life. But thanks, if you have a real concern. Stick with good doctors, and do what they tell you. Good Luck to you.
Tall Cotton
Please don’t get mad, and act that way, Gillian. You can make it. Ironically, as I was waiting to get to a recent comment SBD had made today, the things I’d referred to jumped right out at me. Due to my computer moving slowly, from some problems I’d had with it, there they were as I was waiting on the page to load.
Under Wymore Breaks With MRF…
Gillian said…
I know that you’re somewhat cognizant of it, to a certain extent, Gillian, but, like I’d said…
Excerpt from comment #418
Gillian/SarachConnor/abac68 said:
Good luck. Hang on and just do the right thing.
I’ve been following the Morgellons phenomenon for a while, and lurk here sometimes. I started from a perspective of general belief in the whole thing, but Smileykins and TC seem to be right: these poor people are badly in need of medical attention, but not for morgellons.
Ironically, from reading the various accounts, I’d guess that the self-medicating skinpicking is probably the physical cause in a lot of cases.
One glance at the chaos of the Fiber Thread on biologyonline, not to mention the TamTam debacle, the strangely inconclusive images and videos posted online or a browse to the New Morgellons Order, should be enough to demonstrate that many of the self diagnosed sufferers are going through some really severe mental problems. It is good that the siteowner is attempting to combat the pseudoscientific and destructive disease cult that seems to be growing online. Hopefully this blog will encourage at least some of the ‘morgies’ to realise that their mind is playing terrible tricks on them.
I wish the perpetrators would be snared properly in their trap, for doing this to the most vulnerable people there are. The “creator”, and “the experts”. “You could say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.”
As usual, typo. Correction: “may”. Hehe.
Hello Lurkey,
The site owner is tending to some other business at the present time, but thanks for visiting the blog. He will probably see your posts after he returns. Join the discussions any time you like. We talk a quite a bit with the Morgies, so we aren’t real accustomed to compliments. Thanks.
Tall Cotton
Small and Smelly
Cant help but notice that “NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU THINK”. no what?
now what?
I know you care, otherwise you wouldn’t be here. How’s mama?
Now what?
Morgie people can’t understand, same as always. It isn’t that they can even try, which is what’s so sad. The CDC has to fully, and thoroughly, complete what was started, since the media has spread the unnecessary public fear. This neglected section of our society has always been under served, and some truths have been proven, but morgies don’t ever grasp any of the ramifications of their actions.
I’d like to repeat that quote from comment #103, switching the original order, to read more appropriately…
Sometimes, he tries so hard to say something, despite himself. Of course, all that morgies draw from any of the writings, is that if it doesn’t make sense, it makes perfect sense.
Watch The Dr. Phil Show on Thursday, January 25th.
Sorry, a woman who thinks she has “morgellons disease” is gonna be on that day.
Oh. My. God.
At first, I was pleased by this. A psychologist to talk to someone about “Morgellons,” right? But Dr. Phil, who currently does not have a license because of ethical violations, I feel is not a person to be trusted to hold up to something as silly as science or reason.
Smiley, how did you come by this informational tidbit?
Well, Sarah, you know that MG, Jeeze, TC, you, and I, all, have top secret information.
good article at
NORMAN!!! Your doctors shouldn’t have much trouble detecting cysticercosis. Most people should already know how tapeworms are contracted. There’s no comparing that to DOP. I think most reporters are 50% ignorant — 50% low on conscience. 100% selling news.
Whoa, I didn’t mean that. I only meant reporters spreading one-sided morgellons’ propaganda. The spread of cysticercosis is news worthy.
On glance at the related articles listed at the bottom of the page and one can easily see what the author’s agenda really is. It’s all about illegal immigration. That issue has absolutely nothing to do with DOP/Morgellons. For that matter, neither does the issue of the pork tapeworm. It’s pretty sickening to see more and more people using DOP/Morgellons to promote their own alterior motives. If it isn’t that, it’s sensationalism or quackery.
Tall Cotton
I’m retracting my statement: “The spread of cysticercosis is news worthy.” I wasn’t seeing that article in its full light. My gosh.
Crossinglines, quite clever. Now please go document the amount of time Southcity spends posting irrelevant links on Biology Online.
You’ve gotta be the most dense SOB that ever lived. You’ve been told the truth, over and over, and you’re apparently either too dense to comprehend it, or such a pathological liar that you can’t admit it.
Tall Cotton
sarah d-dunn
you are a complete pain in the arse
you couldn’t posslbly be a woman
have ya met a morgie yet sarah?
come on honey, hit me with ya meaningless psycho analysis crap
we all need a good laugh
smelly cans retract ya head from up ya arse babe
Isn’t it past you children’s bedtime?
Now South, I’d just recently tried to humor you — we all did — and I even answered all of your questions, in depth. Do you think that any of the doctors you all have gone to, don’t know that all the talking, and any amount of testing, would never satisfy anything for you? And, also, once again, I’d only asked YOU those itsy-bitsy little key questions that you’ve ignored before. I knew it wasn’t allowed. Just look back at how mad it made you storm out. And, now this.
You morgie people really can’t understand it, but you should not expect to get favorable reactions from people that you’re around, including your doctors, from being less than something resembling mature adults. South, since I’ve declined a request concerning the upcoming program on the 25th, would you be interested in returning the call I got from The Dr. Phil Show, if I emailed the number to you, and you could direct him to that page you’ve constructed, and volunteer it to be read on the air?
Your on line track record proves that you know nothing about being honest and a whole lot more. South, I’ve reiterated that a decade ago, I was disabled from an incomplete spinal cord injury. I’ve addressed it with others, just like you — who also go on the attack, with lies, when their disease is spoken about for what it is — that I spend a lot of nights in severe pain, with nothing to take for it. I don’t earn a living, and we’ve been through that before, too. You well remember the lie that you’d brought here to spread — which other people, just like you, don’t know any better than to believe — about your having tracked TC’s & my identities, as well as all of our past and present employers. You’re such a pathological liar, South.
All I can do is continue being honest with you. I have my reasons for hating “this disease”, that you all seem to embrace and defend. If you really love it, I wish you could just keep it to yourselves and stop harming others with it. Many of you know that you’re mentally ill, and in some of the worst ways. Morgie message boards are like an on line asylum. I hate it. Rather than reasoning things out and calling yourselves into question, just look at ya. You really think it doesn’t show, and can be blamed on “morgellons”. I hate this, but it is morbidly fascinating, and I really am at a loss over all this rebel without a cause crap. I don’t attach stigma to mental illness — y’all, yourselves, do. Otherwise, you’d treat it like the rest of society. You’re all really giving mental illness a very, very, bad name.
You really can’t help it, everyone else knows, and that is what really makes me wanna scream.
Like these excerpts from the quotes I’d posted, previously:
(It shows, South. Treat it, and be better. We’re no threat to it by talking about it.)
cyborgs? Reverse Evolution of Man? The Gov’t-I mean the Raelians Cult? Stanford Whackos? Joss Wheddon (aka: Tam Tam)? Who the hell knows…..but I do know that no one should go to the county hospital>>>>just don’t do it….then they can get a number of us and quarantine us. But hey- this is not contagious (sp?) in the casual sense of the word…..
cybernetics, cyberpunkos, Moores Law, NSF, NIH, Boeing, Intell, Ratheon, Dupont, The Sun (MIcrosystems) all behind this……the movement one feels in not delusions it is the atoms……the zinc whiskers at work- The porphyrin rings……this is illegal and unconstitutional!!!
It is time to go public too!!!!
Now this saddened me…..Linda, I thought you were a legit one….I honestly did. no wonder, no wonder….
Absolutely, I will accept that phone number. You asked me above what drives me, and the answer is very simple. You all are wrong about this not being something new and emerging, and because I do not want to see people go through this unnecessarily, I believe it is important that people start discussing this without having to become infected themselves. This includes you guys too. So please, give up that phone number, and let Dr. Phil give his opinion of me. By the way, i am quite familiar with his thoughts and agree with most things he says, so this indeed would be very good towards recognition, or be a very good way to get me to shut up.
Let me explain why I offered the number to you, first, South. The guy wanted me to send him my picture, and a letter to be read on the show on January 25th. I declined, but when I saw the effort you’d put into dedicating your special blog to me,I was being sarcastic, considering that maybe you could offer that to the show on my behalf. I spoke to the guy for ten minutes, but like I’d said, I’m not totally clear why the woman who thinks she has “morgellons disease” is going to be on the show that day. I’m not sure if she is a “die-hard morgie”, or if she has been troubled with the publicity that a “new disease” is going around, and seeking assurance from Dr. Phil to put her fears to rest. What the show wants, and what you have in mind, are two different things. I think you may hear Dr. Phil’s opinion on January 25th, whether you contact them personally, or not.
South says:
“You all are wrong about this not being something new and emerging”
You’re welcome to show us evidence for this claim, at any time. No links, but in a concise, synthesized way.
South says: “Let Dr. Phil give his opinion of me. By the way, i am quite familiar with his thoughts and agree with most things he says”
As a fan of Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Martin, and now Dr. Phil, you seem to be a fan of everyone who has lost their license because of ethical violations.
To morgie people….
Excerpt from comment # 144:
Get someone who can translate what I said.
I am not
going to be
on Dr. Phil!!
Well…. Is Doctor Phil gonna be on here? I’m just trying to piece things together. hehehehe.
Oh, there’s something here for everyone. What a tongue. hehehehe.
Hey Tall,
Some of us can’t see the Lymebusters board. Would you copy and paste the more delicous quotes?
Sarah B-Dunn,
First I’ll start with the bottom link. Can you go to the New Morgellons Order. It’s got a new picture on that Quotes page with all of the Derms, the ones that they modified. It has your picture there with a forked tongue. And it has a made up story about how you conned them into giving information about their DOP.
At lmyebusters what Chas did was post the link to NMO. Under that, in the replies, there are people complaining because the topic of his lymebusters post makes it sound like you are dead. It says, “In Memory of Sarah Bione”.
I’ll gather up some stuff on the other post. It’s where everyone there is talking Smileykins going on the Dr. Phil Show.
Tall COtton
Tall Cotton
I heard that Maggie Mae made a post on Cliff’s Forum. I can’t go there though, because I’m banned for being honest. So, I don’t really know exactly what she said. From there it went to Lymebusters,
I don’t don’t want to quote anyone from there, but Janedough made a fearful post about not ever getting the help they need, now.
Then Friski posted Dr. Phil’s website which doesn’t say anything about the January 25th broadcast.
Then Ed said that Smiley might wind up in a straightjacket.
Then Valarie said that Smileykins and I are the type of people that would probably beat a sick puppy, and that we enjoy Morgellons Disease because it gives us a chance to degrade people.
Then Prevenge said that the people are gonna hear Smileys story of thinking she had Morgellons then realizing it was DOP, and getting cured.
Then Transhumanist asked if Smileykins is going on the show herself. Then he said that the woman probably just thought it was DOP because Morgellons wouldn’t have just gone away like that.
Then jwf said something like Danger Danger Will Robinson.
Then Prevenge expressed some more fear, or so it seemed, and got mad at Transhumanist.
Then Janedough expressed her negative views about Transhumanist.
Then Prevenge said that tranny (Transhumanist) was busted.
Pez1103 said that he had been wondering if Tranny was Michael.
Then Life said that Dr. Phil might have a blog and that they should go there and debunk the debunkers.
It would be to their advantage if they had some skills at reading comprehension. heheheh
Tall Cotton
I think that Chas is just as crazy as his Morgie wife. In fact, he sounds like a full blown nutcase.
Sarah, on the Morgellons Group message board, there is more. There is even talk about doctors that are going to be on the show, and demands are in the making for equal air time. I’m astonished, but I shouldn’t be.
If morgie people could only realize that when they can’t understand something, it doesn’t mean they can turn it into anything they want to turn it into.
(Without that, there would be no “morgellons disease”, though, huh.)
I like the fairytale about you on NMO, Sarah.
And Valarie doesn’t have a clue. Smileykins has 8 pets, and she cares more about animals than anyone I have known. In fact, one of the things that angers her so, is the way that so many Morgies abuse their pets. Morgies say the first things that come into their sick minds.
Tall Cotton
Well, that’s been a good laugh. I always have a good chuckle at people making light of a 24 year-old research assistant, as if I posed any kind of threat?
It’s interesting, the paranoia. If DP is not Morgellons, then why do they worry so much about research on the topic?
They seem to have something inside them that rises up and shudders in fear and trembling when it hears the truth. They reject common sense and logical thought, and repaint every picture with distorted colors. They make it obvious to the world that their minds aren’t functioning properly, and they are by far their own worse enemies. They can’t see that their very best efforts only reveal their insanity. They’re too far gone to help themselves but they curse every hand that reaches out to help them. Something in them hates the truth with a fervent passion.
Tall Cotton
Morgies also think that with their photos they are presenting evidence that Morgellons is a real disease. But with every photo they reinforce the opposite. They scratch themselves until they are bleeding. Look at the neurotic excoriations that cover Cindy’s body. And the Morgies admit to their habit of popping off scabs before their lesions have had time to heal properly. Over and over, it’s done repeatedly and as the hollow of the wounds go deeper and deeper, they expect their skin to keep producing normal scabs. They also flood their bodies with poisons and never expect their skin to expel it. When their livers and kidneys fail they will undoubtedly blame it on Morgellons. And if they are doing these things to themselves what on earth are they doing to their children. If it doesn’t stop they are going to have to be rounded up and put into institutions. They don’t stop and ask themselves where their children would be then. No, they don’t stop and think. They never stop and think.
Tall Cotton
Yes, precisely. And it’s incredible how everything they do to try furthering their cause, appears to them in such a completely opposite manner from reality. Indeed, we’ve never seen anything like this, before, displayed publicly by a group of people. All the while they repeat such things to us as, “seeing is believing”, they really just aren’t aware that others’ cognitive skills aren’t lacking, nor are they distorted. They don’t have the capacity to absorb that they’re the ones who’ve been diagnosed with a delusional disorder, and that we do see, and that we do know, why they’re in such states as they are. The reality they’re experiencing is not the same as the general public. They know that. Yet, they are upset with us all for knowing better, because, yes, “seeing is believing”.
If seeing is believing, then this should all be settled with a webcam, or a home video, eh? But of course, I just want it on video because I’m “scared” of meeting them in person and being infected. 😉
Oh, they’re going crazy over there, talking about putting Dr. Phil’s broadcast on Youtube, and violating his copyrights in order to get attention.
Yeah, I know what you mean. “Seeing is believing” in their written word communications, and in such things as pictures of scabs, and bloodied self injurious tweezing videos. Now, if I see MYSELF, Tall Cotton, or a panel of doctors, or Michael, or, now, possibly, as recently mentioned, even Southcity, on the Dr. Phil Show, y’all PLEASE lock me up and throw away the key. The ways some of them talk, why, you’d think we did something to them!!! Their families have got to have one hell of a time with them on their hands.
What time are you going on the show on the 25th? Are you flying there, to be on it personally, or will it be a phone interview? Either way, I’m sure that they’ll know that Morgellons is DOP after they hear your presentation. Well, I guess all those doctors there will share your viewpoint. HAHAHAHAHA
Tall Cotton
I’m going on Oprah and will explain nothing about everything just like you guys.
You belong on the Jerry Springer Show. heheheheh
Cognitive dysfunction, and underlying mental conditions contributing to delusional states, can pretty much take a person anywhere, and have them doing just about anything. Get a bunch of people together, apparently enjoying, and defending their rights to that state of existence, and how is our society expected to react to it?
Morgie people have wanted recognition. If they didn’t crave the attention, the movement wouldn’t have begun.
How hard is this?
*If you don’t want attention drawn to yourselves:
Oh, I forgot. They DO want attention.
*If you’re miserable and don’t like the delusional states you’re in:
Oh, but THEY DO enjoy it
*If people are concerned about your welfare:
Just don’t act surprised if they’ll only take it from you for so long, before they leave
I wonder if they ever think of where they’re headed?
Valarie (from Lymebusters),
You said that only a sadistic person at heart would call a sick person delusional. That’s not true, because your main sickness is your delusional disorder. You also said that we were the kind of people that would probably kick a sick puppy, or something to that effect. That just goes to show what an ignorant bitch you really are.
Tall Cotton
Excuse me. I didn’t mean do people walking away from morgies wonder where they’re headed. I’d meant, of course, that I wonder if morgie people can think on such a level as to realize where “they” are headed. There’s so much obvious turmoil, and contradiction, in their thoughts, I doubt they really can realize it, even though they say they do. They sure can’t understand us, any easier than we can understand them, but they sure are in need some medicine, and of someone to be in charge of their affairs.
Typo: “of”
Am I upset that they’ve all gone wild? Yeah, I am.
Does anyone have an education beyond 12th grade in this group?
Oh, well, look at all the doctors, Norman. Education means nothing to morgie people. You know, I’m talking about all the doctors that the morgies need to educate. They need to educate, them, I said. Did ya hear me? Remember? You can read about it every day. Now, why is it that you think this minority of people, who have such bizarre ideas, and do such heinously bizarre things, are credible? Please, I am interested in knowing the answer to that. Oh, never mind. I know that you don’t know the answer.
What group are you referring to? The whole world, except for the Morgies, are in this “this” group. Do you wanna join? Do you have any credentials to show that you aren’t a Morgie? How about an oath? Will you make an oath?
Yes, TC. Hahahaha!!!! I mean the whole world, and I’m not, and I never have been a morgie, not EVEN when I’d had DOP. I’ll solemnly swear to that.
Oh? He was talking to you, Norman.
I was a Morgie only in the sense that I had DOP. My DOP was drug induced. I didn’t have any underlying mental illness. At first I thought I had USPI, but I never believed I had a disease, or that it was Morgellons. Nor did I ever believe that they all have the same thing. Most of them were friendly with me, until I got well, then they hated my guts. They “really” hated me when I tried to help them out of that darkness.
Tall Cotton
I know exactly what you mean, TC. Hate is all to be expected from this particular group. The strength of the force of DOP is nothing short of experiencing hell itself. Nobody can appreciate it unless they’ve experienced it, firsthand. It’s such a multifaceted disorder though, since so many things cause it to manifest. When I’d first become aware that morgie people were DOP patients, who didn’t want to treat for it, I was baffled. Then, when I’d begun noticing, that, for some reason, they seemed to be against doctors, it made sense, to me, that legitimate, alternative, advice would be acceptable. I know that I would have readily accepted it from anyone throwing me a legitimate rope, like Michael blog, if there’d been anything back when I went through it. But, with my introduction into this phenomenon, I’d made the mistaken assumption that I was on a health support message board. I When I began realizing the full scope of their situation, little by little, you and I definitely didn’t have the underlying problems that most of them have causing their DOP. It’s only the saddest thing I’ve ever seen in my life, and I think you’ll agree. And, so, what’s a person supposed to do, when they come across the saddest thing they’ve ever seen in their life, anyway? Norman, do you have an answer to that? Don’t try feeding me any hogwash like, for me to get off my arse and “be part of the solution”, and to clean up the environment, like so many of them rant. Nobody knows what I happen to do in my personal life, and besides, being an environmentalist isn’t helping these people, or effecting their conditions in any way, whatsoever. I don’t think you’re capable of doing the math, either, Norman, and you, also, delight in that fact. If morgies want to be ignored, why the loud alert to this situation? I’m being REAL.
A Morgie recently asked what laws were broken by the people who poisoned them.
Well, let’s see. Some of the Morgies have acquired prescription drugs without a prescription. Some have lied in order to acquire veterinary supplies for themselves. Some have used pesticides in a manner that was not in accordance with the directions on the label. Yes, Morgies have poisoned themselves, and they have done their level best to destroy their own lives, and they continue to do so, and brag about it.
They talk about criminal neglect from the medical community. But they suffer from self-abuse. They talk about the criminal silence of the CDC. Yet, thus far, they have ignored the instructions of the CDC, and they are poised to accuse the CDC of conspiring against them. They want the CDC to do their job right, but they don’t want to give them the time required to accomplish it.
Morgies are a minority, a very, very, small minority. But, unlike most other minorities, almost everything a Morgie attempts to do is self-defeating. This isn’t because anyone else is against them. It’s because they live in a self-perpetuated delusion.
Tall Cotton
There is so much inner conflict within the morgie community, getting mad at everyone, even at each other, and being so mean. Some claim to be highly intelligent, and maybe they are, but not enough to know that their state of delusion is overriding any trace of intelligence they’d ever had at one time. A lot of them are very creative. Who knows, maybe that underlying personality type is somehow more prone to DOP, when they’re not well, whatever the cause. But, regardless they’re all rendered unable to even care about what they’ve been diagnosed with. Things just don’t get any worse than that. That’s not too indicative of intelligence, nor is much of anything they say. That’s delusional, and they’re too deluded to know it. It’s pretty bad to not realize when they’re yelling at a severely mentally ill person, so ugly too, telling them that if anyone comes along and reads what they’ve said, they’ll get the impression they’re all like that, and it will give their disease a bad name. It’s all just as bad as it gets. Yes, they’re all stuck inside another existence, all for different reasons, all, thinking they have the same “new disease”. They want help…they don’t want help. All they want is to be believed.
Yep, I DO believe.
Now, have I said, anywhere, that morgie people haven’t got “something” going on with their skin? Nope, I never have, and I never will. Quite a few look like they have pretty good skin, though. But, some have plastic surgeons. Still, only they know the answers (sort of) to that situation, and whether they have any hint of a clue as to what they’re doing, and/or whether they’ve received appropriate diagnoses over it. Of course, only their doctors know the honest answers to that.
Not for them, but for anyone who knows better, and has a morgie person in their life that they’re trying to help — if you want to “attempt” to try helping them with a new “possible” method, as a first new step you may have not tried before, maybe if you used this link as a source to assist them in identifying the things they’re compelled to pick out of their skin, you might “almost find a way of beginning to try reaching them”. It is an excellent source of quality information that covers all of the things they’re misinterpreting, stemming from such things as granulomatous and/or perivascular lymphocytic inflammation. Here is the main page, and please hang onto it, and good luck, in trying to help the morgie person in your life explore it with you.
As the gentleman who authored it said:
As I said, it excels in its presentation, and I encourage looking at it in depth, but a quality sample can be found here, if you need more convincing.
As we all know, it is their minds’ misinterpretation of things, more than it is a skin matter. Such as, for one example, mothers with children on medications, like Ritalin, for behavioral disorders. Those medications have side effects that can induce children to think bugs are crawling on them. These hysterical mothers aren’t aware of that. I have read on morgie boards that they think parasites are to blame for their children having a behavioral disorder!! God, help them all.
Canalon has just locked the “Fiber Disease” thread over at Biology Online.
You just KNOW that’s our fault 😉
Ah! The arguing was more interesting than their nonsense research, and probably more productive. Yeah, we’ll probably get the credit for that, since Morgies love to play the blame game. Tho’ it’s a lot of fun, it’s pretty ridiculous for one nut to tell another nut that they’re crazy. They’ve all gone plumb bannanas. hehehehe
Tall Cotton
Tall, I see your point, that IF “the government” is “poisoning people,” and if people with “Morgellons” are lying and poisoning themselves with treatments, both are in the wrong. However, I wouldn’t go about discussing the issue as “well, you do really, really wrong this too.” In my opinion, instead, I would ask for evidence that “the government” is “poisoning” them. THAT would be quite compelling, eh?
My point issn’t that both the Government and the Morgies are guilty. My point is that the Morgies have poisoned themselves and blamed it on the Government. By their own admission, the Morgies are guilty of self-abuse, and their actions, although stupid, are quite deliberate. If any Morgie has evidence of wrongdoing on the part of the Government, they should come forward and present it, but I think we can safely assume that they don’t. The truth is quite foreign to most Morgies, and the finger of blame should be pointed inward, at themselves.
Tall Cotton
Hey Small
put a sock in it. No one is buying your crap. Get a cause
What is Small and Smelly education level?
There is no education.
You don’t need an invitation to come over here and read, or to participate in the discussions here, but that’s what this is, and invitation. I’d like for you to consider the fact that the Morgies are suffering from a wide variety of physical health problems, plus delusional disorders. I believe that if you read Michael topics of discussion, you would change your viewpoints. I think you belong over here with us.
Tall Cotton
Do the Morgies know you’re over here making them look worse than they already do? I know that hardly seems possible, but you’ve succeeded.
Tall Cotton
Any inaccurate statements that a morgie sees made about them, they need to just speak up to us, and get an open dialogue going. Michael’ blog, where he allows genuine freedom of speech, is the place to do it. The countless experiences we’ve had with these people have proven that they don’t answer questions. They’ve shown that they prefer cutting themselves off from outside communications, too. They want to be understood, right? Well, they are, aren’t they? Maybe Norman can tell us, once again, anything we’re missing.
But, anyway, concerning the person on the soapbox recently about government poisonings, it’s like Mary Leitao finally got around to warning her people, last year — not out of concern for their well-being, obviously, or she’d have been pleading with them to stop, all along — but, apparently, rather, to try having them clean for her upcoming studies…
…the only thing involving any poisonings of morgies, that’s linked, in any remote way, to the government, is through the pesticides so many of them use, to try killing something they think are worms and/or bugs. All pesticides are distinctly marked:
And, that guy, The Bug Man is so off base in telling the morgies that he thinks the inert ingredients in pesticides might be the cause of their problems. Pesticides cause cancer and birth defects.
Remember Wymore & Casey’s Letter to Physicians:
I gave some of my opinions on that, back in the spring, and Papa Smurf, a former DOP patient, who just so happened to have been someone that had used pesticides, himself, said that I was right on about it. Of course, not all of these patients do that, and a lot of the conditions they aren’t treating can make them appear as described.
Do you know that not only morgie critters can increase your cleavage, Jeeze Louise, but nanorobots are even in some patients bosoms?
It’s been said that Leigh Ann is getting back on her horse. The next thing you know, she’ll be at the vet to get some Ivermectin for her people. The only horse she has is the dead one she’s beating.
Tall Cotton
I was given a one time tratment of ivermectin (weighed then dose dispensed) by the Tropical disease hospital london. So joke not
go see my video on you tube
All you morgellons disease doubters and cynics go and have a look at the firs captured images of a living organism moving that is the cause of this disease. You are welcome to contact me if you want to hear about my seven-year suffering with this disease. I live in London and did not even know there was a disease listed as morgellons until 2006, or that it was the same as the disease I had been suffering from for the last seven-years documented.
All-comers doubters welcome to view on youtube at
All you morgellons disease doubters and cynics go and have a look at the firs captured images of a living organism moving that is the cause of this disease. You are welcome to contact me if you want to hear about my seven-year suffering with this disease. I live in London and did not even know there was a disease listed as morgellons until 2006, or that it was the same as the disease I had been suffering from for the last seven-years documented.
All-comers doubters welcome to view on youtube at
Something moving. Is that your proof? The video is so out of focus, I’m not even sure if I was looking at the right thing. I’d be embarassed to show that video to anyone, much less use it as evidence of anything.
I don’t care what you find moving, there is no Morgellons Disease, unless you want to give that name to your delusional disorder. It already has one name, though, and it’s called DOP.
It’s time you Morgies learn how this so-called “disease” was invented, and how a crazy woman used a group of vulnerable people to push her agenda. Anyone that looks as hard as you people do, are going to find something that you don’t understand.
Tall Cotton
#189 Andy Coyle Says:
January 19th, 2007 at 11:26 am
Andy, to my knowledge, this is the very first we’ve heard from you, isn’t it? We wouldn’t joke over someone having actual parasites, anyway, (or imaginary ones, that they prefer to keep), but I’m glad that one treatment of ivermectin was apparently all you’d needed. Did you have onchocerciasis, strongyloidiasis, ascariasis, trichuriasis, or had it been prescribed to you for topical cream resistant scabies or lice?
#190 # Andy Coyle Says:
January 19th, 2007 at 11:48 am
#191 Andy Coyle Says:
January 19th, 2007 at 11:51 am
Andy,I’d like to understand. Did being treated for parasites in the past trigger a prolonged state of delusional parasitosis for you? What had you had, back then, and what have you, more recently, been diagnosed with?
You need to describe what your viewers should be seeing in both of your videos. Thank you.
I’ll bet you can’t count the times you’ve read their reports of phenomena that they didn’t understand, that they called evidence, and even proof? I’m talking about phenomena that you understood, and knew wasn’t evidence at all, nor anything of the sort. They try to be scientists, but they simply do not understand the elements or the forces involved in their observations. They also color everything with such a strong bias that they can never know the truth.
Tall Cotton
True. And knowing most DOP patients are already convinced they have an undiscovered disease, these patients have been such easy marks to prey upon. Since we’re all back in the 17th century with this, it causes me to fantasize about some of ye olde forms of punishment for the one responsible for conjuring this up, so well, and getting them to fall so easily for it, and for the “professionals” that saw a good way of making sure they remain untreated for their DOP.
The dopers and all the others that make them fall harder with their conspiracy theories, I know, can’t help being sick either. They’re all in dire straits, utterly as doomed as doomed gets, but they all seem to be totally convinced that we don’t think they are. We know how profound the seriousness of their illness is, and that they aren’t making any of their experiences up. I believe them.
If you think the video is out of focus, send me a email addess and I will send you a clip of the original 150mb file it is clearer than youtube, youtube have stretched the frame which causes the blurring. I will also send you images of more of them as proof.
Seven-years only last year did I find out that I was sharing symptoms with others.
All documented
I am not angry at you that you do not believe, even my wife did not believe until she witnessed me recording the evidence I have made available to everyone via the web.
When I recorded it I had only cae out of the shower ten-minutes before and when I felt them start to emerge I recordedusing a ebcam that has a light arra I turned the focus up to full magnification.
There are many of these emerging from my body and hair. I am to be seen again at the Tropical Disease Clinic where hopefully this time, unlike previously, I will not be disregarded as delusional and an attempt will be made to identify this organism and cure its dreadful effects.
I write to you with the understanding of how hard it is to believe in this yet I know you mean no harm, you, like all other doubters, need to see something to believe it.
The moving video is
Well, thank you, Andy, because I know that anyone trying to get someone to have a full understanding of something like this, has no reason to get mad, and realizes that it’s counterproductive to. But, ninety-nine percent of people who think they have something called “morgellons disease” do get extremely angry.
Since the Tropical Disease Clinic once treated you with one course of ivermectin, as you’d previously stated, like I’d asked, what did you have then?
There is a particular guy with quite a big production of a web site, on “morgellons disease”, in which he claims that he’d actually had parasites. Quite a few, if you’ll notice, and he also lists DOP as a diagnosis he’s, apparently, since, received. Of course, there is no way of knowing what this person has, or doesn’t have, just as nobody should take advice from any unreliable source of information. He has, possibly, either actually had parasites, and after treating them, went on to develop delusional parasitosis, or he’s mixed up about a lot of things.
I know that site is responsible for a lot of the morgie people who go on and on about people in China having what they have. They can’t help how mixed up they are, but they are, and they know they are.
Now, Andy, I was sitting here, yesterday, as I was viewing your videos, and the sunlight came shining through my window very brightly. A piece of house dust, in the form of a tiny white fiber, looking very similar to whatever is seemingly attached on the hair in your production, floated in front of me and landed on my arm.
If I, like all of we homo sapiens, have any type of dust, lint, or any small particles from my environment, caught on my hair, or, more importantly, entrapped within my protective epidermis, inside the acid mantle layer of my stratum corneum, it comes off during bathing, also, just like you described.
Andy, I’m sorry, but sure seems like you have DOP. Especially, if you’ve been diagnosed with it. I’m sorry, but I’d had it before, too, but, I doubt that mine manifested for the same reason yours has.
I wouldn’t say “many of these” are emerging from your skin. I would say “much of it”, if there was, in fact, a lot of it coming out. What makes you think this crud is alive? Don’t you think that maybe the shower is softening sebum plugs and that sebum that had been trapped is emerging? This extruded material is well known for being highly electrostatic, therefore the movement.
Now, on the other hand, if you did, in fact, have tiny worms coming out of your skin, which you don’t, it wouldn’t mean that you have Morgellons. It would simply mean that you have a worm infestation. There isn’t anything you could ever do to convince us that Morgellons is a real disease. We know the truth!! I hope you listen to your doctors this time and treat your delusions.
If you just explain what the piece of material on your hair is, in the videos, all of your viewers won’t be guessing what you’ve interpretted, and filmed, Andy.
Can you imagine how much hate mail I would get if these Morgie mornons ever were to get my email address. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t give a damn what the idiots think, and I would never open their email, but I don’t want the clutter in my inbox, and I wouldn’t want any of them to think that I might have read any of it. I wouldn’t give them that privelege. Do I hate them? No, but they hate me. I don’t know how to hate. I’ve always tried to help them, but I know the truth, and they can’t accept it.
Tall Cotton
Little old lady from Pasadena, with DOP for past 32 years; Middle-aged farmer from Boise, DOP for past 6 years; Truck driver from Spokane, DOP, since last year; Numerous mothers, with small children suffering side effects from ritalin, who develop symptoms, too; Munchausen Syndrome patients; Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy perpetrators; Patients with neurotic excoriations due to body dismorphic disorder; Patients with obsessive compulsive disorder; Patients with schizoprhenia; Diabetics; Patients with arthritis; Nurses, teachers, doctors, accountants, just to give a mere sampling — every one of them, from everywhere, and from all walks of life, all, thinking they have the same symptoms, etc., etc., etc..
Would they have all MET each other if not for the internet???
Well, would they? They just can’t reason that out, or, that none of them is smarter than any of the doctors they’ve seen. But, they all have one thing in common, and that is, they’ve all had plenty of money to burn on this mess they’re in. It’s more important to them to be right about what their minds have perceived incorrectly, about their bodies, than anything else they’ve ever cared about. Who could be a fan of such tragedy? What pay off is there to be had for it, when they tell us, themselves, where it all leads?
Norman, since you’re so smart, do you have any idea why this is the way it is, other than because of DOP going mainstream, all because of a self confessed needed to be evaluated for Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy mom, coming up with a 17th century misunderstanding of skin properties, and constructing a new disease under the same name?
Come on, talk to me Norman. You’ve yet to elucidate on anything, and you’ve got to have more than a 12th grade education, to think I’m so funny with mine.
Now Canalon says the “Fiber Disease” thread will never be unlocked. I wonder where they will all go now?
Sorry I did not get back sooner.
My original post was made whilst genuinely overwhelmed at finding proof at last. So sorry if it was a bit in your face.
All I want to say is that what I have experienced over the last seven-years mirrors much, if not most of, the experiences as described by the sufferers accounts on the morgellons website.
I have been through a lot and the ivermectin was prescribed to me by the professor two-years ago on my first visit to the clinic.
Prior to that I had gone through all the rejection and disbelief, yet in the end even the Dr’s could not disagree with three psychiatrists who after referral pronounced that they were satisfied that I had somekind of skin disease.
Only then did I get sent to the tropical disease clinic, however I was fobbed off and no attention paid to my claims.
However late last year, after resigning myself to live with htis in silence, I found out about Morgellons and its exactness to the symptoms I had suffered.
I renewed my attempts to get help once again, after seeking support from the highest medical authorities in the land, the equivalent to your Surgeon General, and receiving their written support, I was seen again at tropical disease clinic.
Unfortunately they would only take blood tests. I settled for anything in hope. This was October 2006. I still have not had the results back to my GP.
Exhaustion stops me from pursuing this at times, as sufferers of any disease would know, exhaustion gets you and it gets hard.
Only the other night after a shower the usual things happened the crawling sensations body-wide and over my head, eyes, groin etc. I had just bought a webcam at a computer fair after xmas for my laptop as I was grtting my sons XBOX chipped. I decided to use it to look through my hair.
At first when Iangled it to refract light I could see the filamentous organisms through the hair. TAhen I found one in full movement. You can see the videos at
The one I focused on thnat was moving around is called moving morgellons organism. There are a few more videos there where I try to show the frequency of the emergence of these things from my head hair.
Now I know the youtube site has stretched the video a bit causing blurring, but I would challenge anyone to view it and try and say it is not clearly a living organism fillarial type organism.
My wife was present and as stunned as me to get this evidence. I have distributed it widely to the medical community here in the uk and once again been referred to be seen urgently by the senior parasitologist at the cliic again.
I have no axe to grind and only want to get my health back.
It is not in question anymore whether I suffer from DO. That assertion was overruled some two-years ago.
I really hope that now, because I know now that they will take a close look and will see these organisms, and identify as to what they are. That this whole debate will be settled for the sufferers health and your understanding.
My wife asked why I would bother to write to you, well I was sectioned in2001 due to my early panic and desperate attempts to get help for this disease and its affects upon me.
I really, truly do not want anyone to ever have to go through even one-percent of what this disease has put my family and I through.
Remember the web address is
the actual url is (insert the www.)
There are more videos showing, or trying to show the frequency of these things after emerging.
Yours Faithfully
Andrew Coyle
St Johns Wood
Sorry for the spelling mistakes , typing a bit poor.
Randy went her board, and London went there and made one post. It looks like Randy is there by herself right now. Her site is located at:
Tall Cotton
has been reported as a fraudulent phishing website
TO W3.ORG is the IP address reported as hosting the phishing website
This post
tallcotton Says:
January 20th, 2007 at 7:05 pm
Randy went her board, and London went there and made one post. It looks like Randy is there by herself right now. Her site is located at:
Tall Cotton
has been reported to morgellonswatch as an attempt at phishing via their website also it has been reported to w3 and the regular internet authorities
How, exactly, do you come to define that as a phishing site?
What do you mean by “phishing”?
Why do you suppose the W3C cares, anyway? They aren’t the Internet police, W3C “develops interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) to lead the Web to its full potential.”
And who are the “regular internet authorities”?
P.S. resolves to blogspot, which belongs to Google.
Well it certainly is a front for morgellons group website, i believe, hosted via i google personal webspace on their server.
I sent an email to michael at morgellons watch to notify him
yes he has emailed me and I discussed the morgellons debate with him in 2006
I believe, you know that most people tend to use one login and password over many sites, unadvisable yet still done.
U knew I registered to post on morgellons group as u prob scan their messages and u maybe thought that this would get u access to login details 4 utube etc
So, how does being part of the Morgellonsgroup website (if indeed, it is) constitute phishing or any other sort of shady activity?
And who are the “regular Internet authorities”?
And what do you think Michael should do about it?
Or the W3?
It’s just a website.
Anyway I’m 37 & u r probably kids so no harm done goodbye god bless
Okay, I get it. Everyone is out to get you.
My mistake.
Sorry i left the site 4 a min 2 read ur blog
& no i hv nothing 2 hide everything 2 gain fromlistening 2 others
wow u 2 hav really had it hard u have my sympathy, really, no joke
How r u now?
your stimulant use just exacerbated the organism in your skin and hair follicles. Since you cut down or stopped you have probably noticed vast improvement this would be more to do with your having had the disease for a long time and your body’s ability to coexist with it and your mental acceptance stabilising your concentration upon it and its effects
Anyway its 3;50 here in london i must go to bed i will hopefully talk 2 u two lovebirds again
i hope u r headed for a happy marriage and life together
i am married 16 years to my wife who is from taiwan
goodnight and godbless
I’m lost. Who 2? If I’m one, you mean how am I right this minute? Well, I’m just kinda confused, Andy. Thanks, though, if you happened to mean me, but I can’t tell. Yes, I’m just plain confused. Aside from that, I’m doing fine, and good luck with whatever type of parasitic disease you have, and I hope an end is put to it, but it isn’t “morgellons disease”. If you did some looking into the background, with nothing clouding your mind on it, you, and everyone else, would know that. Yeah, I am currently confused. I’ll be all right, though.
Well, there ya have it, Smiley. You’ve learned to coexist with the organism, and that’s why you’re doing so well!
By the way, I’m pretty ticked that you got the Dr. Phil assignment, Smiley. I guess I’ll be on recon while you’re away.
Hey, is the boss paying your trip expenses???
Uh-oh, Andy, you just did a really big NO-NO, telling Mr. Tall Cotton what he’d had, and why he’d had it. I’ve tried being understanding, I really have, but you just erased any shadow of doubt that I tried to force.
Right here, though…
I’d prepare, again, to be told you have one thing, only, if I were in your position. I’m sorry, but you don’t sound too well, Andy.
Hi guys! Well, I’ve been feeling pretty crappy these last couple of days and since I have not been here in a while, I said what the heck. I only have read up to #150, so my post here is certainly not to piggyback onto the ones above mine here…..
I just had to tell TC that althought he’s a punko, I just love him and cannot quit laughing my arse off…..thanks for your writings TC…..and that goes to all of you too….your writings are all great….maybe all delusional or lil white lies, but still, your techniques are just perfect for this task at hand.
Smiley, you still mad at me? I promise I did not lie to you. I don’t do that…no point in it.
Hey, TC, pretend okay, just pretend, that we all did indeed have fiber optics inside of us and also this psuedo second skin that was taking over our other skin, etc…and that you heard they (the fibers) were to keep us warm in space….OKAY, YA W/me here??? If so, my question to you b/c you are smart…is what most likely type of space would they be referring to?
Cyberspace, outer-space????…or whatevever else types of space one can conjure up….(this is no real question from anywhere but simply one that is just rattling around in my head.) I’m just curious for your opinion.
BY you all- I have missed all of you ( yes, even you Sara! I hope all is well)
I don’t know what is going on, but I did NOT make that last Tallcotton Post.
Tall COtton
Here’s what’s going on –
Biology Online has shut down the Fiber Disease thread for good, because they just couldn’t help themselves and had to continue posting, so they opened new threads in violation of the week-long suspension. Now all of those people have to find somewhere else to post. Most have been banned from LB already, they won’t go to Randy’s board because the despise her ….
… so they’re all going to turn up here 😉
You sound to me like you’re suffering from paranoid delusions. I don’t know one thing about pfishing. I don’t even know what the word means. I merely posted the URL of a Morgellsons website. I’ve visited the site a few times. We all know the site owner via internet communications.
Now there’s something very strange going on because I did not make post #229. My computer was disconnected at the time. I find it odd that the article is about some woman in London. Is that your handiwork, Andy?
I made the post you referred to but I assure you that #229 wasn’t made by Tallcotton.
I didn’t learn to coexist with any Morgellons pathogen. Let me assure you it does not exist. You may have something, but you don’t have that. You can’t. It’s that simple. Your well wishes mean absolutely nothing me. Have you already forgotten that you accused me of “pfishing”. I assume that is something illegal. I didn’t do anything wrong or illegal, and I really don’t know what you’re talking about.
What would I want you logon information ror. Are you plumb crazy? Your films are totally worthless, and I don’t give a fuck who you are, or anything personal about you. Get a grip on yourself, and if you’re using my name, Tallcotton, I’d appreciate it if you would just use your own name from now on.
Tall Cotton
Oh, it’s crash helmet time. Strap yourselves in for take-off!!!
Hi, London. I’m sorry I’d apparently read something wrong in a post you’d made on the fiber disease forum and drawn the wrong conclusions. Nah, I’m not mad. I love ya, just the same as always.
That ain’t my Tall Cotton that did that bogus post up above, and nobody here has been fishin’ wiffout a license, either. And, age 37 was a long time ago, for some of us, Andy.
I think I’ll cancel being on the Dr. Phil Show, Jeezelouise.
Hello Jeezelouise… Yeah, I suppose Andy just didn’t want Randy’s website getting any traffic. But if he used my name, which someone did, in post #229, I don’t understand his purpose.
Wait just one second, Missy! You already GOT that check for hotel and meal costs, didn’t you?? You’re going to cancel Dr. Phil and take a Caribbean cruise instead, aren’t you??
I am so telling the boss when he gets back from his chemtrail spraying tour.
When you return to your post, will you please see who posted comment #229 in my name. I suspect it was Andy, but I don’t know. Thank You.
Tall Cotton
Oh, shush, now, Weezie. You get to travel around more than the rest of us, anyway, on your espionage missions. Maybe I could make a deal with you to just cut me a little slack with the boss. I could really use a break.
Well, it’s takes too much gas to send you to the moon, so Pluto is out of the question. But there is is an appropriate wastland right here on earth, that’s large enough to accommodate all of the Morgies. That’s why the fibers were an afterthought. You’ll be needing to keep warm, if you’re gonna survive. This “space” is quite cold, being in Antarctica.
Now, the fibers will be covering your skin like the fur on a polar bear, transparent and hollow. When the rays of the sun strike the fibers, little balls of radiant heat travel down the tube, like firey photons, striking your skin and bringing the temperature up to a level that’s actually quite comfortable. You’ll have to watch out for the bears though.
Tall Cotton
oh by the way, I am a total dumbass, with no education and I have no idea what I am fighting for.
Okay, Starlink. Very funny! I’m logged in when I use my name. You aren’t. You’re an imposter. Just remember, what goes around, comes around.
Tall Cotton
Andy, did the confusion about being tracked, or whatever happened, stem from comment #210, when Tall Cotton was just replying to Jeezelouise’s comment #207, that, since people were locked out from posting on the Fiber Disease Message Board, now, that they were free to go to Randy Yaskal’s web site, and that Miss London has posted there, since? Did you mistakenly think he was referring to you, “Andy, from London”, when he’d said, “Randy” and “London”?
NORMAN!!! Hey, like I said to you, in comments #205 & #206, since you’re so smart, do you have any idea why this situation is the way it is, other than because of DOP going mainstream? Do you know of anything else that brought it into the open, other than the results of a self confessed suspected of Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy mom coming up with a 17th century misunderstanding of skin properties, and constructing a new disease under the same name and launching a web site for it? Why won’t you elaborate on why you believe in such a thing as “morgellons disease”? If you can’t even say why you so firmly believe in it, do you not know what type of impression that gives to people?
I’ll tell ya, Norm. It gives the same type of impression as it would if you stated your reasons for believing in it. If you just don’t want to wake up and smell the coffee, fine, but if you genuinely can’t, then, you’ve got yourself a problem, there, in Houston.
oh TC, that is just what old Retired (or Fired) Rita from the NSF said in a document I read about 2 months ago and still have to this day. Well that sucks snow rocks but damn sure beats outerspace.
Muchas Gracias……
Hi again it is sunday 21/01/07 at 13:57 london time.
Iread from my last post 226 when I went to sleep and shut down my computer
to aswa your 1st question, yes I read your blog and I was wishing you well, both of you, tallcotton and smileykins.
2nd I had nothing to do with the post you believed was done in your name.
I hope that puts your mind at rest
On the subject of telling anyone what is wrong with them I am not attempting to do that
However I believe there is a reason for the medical communities reluctance to act
However I believe there is a reason for the medical communities reluctance to act
Subject: Are we still medically living in the middle ages?
To whom it may concern,
Recently I sent a video of an organism that I was able to capture in my head hair.
See moving morgellons organism at
This organism, and the disease it caused in me has made my life a hell for the last seven-years.
In that time I have tried to get help, yet have found that without significant proof, no-one would ever bother to look with an open mind.
The default position was always one of disbelief and rejection, favouring instead to jump to the conclusion that I was delusional, or suffering Ekbom’s syndrome.
That was until two-years ago when I was grudginly accepted as not being delusional, instead merely mistaken.
With this new visual evidence I hope that I will now be seen and investigated medically, thoroughlly, to identify this organism, and the disease it has caused me to endure.
It is a shame that the medical community has such an entrenched view on this subject. They are indoctrinated to believe that anyone describing symptoms like these are suffering Ekbom’s syndrome.
They are further encouraged to fear being labelled as “folie a deuix” if they even stop to take a look.
This is terrible and must change. A quote I read said medicine is learned from the patients bedside not from textbooks.
People are naturally cynics and tend to only believe what they see.
Well I would like to point all in the direction of the electric brae (brae is scottish for hill). This phenomenon would appear to be nothing more than magic, that is to say when viewed without proper scientific investigation.
A hill that it appears you can roll up in a car with the engine switched off, surely witchcraft, magic, an act of god.
Well no, just an optical illusion caused by the lay of the land, yet convincing none the less.
I wonder, before GPS and scientific proof, what happened to those who tried to claim that it was possible for a car to roll uphill? I bet you the cynics would not even lower themselves to take a look.
Just as the Doctors today will not even take a close look to check out what it is that I have reported to them as happening to me for the last seven-years.
As in the case of the electric brae, it sounds impossible, so don’t even look. Yet, now, thanks to technology, I have the ability to show visually the fillarial organism crawling about my head hair.
As in the case of the electric brae, it might still appear impossible. But, as in the case of the electric brae, it should be enough to now prompt the medical community to try and find out what it is and tnhe cause of it.
Who knows, maybe the explanation will be as simple as that eventually attributed to the phenomenom of the electric brae. However, my point is that without them taking a closer look with the intention of attempting to understand it then we might as well be back in the middle age, putting everything down to witchcraft and magic.
The real scandal is not that there is a new disease causing so much suffering, or where it emerged from, conspiracy theory etc.
The real scandal is that we have a medical community that has beliefs so set in stone that we might as well be back in the middle ages.
That they are so terrified of being ridiculed for taking a look or believing something could be possible.
Below is the link to an explanation of what the electric brae is.
Yours Faithfully
Andrew Coyle
The problem is that you are looking for the pathogen of a disease that does not exist, and making observations that you don’t understand. Catch your eltrostatic fiber, discharge it, then see how much life it has.
I caught the culprit that stole my name last night. That was Starlink. I apologize for suspecting you. He came on as you were leaving, and that made me suspicious, but later he made it obvious who he was. I still don’t have a clue what you were referring to with your accusation of pfishing.
Tall Cotton
Andy, thanks for the sentiments. Our stories are about the past, though, and we are well, and have been for quite some time. We didn’t give summaries of our accounts of DOP to elicit sympathy, so, please, pass it onto someone desirous of it.
You said:
Please, Andy…
#225 Andy Coyle Says:
January 20th, 2007 at 8:49 pm
Andy, most people realize that patients who believe in “morgellons disease” really think that way. We know, that upon being told they have DOP, this group of patients followed the typical pattern of seeking other doctors, ignoring the wisdom of numerous ones, all, diagnosing DOP. We know, that since DOP patients already live in fear that they have a dreadful new disease, that, upon finding the MRF, it seemed to perfectly match the description, and the symptoms, of their illness. We know everything behind the reasons for that, too. However, you, as well as most other morgie people, don’t. We know that you haven’t wanted to know the details, and that it’s immaterial to you, as well. You don’t care, because you can’t think on those terms, and we realize that. We understand why the movement was started by this person. That’s something else patients haven’t known, and they’re unable to care about it, or to even try to understand her motivation. We know, that upon receiving personal letters from the CDC, directing these patients to seek medical attention from their local health care providers, that the majority of them refused to go back, saying they’d been through that scene, enough times, already. We know, that the CDC was forced to take action — well, at least in my opinion, they finally felt forced into it — because of the “morgellons” media blitz last year, creating fear among certain members of the general public.
There hasn’t been any “reluctance for the medical communities to act”. Physicians have done their jobs correctly, and they have not ABANDONED any patients. YOU, the patients, have abandoned them, refusing your diagnosis, and I don’t need to go into listing anymore about that, because none of you can face up to it. That’s how it goes, too. DOP is well documented as being that way.
Andy, I don’t mince my words on this debunking blog. I know how it all sounds to you, and to other morgie people. I’m apologizing, in advance. I have never said these people don’t have visible skin signs, and I know some are suffering, immensely. Some, in ways nobody can fathom.
Oh, come on, this is the new millennium we’re living in. “Morgellons disease” is from the 17th century, Andy. Those misunderstandings of skin, are back from when they were trying to figure something out, and times were tumultuous, and rife with perils. Give me a break.
Try to accept your diagnosis, if you’re suffering as badly as you claim to be, and take the treatment for it. Blowing the whistle on yourselves, with this movement to get your disease acknowledged, not EVEN knowing what you’ve done, seeing it ONLY from your delusional standpoint, could, possibly, have an undesirable end result, one of these days in the future, and new mental health legislation might be enacted. The reform of yesteryear has failed to serve some people, which we’ve always known, but they’ve never had a movement over it before. This proves how badly some members of our society need assistance. I think having the freedom to treat on your own is preferable to someone else making you.
However, maybe, the easiest thing to serve your needs, will be like you’ve all wanted, and you will have actually accomplished teaching doctors how to change their practice of medicine.
I care a whole lot about morgie people, their children, their spouses, their familes, their friends, their pets. I’m viewed quite differently, though, and I understand that. I have a reputation, from some of them, of “wanting to be right, and not caring about them, at all”.
Oh, no. That isn’t ME…..THAT is a morgie, who puts “wanting to be right” before everything else that matters in their lives. It’s worth it to them to lose everything over it.
Again, I’m sorry I’m blunt. Good luck, when you go back to the specialists, Andy, and try having an open mind that doctors aren’t idiots. They’re experienced, and they know that DOP has to be treated in a direct, straightforward, manner. Why not try cutting them a break just this one time, and be open minded enough to do what they suggest? If you work with them, it may take several weeks to improve, but don’t your wife and son need to have you better than what you are now? Aren’t you tired of it, too, and want to feel better?
Tell ya what, none of that got through, did it? Of course it didn’t. I’m not a bloomin’ idiot!!! I know a person in a delusional state can’t be talked out of it!!!
Good luck, though, anyway. I mean it.
Okay, I’m confused. Is the Dr. Phil thing a joke, or is this something that is actually going to happen?
From Admin of a popular Morgie Forum.
“…but at the very least, we might also convert a few disbelievers which can only be a positive thing.”
That has to be the stupidest statement I have ever heard. Everything they do or say is completely upsidedown and backwards. Only an idiot would consider an increase in their numbers as a positive thing. They have done so much harm and they’re totally blind to it.
Tall Cotton
I’m sorry. That was just a little comic relief between Jeezelouise and me, Sarah. Dr. Phil’s guy called me, like I’d said, but I was never going to be on the show. I declined his request to email my picture and my views on “morgellons disease”, to be read on the air. He’d said that a woman who thinks she has “morgellons disease” was going to be on an upcoming show, scheduled to air on January 25th. He didn’t say that the entire show was going to be devoted to “morgellons disease”. I’d understood that he only meant that this person would be in one of the segments. Whether she’s convinced she has it, or whether she’s seeking reassurance from Dr. Phil over its existence, I have no idea. Whether she contacted him, or whether her family arranged for her to be on the show, I have no idea about that, either. I was only told what I was told, when the request was made to me. Guess we’ll see, this coming week, if it makes it on the air, as scheduled. Of course, I’ll be sippin’ lime in a coconut, by then. Hehehe.
So you think you Morgies need to quit giving the people here at Morgellons Watch the ammo we need to attack. OMG. May I ask when you came up with that brainstorm, since you’ve always been one of the worse examples of that particular behavior? hehehe. We don’t need any ammo. We have ammo coming out of our ears. Our work ends wnen your work ends. As long as you morons keep causing damage, we’ll keep doing our best to repair it.
You said that we are in collusion with industry, and are earning a living at what we are doing. It may look that way to you, South, but that’s honestly not true, not even close. You said that if this isn’t the case, then we are in much more serious need of a shrink than any of you. Oh really? That’s not what “thousands” of doctors are saying. Oh, I forgot, you guys are well, and they’re crazy!
Tall Cotton
Typo: I left something out from up there. Like, “non”. Sorry.
Smileykins was joking when she offered you that number. She was being sarcastic and you took her seriously. I know that you Morgies are your own worse enemy, and the more you guys say, the worse you look. So giving you that number certainly wouldn’t hurt our cause, but that was not her intention, and for very good reasons. You people are damned lucky she declined sharing her views on the program. She could literally shred any Morgie in an open debate. But if she shared his number Dr. Phil would have to change it. You Morgies would harass him like you do the CDC. His program won’t be just on the topic of Morgellons, but they did tell Smileykins that the program would be on the 25th, and, unlike you Morgies, she doesn’t lie.
Tall Cotton
That last post was a meth induced brain fart.
Ok, you guys have really lost the plot this time. What is the purpose in all of this ranting may I ask?
You must literally be “blogging” in your sleep, that is if you do sleep at all.
Who are the “idiots”??
I’ll gladly cut through things and make it clear. I’ve said, that mentally ill people banned together and nagged the CDC to dig into why they’ve refused to treat their mental illness, and they’re too far gone to know they’ve done it.
Are you not tired of repeating the same old rubbish? You damn well should be.
Besides, this is the worst medical system god ever put breath into.
Doctors – listen up, take ya meds please!
Typo: “banded”
We all know that you are posting using the name, Tallcotton. When I use it, I’m signed in, and since you are an imposter, you are not. Now, in my opinion, that is pretty low. In the first place you are lying, and in the second, you are lying about someone else, me. Now, I can take a joke, and it’s funny a time or two, but if it continues, I’ll have to report it to Michael. I can tell you right now, that if I mention it to him, he’s gonna be extremely pissed, and you will probably discover that none of your words will be found on the blog again, not for very long, only long enough for him to see them. Now, you do what you think is right. I could do the same thing with one of your many handles, but I don’t intend to. I just ask you to be honest. You have good things to say, but you need to say them in your own name. Tnanks.
Tall Cotton
If the name isn’t logged in, it isn’t me. Above the post, the name will be clickable. It goes to our blog. Otherwise, it’s phoney.
According to the MRF, there are 7000 registrants. According to the MRF each registrant has been to 10 to 40 doctors each. That’s between 70,000 and 280,000 doctors. The average would be 140,000 doctors. There’s no way for us to really know, but let’s pretend that half of these doctors have diagnosed 2 morgies each. That would still leave 70,000 Morgies claiming to be misdiagnosed. They all fit the symptoms of DOP to the letter. They Morgies claim that it’s the doctors that are delusional. You be the judge.
Tall Cotton
Sorry, SBD. Yes, I was just having a little fun with the Dr. Phil thing.
HOWEVER, if you Google “Smileykins Dr Phil” you WILL get results, so THEREFORE something MUST be going on, and it’s clearly a conspiracy. 😉
Jeeze, don’t I feel like an idiot? I truly had it written in my dayplanner and my VCR set. I guess that goes to show that otherwise rational people can get carried away by silliness.
Sarah, unless they’ve have a change in their scheduling, I am taking the producer’s word about a woman who thinks she has “morgellons disease” being on the program on January 25th. I wasn’t goofing off when I’d said I received a call to participate, and that I declined the request.
Two-way communication — simply answering questions from people who have become aware of “morgellons disease”, rather than drilling such people with your own questions, and hurling false accusations on them, is FAIR.
When people want to be understood, questions are welcomed, and they’re encouraged.
“But, how can you explain that we all have the same symptoms? How come we had these symptoms, before we’d even heard of ‘morgellons disease’?”
Not being able to reason out the answers to those simple questions for themselves, has proven just how bad this situation really is. Unable to apply logic, and being so angered by anyone who does, further illustrates the severity of nature of this illness. Since these confused patients had already chosen to reject doctors’ diagnoses, it’s no small wonder that anyone who would do such a thing would be easy to mislead into believing in “morgellons disease”. The similar-looking cells and debris they gather from themselves holds an invalid significance to them. That’s to be expected, with DOP. But, meeting other DOP patients through the internet, and comparing photos of their matchbox sign specimens, is new.
There’s a very strong reason they aren’t seeing their cutaneous material for what it is, even with Michael painstaking making it as clear as possible, and even with other, former DOP patients attesting to it. Precisely what form of “help” they’re looking for, like everything else, of course, also, defies reason. They seem to not require much of anything of themselves, personally, looking only for a hero to save them, all, as a group. As hard as it is for me to try to understand them, it actually even seems, sometimes, that some of them might think that DOP is caused by a pathogen. If they’d just tell other people what they think, we could understand better, but that’s what I sort of gather. Is it fair to only go by their reports? It must be, they don’t want communication with anyone outside of their belief system.
Each individual’s underlying conditions, and the etiologies that brought them about, which have contributed to each of their having developed DOP, are certainly not all the same. Taking the MRF’s registrants’ co-existing diseases and disorders to deceitfully construct a “morgellons disease case definition”, further confused these patients. That has resulted in their thinking that their prior conditions, as well as anything else that arises, are all caused by a mysterious “morgellons disease” pathogen. So, that’s made many of them slip even farther away from trusting their doctors.
Going back to the beginning, again, Mary Leitao was determined to try proving that her little boy had a new disease. As reported in early news accounts, she had said that she was going to find an answer to the mysterious fibers in her toddler’s eczematous skin, or, that, as she’d put it, she was going to have to take her life, and that was all there was to it. It resulted in her devising a carefully constructed plan, to fight for recognition of the “newly discovered disease” she’d apparently thought she’d detected in her child. Since that time, she’d publicly announced, last year, that she’s a mother who’d refused recommendations to be evaluated for Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy. Being ill, like that, whether she’d purposely meant to, or whether she’s inadvertently taken advantage of some of society’s most vulnerable patients, of course, they’ve been more than willing to assist in her plight. Her followers signed onto this, with the promise of all those things that they’ve longed for, such as, sympathy, validation, vindication, and a cure. The “professionals” associated with this, speaks for itself.
Remember, from MRF’s old web site:
Since its inception, “morgellons diesase” has become much more than a group of patients with untreated DOP. Due to that bogus case definition, covering
practically every illness, anyone who is vulnerably susceptible to the false belief can have it. Therefore, “morgellons disease” has grown, and it has
spread, and it is a virtual paradise for charlatans. With the advantage of viewing the patients’ accounts on their message boards, and seeing all the
intricacies involved in their various, combined, states of delusion, they’re easily equipped with knowing just how to work it.
In the words of Sir Thomas Browne:
Outside-of-the-box of reality is a bad, bad, place to find oneself, and to fight to remain there, complaining, all the while, is a very grave matter. The type of stronghold this has on people is remarkable. It’s so bad, that they defend this “disease”, and, rather than treating what they’ve been
diagnosed with, they think there are some sort of battle lines up between people who are concerned about what’s happening to them. Rather than even being able to call themselves into question when things in their lives deteriorate, and to receive the value in those wake-up calls, it’s all blamed, instead, on “morgellons disease”, and allowed to worsen. I really don’t think they’d have been nearly as bad without it, even though they may have chosen to never treat what they have. “Morgellons disease” is a lie, a very dangerous lie. In that respect, I believe in its existence, completely.
One simple question, Norman:
What did Tall Cotton do to you?
Norman/Starlink/Houston has been banned, after 677 comments of nothing under about twenty usernames, I’ve but a block on his IP.
All his posts can be found here:
I’m retiring from Morgellons watch to spend more time with my family.
If other people wish to write articles here, then feel free to do so.
SBD, you are set up as an author already.
Smileykins, I’ve just made you an author. Comment 270 might make a good first article, perhaps a little shorter.
All I ask is that people refrain from personal attacks in the articles, and that they follow the trend of scientific analysis and reporting on the media stories regarding Morgellons and related issues.
Norman, the karma expert.
I hope you know how much you’re appreciated, Michael. If anyone realizes how much I go on over this matter, hehe, I, myself, do. Thank you, so much, for letting me go off the charts from the very start. I appreciate the author privileges, and, if I decide to post articles, I’ll employ better editing skills.
I can hear everybody now!!! Hahahahaha!!!
Oh, well, I will. Anyway, logically, if caring people were allowed to speak, even with a self-restrained amount of freedom, on the numerous morgie “support” message boards, then, TC’s and my comments would be scattered all about, rather than just appearing here, in the only place people are allowed to speak openly on the topic.
Spending time with loved ones is the greatest. Take care, Michael, and God bless you.
You have done an excellent job of making the truth public. What your readers do with that is not in your hands. If those who are delusional continue on the path they are on, they may wind up with their decisions made for them. But we’ve known all along, that the delusions are unshakable for the people who are suffering from DOP. Nevertheless, there’s a group of people out there that are less visible, and those are the ones that are undecided. And as they near the slipery slopes of the MRF, the Believers forums, the sensationalist news stories, the lies of certain doctors and so-called researchers, with their own personal agenda, usually money, all we can do is hope that this truth will save them from disaster.
Thank you for the many hours you’ve devoted to this cause, and thank you for providing a place for us to add our opinions. You wrote many excellent articles, and you’ve always been more than fair with everbody, enviting open debate with those with opposing viewpoints. I’m sure that Smileykins and Sarah B-Dunn will endeavor to maintain the high standards that you’ve set at Morgellons Watch.
I wish you the best throughout your retirement, good luck and God’s Blessings to you and your family. After you leave Morgellons Watch, don’t forget to visit often. Stay in touch.
Tall Cotton
Lucky I stopped by.
Best wishes to you Michael, and THANK YOU for your patience & support during my many “spack attacks” on your blog site!
Enjoy your retirement and especially spending time with your loved ones.
Come here and talk like a man, South, and just answer those little questions I have repeated.
Look, everyone….
Whats an IP? Great tribute to Norman. We should do a similar analysis of the other frequent posters.
I am positive that you will continue receiving everything that you have coming your way, South, for every one of the lies that you tell.
South said…
Tall Cotton said…
The purpose of Morgellons Watch blogsite is stated at the top of the blog. The reasons for this purpose are also stated.
South said…
Tall Cotton said…
Morgellons Disease does not exist. It never did, and it never will. We are only combating the hysteria with the truth. Hopefully, we will help prevent the recruitment of other vulnerable people into this system of false beliefs that is destroying people’s lives. We operate with so few people, not because theres only a few that believe our message, but because that’s all the people we have to do the work. I know that you believe that we are on someone’s payroll, but that’s simply not the truth. You’ve been told these things, over and over, yet you ignore what you don’t want to hear. There’s nothing strange, or even curious, about our being here. You’ve been told the reasons for our motivation. We can’t help it if you can’t understand the harm that your movement is causing. You don’t seem to notice all the lives that it’s shattered. They were not shattered by Morgellons. They were shattered by delusions.
South said…
Tall Cotton said…
Thank you. If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing right.
South said…
Tall Cotton said…
You’re living proof that a person can say anything they want, whether it’s true or not. You are also living proof that some people will stoop low enough to do it. But most of the work done by people trying to gain Morgellons’ recognition is self-defeating. That’s because you Morgies don’t come across as normal people. Your recruitment efforts only work on certain vulnerable people.
South said…
Tall Cotton said…
South, you were told that Smileykins is on a disability retirement. You were also told that I was waiting to be approved for one. I received that approval a few days ago. These are through the Social Security Administration, and we aren’t on anyone’s payroll. Neither do we do any industrial favors.
South said…
Tall Cotton said…
We do this to help others by undoing the damage you are causing. If you think that helping others is a sign of a pathetic personal existance or a sick mind, I feel sorry for you. I’d hate to be that selfish and uncaring.
South said…
Tall Cotton said…
What were all of you sick people doing . Were you out partying?
South said…
Tall Cotton said…
You do need mental help, South, because reality is not like you think it is.
Tall Cotton
Thanks to “The Morgie Gestapo”, more people can read my stuff, but he’s left some comments out from those three topics he listed. (We weren’t celebrating New Years as early as my last post at 8:30 on December 31st. Hehehe.)
Among his falsehoods, he thinks we’re doing this…
South is seemingly trying to wage some sort of an imaginary war, misunderstanding what well meaning intentions are.
To gain even more insight into what the belief in “morgellons disease” is capable of doing to some people, I encourage everyone to visit that link I’d posted, to his new blog. He was like this, he says, before he’d heard of “morgellons”. That’s true, I think, for most of the people who believe in it. Notice his web site, and all he promotes there, which was always profound enough, before he created the blog.
Lying, while interjecting words like “literally”, and “honestly”, and “without a doubt”, may appeal to other people who can’t distinguish lies from the truth. It’s extremely harmful to mess around with people like that, because some are only accustomed to lies, and really don’t know the difference. (What???)
I’ve been nice to this guy, and really bent over backwards to communicate with him. South showed up here, and carried on, and out of concern, I’d told him that he needed to be treated for anxiety. He’s trying to make sure we all know that it’s more serious than anxiety. I’m getting it, too,(now?). He’d shown himself, posting lies about TC & me on the Emerging Diseases’ forum, a while back. I deleted a couple of comments that I’d wanted to make there, since then, on “morgellons disease”, realizing if I did, it would stir him up. There’s hardly room for doubt that he’s in some kind of misery. I just can’t understand not wanting to treat it. Instead, he prefers his mission to further influence others’ fragile states of mind with all of his fears and take them down with him. Lots of them don’t know any better, because they’re all scared to pieces, anyway.
Makes me wonder, but I don’t know.
All I’d done to South was to ask, here…
Some of the past, simple, questions I’ve asked of you, after you’d come here and opened the door for discussion, were things along the lines of….
1. Do you know that psoriasis patients go to bed in clean sheets, and often wake up to a bed full of shed skin cells the next morning?
2. Who’d thought that you’d given what you call “a dormant infection” to your girl friend, you or her?
3. Did you consider that she could have developed a reaction to a contact allergen and try detecting, and eliminating, the source?
4. Why have you both believed that after she improved, same as you had, that you both continue to carry around something lying in a state of dormancy?
5. What do you have that causes pain and difficulty in your fingers/hands?
6. Last, but not least, why have you gone to such extremes as to produce, and going on to lymebusters’ message board, reporting that you were being followed, and direct everyone to your site, introducing them to Tam-tam?
why is it that all of you spend so much time trying to disprove morgellons ? I mean any sites to do with morgellons you can find posts from you both , it seems a huge amount of your time and energy are spent completely obsessing with this thing called morgellons , Do any of you relize that this itself is a serious disorder?
Why is it that you Morgies have asked that question over and over, and that it has been answered, over and over, and none of you seem to be able to comprehend the answer, although it’s rather simple?
It’s not true that we have posted on all of the Morgellons sites. Why are you lying? Spending a lot of time on something does not mean that it is an obsession. Some projects require it. It’s very important to the health and welfare of the public that you quit recruiting and brainwashing new members into your delusional belief system.
You, Fred, have a very serious problem. I don’t have any problems. Most of our comments are posted for the purpose of helping those prospective new recruits, not you, Fred. You have absolutely no evidence, whatsoever, that Morgellons exists, and your beliefs are unshakable. There’s no help for you until you start listening to your doctors and following his advice.
You think you are going to help yourself and each other. Well, good luck! You’re going to need it.
Tall Cotton
Long time, no see, Fred! Hi, if you’re the same Fred. I hope you’re doing all right. Fred, it’s not nice to exaggerate, because, “any sites to do with morgellons”, you can NOT find posts from both of us. I’ve posted where I’ve chosen to, same as anyone else, and where it’s ALLOWED. You know better than to say that, given the multitude of “morgellons disease” sites. What, are you a commie, too?
Now, just don’t you be concerned over any obsessing I do, and go back to your own. The CDC is involved, now, and doing their job, and just discussing an illness, especially if it’s a virulent, new disease, can’t devalue, diminish, or detract from it in any way, whatsoever. Think about that!!!
I believe most of the answers to, “why is it that all of you spend so much time trying to disprove morgellons ?”, can be found just above, condensed, in my comment #270, if you don’t know the answer.
Instead of ad hominem attacks against Morgellons debunkers, Fred, perhaps just showing some evidence that Morgellons is a discrete, physical condition will do nicely. We’re all ears.
I checked the Dr. Phil episode that comes on at 4 today. The title is “Rude and crude,” perceptions of artogance are discussed.
#168 smileykins Says:
January 18th, 2007 at 12:26 am
Typo: “of”
“Am I upset that they’ve all gone wild?”
There is a new video out called “Morgies Gone Wild”.
Patient delusion — or medical confusion?
A new study shows more than a million Canadians suffer from mysterious illnesses. Now if only their doctors would believe them. ZOE CORMIER reports
Saturday, January 20, 2007
(Restless confusion versus acceptance?)
“Morgies Gone Wild”, featuring the Nanobot Babes?
Questions And Answers About Morgellons
Question: If there’s no Morgellons pathogen, why do antibiotics help some Morgie people?
Answer: Because some Morgie people have bacterial infections. Some also have fungal infections, and fungicides may improve their condition.
Question: Why do you believe that none of these are the “illusive organism” causing Morgellons?
Answer: Because I don’t believe that there is such a thing as Morgellons Disease.
Question: Why do you believe that there is no Morgellons Disease?
Answer: I’ve read a lot of reports from a lot of people. I know that different people have different symptoms, and those symptoms are too widely varied to be the symptoms of a single disease. I also know what several of the Morgie people have been diagnosed with. People who think they have Morgellons Disease have a very wide variety of different health problems.
Question: If all of the Morgie people don’t have the same disease, why do their micrographs look so much alike?
Answer: Because scabs, dead skin cells, cellular debris, collagen, fibroblasts, environmental fibers, dried blood, sebum, and serum naturally look a lot alike.
Question: Aren’t you afraid that you might catch Morgellons?
Answer: No, not a bit. I don’t believe in Morgellons, unless you want to talk about the DOP aspect, and I’ve had DOP. I don’t think I’ll ever get it again.
Question: Why do some people seem to catch Morgellons and some don’t?
Answer? Because some of the Morgies have communicable diseases. There are also problems with foile a deux and foile a famille, regarding shared delusions.
Question: What are the black specks in the lesions?
Answer: Some have been reported as being encapsulated microfibers. As many fibers as there are in the air we breath, and the air that our skin is exposed to, it sounds very logical to me. Some may also be dried blood and cellular debris, etc.
Question: Why do lesions reportedly begin to heal when all of the debris in them is removed?
Answer: When this is the case, it is because the objects are waste products or environmental contaminants. The body has rejected them. It will attempt to disolve them, push them to the surface, or encapsulate them. Normal healing with resume after these objects are dealt with.
Question: Why are most of the so-called Morgellons fibers reportedly blue, red, white, and transparent?
Answer: Although red, white, and blue are the most common colors of clothing fibers, I believe there’s more to it than that. I believe that some of the fibers may be fibroblasts which are used to encapsulate foreign material. The body produces these fibers, and although I don’t know their chemical makeup, I do believe that this material will not metabolize. Since the trapped material won’t dissolve, the encapsulating fibers are designed to endure. If Dr. Wymore is correct about these fibers resisting high temperatures, this may be the reason. I do not know the difference in the chemical composition of the red and the blue colors. But, as an example, the ruby and the sapphire are almost identical in chemical composition, and this slight difference causes a remarkably different appearance. A similar thing may be happening with the fibers. This could also be true for the other colors. It’s also possible that the transparent fibers are the result of liquids being extruded through the pores. I’ve seen it happen on numerous occasions.
Question: Why are Morgie people diagnosed as being delusional when they know that they are really seeing things that come from their skin.
Answer: Sometimes a person can’t tell if they are really seeing what they think they are seeing, but delusions have nothing to do with what a person sees. Delusions pertain to what one “believes about” what they see. That’s why a doctor can diagnose DOP ten feet away, farther if he has good ears.
Question: Do you believe all Morgies are delusional?
Answer: I’ll let you answer that one. What do you believe about Morgellons?
Tall Cotton
No one wants to argue about nothing? 🙁
If you can’t click on the name, Tall Cotton, at the top of my posts, it’s not really me. I did not make the last two posts. That link the imposter posted can only hurt their cause, so I’m not worried about about it.
I am not a “morgie” as you so childishly call them. I simply have taken an interest in the issue. After your reading your replies, it is quite clear that it is in fact, without doubt, the two people, smiley and tall cotton, are quite crazy and in need of serious help. My thoughts are that you two simply do not have any compassion and are fairly ignorant with far too much time on your hands. It also makes me feel ill thinking of the fact that my tax dollars are supporting complete losers with an internet connection such as yourselves. you should be ashamed of your efforts as they serve no positive goal or intention. Save your insults as this is what it appears you are quick to throw around as I will not be back to read them.
I find it interesting as well that not just Fred, but many people, to talk about compassion in the conversation part of a person’s blog. We’re here for discussion, not for compassion or to be someone’s therapist. If you can’t have a logical conversation and are, for example, talking about “fungus bacteria,” or, if you can’t properly spell “Morgellons” on your website, you gotta take the heat of criticism and suspicion. *shrug*
Fred, 99.9% of the internet serves no positive goal or intention, but its still there and really isn’t the affront to humanity that you think. Why do you think they are “quite crazy?” Dont give me that “they spend too much time discussing morgellons.” I have known productive members of society who spent hours and hours of their free-time writing Harry Potter slash fanfic. And you’re here discussing it, too.
I know you aren’t here reading this, you big liar. You better be careful coming down on people who draw Social Security Disability. You just might wind up there yourself someday. Or, are you just jealous because I don’t have to do a lick of work for anyone else, for the rest of my life, and I get a pretty nice check/ If you don’t like it, that’s what I call “tough shit”. Is that mature enough for you? If you aren’t a Morgie, it’s only because you haven’t developed DOP yet. You do seem to have the prerequisites to develop it quickly. Good Luck to You.
Tall Cotton
What the Morgies are doing to themselves is a sad situation. They believe that the medical community has abandoned them, but the truth is quit the opposite. They refuse help for their minds, and that’s where it’s needed first and foremost. In some cases that is probably the only place it is needed. Unless they decide to listen to their doctors, and follow their advice, there’s no way to help them. New mental health laws need to be enacted. They are sucking people into their cult-like community and spreading information that is both false and harmful. We have been left to do the only things we can do, and that is to expose both them and their misunderstandings. Hopefully, fewer people will fall into the trap that they have fallen into.
Fuck Fred. Period.
Under the topic, “Morgellons Myths”:
Under the “Photos” topic, Fred opined that if he were me, he’d kill one of my cats. What have I ever done to this freak? Nothing. I’m not a mason, and I don’t get paid for anything, and I’ve never been exposed to meth. Fred’s a bad seed.
Dude don’t diss masons – my grandpa was a mason and so are a lot of my friends… and cats have lots of pointy parts to defend themeselves against exactly that sort of thing, so watch out anyone who wants to hurt a cat.
It’s good that Fred feels how he does. If we needed him to like us, it would mean we’d have to be on the highway to hell with him.
I find it amazing that some people will spend their time and energy bashing sick people! First of all, why DO you care, why WOULD you care, why SHOULD you care about ” Morgies”, as you call them?
Could it be that “You People” have nothing better to do? I think that Morgonellons, or whatever his name is/was “retired” so that he didn’t look like such a close minded ass when, in fact, the scientific and medical communities are now accepting this disease as “real” – an epidemic…more and more people are getting it-or could it be that now they know what to call this disease-NO MATTER WHO NAMED IT!!! You guys better hurry up…follow your leader…jump off your sinking ship!!!
PS-Quick question-what did you guys call your website when you were degrading people with Lyme Disease? Or maybe you’ve been around longer that that…people with AIDS must have been a real hoot for you all…how many of you are there?…3 or 4 closed minded idiots that feel the need to bash a group of individuals just for the sake of argument… or just because you can…perhaps your time would be better spent reading up on Karma!
Good luck to you all.
I just scrolled up to recent posts…I see that “Fred” is not very well liked for his opinions…for they seem to differ from yours.
I am sure that I will receive NO fan mail either…but, as one of you said it’s a “DISCUSSION”…albeit, 3-4 like minded individuals with their own opinion- trying to drum up some kind of reaction…(anger? resentment? fear?)from individuals who are trying to get more info on this disease. Perhaps you feel powerful? Talk about kicking somebody when they’re down! Yours is NOT an info site- it’s a couple of people bitching and moaning about something they acutally know NOTHING about. It’s your OPINIONS…your IDEAS…your DREAMS…YOUR DELUSSIONS!!!
It would appear that you, in fact, are the oin need of pychiatric help…get your own lives and get out of these people’s!
ArtistUSA, please refer, in specifics, where there is any “bashing” of sick people, and I will address it, as I’m sure anyone else who is guilty of it will, also.
The question is, “why should I not care?”
Patients who believe they have something other than what they were diagnosed with, and that it’s “morgellons disease”, coined the term, “morgies”.
Severely ill patients have ignored numerous doctors, denying their diagnoses and twisting things around to suit them. When mental illnesses of this magnitude are allowed to reign supreme in such patients’ lives, wreaking such havoc, and they band together going public with it, spreading the word that it’s some new disease that’s doing it all to them, why do you seem to think that anyone should have to validate their opinion that it’s wrong?
I don’t know how long you think you’ve had “morgellons disease”, but if not for this movement of misled patients, you most certainly wouldn’t think that. Nobody would. That’s a fact, and there is no “epidemic”. The fear is just spreading to more “mentally suggestive types” of people, who are vulnerable to the belief. Things couldn’t be better for quack doctors. Repeat: things could NOT be better for quack doctors.
The CDC was literally forced into looking into the matter, knowing, all along, what the situation has been. Now, they have to find a solution for all of you, since you’ve been unable to address what so many legitimate doctors wanted you to treat for.
Don’t compare this AIDS. There is a real lyme disease, also, but I am not at issue with that.
Due to the circumstances (and that’s an understatement, if there ever was one), patients in this group aren’t aware of their individuality, and they’re taking each other down, together, remaining in the chaotic states they’re in. Are you, like so many others who believe they have “morgellons disease”, of the opinion that you have it because of karma? Well, you don’t.
I have nearly limitless compassion for people suffering from mental disorders, but when they come here, as well as elsewhere on the internet, putting out lies about Tall Cotton and me on a personal level, I may seem as though I often don’t. That is just because I have dealt with morgies in every way that I know how to, over the past two years.
You’ve all sounded such a loud call of attention to yourselves.
You’re stating that you want society’s head turned the other way?
Again, please bring to our attention where we have “bashed” anybody, and an apology will be forthcoming, if I am at fault and there was a misunderstanding on my part.
I see, since I responded to your original comment, that you’ve added another, so let’s talk.
I find it amazing that people who believe in Morgellons disease are such hypocrites. They come to this blog and bash us, then accuse us of bashing them. They spit out their venom, warn us about karma, then close their post with a phoney “Good luck” or “Have a nice day.” They refuse to debate the issues, and can’t produce any evidence that Morgellons is a real disease, or even that it exists as a health condition. They come here asking the same questions that we have answered, over and over. But they either don’t take the time to read, or else their comprehension skills are very lacking.. They come here to disrupt our efforts. That’s something we aren’t doing on the believer’s forums.
The scientific and medical communitise are not accepting Morgellons as anything real. That’s another delusion. There are, however, more and more quack doctors coming onboard to exploit the Morgies. Morgies don’t seem to check these people’s backgrounds. There are also some researchers using this issue to promote their own personal agendas. The twisted information they put out is causing the Morgies even greater confusion.
Delusiona of Parasitosis is the only epidemic related to the issue of Morgellons. It’s true that a lot of Morgies have come out of the closet, so to speak, because of the recent media blitz, but it’s also true that DOP is spreading via the internet. The prospective Morgies that find the forums of the Morgellons believers don’t stand much of a chance of recovering. Their delusions about Morgellons are reinforced, and they are taught not to trust their doctors.
Morgies are not looking for the truth. Morgies are looking for validation for their twisted ideas. If they were looking for the truth, they would base their opinions on the evidence that is available, not on the opinions of people who agree with them. Morgies are interesting people, but it wasn’t Sir Thomas Brown that named their disease. It was Karl Axel Ekbom.
Tall Cotton
First of all let me set the record straight….I do not have Morgellons nor do I “think” I have it just because I read about it somewhere. (I was informed yesterday that a member of my family has been diagnosed with this disease after months of suffering and not being able to get any answers) I came on line today to try and find out what the hell this disease is and during my “search” ended up in your website. I realized after reading quite a few of your “blogs” (or whatever they’re called)that I was not receiving any informative information- only opinions. I did not come to this site to “debate” or to “spit out venom” or for any other reason than to acquire some insight into this disease…and all I came away with from you guys is that if a person “thinks” they have it they need a Psychiatrist. If a person was told by a medical professional they have it-both the patient and the doctor should seek Psychiatric help….etc. It appears to me that the only people you want on your site are people who think like you do. I am fair and open minded. I usually do not comment butI was quite angry that you (collectively) could so easily dismiss any idea that a disease of this kind could even exist. That anyone with these symptons would/should require psychiatric help. That these people are delusional …my second “comment” was posted immediately after my first…I did not wait for replies…I am not here for debate. All I can tell you is that my cousin, a well educated, well adjusted, “normal” (as normal as any of us can be), 3 kids -1 college, 1 16ys old 1 13yrs- all well adjusted, smart, no “problem kids), great socializer, organized, beautiful, in good shape-exercised, ate the right stuff, blah…blah…blah… in a matter of MONTHS is no longer herself!!!It’s as if her body has been invaded by something…I KNOW HOW THIS SOUNDS!!!BUT IT’S A FACT!!!Can anyone tell me WHY you are so set against thinking this is a real MEDICAL condition? WHY is it that if medicine cannot explain something that it must be a “Mental Problem”? Are we so full of ourselves that we think we actually know everything there is to know about everything? I digress…the bottom line is that I was looking for information…I was looking for answers…I was looking for help…and all I found was a bunch of close minded individuals who seem to have a hard on for people with/without Morgies…for people who dare not believe that any actual illness (aside from mental)could exist.
oh…I do believe in Karma! I DO NOT THINK, NOR DID I SAY THAT I GOT MORGELLONS BECAUSE OF KARMA…(as previously mentioned, I do not have morgellons)
I mentioned Karma because karma is a funny thing (and I don’t mean humorous). After pigeon holing an entire group of different people, with different circumstances, and different ideas and ideals, and different beliefs and probably different everything BUT symptoms…well, wouldn’t it be ironic if, God forbid, one of you guys had the misfortune to contract/attract Morgellons…had all of these symptons and was told you were “crazy”…even by your blogging friends…and NO ONE BELIEVED YOU…YOU!!! YOU??? YOU- “THE DEFENDER OF NO SUCH THING AS”. How could they not believe you? You’re intelligent, you’re not crazy, you’re normal…you know…kind of like “Karma” biting you in the ass wouldn’t you say?
Talk about being a hypocrite!
Check your Jan 26th post to “Fred”…
Spitting venom, bashing and phoney post closings seem to be more your “M.O.” than mine.
ArtistUSA, unless you’d wanted to be looked upon as a very mean spirited and unstable person, then please review your initial comments #305 & #306, and realize the err of your ways.
“Setting the record straight”, is doing what I’d requested of you. I’d said to be specific and show where there is any “bashing” of sick people here, and I’d said we’d be happy to address it. That’s fair, and it’s how we settle misunderstandings.
You’re upset, and you lashed out with false accusations, there, and now, again, to TC, totally unaware of anything that’s transpired before your presence, here. You’d just said that you only began looking on line today to “try and find out what the hell this disease is” and that during your search you’d ended up here.
Some good advice to carry with you for the rest of your apparently young life:
1.Look before you leap
2.Check both directions before you cross the street
You’re in the ONLY place to learn about “morgellons disease” where you can get it all, in-depth and honest. Forget about reading the comments’ section here, where morgies come and blow off their mouths at us, like you just did today.
Go back to the April archives and read THE TOPICS. Take your time, clicking onto any links that are included in them, working your way up to the present.
This illness sears into patients’ minds, as well as into the minds of others who succumb to it. The originator began it, and the “experts” behind it make sure of transferring the “morgellons disease” myth onto these patients, and they know just the right words to say to exploit their vulnerabilities. They prey upon their worst fears, taking them straight from their message boards. “Morgellons disease” has quickly become a lucrative business for quacks and snake oil salespeople. Stick with it. You’ll see how many are cured. They never will be, unless the patients themselves wake up, through some miracle, and take the original advice they were given by real doctors.
When there isn’t an underlying physical condition responsible for triggering Secondary Organic DOP, it’s ONLY either the Primary Psychotic form, where it’s the sole psychological disturbance, or it’s Secondary Functional DOP, due to an underlying psychiatric condition.
There is nothing difficult to understand about this, or about how this “morgellons disease” situation came to be. Most of these patients refused to treat DOP, repeatedly, and fell into this false belief. TC and I have been in touch with what’s happened much longer than you have. If you want to learn, you can, and you will. However, I don’t hold out much hope for it, due to your general tone and whatever has caused it.
I missed this:
We prefer staying on the topic, if that’s quite all right. I enjoy being labeled close-minded every time a close-minded person calls me that, as much as the next person, I’m quite sure.
No, let me set the record straight! You came to this site, one whose purpose is clearly identified as being for skeptical analysis and debunking, and immediately accused us of “bashing sick people”. Just a few words later you called Michael, the blog owner, a “closed minded ass”. As if these were not enough, you accused us of “degrading people with lyme disease”, You called us “closed minded idiots”, You said that we “bash a group of individuals just for the sake of argument… or just because you (we) can.” In addition to all these charges, you managed to associate this delusional disorder with AIDS, which is a real killer. You said, “People with AIDS must have been a real hoot for you all.” Those are pretty strong accusations, but every one of them is a lie.
It doesn’t look to me like you came here to get information. If you had looked, you not only would have found it, but you would have found enough to keep you busy for a long, long time But just a few minutes later, you were at it again. You said that we didn’t like Fred for his differing opinions. If that’s true, it’s not because of his opinions on the topic of Morgellons. We didn’t come here to learn. We came here to teach the people that are undecided or just beginning to think that they may have Morgellons, that the disease does not exist. We’re here to teach them that there are other explanations for the problems they are having with their skin. We know that Morgellons is DOP, and we aren’t here to compromise.
I told Fred that Smileykins and I are retired on Social Security disabilities. He replied, “It also makes me feel ill thinking of the fact that my tax dollars are supporting complete losers with an internet connection such as yourselves.” Social Security was my insurance policy. I’m 57 years old, and I’ve paid a hell of a lot, for a hell of a long time. I’m a little bit older than Smileykins, but other than our ages, this is also true for her. Neither Fred, nor anyone else, is paying our way. He also said that we don’t have any compassion and that we are fairly ignorant. Well, he’s a whole lot ignorant because our compassion is one of our reasons for being here Our target group, however, are not Morgies. Their prospective recruits, who would otherwise fall into the trap that they did, are our targets. I called Fred a liar when he said that he wouldn’t be back, and when he returned, those words were the first thing he found addressed to him
You accused us of kicking people when they are down. You said that Morgellons Watch is not an information site. You said that this site is two people who are bitching and moaning about something they actually know nothing about. I don’t know how you can say these things and at the same time expect a cordial welcome. These things are lies, and you are a liar. You also said some things about yourself that don’t ring true. You said thay you sometimes read Morgellons websites, but you also said that just found out about the so-called disease today. I thought your wording sounded rather odd. You said that you didn’t come to this site to debate or to spit out venom, or for any other reason than to acquire fome insight into this “disease”. It is a big mistake to think that Morgellons is anything real.
You said that it appears to you that we only want people on this site if they think like we do. .
What you seem to missing is the fact that if you stray away from the truth, it’s not the truth any more. You said, “I was quite angry that you (collectively) could so easily dismiss any idea that a disease of this kind could even exist.” Have you had time to read the case definition yet. It was written by the Morgellons Research Foundation. They combined the symptoms of several diseases and disorders and blamed them all on Morgellons. No one comes anywhere close to having all of the symptoms on that list. If you want to know what their registrants are suffering from, look at the differential diagnosis list. Those other diseases, ones that the patients were diagnosed with, are the causes of their problems..
There’s no reasons to believe that Morgellons is a disease. In spite of the lack of evidence, the Morgies still believe. There’s plenty of evidence to the contrary, yet the Morgies still believe. Their belief they have organisms inside them, eating them up from the inside out. They believe all sorts of crazy things, and their beliefs are unshakable. These people are delusional, and most of them have recieved that diagnosis several times. You said your cousin is no longer herself, as if her body has been invaded by something. But we don’t deny the existance of any of the many real diseases. We don’t deny that the body sometimes has invaders. But your cousin does not have morgellons. We know who invented the lie and how it came about. We watched the lie evolve. We studied the people, and we understand the issue.
There is a real disease that has these symptoms. The condition is Delusions of Parasitisis, and it has ruined many lives. It almost ruied ours. We each had our versions of Morgellons, just like the other Morgies have their’s. The sympoms are widely varied because they are really different medical conditions. You said that you sometimes real Morgellons sites. Are you aware of the fact that you called Morgellons “our disease”? Maybe you’re telling the truth, but you sometimes say things in a strange way. Yes, there is a point to this. You said that your cousin was diagnosed with Morgellons, and I don’t believe you. This much is certain. If that really happened, the doctor is either a quack, or else he knowss the truth and is exploiting the patient. It’s that simple. What is this doctor’s name?
Tall Cotton
Well well well, still at it you two twits?(TC, Smelly)
Really I thought the obsession may have abated, allowing a free discourse.
How stupid of me.
Ahhh but TC,
Finally I agree with you….
Yes you are a closed minded idiot…
Ohhh the bliss to blog
I don’t think anybody here has a hang-up with people enjoying having their minds outside of heads, as long as they’re having fun and aren’t causing any harm. “Morgellons disease” isn’t like that, though, and lots of patients who think they have it go about causing great psychological harm to others with it. One of the notorious ways is through posting what they label as their “proof” as “citizen scientists”. They can’t understand any of their repetitive copying and pasting that they call “research”. They tell horrific lies, too. Getting so pissed at rationality is odd, but, alas, tis the very nature of the beast.
Time will tell, m’lady
Time isn’t expendable in this situation.
Anytime a forum owner sees that their message board or a particular message thread is being used to feed their member’s sickness, the message board should be shut dowm, or the message thread thread should be locked. Canalon should have locked the Fiber thread at Biology Online a long time ago because of the schizophrenics using it to fulfill the demands of their sickness. She finally closed the Fiber thread because of constant bickering between members.
That certainly applies to message boards like Lymebusters, where most of their members have DOP and are reinforcing each other’s delusions on the forum. The owners of these forums should voluntarily shut these sites down. But, in my opinion, the problem with Lymebusters is that their owner is just as delusional as their members are. Instead of seeing the damage they are doing, they think they are a support forum doint their members a service.
Dear Sir, Madam, To whom it may concern,
Please read the e-mail below, very carefully, as I believe I have discovered something which will affect us all. I hope you will take the time to read as I believe it is very important and it is something that must be put into the public domain for discussion.
I have divided it into three parts.
1 Summary & Conclusion
2. Details of facts & events
3. Interpretation of genetic modifications
Yours Faithfully and Sincerely
Andrew Coyle
The genetic changes made to the nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora have resulted in a nematode that is more resilient and able to survive under conditions that it would otherwise die from. The changes made are such that it can infect a wider range of hosts.
The bacteria, Photorhabdus Species, which these nematode produce, as part of their life cycle, are weapons, used by the nematode to kill its chosen target, the organism the nematode chooses to invade. The bacteria are also consumed by the nematodes offspring, thereby creating a perfect loop system of survival and propagation.
The bacteria Photorhabdus Species have in turn been enhanced and made more virulent as a result of the genetic changes made to the nematode. The bacteria, when released within another organism, is able to exchange DNA (Dyno-Nucleic-Acid) with bacteria present within the organism that has been invaded.
These bacteria are known to have exchanged DNA with plague virus (Yersinia pestis) bacteria that would have been present in invaded hosts (i.e. a cockroach)
This exchange of DNA between the two bacteria is then taken up by the next generation of nematodes that are released within the invaded organism, as the new generation of nematodes consume the bacteria present as part of that stage of their existence and development.
Where there was a status quo, there is now a big unknown. In particular the dangers posed are COMPLEX AND MULTIPLE.
1) New nematode species able to infect humans and other life forms where before it could not due to natural barriers in its environment, evolution and physiology.
2) Nematode produced bacteria, has an enhanced ability to exchange DNA with other bacteria present, when introduced within the organism invaded by the nematode, thereby creating new bacteria types.
3) New bacterial species able to infect humans and other life forms where before it could not due to natural barriers in its environment, evolution and physiology.
4) New bacterial species which before were only present within the nematode, and dependent upon it and vivce vers, (symbiotic) or as an adjunct to it, now able to exist outside in soil, jump species etc. where before it could not due to natural barriers in its environment, evolution and physiology.
5) New dangers posed by biting, stinging organisms, spiders, wasps etc that now carry and transfer new bacterial species created by initial gene changes in nematode and subsequent changes by interaction and swapping of DNA with other bacteria.
6) New bacteria strains no-longer dependent upon nematode for survival. Able to exist in environment where they could not before exist outside of nematode, other than when released within invaded host. Heat shock proteins etc. introduced to nematode enhancing the survivability of nematode generations and subsequently bacteria too.
The nematode, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and the bacteria it produces, Photorhabdus Species , lived within a closed loop existence, which could be represented rather simply.
Now their are so many more possibilities added to the mix. In effect man has set in motion a chain of events that will progress to have many strands, offshoots and effects. We will never know what the final outcome will be as what we have done is to kick-start a new type of evolution and species generation that could not have occured naturally.
This must be the perfect example of why mankind should never have tried to play God.
In the cases of the twelve recornnded infected people with Photorhabdus Species the report says that it could only have been a nematode or invertebrate that infected these people. I think that was based upon no genetic changes being made to the nematode. Their are altogether many more possibilities if you take into account the above.
I cannot, for the life of me, realise or see, how it was that the Dr Randy Gaugler, and his colleagues, could not see the danger in what they were doing. It was not a daffodill’s colour genes they were changing. It was a predator organism and its homicidal passenger that they were enhancing and making more powerful.
Also they knew of the interaction and exchange of genes at the genetic level between the bacteria and its invaded victims bacteria, as exampled by the finding of exchanged DNA between Photorhabdus Species and the plague bacteria Yersinia. Therefore they new this bacteria could exchange DNA when released within invaded organisms. With the nematodes ability to invade a wider spectrrumof organisms, and humans, the bacteria have access to a wider range of bacteria to interact with, including bacteria specifically harmful to humans, salmonella, staphylloccocus etc.
Finally with that in mind they knew that the nematode offspring would uptake any bacteria present including the genetically altered bacteria which itself would have an effect upon the genes of the next generation of nematodes produced.
The paper “Nematode Symbiont for Photorhabdus asymbiotica” to be found at: acually confirms that the one of twelve cases of human infection was confirmed as being caused by the Heterorhabditis nematode.
Phylogenetic analysis of these data confirmed that the human- and nematode-derived isolates of Photorhabdus were the same strain (referred to as P. asymbiotica Kingscliff.
Photorhabdus asymbiotica has been shown to be a nematode symbiont; the specific epithet is a misnomer.
(Phylogenetic analysis = is the study of evolutionary relatedness among various groups of organisms.)
(misnomer = is a term which suggests an interpretation known not to be true.)
Dear Dr Ailsa Wight F.A.O. The UK Department of Health, Chief Medical Officer
To whom it may concern,
(and believe me it concerns ,us all)
I wish to officially request that an urgent investigation is immediately launched into what I believe could be
“the greatest single threat to human health since the discovery of AIDS”.
In particular, the release of a “transgenic nematode” (genetically altered and enhanced nematode) ,and subsequent trillions of releases since 1996 into the environment, via a loophole in United States law.
See: (The Law)
See: (Evidence of its use)
From this I learned that:
The United States Environmental Protection Agency does not regulate insecticidal nematodes (Gorsuch, 1982), including genetically engineered strains (Andersen, personal communication).
Also backed up by an article by the same Dr Randy Gaugler which is to be found at:
From this I read:
Regulatory constraints have hindered the development of some genetically engineered organisms. Insecticidal nematodes, however, possess a unique niche in the regulatory environment. In 1996, we readily obtained approval at federal, state and local levels to release our transgenic strain into turfgrass field plots at the Rutgers Upper Deerfield Experiment Station in Salem County, N.J. (4). Results from the study support the regulatory view that the transgenic nematode strain is an unlikely environmental threat.
The release of which has infected humans and led to the emergence of a new pathogen, Photorhabdus luminescens, both of which cause serious harm to health in humans. One only recently documented, the other as yet undisclosed, until now!
Before you read through this document, keep one statement (PUBLISHED UPON THE CDC’S, Centre for Disease Control website), in mind at all times, which is:
Photorhabdus Species: Bioluminescent Bacteria as Emerging Human Pathogens?
Genes encoding homologues of insecticidal toxins from Photorhabdus spp occur naturally within the genome of
Yersinia pestis, the cause of plague.
Lateral transfer of genetic material between Photorhabdus and Yersinia species is thought to have resulted from their common association with insects as bacterial pathogens.
It seems likely therefore that Photorhabdus spp are transmitted to humans by a terrestrial invertebrate (nematode or arthropod), but that vector (delivery method) has not yet been identified.
See at:
The result of this gerry-mandering and jiggery-pokery at a genetic level, without the need for authorisation to do so, or the need for authorisation as to its’ eventual release and use, has resulted in the release of a Nematode with super-powers, if you like “The Nematode Nemesis ”
I have found evidence of twelve cases of infection by a bacteria associated with, and produced from within nematodes’, Photorhabdus Species, this is the bacteria that is produced within the nematode and released within its host, feeding the nematode and causing the death of the host. In fact this evidence is further sensationalised, and the link between the bacteria and the transgenic nematodes’ further qualified, by the fact that Photorhabdus Species bacteria is bio-luminescent, which is historically only seen in marine species.
The bio-luminescece trait is evidenced within my video , and still images of my own infection by the transgenic organism and its bacterial passenger!
In fact, the discovery of this bio-luminescent terrestrial bacteria is, I believe, directly due to the fact that the transgenic nematodes were enhanced with, the luminescence gene from jelly-fish (green fluorescent protein (GFP)) and in turn created the new bioluminescent bacterial species. This enhancement is in addition to other genetic enhancements made, which I shall attempt to explain later in this e-mail.
With that in mind See:
Which states:
Of the nearly thirty steinernematid and heterorhabditid nematodes identified to date, seven species are commercially available. One billion nematodes per acre (250,000 per m2) is the rule-of-thumb against most soil insects (containerised and greenhouse soils tend to be treated at higher rates).
The latter was reflected in recent statistics, indicating that farmers spend about US$20 billion worldwide, and US$ 6–8 billion annually in USA on crop protection (Anonymous1991).
These amounts of money involved are staggering, and as a result I cannot help but wonder at the vested interests there are out there, amongst the scientists, entomoligists, companies etc. that will wish to ensure the success of the commercialisation of transgenic nematodes. I know of over thirty companies in the US of A that specialise in the supply of these “Nematode Nemesis”!
Another genetic enhancement made makes use of Heat shock proteins that allow the nematode to survive conditions it otherwise unaltered would not, excess heat, toxins etc. My other concern about this is that the donor nematode was a much more widely dispersed nematode, C Elegans, which hails from a family of nematodes (Rhabditidae), that are harmful to humans, and known to affect human health.
The CDC (Centre for Disease Control), The Lancet, Journal of Clinical Microbiology, and NCBI (The National Center for Biotechnology Information)
all have articles about the twelve cases of infection by Photorhabdus species
See: Bio-luminescent Bacteria as Emerging Human Pathogens?
At the United States CDC’S website:
or Journal of Clinical Microbiology website:
or NCBI website:
or The Lancet website:
In particular I would like to draw your attention to the statement made and published under the title:
See at:
Photorhabdus Species: Bioluminescent Bacteria as Emerging Human Pathogens?
Photorhabdus spp. have been the subject of intensive study by agricultural scientists because of the role these bacteria play in controlling insects. Insects, like humans, are subject to infestation by nematodes. Photorhabdus spp. inhabit the gut of some insect-pathogenic nematodes (Heterorhabditis spp.), where they form a symbiotic relationship.
Nematode species of this type are able to invade the larvae of susceptible insects and release Photorhabdus spp. The bacteria proliferate and promote nematode reproduction by killing the insect larvae. Insect-pathogenic nematodes harboring Photorhabdus spp are used as biopesticides in a number of countries, including the United States and Australia. Agricultural scientists are also attempting to develop insect-resistant transgenic crops by using insecticidal toxin genes derived from Photorhabdus spp..
Photorhabdus spp. are not human commensals. The patients apparently acquired the pathogen from an unidentified source in the terrestrial environment. This hypothesis is supported by the observations that at least 4/6 of the Australian patients were engaged in outdoor activities around the time of acquisition and that the initial site of infection was on the lower limbs in more than half of Australian and American case-patients.
Photorhabdus spp. have never been shown to live freely in soil, although they will survive in soil under laboratory conditions. Photorhabdus spp. have only been isolated naturally from two nonclinical sources: insect-pathogenic nematodes (Heterorhabditis spp) and the insects they parasitize (beetles, moths, and the like). It seems likely therefore that Photorhabdus spp are transmitted to humans by a terrestrial invertebrate (nematode or arthropod), but that vector (delivery method) has not yet been identified.
(commensals = where one organism benefits and the other is neither harmed nor helped, Latin com mensa, meaning sharing a table.)
Now balance that with the statement made by Dr Randy Gaugler in his paper of 1996 at:
Which states:
APHIS has categorized H. bacteriophora as among “low-risk organisms which have already been released in the U.S.”
The genetic modifications we have made to H. bacteriophora should not impact this nematode’s spectrum of insecticidal activity.
It is difficult to envision a worst-case scenario in which the donor organisms might conceivably cause plant damage or even stress. There is only one worst-case scenario in which the recipient, H. bacteriophora, might indirectly cause plant damage: by killing nontarget pollinators or insect predators and parasitoids that attack plant pests. Like most insecticidal nematodes, H. bacteriophora is reputed to possess a broad spectrum of insect activity, killing most insects in petri dish assays. This is an experimental or laboratory host range, however, not a natural host range. In nature, behavioral and ecological barriers come into play to greatly limit natural host range (Gaugler, 1988); thus, there are very few reports of field-collected insects being infected with H. bacteriophora, suggesting a restrictive host range in nature.
An examination of a worst-case scenario is worthwhile in assessing the potential plant health risk represented by the proposed field release of a transgenic insecticidal nematode. If: (1) infective juvenile nematodes escaped from the containment soil cylinders, and (2) these nematodes in fact possessed enhanced field persistence, and (3) were able to disperse long distances to new habitats where they might presently be constrained from colonization by episodes of sudden high temperature, and (4) the transgenic nematode was able to survive other environmental constraints of the new habitat (e.g., low soil moisture), and (5) this new habitat contains hosts the nematode was adapted to parasitize, and (6) the nematode(s) were able to locate, overcome the immune response, and reproduce in the host, and (7) the new hosts were beneficial insects that regulate the populations of important crop pests, then this series of unlikely events might lead to indirect crop damage. In short, there is a very low, insignificant probability that this series of events would actually occur.
Also, as if further support were needed as to the dangers posed by transgenic nematodes, read:
GMOs should not be released into the environment as there is not adequate scientific understanding of their impact on the environment and human health.
Nematodes are roundworms that have bilateral symmetry and lack a complex body plan. Roundworms have a simple nervous system, no digestive system or respiratory system, and possess only longitudinal muscles. They move by contracting these muscles, causing the worms to whip back and forth because they have nothing to brace these muscles against. Nematodes excrete wastes using specialized cells or canals, but do not contain flame cells, as the flatworms do. There are around 12,000 species of Nematodes that have been identified, although studies suggest that there could be up to about 500,000 species. Nematodes include both free-living and parasitic species, many of which can be harmful to humans. Nematoda includes common roundworms, which infect many humans worldwide, hookworms, trichina worms, which are responsible for trichinosis, pinworms, and filarial worms, which cause the devastating diseases elephantiasis and river blindness. The damage nematodes can cause in humans should not be underestimated, nor should their abundance in the world.
Then take the position of Greenpeace, who state that:
“GMOs (Genetically modified organisms) should not be released into the environment as there is not adequate scientific understanding of their impact on the environment and human health.”
“The introduction of genetically engineered (GE) organisms into the complex ecosystems of our environment is a dangerous global experiment with nature and evolution.”
“These human-made organisms can reproduce and interbreed with natural organisms, thereby spreading to new environments and future generations in an unpredictable and uncontrollable way.”
I believe that the genetically altered transgenic nematode, and its’ dispersal into the environment, is the cause of the phenomenon known as “Morgellons Disease”, of which I myself have suffered from for seven-years.
In this e-mail I aim to substantiate my claim, and convince you to take immediate action!
Furthermore I draw your attention to the paper submitted by Dr. Randy Gaugler, this can be found at:
From this I learned that: (repeated above at start of document)
The United States Environmental Protection Agency does not regulate insecticidal nematodes (Gorsuch, 1982), including genetically engineered strains (Andersen, personal communication).
Also backed up by an article by the same Dr Randy Gaugler which is to be found at:
From this I read:
Regulatory constraints have hindered the development of some genetically engineered organisms. Insecticidal nematodes, however, possess a unique niche in the regulatory environment. In 1996, we readily obtained approval at federal, state and local levels to release our transgenic strain into turfgrass field plots at the Rutgers Upper Deerfield Experiment Station in Salem County, N.J. (4). Results from the study support the regulatory view that the transgenic nematode strain is an unlikely environmental threat.
In fact I discovered that the exemption he refers to is found in the document:
In which it states:
It is now possible to transfer genes into plants that confer the ability to produce an entire virus that is pathogenic to a targeted insect pest of that plant (Service, 1996). Such plants obviously must be subject to careful study, evaluation, and formal or informal oversight, but as plants and not as pesticides. We would point out that microbial biocontrol agents delivered or vectored to a targeted insect pest or weed by a nematode or arthropod are currently exempt from regulation as microbial pesticides under FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) on the basis that the nematode or arthropod released to deliver the microorganism is already subject to adequate oversight by the USDA (USDept of Agricuilture).
The Act
Vol. 51, No. 123
Thursday, June 26, 1986
Statement of Policy; Microbial Products Subject to the Federal
Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act and the Toxic
Substances Control Act
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
ACTION: Notice.
can be read at:
I have found out from a past paper on US bio-technology;
There is a clear policy established requiring review of genetically engineered microorganisms prior to release into the environment with some organisms subject to an abbreviated review. In the unlikely event of a problem arising in this period of time EPA (environment protection agency) could use its authority under section 7 of TSCA to immediately limit or prohibit the manufacture, processing, distribution, or use of the product. In addition to the EPA activity, USDA will review all genetically engineered plant pests and animal pathogens.
With this in mind maybe now would be a good time to invoke the use of such a power.
Finally I would like to remind you that this could be observed as a biological threat against mankind. With that in mind I wish to remind you of our obligations as a country under the “Biological Weapons Convention” I am sure that you will be aware that my notifying you of this conjecture regarding this emerging disease and genetically altered organism, places squarely upon us as a country the rensponsibility to investigate, and inform the signatories of the BWC treaty.
The creation and stockpiling of biological weapons (“offensive BW”) was outlawed by the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), signed by over 100 countries. The BWC remains in force.
I do hope that you took the time to read this document. This is a matter of international significance to world health.
Below is my attempt to decipher exactly what was done to create this transgenic nematode, and to explain the scientific terminology/shorthand/code used in the paper.
Dr Randy Gaugler went on to genetically alter and release these transgenic nematodes into the environment.
His organism details, and genetic alterations, (which I shall interperet below) were as follows:
Trade Name Scientific Name Common Name
a. Donor Caenorhabditis elegans hsp70) NA
(Nematoda: Rhabditidae)
Aequoria victoria (gfp) Jellyfish
b. Recipient Heterorhabditis bacteriophora NA
(Nematoda: Heterorhabditidae)
c. Vector pUC18 gfp with a C.
elegans hsp70
By way of explanation my interpretation of this is as follows:
a. Donor Caenorhabditis elegans
Otherwise known as C elegans,is a free-living nematode (roundworm), about 1 mm in length, which lives in temperate soil environments.
Caenorhabditis is a taxon (grouping of organisms) traditionally placed within a larger group of largely freeliving terrestrial nematodes (Rhabditidae, Rhabditina, Rhabditida).
C. elegans can enter an alternative third larval stage called the dauer state. Dauer larvae are stress-resistant and do not age.
C. elegans made news when it was discovered that specimens had survived the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster in February 2003.
In mid-December, Science announced that the millimeter-long worm Caenorhadditis elegans became the first animal to have its entire genetic structure sequenced.
Heat shock proteins (Hsp70s) are a family of ubiquitously expressed proteins. Members of the Hsp70 family are strongly upregulated by heat stress and toxic chemicals
(Ubiquitously = Being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time; omnipresent)
(Up regulation occurs when a cell is deficient in some kind of receptors. In this case, more receptors enter or attach to the membrane of the cell and thus the reactivity of the cell is brought back to normal, re-establishing homeostasis.)
(Homeostasis = The ability or tendency of an organism or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes.)
Results showed that transgenic nematodes were 18 times more tolerant of heat shock than the unmodified wildtype nematodes (Hashmi et al., unpublished).
(Nematoda: Rhabditidae)
Rhabditida is an order of free-living microbivorous nematodes (roundworms) living in soil.
Genera include:
Bursilla (Mesorhabditis)
Caenorhabditis – of which C. elegans and C. briggsae have had their genomes deciphered
Enterobius which includes the pinworms
Panagrellus which includes the microworm
A family of nematodes that contains both free-living and parasitic species
Rhabditis (Rhab·di·tis) (rab-di´tis) [Gr. rhabdos rod] a genus of minute phasmid (microscopic leg like protusions) nematodes of the superfamily Rhabditoidea, family Rhabditidae, living mostly in damp earth, and as an accidental parasite in humans and domestic animals.
R. ho´minis a species found in human feces.
R. intestina´lis a species found in human feces.
R. niel´lyi a species found as an accidental parasite on human skin.
R. pel´lio a species found in the human genitourinary tract. R. strongyloi´des a species that usually lives in decaying vegetable matter but may invade broken skin of humans and other animals, causing rhabditic dermatitis
Aequoria victoria (gfp) Jellyfish
green fluorescent protein (GFP) is a protein, comprised of 238 amino acids, from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria that fluoresces green when exposed to blue light.
The gfp (green florescence protein) gene is a marker encoding for fluorescence. The transgenic nematode with the gfp gene produces a strong green florescence when excited by blue light (450 to 490 nm) using a long-pass emission filter, permitting quick, simple screening to identify transformed individuals.
Cnidaria are jellyfish, corals, and other stingers
The name Cnidaria comes from the Greek word “cnidos,” which means stinging nettle.
There are four main classes of Cnidaria:
Class Anthozoa (anemones, corals, etc.)
Class Scyphozoa (jellyfish)
Class Cubozoa (box jellies)
Class Hydrozoa (Obelia, Aequorea, Portuguese Man o’ War, etc.)
b. Recipient Heterorhabditis bacteriophora NA
(Nematoda: Heterorhabditidae)
LIFE CYCLE OF H. bacteriophora
The life cycle of H. bacteriophora consists of an egg, four juvenile stages and the adult. Only third-stage juveniles attack and infect host insects. This stage is the only free-living stage in the life cycle of the nematode, and is adapted to remain in the environment without feeding for a prolonged time. All other stages exist only inside the host.
The infective juveniles move through soil in search of hosts. Once a host is encountered, the nematodes enter though natural openings or use their dorsal tooth or hook to break the outer cuticle of small, fragile insects to allow the juvenile to enter.
Once the infective juveniles are in the host insect, they begin development. Their alimentary canal becomes functional and they release symbiotic bacteria to multiply in the insect. These bacteria are consumed and digested by the developing nematodes.
The symbiotic bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens is only pathogenic to insects when introduced into the insect body, not if it is ingested. The bacterium is unable to survive in soil or water, so the nematode provides protection for the bacterium outside the insect host and a means of transmission to new hosts. The nematode is unable to reproduce without the nutrients the bacterium provides.
The bacteria kill the host, usually within 24-48 hours. Nematodes feed on the bacteria and host remains, and each infective juvenile develops into a hermaphroditic female. These females then produce eggs which will develop into both males and females. Only a portion of the eggs are laid outside the female; the remainder hatch inside the female and the juveniles destroy their mother as they develop. These nematodes mature, mate and produce infective juveniles that emerge from the cadaver 12-14 days after infection.
Heterorhabditis is a genus (rank between family and species) of nematodes belonging to the order Rhabditida.
As Sudhaus (in Sudhaus, 1993) proposed, insect parasites belonging to family Heterorhabditidae are derived from within Rhabditidae
c. Vector pUC18 gfp with a C.
elegans hsp70
Describing the microinjection of a fragment of the genetic code of gfp,c elegans and hsp70 using a plasmid vector.
(Plasmid = DNA molecule capable of autonomous replication. It is typically circular and double-stranded.)
(vector = Any device of transportation or movement.)
Finally I would like to remind you that this could be observed as a biological threat against mankind. With that in mind I wish to remind you of our obligations as a country under the “Biological Weapons Convention” I am sure that you will be aware that my notifying you of this conjecture regarding this emerging disease and genetically altered organism, places squarely upon us as a country the rensponsibility to investigate, and inform the signatories of the BWC treaty.
The creation and stockpiling of biological weapons (“offensive BW”) was outlawed by the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), signed by over 100 countries. The BWC remains in force.
I do hope that you took the time to read this document. This is a matter of international significance to world health.
Yours Faithfully and Sincerely
With the best of intentions!
Andrew Coyle
Hi, Andy. Have you had your visit back to Tropical Disease Clinic, yet? Andy, I sort of know how it is to think you have something like this, except, I’d still actually maintained a high degree of reasoning back when I’d had DOP for a couple of months. If you’d ever reach a point of letting go of it (which, with all the reinforcement, I don’t see happening for very many “morgellons disease” believers), I promise, you’d look back on it and be so astounded at yourself for ever thinking such ridiculous stuff. You can’t now, and I fully understand that, but try, very hard, please, to at least consider what this is doing to your son, and to your wife, though. I don’t know how old your son is, but I sure hope that he isn’t an impressionable age. Regardless of his age, he needs you back!!! Too many people are allowing this dangerously false belief to have more importance to them than their loved ones.
Y’all need to treat DOP and come back.
I’m so sorry, Andy. I know what I just said didn’t sit well, but I mean it from the heart, and I really am so full of regret that this terrible illness has been triggered in anybody, and that “morgellons disease” has made it so much worse. It didn’t “All Start With A Young Boy Named Drew”, though. Maybe not everyone knows that, so just bear with me, and stay tuned. Only you hold the key to your own recovery. I think many of you know that.
What on earth does this have to do with Morgellons. If you think that this causes Morgellons, there’s one very big problem with yuor theory. There is no Morgellns Disease. It’s not caused by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. It’s not caused by High Density Polyethylene. It’s not caused by Nano Machines. It’s not caused by Agrobacterium. And it’s not caused by your bacterium carrying nematode. It doesn’t exist. You can took forever, but you’re just chasing your tail. Go take care of your wife and kid, and forget this nonsense.
Tall Cotton
Hi guys,
Informed debate, analysis and rational argument. Foundation stones of any well put case.
You have not been able to disengage the fervently held position you occupy,to take a dispassionate, and calm lok at the video, stills, and the evidence you see above this post.
In fact the article, paper I have written haS BEEN SUBMITTED, AND PUBLISHED BY THE LANCET. If you provide an e-mail address I will send you a copy. I am sure you can set up a temp email address and send me a request to
YOU SEE, I DON’T HATE YOU FOR YOUR OPINION, that is your right, I might not agree with that opinion, yet I will vigorously defend your right to hold it, and express it. However wrong it might be.
However, what I do hate is prevarication, I admire the argument put as long as it deals with the evidenc head on. If then you are able to argue that position successfully, then who am I to disagree.
That is the fundamental basis for a free thinking, and self-expressing society.
Hopefully the time is coming for the facts to be revealed,
A = that morgellons disease is only an epithet applied by sufferers of an unknown pathogen, or disease.
B = That the bacterial agents causing this calamity will be exposed as the real cause and a much bigger danger than a limited range illness might be.
C = That the temporary label of morgellons will be superseded with an official scientific label for the emerging strains/genus of bacteria which has led to these illnesses in people.
When in distress people will always reach out desperately for manswers and labels.
My family are fine thank-you for asking, I shall pass on your regards.
Yours Faithfully
Andy Coyle
Andy, I’m sorry that you feel that way. I had asked if you’d gone back to the tropical disease clinic, and what they’d said, since you’d told us that you had another appointment.
You sound like a very fair person, and I also respect your right to your opinions, and your right to express them. At the same time, I honestly believe that any Morgellons believer that shares his theories with others is helping to reinforce their delusions. This is causing a great deal of harm, both directly and indirectly.
We know exactly when, why, and how this mess originated, how it evolved over the years, who caused that to happen, and which doctors and researchers are involved in the exploitation of the Morgellons believers. This something we are “wondering about”. This is something we fully understand.
Morgellons is DOP. The sufferers have a variety of health problems that led to the development of a psychotic state in the Morgellons believers. The proof is here on this blog, but you have to read it. Start with the main topics, and go from there.
Tall Cotton
This is NOT something we are wondering about. We know what’s taking place.
Thank-you for being reasonable in your rebuttal, yet I feel I must re-iterate a point I have made many times, which is the following:
The idea of a problem shared is not a problem halved, but is instead a delusion reinforced, is the stock answer and reason given to justify the lack of action, or any examination given, by Doctors’ approached by sufferers of these symptoms.
The Doctors’ are taught, ingrained into them, that symptoms like these are Ekbom’s syndrome, and any attempt to even just cursorily examine the patient, will result in themselves, the Doctors’, beng guilty of, at best, re-inforcing the patients delusion, or worse being labelled ‘folie a deuix’ (the folly of two), and liable to professional ridicule, or worse.
Therefore, the current situation with ‘morgellons symptoms sufferers’ has been allowed to accrue and become worse, because of this obstacle.
It is not a conspiracy at the Doctors’ level, the recent diagnosis of twelve sufferers with Photorhabdus asymbiotica Kingscliff shows this not to be the case.
In fact it is a problem with their ability to think outside the box. To accept that the world is round, instead of flat. To accept that the earth orbits the sun instead of it being the centre of the universe with everything else orbiting it.
It requires a Doctor with the foresight and courage, like say a modern day galileo, to change this anachronism which should be firmly jettisoned and left in the past where it belongs alongside such similar beliefs as witchcraft etc.
Yours nFaithfully
Andy Coyle
Andy, it takes a cooperative patient who wants to be better, and that is ALL that it takes. You know, one that isn’t close-minded. If you know of twelve patients diagnosed with Photorhabdus asymbiotica Kingscliff, that isn’t “morgellons disease”, as it is stated nowhere in the case definition.
The “box” you speak of is reality. Outside the box is Morgellons. Your “disease” seems like science fiction because that’s exactly what it is, science fiction. There’s nothing real about it. The “illusive” Morgellons pathogen can jump through hoops and juggle bowling pins, but that’s make believe. Every good researcher has their hands on him, and for a few more thousand, they can corral him, but those are lies, Andy. You need to find the place where you stepped out of the box. That’s the only way you’ll get back home.
Tall Cotton
People like myself that have caught this ( Black Opp’s ) Disease , do not have time for discussions on wether it is real or not . It IS real ! , I have cut it out of my back 6 times . . . It replicates , and grows back . I just had an Ultra-sound today at the Hospital . They said that I have sevral chunks of chard glass in my shoulder . Well I have never had any accident with glass , so how’d that get there ? . . It is a replicating ( Armor coverd Pariste) that has ceated , by scientist that are dead now ! Hence Depopulation of the Planet . Get it ? . . Any how this parasite will attatch to a blood vien , and pump out falaria , wich then comes out of our skin , looking for new Host’s . And a reminder ‘ It can only be seen VIA Black lite ! . . . This is why people never see anything . Look under black lite , and you will see the threads . . . . They are coming out , floating in the air , looking for new host’s . . .If you have an open wound , and are around a morgellons suffer , you are doomed ! to catch it !!! . . . . . . . Then you will not be De-bunking this disease , but rather , looking for a cure !!!!!! Dumb ASS !. . . . . Oh , sorry bout the spelling .