
Morgellons is not Delusions of Parasitosis

I was looking at this KTUV video, and one thing that struck me was the similarity of the lesions on the afflicted people. They were very similar to the ones on WKRG Alabama. What do these people have in common?

Here’s a picture of the lesions.


Actually, I fib. The above picture is of lesions from someone suffering from what is termed Neurotic Excoriation, related to Dermiatitis artefacta.

The picture comes from the web site Dermnet, which has a fascinating (and sometimes disturbing) comprehensive photographic overview of what might go wrong with your skin. The eczema collection alone is quite amazing, and that’s where we find Neurotic Excoriations.


The above photo is taken from the WKRG Alabama video.

So, my actual point here is that Morgellons is not Delusions of Parasitosis, at least not always. Based on the what I’ve seen, I think it often can be one of any number of skin conditions, compounded with simply mistaking environmental fibers as being fibers emerging from the skin. Delusions are not necessary, just a mistake.

Sure, delusions may be present in some people. But I think a lot of people are quite reasonably minded, and simply found a few ordinary fibers, and then were fooled by the web and media reports into thinking that this was a genuine symptom of their problem.

The sad thing is, this hurts them two ways. Firstly, hurried doctors diagnose them as delusional, and secondly they diagnose themselves as having “Morgellons”, in both ways depriving them of appropriate medical care.

If you think you have Morgellons, perhaps you should browse though Dermnet first, just to get an idea of the range of possibilities.

Morgellons Theories are varied

Many Theories have been proposed for the cause of “Morgellons”, many were gathered at:

Here’s a selection of some of the more interesting theories:

  • I think this could be a tiny fly (midge) that carries a parasite (something like leishmania). The fly loves to live in hair, and the fly larva loves to live in our skin.
  • CO poisoning, mold, and the Lyme disease?
  • Took wormwood, used sulfur and had round spot- things “explode” out of my pores that hurt. Biting sensation can be pricly to very sharp. Are these hook worms?
  • I have leaned towards man-made govt. botches, bioterrorism, or…..get this… of the plagues of the end times
  • I believe that this is a bacterial infection primarily with a secondary parasitic element for the majority of patients
  • I believe this to be some type of fungus, bacteria or mycoplasma that resides in the dermis layer of skin. It is transparent and it attracts parasites that feed on it or its effects through skin pores.It could well be a new bio engineered strain of something that has escaped or been turned loose upon us
  • are military bases….something to ponder
  • I also had a Saltwater Aquarium w/ live rock & live sand. During water changes & moving the live rock, I cut my finger on sharp edge. I believe it is a strong possibility how I was infected.
  • contact with dying patient who supposedly had Norwegian scabies? Touched his rash- no gloves- immediate crawling
  • I believe this is an insect that morphs from one stage into another.
  • I got this from an ac system in a sick building.
  • I do believe that this blight was bio-engineered
  • possibly bug lives within body and crawls thru nasal cavity or tear ducts or when introduced to other insects
  • our government has a patent on Mycoplasma – this needs more research. Stealth Viruses are definitely involved. Government altered nematodes that were originally to be used to damage enemies crops.
  • I’ve research black pedra, which is a fungus of the hair/scalp. I believe it’s a fungus which can spread from hair falling out.
  • I also feel that the slow permeation of the environment with radioactive dust and the imbalance created by electromagnetic pollution has given ‘bad’ fungi and bacteria an edge over ‘good’, creating more food for these super bugs.
  • Maybe the sticky liquid is the fungal infection and the lesions are our skin’s attempt to fight this infection.
  • I believe the string/ lint/ hairs / etc. are both 1. Part of the cocoon structures produced to protect “their” young and 2. A way to transmit along blood to “their” young = via an umbilical-cord or veins….. I believe the sand-like granuals are nymphs / still in development….
  • Maybe this is a way to thin out the population
  • I use to think that I got this from doing crank way back then.
  • I am the only coffee drinker in the house. I used to drink tea but changed to coffee 6 years back. same time I noticed itching no other member off my family has symptoms
  • I think it is a parasite and not a fungus. This parasite can produce toxic substances such as threads and crystals.
  • This is part of the military and federal health care vaccination programs, people who receive the military vaccine and flu shots are heavy mostly asymptomatic carriers, avoid them for your life and especially EVERY vaccine even the new bird flu.
  • The fact that just entering the room people begin swatting at their eyes proves no doctor could claim this to be delusional because they are attacked by being within apex 3 ft of me.
  • One of my dogs has tested positive for Lyme disease
  • My torment is related to bird mites after removing a sparrow’s nest from my garage
  • I had Morgellons lesions on my legs when sewage backed up into my tub
  • No such type of parasite exists in medical circles. They bite and create wounds. They are blood seeking parasites
  • This Morgellons creature has been identified by someone as the same creature that was found within the Frass Meteorite. Perhaps from another planet
  • I think this problem is a result of genetic engineering of enzymes and/or altering insects so or their larva used to controls pests so as to improve crops
  • My house, when I got back from out of town, was covered with black fiber balls everywhere, in every room and that’s how I caught it. It couldn’t of been fungus, and I believe it could’ve been used by most likely our government, in order to test out a new biological weapon.
  • I do believe it is possible Morgellons are “new” or possibly manmade, accidentally or otherwise. I find it curious that many Morgellons message boards have been visited by shady characters and/or harassed out of existence.
  • It seems to me that the most prevalent factors are water damage and dampness
  • These things make themselves in their own image. They take food, & reproduce themselves in my mouth.
  • scabies are a possible way of infection as im sure i had scabies first, and then these took over
  • I am 99.99% sure that my infestation came from a houseplant that I had left outside and brought into my house after several days and watering. I believe numerous types of mites infested the plant.
  • I think there is something else to all of this, but what “it” is, I just don’t know.
  • The nanoflagellar machine. The idea of using bacterial nanocombinations in computers.
  • I believe something the biochemists made somehow mutated from what they thought it was and they are trying to correct it by putting things in the air, they didn’t know it was affecting people, and now, what they are doing is making us worse.
  • my theory is that we have been infected much longer, but some recent environmental change (environmental becuase of it’s diffuse nature among the population) may have brought on the acute parasitic effects or somehow made a dormant infestation become active.

Still think everyone has the same thing?

The problem with DOP

DOP is Delusions of Parasitosis (the irrational belief that one is infected with parasites). People who think they have a condition called “Morgellons” sooner or later get an diagnosis of DOP.

This has led to a tendency to equate Morgellons with DOP. I think this tendency is not helping, for a variety of reasons.

Firstly, not all Morgellons sufferers claim to have parasites. Many claim that it’s complication of Lyme disease, or other bacterial infection. Some claim a virus, some claim a depressed immune system for a variety of reasons, some quite outlandish (chemtrails, biowarfare, etc.)

The common elements of a “Morgellons” case are fairly simple:

1) Fibers found on the skin that are thought to be associated with their health problems.
2) Some Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms
3) A belief in misdiagnosis by their physician.

The fibers are generally real objects, although sometimes the patient reports fibers that jump in and out of the skin, and even fly around the room. However most “fibers” are real, and generally resolve to lint, hair or sebum excretions.

Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms (MUPS) is nothing new to the medical world, and treatment of MUPS has always been a problem. One thing that complicates MUPS is when a patient becomes “difficult”, and begins to self-diagnose in an irrational manner. If the MUPS is suggested to have some somatic or psychological component, the the patient is often very resistant to any kind of psychotheraputic treatment, as they tend to vehemently reject any connection between their mental state or lifestyle and their physical ailments.

Which brings us back to DOP – if the tendency is there to equate Morgellons with DOP, then the patient is far more likely to enter into a diagnostic dialog in a highly distrustful and defensive state of mind. Their conviction in their own self-diagnosis will only become stronger as they mentally reject and retreat from the possibility of a somatic component, or any kind of delusion.

Thus, although it is tempting to equate Morgellons with DOP, it is both incorrect and potentially harmful. Diagnosis of DOP should be reserved for specific cases where an irrational belief in parasites is present. Other cases self-diagnosed as Morgellons would better be described as MUPS, as this is a more accurate description, and less polarizing for both patient and physician.