Chat with Savely on My San Antonio

Ginger Savely participated in a “live chat” today.

I’ll quote a few bits:

Ginger Savely: There is no one treatment that works for all. I tell my patients
that they are all “lab rats” because this is all experimentation. I give a
combination of antibiotics (sulfa drugs, Biaxin, Cipro, Doxy are some),
antifungals (fluconazole) and antiparasitics (like ebendazole, Stromectol or

Lab rats huh, you are experimenting on your patients (see later)?

Question from Michael in Los Angeles, CA: Nurse Savely, it is often mentioned
that the highest number of cases of Morgellons are in Texas, California and
Florida. Is it not the case that these three states simply have the highest
populations of all the 50 states, and that Morgellons is actually evenly spread
over the country?

Ginger Savely: Good question. However, there is a
higher PERCENTAGE of the population of those 3 states that are reported cases.
So it is not just simply the quantity from each state, but also the higher
percentage of the total population from each state.

Not true. According to the USP database, Arizona, Georgia, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Vermont all have a much higher percentage than California. Still, the USP sample size is small, so I’d like to see some figures from the MRF. Remember however, it’s a self reported survey, not very accurate either way.

Ginger Savely: I no longer have a practice in Texas, unfortunately. The heat
from the Texas Medical Board was too much for me here. So I have transferred my
practice to San Francisco, CA. California is a more liberal, open-minded state!
Patients who want to see me in San Francisco need to send an email to asking for a new patient packet. If you have a sympathetic
local doctor you can ask him/her to contact me directly for suggestions

So, kicked out of Texas, and trying to drum up business in SF. These TV spots make for great infomercials eh?

Ginger Savely: I’m not sure but I do know that in general the medical
establishment tends to be very conservative and cautious. There is a big move in
medicine towards what is known as “evidenced based medicine”. In other words,
unless there is hard-core science behind something doctors won’t touch it

What, “evidence based medicine” is wrong? Hard-core science is bad? If you can’t figure out what is wrong with someone, then just dose them with massive amounts of antibiotics, antifungals and anti-parasitic drugs.

Ginger Savely: Yes, Rife machines are sometimes used and in approximately 30
percent of cases it helps.

Rife machines!!? Are you kidding? Better watch out for the FDA

Ginger Savely: It would be unethical to do a double blind placebo controlled
study at this stage, with so many people suffering. We just try each treatment
on each patient until we find something that works for THEM. What works for one,
doesn’t seem to work for another. This is puzzling. But right now, it is all
about getting these people better and ending or at least lightening their
extreme suffering.

Ah yes, unethical to do any kind of study. What if placebo were the most effective treatment? Are you perhaps even keeping records? Any statistics at all?