Morgellons coverage in the local media has never been very good, with the natural tendency of TV news to compress things into sound bites, and to force emotional responses from their viewers instead of informing them.
This coverage reached a new low on 3/6/2008 with the broadcast of the KFMB piece titled : “Is Mysterious Skin Condition A Disease Or Delusion?”:
The majority of the segment is taken up with an interview with a woman who claims she has Morgellons.
Her symptoms began in July with what she thought was an insect bite. It soon evolved into skin lesions.
“One evening I was kind of scratching at one of them, what appeared to be a little white moth flew out of some of these lesions,” she said.
Her terror continues. She says citrus acid brings worm-like threads out of her body. Seeing is believing.
Here’s where things get ridiculous. The woman takes some freshly cut lemon, and rubs it vigorously over her hand for a minute, squeezing and twisting the lemon slice until her hand is covered with lemon juice and lemon pulp.
She then rubs her hands together, rolling the pulp around on her fingertips.
Then she points at some lemon pulp and says “This is worms, can you see it coming out right there?”
Later, with hand dried off, she digs at a piece of dried skin at the edge of a wound – the unsaid implication being that this is the same thing.
The footage then cuts to her plucking off another piece of lemon pulp from a different region of unbroken lemon soaked skin.
[She] has seen countless doctors, but her symptoms are getting worse.
“To be diagnosed by doctor after doctor as being delusional, it’s beyond frustrating,” she said.
I’m sure it is very frustrating, and I feel very sorry for her. However, little white moths are not flying out of her lesions. The “worms” are lemon pulp. I don’t know anything about her other symptoms, or her skin condition, which may well be related to a real medical condition, but in this regard, she holds a mistaken belief.
If countless doctors are telling someone the same thing, over and over, then is there not a chance that the doctors are right?
Despite the title of the piece, there is no questioning on the part of KFMB. They totally accept this woman’s story. Presenting her as a rational person who simply has worms coming out of her skin and is being ignored by countless doctors. They totally ignore the very obvious fact that there are no worms, and that all they are seeing is lemon pulp.