The following photos were all taken by me, and can be used freely and without restrictions providing you add a link to either in the photo caption or the accompanying text.
More photos (with the same usage criteria) can be found at:
Other photos on this site are used under the “fair use” provision of US copyright law, for educational non-commercial use.
These are NOT photos of “Morgellons”, they are all photos of things I found either on myself, or from around the house. The purpose of these photos is to show that under a microscope, you will find lots of fibers and other things that looks like the many “Morgellons” photos on the internet. Most photos are at 60x, some at 200x. The file name of the photo usually has a brief description of what it is.
Photos were all taken with a Digital Blue QX5 USB Microscope. Which costs about $99.
More photos can be found at:
I just wanted to say that I had the exact same thing as picture #13 showed. I left this under a microscope for a few hours with video running. When I looked at the video I saw this thing sprout a hark like head with 1 black dot on the face of it. I have been lesion free for around 2 years now but have had numerous this going wrong with my body ever since. Surgery to remove a 6cm mass attached to an ovarie. To 2 eye surgerys.
I would like to know why you have put so much energy into debunking this. What is your investment in trying to make these people appear nuts?
Maybe he works for the textile industry and has insider information. Maybe he’s concerned that his investment will be devalued.
I wonder why everytime something goes wrong with our bodies and a doctor dosent know the exact diagnosis it is the patient making things up. Doctors don’t seem to care as much about their patients anymore. They get in and they get out because time is money. These patients aparently have physical problems and there is no reason researchers shouldn’t do everything they can to help in anyway that they can until further discoveries are made, if all we look for are the resons it isn’t a problem then we will never get anywhere.
why would anyone make this up?????? My life was great until I was diagnosed with morgellons.
I would be more concerned with your mental help to make a hoax out of something that is being reported across the nation… folks who are not in any way connected…yet reporting the same findings.
GREAT AND ENCOURGAGING NEWS!!! I am close to complete recovery after suffering with morgellons for over 6 years.
46 DOCTORS AND 7 HOSPITALS LATER….I had the great fortune to meet a doctor who has had success with other Morgellons Patients and took me on as part of his research.
My story and 24 photos of the damage caused by morgellons is now published in a book he has just revised to include a chapter on morgellons…. I went to him in Feb 06….at that time he was amazed I was alive… this to me….. is remarkable.
PS….there is a Lyme Disease connection.
correction….on above reply…I meant to say Mental Health…
We don’t need to say a word, people. I’m sorry you have no trust that a doctor knows what they’re doing, and that you think you’re right, and that they’re ALL wrong. You’ll not get better that way, for certain, and you just can’t understand that there’s anything wrong with the picture. I’m real sorry.
Hello I am writing this for my mother, about 6 years ago my mother started complaining about seeing bugs crawling on her skin and that she had long fibers coming out of her eyes and fingers. We all though that she was delusional since she was in her 70’s and it was probable. She described the same symptoms that I am reading in these article. I also remember making her bed and finding balls of lint or something on the bed I dismissed as just dust from the the sheets or something so I would just wash the sheets. I cannot wait to tell my mom. Currently she reside in Colombia, SA and she is recovering from a broken leg from an accident. Thank
HOLD the phone here: Michael you state – These are NOT photos of “Morgellons”, they are all photos of things I found either on myself, or from around the house.
So if you just did this – why does your red, white and blue pics look JUST LIKE THE PICTURE ON Thats been on that website a long time?
Because of this:
Fibers says:
“I wonder why everytime something goes wrong with our bodies and a doctor dosent know the exact diagnosis it is the patient making things up. Doctors don’t seem to care as much about their patients anymore. They get in and they get out because time is money. These patients aparently have physical problems and there is no reason researchers shouldn’t do everything they can to help in anyway that they can until further discoveries are made, if all we look for are the resons it isn’t a problem then we will never get anywhere.”
I think it’s a bit more complicated than doctors just not caring about their patients. Certainly our (US) healthcare system could use some improvements, and it’s also true that medicine is a business just like anything else. Sometimes (maybe a lot of times) this gets in the way of what’s best for the patient. This is more an insurance issue than a doctor issue though, especially if you have an HMO.
If you are in an HMO, then you have to see a Primary Care Physician first and all other appointments for specialists and/or tests must be made by referrals through him or her. Sometimes it can take weeks to secure an appointment with a specialist, and once you do, the results can be unsatisfying (I recently had this experience with a pulmonologist–referred by his PCP–for my grandpa). If there is more than one test to be performed this process can go on for months. Yeah, it definitely starts to feel like no one cares–and who would blame you, the patient? If you have a PPO then you have it a little better, not much. At least you *have* insurance.
Ultimately, the doctor/patient relationship can be delicate. As the patient, you feel vulnerable (for good reason) and a doctor might only be able to do so much in helping you, which is troubling. If your case is fairly straight forward, as most probably are, then good for you, get treatment and go on your way. But if it’s not, you can be prepared for frustration at best, a nightmare at worst.
And don’t forget the research process in medicine takes loads of time and money. It’s also got a fair amount of bureaucracy which only makes the situation worse.
I guess what I really want to say is that it’s not that doctors don’t care as much any more, it’s that the entire system is flawed and the patient is the one who loses when things go wrong.
this is to JANICE, what has your recovery consisted of?? I believe my dad has been suffering from this for the past 15+ years. Please help.
I think that my mother-n-law has been suffering from this for the past 15+ years also. Please send me more info. on this disease, and anything that would be crusial to our research. Thank-you
Wow….Mr. Debunker has oodles of time on his/her hands. What an od way to spend your free time.
Pippy, if you have a real disease, “morgellons”, I mean, you should realize that no amount of critical analysis on it, will threaten its existence. Real diseases aren’t diminished and made non-existent that way. If you’re here seeking truth, I applaud you, as I do the others who need to know for themselves. For those who are unyielding to reason, placing their futures into the hands of anyone associated with the belief in “morgellons disease”, you should not concern yourselves with allowing anything here to cause you unnecessary stress. That will only serve to exacerbate your condition. Relax.
Chiromarlene and Missy,
There’s no evidence that Morgellons is a distinct disease. The Morgellons believers are experiencing a wide variety of health problems. You may get some tips by asking for information, but there certainly isn’t any guarantee that the others are experiencing the same problem as your relatives. The best advice is for them to listen to their doctors.
There are a lot of really nice and intelligent doctors who also do not know everything. There are also a lot of very real illnesses that seem ‘weird’….especially if we are not yet familiar with them. There are billions of organisms on this planet that we have yet to identify, and there is nothing crazy about that. When I was fifteen I almost died, offical diagnosis: “unknown virus, source undetermined”. As an adult I spent three months being dismissed repeatedly by doctors because I was sure there was something wrong with my son. Eventual diagnosis: medullablastoma-an agressive brain tumor, a very real disease that was ‘diminished’ and the delay in diagnosis almost cost my son his life. He thankfully survived but I will never forget driving to urgent care in the middle of the night only to be dismissed, told that the real problem was me overreacting to nothing…that doctor told me to give him advil when he had cancer. Being dismissed without good cause is not only insulting but sometimes life-threatening and it is not always the case that doctors know as much as they like to think that they do. What is the harm in investigating? Much less than there is in not investigating don’t you think?
Soooo….anyway. Probable some of the people who think that they have morgellons actually have something as yet unexplained…and probably some of them do not. But isn’t this the case with any illness, that there are folks who have it and folks who think they have it but do not?
Ultimately there is nothing strange or crazy about finding a new illness and in the absence of solid research it is not any more crazy to accept morgellons than it is to dismiss it.
…in the absence of solid research it is not any more crazy to accept morgellons than it is to dismiss it.
Exactomundo! There’s the rub — “solid research.” That’s what is needed, whatever one believes to be the reality of the Morgellons phenomenon. The only way to settle the fundamental debate is through objective peer-reviewed scientific research. In the meantime, patients and caregivers should strive to embed effective evidence-based treatment of symptoms within the emerging paradigm of holistic patient care that attends to the whole person and their interaction with the physical and social environment at multiple embedded levels, e.g. self, family, neighbourhood, community, work, school, etc. This prescription includes political activism where necessary to make such holistic health care possible and available to all.